The Worst Possible Killer Build in Dead by Daylight

While it's pretty clear what the current best build in the game is for Killer (Nurse with both range addons, 4 slowdown perks, preferably Call of Brine, Eruption, Deadlock and Overcharge), I feel like there's never been a discussion for what the absolute weakest build is. I wanted to remedy that, and present what I believe to be the worst possible Killer build in the game without taking into consideration people who handicap themselves by actively not using certain aspects of their power. Technically, a Nurse with this build would overall be worse if she just chose to not use her blinks, but that's not as interesting to me. All of this comes from what the game itself allows you to put together. Here it is:

For my Killer, I am going to pick The Shape. This is due to an addon that he possesses called Scratched Mirror. This addon permanently puts me in Tier 1 of Evil Within, which makes Myers only move at 4.2 m/s, which is only 0.2 m/s faster than a Survivor's base running speed. It also severely hinders his lunge, to the point where he practically doesn't have one. While there is another addon to alleviate this, Boyfriend's Memo, I will not be using that. There are a lot of different options that straight up do nothing when used with Scratched Mirror, but I picked Reflective Fragment, as I believe this is just generally Myers' worst addon that doesn't only work while in Tier 1.

Now for the Perks. While I could just throw on four Undetectable Perks, which would be worthless, and call it a day, I'm going for something more unique. Dying Light is an obvious choice, with some very minimal slowdown coupled with that absolutely huge 33% altruistic action speed boost for the obsession. Dark Devotion is another choice for a bad Perk, as I'm already permanently Undetectable, but also, Dark Devotion allows the obsession and other people around the obsession to charge some of their terror radius-based perks, like Distortion and Stakeout, which obviously is harmful to me. My other two Perks are Hoarder and Hex: Plaything. Hoarder spawning 2 extra chests allows for the Survivors to have a higher chance of getting useful items, due to more overall search attempts, and Hex: Plaything is just there because it gives them more Bloodpoints for cleansing totems. While Hoarder does give me information, my speed doesn't allow me to capitalize on this.

I also debated on some other Perks, such as Trail of Torment and Predator. Trail of Torment would help other Survivors locate a generator that I've kicked while giving me nothing in return other than some very minor information that I, again, cannot capitalize on in any way. Predator is just an overall bad Perk and might make me miss some scratch marks on occasion, resulting in a lost chase. However, I chose to not use these two because Trail of Torment does require me to kick a generator, which means I'm regressing it and still hindering the Survivors' progress, and Predator is going to very rarely actually do something at all, positive or negative.

Finally, the Offering I'm using is a tossup between either the Crow's Eye, the Offering for the Eyrie of Crows, or Ichorous Loam, the Offering for the Garden of Joy. I couldn't decide which of these was the worse map for this build, though I do lean more towards the Eyrie of Crows because of it being much, much worse for stealth compared to Garden of Joy.

While I brought an Offering to the Eyrie of Crows, my first game with this build had a Survivor bring the Beef Tallow Mixture, the Offering to send me to the Decimated Borgo. Her addon won. Let's see how that went.


How did I get 2 Kills with this build? I'm still dumbfounded even hours after the match due to how it played out. My only guess is that the Survivors simply underestimated me. Granted, I did camp the Mikaela at endgame, but I felt like it was fair, since the game cheated me out of grabbing her on the generator moments before.

I intend to play more games with this build, in order to collect more data and know exactly just how bad this build is, but for now, this is all we have to go off of. If you have any suggestions for worse choices for a build, please let me know. If you want to have a go at this build, have at it! You might be surprised at how well you do. Even though this build is really, really weak, I had a lot of fun with this match because I was just surprised with every moment that I hit or hooked someone.

Have fun, everyone! Have a great 2023, hope to see you in the Fog! 🥂


  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,361

    That's not a bad build for your idea, for sure. I find its a lot harder to come up with a perk combo to actively hinder the killer like it is for survivors (if you want to really troll a streamer doing "pick my build" you can't do worse than No Mither, For the People, Solidarity, and Self-Care) but you seem to have some good ideas.

  • xSymantha
    xSymantha Member Posts: 58

    I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading this, very entertaining!

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I think I would use an offering for Borgo instead. The map is wide open and palette makes Myers stick out like a sore thumb, especially when using the gown.

    Overall, very fun thread for memers. Too bad they took away burger king Myers. Rip, sweet friend, gone but never forgotten.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    If you have her and the addon necessary, Hag with Scarred Hand. If you NEED to put two addons, then slap Rusty Shackles on top of that to make the second spot extremely useless.

    Then, Red Forest offering. You only have 10 traps, can't teleport, and you're a 110 killer on the biggest open map of the game. =)

    Then, the build :

    • Distressing : make your TR bigger so that people hear you coming
    • Deerstalker : wouldn't want to not see the survivors you won't down !
    • Hoarder : I just think your idea is neat, so I'm stealing it
    • Stridor : hearing them better won't make you catch em faster !

    I would have put Insidious, because standing still is not exactly what you need when you can't teleport, but it'd be too easy to camp with her if she does end up catching someone.

    It's probably not the worst killer build as a whole, and people who are good with Scarred Hand might make it work somehow, but it's definitely gonna be a ride.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    We cannot overlook the fact that no matter how terrible the build is, scratched mirror Myers is the most fun you can ever have with a killer. I would play him all the time if addons weren't so stingy

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    I debated on Borgo for sure, but I feel like Garden and Eyrie are just a tad bit more miserable. Borgo's overall tiles are ever so slightly worse than these two maps. The main building for Borgo is also just a bit less safe compared to the other two maps. Eyrie's pure yellow color scheme also makes Myers stand out even more than Borgo's more muddy browns and reds.

    Burger King Myers was a really funny build, but I see why they got rid of it.

    Fantastic build. I gotta try this when I can. This'll be one of the only times I play Hag, and it will be glorious. My one change I would make is swapping out that second addon and specifically using the green addon to increase trap trigger distance. This makes your traps overall even less effective, as the blockade from Scarred Hand stays up for less due to how easy it is to trigger these traps.

    Yeah, due to the nature of Killers being more individually unique than Survivors, I feel like the worst Survivor build has been set in stone for a while because No Mither is kind of like the Survivor equivalent of Burger King Myers. It's really bad.

    While I personally do not love Scratched Mirror Myers, primarily due to the maps used being fairly stale for me. I get the appeal, but normal Scratched Mirror just isn't for me.

    Thanks for the kind words, everyone!