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Non-Overkill Nurse Nerf Idea

b4gr1m Member Posts: 35
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

If a Nurse uses a Blink Attack, her Blinks don't start recharging until 1.5/2 seconds into the fatigue. This would create a little bit of counterplay where survivors can try to get you to swing and miss, and it gives survivors a little more time to get away. Thoughts?

Edit: I think the best way to do this is to make it 2 seconds default and 1.5 seconds with wooden horse.


  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 629

    2016-2018 Nurse has fatigue, nurse has all blinks after using blinks

    2019 Nurse added time to recover blinks after using blinks

    2023 Do you want her to add recovery to the "recovery of blinks"? What's next Fatigue on fatigue on the recovery of the "recovery of blinks"? :)

    It seems to me that this is not a very good measure, the most difficult thing against a nurse is that it is very difficult to parry the second blink, because. she has control in the lunge, as I said, you need to reduce her lunge attack on the second blink

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590


  • b4gr1m
    b4gr1m Member Posts: 35

    well the original idea was that it didn't recover for the entirety of the fatigue but that was too long, so i just thought why not keep it a constant 2 seconds so no matter what the fatigue is its still the same

  • b4gr1m
    b4gr1m Member Posts: 35

    it doesnt seem that complicated to me its just starting the recovery two seconds later

  • b4gr1m
    b4gr1m Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2023

    i just didnt want to word it as "it takes 2 seconds longer to recharge" because that would make it sound like i mean 2 seconds longer PER BLINK which would be way more

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2023

    "This would create a little bit of counterplay"

    The nurse already has counterplay.

    Especially since with her nerf, it's more important.

    It's up to the survivors to train and become better.

    Post edited by Little_Kitten on
  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Nurse is fine. She does not need 50 cooldowns and recharges. She most definitely does not need recovery time before she can recover.

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399


    She already moves at less than 1 meter/second while fatigued, and even out of fatigue, walks slower than survivors. Delaying the recharge makes zero sense.

  • b4gr1m
    b4gr1m Member Posts: 35

    okay this isnt really an idea im super passionate about anyway it was just a quick thought that i thought people might like

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    I think need to add some dazzle to the nurse, but I like the extra cooldown. I think it's balanced

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 846

    Nurse should be hard to master but totally satisfying when mastered, her skillfloor should be much higher than it is right now, and extra second of cooldown could fit this.

    She sometimes also feels unfair for survivors with her lunge which is basically additional blink since based on her movement noone can calculate that she can lunge so far, she is far away and suddenly she hits you. Her lunge should be decreased by 50%.

    And her exposed snowballing potential... making her blink attack a special attack is terrible, it not only taken away ability to use expose status (maybe except of fair use of starstruck, and some niche NOED situations), but it also taken away other good perks like sloppy butcher and some other that are based on m1. Her ability to down unprepared survivors with one hit is extremally oppresive and scary at the same time, and yes, it should be nerfed to some degree, but not this way. My idea: when Nurse is blinking in 3m range from survivor, she instantly loose all her tokens and is put into fatigue, maybe some additional debuffs for few seconds. But survivors within those 3m get additional debuff (however you can call it "Nurse pain", "Banshee haul", "mysery"), and then, whenever she blinks near survivor with this status she can attack normally (optionally - if in a chase, surv dont need to have that status, and blink works normally - while in a chase, survivors ARE prepared). Discussion should be how and if this effect should be removed. This would add additional healthstate to all unprepared survivors, which should be fair based on her ability to jumpscare between floors or through walls. But because she cannot hit without her blinks, her blink attack should not be considered "special".

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    This just makes her more clunky without getting to the core of the issue. If a power needs this many cool-downs to be “balanced” then the power is inherently bad design

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,266

    Just make the other killers as strong as her.

    When we are buffing "survivor" to make bad survivors as good as good survivors on comms, despite it also buffing good survivors.

    Buff the weaker characters on the killer side that are actually different charactets and dont shift the maximum potential killer strenght a survivor might face in a trial.

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    reducing her lunge by 50% is a good idea. I think you need to tie the killer's height to his lunge, as it looks like a flaw and a bug when you get hit at 3 meters by a killer like sadako, freddy or a nurse. Leave the current shooter attack to the nemesis and all the other big boys.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Her lunge is fine.

    It's the same as others killers.

    Nurse's lunge is not a problem.

    Of course, if the survivor is in a deadzone, with no objects or walls to move towards, he will surely get hit, but it is up to him to analyze his environment to avoid this kind of situation as much as possible 😊

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    Your idea of "non-overkill" is broken.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 846

    Basically i agree... tho it rises one major question: "analyze"... base on what?

    1. Experience, because all killers has same lunge range? This is couterintuitive, and to learn from that you must first understand how lunge works, and this require you to read a wiki.... really? EVERY player HAS to read outside source to learn that her lunge is weird?
    2. Visual clues, because lunge is just short sprint of killer? This means that her lunge should be changed. I can learn from just playing, that killers jump towards me when they lunge, yet Nurse, because of her slow movement is outplaced from this visual clues, there is no way to visually learn how far she can jump, and her lung is next mini blink. Lunge HAVE to be tied to killer base speed and Nurse lunge should be shorter.

    So whichone is it? Are all players required to read outside sources, or her lunge IS weird?

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    My bad, I have trouble expressing myself 🙄

    When I talked about analyzing the environment, I meant that it is up to the player to do everything possible to avoid ending up in a deadzone 😉

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 846

    Yeah, but there is a problem with deduction of how far Nurse can lunge, becasue its not tied to her speed. Most killers just jump forward when lunging, and we can determine how far will they land because their speed suggest it. We are able to decide how far they are, and when they will be ready to lunge.

    It is not the case of Nurse tho.

    I found myself few times when running from the nurse. I was waiting for her blink, she was far from me, but instead of blink, she just lunged on me, so huge distance...

    And while playing Nurse, i can tell, that she DON'T need such long lunge because of her blink. Experienced players have little to no problem to do perfect blink, and strike without lunge. I often use "White Nit Comb" and see no downsides of it. And yes, my personal experience is not worth much, except that we consider Nurse as "difficult" killer, so why players do not try to learn how to blink with her to strike, and instead they rely on her extremally long (compared to her movement) lunge?

  • Emankcin
    Emankcin Member Posts: 19

    I know how BHVR can make the Nurse non-overkill. Just need to make every other killer stronger than her. The job's done. You're welcome. Survivors, you say? Those bobbleheads that exist for the killer's entertainment solely? Not big of a deal. They gonna be fine, don't worry about it!

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,030

    Since all Killers have the same lunge, including nurse when she doesn't blink (her blink lunge is slightly shorter), you can determine her reach easily: if any other killer could reach you with a lunge from where you're standing, she can too. It's that simple.

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    I thought that the developers would be interested in growth, but I didn’t even think about speed.

    You are damn right and I like your idea better