Matchmaking Incentives...Anyone Else Seeing This?
For...a good while after 6.1.0, it was 100% on survivor.
Over Christmas, it went back and forth between 25% and 100%, occasionally 25% on killer.
Today, almost the entire day, it's been 100% on killer.
I would love to know why.
Are a lot of folks doing what I do - and getting Iri 1 on killer before getting as far as they can on survivor?
Are people finishing off survivor archives?
Are they borked again?
Mine is exclusively on killer except for a short period during lunch and around 4am. Some of my not so good friends always have it on survivor so we just let them host the SWF and we get their bonus.
prefer it on killer though cause I’m averaging 120-150k bp a game with a pudding. Rushing my blight to p100 so it’s perfect.
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Haha all my BP is going into P100'ing Cheryl. I got so much BP during that last anniversary, it was silly. About the only thing I want on killer now is more Vanity Mirrors on Myers.
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For the last couple of weeks I've noticed it's been 100% on killer in the evenings (CST). Prior to the event it was 100% on survivor in the evenings, but lately I think this is showing just how few people are playing killer right now.
Not saying there's a reason for it, but If the incentives truly highlight the role that's needed most, then clearly no one's preferring to play killer much right now.
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I wonder why.
Not being sarcastic - about the only thing that changed was Fogwise coming in and SWFs starting to gravitate to a heavy genrush meta again.
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I’ve noticed the exact same. When Project W dropped which is when the que incentives were working properly, survivor side almost always had a 100% bonus incentive to play except when closer to 8 pm CST when it would either switch over to killer and last there for a good 3-4 hours, or survivors’ que incentive would lower to 25 or 50%. As the months went on though, the time it would stay at killer would increase and it seemed to switch over to that role earlier especially on weekends. Now as for these days, 100% incentive for killer begins as early as 4 pm CST, and lasts nearly 12 hours where survivor will get the incentive again at 25 or 50% and it may fluctuate between the two. It’s actually been awhile since I’ve seen a 100% bonus on survivor last for long, as it’ll usually lower or switch to killer. I think the reasons would be that the hype for 6.1 died, and people realized that 6.1 wasn’t the massive killer sided update that ruined survivor, and also people getting tired of Wesker since he undoubtedly also raised the numbers of people playing killer.
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Yeah, I'd be curious as to the why.
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For me personally it’s always for survivor during the day and then switches to killer at night
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Mine is still survivor, haven't seen it switch yet
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Ah, interesting. It could well be when I play - I generally knock out games before work, to help me wake up. My wife calls it my 'daily rage coffee'.
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Sounds pretty accurate for dbd haha
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12AM-4AM US Central has been 100% killer for me for the last 3-4 months. Exceptions of course but rarely.
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It's pretty often on survivor during daytime and on killer during evenings for me.
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Its always 100% survivor for me. During christmas it sometimes dropped to 50% on survivor.
And no I dont play during 3am and wont be just to get bp bonus on killer
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I'm from the EU and for me it's always around 70 up to 100% on survivor during the day and almost always 100% on killer at night.
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It's normal for those bonuses to change over time, even throughout the day. Since it's heavily based on your region, it's not uncommon for there to be fewer survivors playing in off-peak times and instead waiting to group up with their friends after everyone gets home from work. This (among loads of different factors) can cause the incentives to shift at different times of the day. If there's fewer survivors during the day, they'll likely have an incentive. Meanwhile if a bunch of people group up and play survivor with their friends at night, the could leave killer with an incentive.
That's just one of many things that could be affecting it, of course. There's loads of different factors which could cause the incentives to change.
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I played killer for 12 hours straight yesterday only breaking for a shower and some snacks. I won all but three games. Despite that it was stressful and sweaty.
One match as doctor I had a hook and a down, and the other two injured, and everyone at tier 2-3 madness. This was less than two minutes in, and in the midst they still did two gens, fully healed all four, got the slug and unhook.
Killers don't want to play when thats how "balanced" the matches get.
Lower mmr killers dominate and then get up to where skill matters and the drop off is just so intense. There is no gradient to it. At the end of the day most killer players play until the mmr gets rough and quit. At some point it's just NOT FUN when every single player plays so perfectly well EVERY game. It honestly makes me miss being a baby killer three years ago and getting excited a trapper trap went off even once.
I won every game but three. In twelve hours. And by the end felt like I pretty much wasted my time because it was only fun maybe one game out of five.
Those survivors I faced weren't toxic, simply good. Most all the games were like that-huge levels of sweat and skill, (except my last three at like 1 am. somehow I suddenly got potatoes I could toy with and let people escape, not sure why.)
Of course there is an incentive more often to play killer. Its less fun and more stress. Theres no denying its' the stronger role, but most killers in lower ranks are going to cry if they lose and call the game unfair and the ones in the higher mmr actually have to deal with REAL try hards and it gets boring.
I went back to survivor for nearly all of last week and noticed sadly REALLY bad killers in MOST of my games. I'm consistently looping killers for 1-2 gens or until they give up one me. Average at survivor myself so thats kind of nuts. I only solo queue as survivor and again, win about 7-8 games out of 10.
I think the problem long story short is match making. A good killer can deal with 4 good survivors or hell two amazing ones and two ok/bad ones. But when you get 4 comp squad level players it will make you quit the game. I've had matches that went so bad I would quit playing for weeks even if I won the 9 games leading up to that one.
As a COMMUNITY there just needs to be some rule enforcement. If a comp squad wants to bully a killer, the killer just goes afk in a corner. If EVERY killer did it then maybe the survivors wouldn't do toxic bully squad shenannigans because theyd know every game would be ruined.
And the other way. If a killer camped and tunneled and all the other three just rushed the hook and gave up, killer would eventually get bored of playing that way.
ATM not enough killers. Another time it'll be not enough survivors.
I seriously don't think this game can be balanced in a way thats feasible for both sides, at every rank, with every character and power combo. There simply needs to be rules as a community like I constantly am told the earlier days of the game had. The BP incentive is more so showing the flaws in motivating people to play, its a band aid solution.
I've also noticed anytime there is a BP incentive that playing the opposite side makes my games easier.
Killer gets 100% bp bonus usually means the survivors are making it too sweaty thats why no killers are on. And vice versa
Come to think of it I have NEVER had a win rate at this percentage until I started just playing the opposite side of the bp incentive. Only reason it got sweaty last night was I CHOSE to play killer all night anyway.
tl;dr I rambled alot but the BP incentive is nice but just a bandaid. Players in the community need to be better about how they treat each other. It's one hundred percent peoples behavior (no pun intended) towards one another in game that is driving one side to lack in players. It always has and always will be. MOST matches are balanced despite how much complaining people do, and the ones that AREN'T balanced are either match making (dev problem) or players being rude (camping bubbas, bully squads, broken addons that we KNOW need to be removed, etc.) People want more killer players and a bp incentive on survivor more often? Be nicer to the killers. Killers tired of sweat? Be nicer to your survivors.
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Interesting - because for me it's essentially inverted. Peak - it's giving me a killer bonus. Offpeak - 100% survivor.
Was just checking in because until...maybe this week, it was almost never incentivizing killer. And now it's mostly killer.
Not going to complain, I'm raking in the BP with my remaining flans.