If Dead By Daylight would be completely reworked, what changes would you like to see?

If you ask me, most of Dead By Daylight's problems can be categorized as follows:

Toxic behavior: Some players engage in toxic behavior such as taunting, griefing, and harassing other players, which can be a major turn-off for many people.

Balance issues: The game has a large cast of characters with different abilities, and some characters are widely considered to be overpowered or underpowered. This can lead to unbalanced matches and frustration for players.

- apart from that there are inexperienced players and experienced players, players who play frequently and those who only play occasionally, etc.

Matchmaking issues: The game's matchmaking system has been criticized for being slow or unbalanced, leading to uneven matches or long wait times for players.

Bugs and glitches: Like any game, Dead by Daylight has its share of bugs and glitches that can ruin the player experience.

- these are often unavoidable, but can be ironed out relatively well if you invest enough time in them.

Lack of content: Some players have complained that the game doesn't have enough content or replay value, leading to boredom after extended play.

- meanwhile there are many characters and different maps, but these are also relatively stuck

I could imagine the following:

  • internal player profile: other players can see whether you play regularly or not, can see how many points you have reached on average in a month, whether you are currently working on an achievement, see how much you tend to use the game for to make others frustrated, how often you abandon the game via disconnect or how often the internet connection drops.
  • Toxicity counter: a statistic reveals how toxic you have behaved in a year and what the trend is. This value is primarily influenced by interactions in the chats and within a player round. Votes from other players have little or no impact on the value. A total score is displayed in the lobby per team. This allows killers to see if they are likely to be tbagged, permanently blinded, or otherwise treated negatively, and adjust or switch lobbies as a result. Survivors can also choose to play with a killer who plays mostly unfair or brutal. Also, they can choose to play with teammates who are potentially toxic and will let them down, not support them, or even sandbag them in a corner for the killer.
  • Character Differences: Wouldn't it make more sense for the characters to be less skins than characters? Endurance, speed and strength may differ per character, as well as the ability to repair a generator. That might also give an incentive to swap ideas in the lobby as there's no point in having a whole lobby full of Megs.
  • Retrieve Sky Billys
  • Each character has voicelines that match the character to reinforce the lore and give more depth to the character. These are played in the lobby or can also be used in-game.
  • Lore mini-games: You don't just read the stories, you experience them. Hillibilly really needs to break out and kill his parents, David needs to fight the ghetto basher, Dwight needs to drug his boss, Ace really needs to gamble.
  • Character control: all characters can basically sneak, crouch, crawl, jump etc.
  • Emote Wheel: Why do you have to press 1 or 2 when you can just as easily hold Q or Y to access more than 2 emotes. Whether generators, exits, concerning the killer or other survivors, if you can exchange information, SoloQ may become more playable in addition to the new symbols.
  • Apart from that, the killer can find the survivors more easily and the communication between killers and survivors could also be improved.
  • Custom Character: Based on the unlocked skins and characters you might as well combine your own character. This becomes stronger the more you use it, and only in the actions that you actually perform. It starts with traits based on parts of the characters you chose to create and can only be changed in the form of clothing.
  • More lenses: Based on the maps and killers, more and different lenses and goals could be offered. Side quests wouldn't be bad either. Locked doors with special items, sudden power outages or deadly traps, curses and many other things that could make the game more individual and challenging.
  • Torturing instead of hanging: I don't think it makes sense to keep hanging a survivor. After one time he would be dead or so badly wounded that he wouldn't have a chance anymore. Instead, one could implement that each killer can find different places on the maps where he can inflict psychological or physical torture on the survivor, which affects his stats. In the end he still has to kill him, but he has other options besides his Mori and the hook. So players could also be missing limbs, they can get sick etc.
  • Better animations: when you heal yourself or get healed, you no longer get hugs or back rubs, you get real treatment. When the killer hits you, you've got this wound on your back, and it needs to be stitched, taped, or stapled, and a bandage put on.
  • Triggers: For those at risk of suicide or younger people, a light mode that censors descriptions, voicelines and the game in general, for those who wanted to see it, the full mode that shows all violence.
  • Blood Points: Blood Points can be exchanged for Iridescent Shards or other in-game currencies. You can basically buy anything from them. Buying the currencies might still be the easiest way, but it also encourages you to play the game longer and more often because you can work towards a specific goal.
  • Sharing items and currencies between friends: You have blood points that you don't need yet, but your friend wanted to buy Nemesis or a new Dwight Skin? Send him Bloodpoints!
  • Items: most items can be found randomly generated on the maps, including clothing, as these can break in the game and are therefore easier to find (blood/urine stinks, broken clothing allows skin and wounds to be seen through, etc.)
  • Flashlights only partially blind the killer. As in real life, they are mainly used to see in the dark. The killer and the survivors see the glow.
  • Medkits contain a bandage, needle and thread, painkillers and everything else needed to heal an injured person.
  • Toolboxes contain tools and, if necessary, specific spare parts for repairing generators.
  • Maps are determined by a roulette where everyone has three darts to throw. An arrow for the map you want to play, an arrow for a map you don't want to play and an arrow for the shape of the map (day/night/etc). The entity ultimately chooses from these chosen maps. Everyone has an offering that they can burn early on to ensure that either one arrow or the other gets more weight.
  • The game only starts after one minute. In this minute, the trapper has time to plan his traps, survivors can consult via in-game chat who does what, when and where.
  • Novice Survivors receive automatic help when using an item for the first time and where to find parts for their lenses. These become increasingly rare the more you play.
  • Beginner killers get a benefit for each combination of killer and map.
  • The killer has no theme melody and no terror radius, but the survivors have a heartbeat that increases with stress and remains permanent. The stress is increased by the presence of the killer, but also by finding torture materials, hooks and other objects belonging to the killer.
  • Stress levels drop when Bill smokes, when David drinks a beer, when Meg chews gum, when Dwight hides in lockers, when Claudette takes valerian drops, when Quentin takes tranquilizers, etc. These items must be brought or found and only have a limited usage capacity.
  • For a successful game, players can compliment other players by button. Buttons stack and are visible in the player profile from a certain value. At the end of the game you see a summary: who made the most gens and who was just hiding, who stalled the killer the most and who was taken down straight away, who died first and who died last.
  • The obsession target changes every 10 minutes. Only the obsessed target and the killer know who is obsessed. The obsession target and the killer can see each other every few minutes. The possessed's goal is to either get rid of the possession by betraying and sacrificing another survivor, transferring their possession to them, or confronting the killer.
  • When one dies, one is not only killed by the entity or killer, but experiences a scene of the entity confronting the character with his mistakes in the game.

Those are just some ideas I've had. Some might be bad, some others good, I don't know. Some of them might not even be implementable and would highly raise the GBs that needed to be downloaded to play the game. I just mindmapped these in an hour or so. Just wanted to share those and start a discussion this way.

What are your opinions on those, what are your ideas if there ever was to come Dead By Daylight 2 (which I highly doubt to be honest)?


  • SmokeTheScrapper
    SmokeTheScrapper Member Posts: 43

    @TeabaggingGhostface OMG YES! I would love to participate in on that!

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 888

    Better SDLC

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    If the game were to go through a re-design then it would be fair to say....

    1) Toxic behavior will still be in the game... It's a PvP game also it's a 4V1 at that

    2) Game balance will improve cause they don't have to fight against their own coding (Blocked Gens used to regress Gens but as soon as they announce the Gen blocking perk for Survivors they had to go away from that)

    3) They can get more specific with things... Perks can be further spread out... Like taking out the information aspect of Call Of Brine and putting that on Surveillance... making things better overall without fear of coding things poorly

    4) Fixing things will become easier cause things aren't connected anymore

  • SmokeTheScrapper
    SmokeTheScrapper Member Posts: 43

    It didn't answer my questions but I agree. Add competetive to 1) too. It will never be completely peaceful, after all it's killers chasing survivors. It however could reduce toxicity if some buttons were to be pressed on both sides.

    About 2), yes, absolutely! I can tell from experience. I was trained to be a programmer and when my code was simply not that good (at the start of my training) or too complex it would happen too. I dunno how Behaviour works and all but the potential to make it easier for them to fix things and balance things out is given if they think it thro and rewrite.

    3) Or go with another idea regarding perks. This community surely has some creative minds too. Combining ideas that would be positive for both killers and survivors could be an option too.

    4) Even if they programmed their pieces object oriented it still is in some form connected. Maybe they used the wrong design pattern or the communication in the team was not ideal. Maybe some of the programmers and other employees were privately busy when they described or implemented the concept. There's seemingly endless possibilities regarding this and we will never know until someone from the occasional playerbase steps into BHVRs script basement head quarters and checks it out. But even then chances are high they are required to keep things a little more discreet.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Off the top of my head:


    NO CHAT.





  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Delete anything that affect Gen speed. There is no balance between Gen speed stack survivor team against no slowdown killer, or Gen slowdown stack killer against no Gen boost survivors

    Items should be free, remove all higher variations. Survivors bring 4 Brown medkit every game is easier to balance than the possibility of a team bring no Medkit and a team bring 4 Ranger, Stypic...

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 309

    all I want them to do is make addons and stuff infinite and neutral in strength

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,232

    I like that you laid out a bunch of ideas so I thought I'd respond to some of them.

    • internal player profile

    We kind of have most of this with prestige levels (though not always). I feel that some of these ideas would just lead to lobby dodging.

    • Toxicity counter

    The problem with this idea is that a voting system is another tool for players to be toxic about. While I'd like a more clear kudos system (which you suggest later), allowing people to vote down others is an easily manipulated tool for more BM. This could be SWF groups just voting down everyone to be trolls, or people using it to rag on a survivor who just isn't that good, or against a killer who crushed the team or engaged in tactics that BHVR is okay with but the community is not.

    • Character Differences

    While I don't disagree, we're now in such a different game territory that I suspect things would have to be totally rebuilt.

    • Lore mini-games:

    Could be cool, but also not sure if it would be worth the development time.

    • Character control: all characters can basically sneak, crouch, crawl, jump etc.

    Maybe I'm missing something, but other than crawl, don't we have this?

    • Emote Wheel:


    • Apart from that, the killer can find the survivors more easily and the communication between killers and survivors could also be improved.

    No, while I know some players have lots of trouble locating survivors, it isn't that difficult, killers have perks to make it easier, and hiding is a critical component for survivors.

    • More lenses

    I think conceptually every player likes the idea of their being more possibilities within the game, but it's easier said then done. As it is, most survivors consider going for chests a complete waste of time. Would additional objectives be worth it? Either the objectives are really critical to the players and thus benefit the killers or they are of minor benefit and thus a distraction from doing gens.

    A second issue is let's say survivors have multiple routes to escape. This would greatly strengthen SWF who could come in with a plan on what they want to do, vs soloQ who would have to figure it out while it goes.

    That said, I'll be happy to take a stab at how I would do it. Change the game from 8 gens to 6 and require only 3 to be done. Slow down survivor progress to about 75% of what it is. Remove chests and bringing items from the game. Replace chests with various areas - tool sheds, med stations, etc. Going to the various bonus areas substantially increases the speed of 'something' (healing, repairing, running, etc). This would give a few more options for player strategy (on both sides) as well as make it harder to lock players into a 3 gen.

    • Torturing instead of hanging:

    Okay, being two points after this you suggest a censored mode I think is evidence it is a bad idea. DBD isn't really a 'gore' horror, it's a jump out of the shadows and tense horror game.

    That said, I think having various types of 'hooks' is not a bad idea. Say instead of having 3 'lives' survivors have 6. A hook takes 2 and works like normal, while a 'jail' only takes 1 but requires a lot longer to free a survivor, a 'rack' takes 1 but gives them a permanent penalty to do gens, while the 'void' takes 3 but instead of trapping them on a hook warps them to a different part of the map and they can keep playing.

    Again, tons of balance issues with it as a concept, but it would definitely have more variety.

    • Better animations:

    Not opposed, but these are the types of changes that would be cool at first, and within a week no one would even notice them.

    • Blood Points:

    I mean, yeah, I'd like it, but for business reasons I understand why that would never happen.

    • Flashlights only partially blind the killer.

    They don't make a lot of sense, but they're a pretty important part of the game. If they couldn't fully blind the killer they'd be useless barring some completely new power.

    • Maps are determined by a roulette where everyone has three darts to throw.

    I'd rather see the offering system removed and just go random. I think the idea is overly complex compared to just letting players set their map preferences.

    • The game only starts after one minute. In this minute, the trapper has time to plan his traps, survivors can consult via in-game chat who does what, when and where.

    No, I think the idea of having to make quick decisions from the beginning is both more interesting and a better use of everyone's time. Deathgarden had a slow start and it was mostly just annoying.

    • The killer has no theme melody and no terror radius, but the survivors have a heartbeat that increases with stress and remains permanent.
    • Stress levels drop when Bill smokes,

    The terror radius is pretty critical for survivors to have a chance. It feels like you are trying to do the opposite.

    I don't have a problem with stress levels, but it would depend on how they actually impact the game. Let's say stress made it harder to hit skill checks - this would make it devastating for newer players and inconsequential for experienced survivors.

    • The obsession target changes every 10 minutes. Only the obsessed target and the killer know who is obsessed. The obsession target and the killer can see each other every few minutes. The possessed's goal is to either get rid of the possession by betraying and sacrificing another survivor, transferring their possession to them, or confronting the killer.

    That last sentence, oh boy, the game already has enough elements to not make survivors work together. The last thing we need is worry that their is a traitor on the survivor side as well.

    • When one dies, one is not only killed by the entity or killer, but experiences a scene of the entity confronting the character with his mistakes in the game.

    Like a highlights package? Not a bad idea, but if I'm going to stick around I'd rather spectate what is happening.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,232

    If I could rebuild DBD, I'd throw out the blood web as it is currently constructed. Instead players earn blood to level, except at each level they get 1 choice (let's say from 4 options). Maybe the option you don't take appears the next level, maybe it doesn't appear for a long time, makes the choices have actual weight. Throw away most offerings, levels are based on perks, items, and addons. Each level takes increasing amounts of bloodpoints so that having a character with 'everything' takes a fair bit of play

    I'd also throw out the idea of addons and items having a number that is owned. This is currently kind of irrelevant anyway with players having a mountain of gear. If BHVR wanted to try and 'force' players to use different builds I'd do the following, if you fail to escape the gear you brought is on cooldown for a couple of games before it can be used again.

    For both survivors and killers I'd weaken the stronger addons and increase the power of the weaker (and/or treat them like perks with their own levels). Killers would be expected to use addons and various builds

    In the event that balancing the powers was impossible, I'd create a limit a on what the killer could bring. Like they could have three brown addons or one iri. Potentially this could also be a build system, where a killer has 5 'points' to spend on their build, the strongest addons count for 5, while weak one are 1 point, and a killer can have any combination they can make with those points. Would create a lot more potential for variety in builds without the feeling that bringing high level adds is cheating.

    For survivors, I'd either remove the ability to bring items to a game (you have to find them) or each survivor gets one at random. Each survivor would be able to have a different 'build' for how each item worked when they were holding it. This would prevent the overuse by SWF of all med kits/toolkit builds, stop the use of powerful addons, and make finding items more relevant.