When is The Game (map) going to be addressed

Might as well rename the map to ‘Pallet break simulator’
Seriously there’s way too many safe/ god pallets. There’s no skill needed from either side to play on that map, no mind game potential, no faking vaults, no hiding red stain, no double back ect
It’s literally get 1 or 2 loops in, drop pallet, killer is forced to break, move on to next loop, repeat.
The user and all related content has been deleted.4
But it can be an unholy misery for M1 killers.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.2
The 'game' is specially made to be very strong early game for survivors and in end game for killers (by the way for pallet-breaker killers it is not bad at all already from the beginning). Also the map literally has no jumping places as well.
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It has the long drop into the poop room and the drops down onto the stairs, if you're looking to proc BL.
The problem is that, if you're not a pallet breaker, you're going to be at 0gens by the time you've gotten rid of the important ones - it's not just pallet volume, it's how strong some of them are.
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They could easily reduce the # of pallets that appear... There should never be pallets within 10m of each other....on ANY map... Get rid of the "god pallet...turn the corner...another god pallet" spots...
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Probably never. It came out with The Pig a long time ago, and the amount of pallets never got nerfed, unlike pig.
Compared to maps like coldwind farm where there is a shack, LT walls, Cow loop, a large main building, and more loops I dont remember, the game is "balanced".
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The Game is one of the most balanced maps in the game
Break the many pallets and the map is a complete dead zone
There are barely any safe windows in the map
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It's so balanced it has been a survivor offering's favourite (with Red Forest and RPD)
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RPD and Dead Dawg Saloon are also one of the most offered maps by survivors
And they are killer sided
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That's why you have to defend gens and not to commit chases too long at the start.
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You'll have to argument that because, beside against a couple of killers, I find them very survivor sided.
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DDS I'd say is killer sided unless they know exactly how to run main structure, and even then...
RPD...really depends on what killer is being played - as some can completely lock down a pair of hooks, turning them into a pseudo basement.
Here's the problem.
Chase 1 - you chase, they are smart and run you around a god pallet for ages, drop it. You break it and abandon chase.
A gen pops.
Chase 2 - next god pallet. You get a hit, but then drop chase.
A gen pops.
Unless they make a mistake or you're on a killer that can either deal with or negate those god pallet loops, you're going to be at a situation where you've got 2 hooks and they've got 4 gens done. The Game is so dependent on people playing badly and struggling to find gens - a team that knows how to run it, where to site boons to cover the map and knows where the gens are...oh man.
The gates are also pretty annoying, as one is literally a part of a very strong loop.
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forum members are truly something, never would i ever have thought there are people in this game that think current dead hard and game map are ok until i came here.
it's truly mind boggling how some people here think about some stuff.
even if hypothetically we considered the game map is ok, it offers arguably the most boring gaming experience a killer (especially m1nners) could have with any map in this game. having to see survivors outplay you by going from a safe pallet to a safe pallet to a safe pallet to a safe pallet and you having no way of outplaying except hoping gens aren't done by the time you made the map a deadzone WOW.
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Ah yes. Break the many pallets while Survivors do the many gens and run to the many unbroken pallets so you can break more many pallets instead of getting many hits and hooks!
Perfectly balanced! As long as you think Balance = Never hitting Survivors.
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RPD lol....good one
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Its only survivor sided if they killer player doesn't know how to run it
RPD uses the same logic as The Game but much worse. Barely any safe loops, once the pallets are gone the whole map is a dead zone. The gen spread is atrocious, if 2 gens spawn in the lobby its basically GG if the killer has slowdown perks. Even Trapper, considered the worst killer in the game, excels on RPD, one of his best maps.
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Talking about The Game? Unless you are playing it terribly thats far from being true
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LOL it is not. Did you count the numbers of pallets (safe i might add) that this map has? Not to mention that this map isn't so small as you think...
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You mean the 23 pallets that can easily be used to soak up the time needed for all 5 gens?
THOSE pallets?
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It just needs to have the lights turned down. Like most maps its too bright. Horror is meant to be dark.
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I see your point. In my opinion, the biggest pro-killer advantage is probably the size of the map (gen-distribution wise). However it's very easy to hide and there are a few loops that need a door broken, if even that. So against a team who know how to play the map ...
I'm curious to see escape rates on that map, if stats about it are ever published.