Is Aura reading getting out of hand?

Okay, this might be a bit strange to hear with everyone crying about a few perks, but can i bring up aura reading as a game mechanic right now in general? We are getting way to many aura perks with less restrictions and virtually no requirements anymore that it becomes kinda depressing. Hell they added an aura reading perk WITH NO COOLDOWN THAT ACTIVATES BY GEN KICKING DURING THE GEN KICK META, Fogwise not less offensive, its really not that hard to get great skillchecks, its more timing than reaction.
For the survivors, its really easy to decide these days that most Perks that help you hide or get away in chases are garbage right now, these sadly include some of my favorite perks.
Hag, Trapper, Freddy and Pyramid Head get wasted cause survivors know about your traps/trails and avoid them easily, with no undetectable in their kit so its not even avoidable.
Pig and Dredge are often boned cause their stealth is to situational (Nightfall/Slowdown) and they can usually see the direction you will go before you activate it, especially if you try not the crouch the entire game as Pig. Not to mention the amount of time i saw people running away from lockers that were not even in line of sight of the survivors.
Trickster and Deathslinger can be in trouble cause holding W before you even hear their TR or very shortly afterwards will make it take an eternity to catch up without losing 5 gens to someone that didnt even need to drop a single pallet.
I think its a huge problem already and needs to be addressed before it gets out of control completely. It really limits both builds and design of this game such as maps, killer powers, perks on both sides etc.
Just use distortion for survivors and sadly for killers there aren't really many options that block auras yet, imagine a distortion for killers lol that would be a neat niche perk. Though since stealth killers block auras they don't really need any help in that regard, but I can see your point about how effective aura reading is against most nonstealth killers.
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Undectable status and perks that grant it or blindness block aura reading for killers. And there are perks that give both.
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There is not a single perk that gives both and most of them are either meme perks or straight garbage.
Most addons require someone to hit a survivor for the blindness/undetectable so its meaningless anyway.
Hex the third seal, yes use a Hex perk that requires you hit everyone just to counter aura reading and better hope a survivor doesn't spawn right next to it, and that it will be hidden for atleast a 20 seconds, but lets be honest here it WILL spawn right next in line of sight of a generator.
Septic Touch, well its septic touch, i never found any use of it except for one Doctor meme build i ran.
Fearmonger requires a survivor to work on a generator, its a decent perk but still not NEARLY enough to counter aura reading, especially since quite a few survivor aura reading perks/items only work when you are off a gen anyway.
Trail of Torment, long cooldown that can be deactivated nearly instantly that warns the entire survivor team that you run it.
Dark Devotion requires you to find and hit the obsession, and at that point you either will chase them down or be watched anyways.
Insidious, Tinkerer and Beast of Prey at best meme perks.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Aura reading perks are laughable compared to the useable alternatives.
Would you rather have the killer chasing someone 90% of the game due to their perks, or would you rather have the killer to be able to regress a generator the same speed you work on it and be able to incapacitate you for 25 seconds after a down, if you are on a contested generator due to their perks.
Sure aura reading perks are decent, and I believe nowhere to hide is almost meta combined with 3 slowdowns, but they are no where near as powerful as slowdowns.
Or, as ayodam mentioned, you can use distortion if your stuck on hiding near the generator and refuse to shift-w away.
Also tinkerer isn't trash, it doubles as an info perk and a undetectable perk, although the undetectable only last for a short duration.
Also if a survivor is running aura reading perks, you should thank them, thats 1 less player with DH or a genrush build. Unless they have a key with blood amber, then just don't chase them.
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Is it just time or is this post confusing af? A post about aura reading and then you go on about survivors finding trapper and hag traps effortlessly… (how exactly? They took that from us by nerfing Small Game)… Pig and Dredge stealth being weak because they can see the direction you go before activating… Pig activating what? Crouch? If you see her go into stealth that’s her problem… part of being a stealth killer is knowing how to be stealthy… And Dredge teleports and has a full minute of near total darkness… so we see the direction he heads in the first second of darkness?? What?? Trickster and Deathslinger are in no way stealth killers and ######### does this have to do with auras?
The only aura problem in this game is that every killer has multiple aura-based ways of easily finding survivors. It’s ridiculous. And then there’s legion , doc, nemesis and Wesker who also have killer instinct, etc. How many killers have aura addons that basically give them unloseable games? Wraith, Michael, Pig… Demo and Plague have strong af ones too. Killers complain Sadako’s stealth is weak but yeah… she can teleport and gets a massive speed boost. She can’t have awesome stealth too. And don’t get me started on the 100 ways to give any killer 1 hit… I honestly don’t know ######### satisfaction killers get out of this game and why Behaviour just keeps coddling them. Nearly every game a spoon fed win where they get twice the points of any survivor and the false veneer of fairness so they can argue they won fairly due to skill… it’s just fng insane.
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Not even sure how to start with that response.
You apparently read both Ayodams response and my response to it, and your counter argument to me is that Tinkerer doesn't do a good job at hiding auras on a thread about aura reading?
Also the argument about survivors that "help you" by shutting down much of your power with little effort required (which is what this thread is about btw) can also be turned around, a Killer that counters aura reading with the help of perks "helps" survivors by not using gen based perks, see the problem? Sure Distortion is a thing but i think that too is a band aid, just a bit above average band aid BHVR usually slaps on a wound. And there is no Killer equivalent nearly as good as Distortion and it would not be a good thing to exist cause the Killers most affected by it usually already need other perks to even function.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Survivor: Run Distortion or avoid the circumstances that would reveal the aura.
Killer: Kinda tough luck if you’re playing one of those killers. Blindness/Undetectable is your best bet, or just killing them.
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I think you play too much survivor.
Try playing killer with aura reading perks.
I also meant Just Whimsical, ayodam's is relavent but not what I was talking about
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The survivor aura perks are still okay I think. I don't think they're too overbearing.
Most the killer aura perks could all use significant buffs. Just the sheer existence of Distortion makes it so no killer aura perks could ever get out of hand and become too meta as Distortion would immediately become meta and shut them down.
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You have never actually played killer with aura reading perks, have you?
Post edited by GensByDaylight on0 -
My main point is that some Killers are very easily countered with them and there is no way for Killers to essentially protect themselves from it, not as effective as Distortion it, hell just copy paste Distortion with a different way to regain tokens would be a start.
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Fogwise does that thing where it makes being good at something (skill checks) even better and with sufficient manipulation of skillcheck RNG (and matching ability to hit said checks) it veers into nearly on-demand, which is... bad. But that's just a combination of bad design choices.
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I could see Fogwise being potentially tuned too high, it's one of the few aura perks on survivor I'd actually run. I do tend to find running it though that it gives me a lot of redundant information, meaning it's not really giving me the aura reading at times you'd really want it.
Most the swf already know when I'm coming or in chase with someone else anyway and solos aren't usually an issue anyway.
What type of change would you be suggesting?
I would just make it not function with toolboxes for the increased skillchecks, so you're only getting the base amount to keep it in line.
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Hmm, I couldn't see most killers wasting a perk slot on Distortion. Not enough value imo.
Now if it blocked aura reading and maybe reflected it back to show their aura when they would've seen mine, now we're talking.
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I think the problem is the existence of perks that are 'balanced' by only triggering off great checks. It's just a bizarre limiting factor; RNG to give the opportunity and then the better you are at this timing minigame the better the perk is?
I dunno, maybe trigger it off any successful check but have it limited by some other factor. Token system, range dependent on the state of the game somehow, cooldown, etc. Just something that's going to be less "if a bunch of good players run it that's turning into old OoO".
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kinda agree. This is prolly gonna be a hot take but free aura reading with 0 requirement and that you can control shouldn't be a thing. I really really dislike both nowhere to hide and darkness revealed as examples. Both of these perks are free and can be used whenever they're off their short cooldowns AND this is probably the more important bit you get almost compete control when you use them. the majority of aura perks have a trigger condition that is mostly out of your hands. I don't think that trend should be broken.
Post edited by Steakdabait on2 -
Hmm I see what you mean.
What if we added a stipulation so it only functions when skill check chances are at normal rates?
This would make it not function with toolboxes, Hyperfocus or any other increasing effects from survivor or killer perks. This would take out all the outliers where it triggers much more often and overall just lowers the amount of procs you're getting out of it by quite a lot as almost everyone synergizes it at least with Hyperfocus if not a toolbox as well.
This would make it very inconsistent for survivors as sometimes you'd get a few but other times unlucky.
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Dude what? You prefer everyone just stacks the meta perks? There are also easy ways around aura reading. Distortion for survivors and Fear Monger for killers. As someone who usually uses aura reading on my survivors I can attest to how effective and annoying Fear Monger is.
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No. I don't think aura reading is getting out of hand. If anything I think some aura read perks could use some buffs. I liked what they did with lethal pursuer in making it buff aura read perks and add ons. I'd like there to be a killer perk similar to open handed, with it obviously not working with certain perks so it wouldn't be too strong (undying and darkness revealed would be crazy busted if you could see even further from the base meters).
A survivor perk that extended aura duration would also be welcome. Then again maybe that would be too strong. Alert, fogwise, and inner focus even would become even more godly and I already find those perk underrated.
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Eh, to my mind the only problem here is Fogwise, as that - in an SWF - can be basically used to call out where the killer is and what they're doing for a huge portion of the game. It's pretty similar to the old OoO, which was a plague for ages.
Hell, it's really good in solo queue too.
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No where to hide is OP just because survivors' habit built up for 6 years by walk and hide behind a wall waiting for killer to kick Gen and leave.
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When I play killer, I absolutely refuse to participate in the eruption/slowdown meta. Therefore I like to use a full detection build to have less downtime between chases. By this I mean BBQ (because it’s still the boss!), Darkness Revealed (because survivors have already completely forgotten to be wary of lockers), Spies from the Shadows (not aura reading, but surprisingly strong detection), and then, depending on mood, I’ll swap around between Bitter Murmur, Nowhere to Hide, and Awakened Awareness.
In my head, I feel like I’m actually being a nice killer by giving survivors a break from eruption. Maybe this is overkill, but none of this actually downs survivors or ends chases faster. It just directs my patrol so I can START chases faster. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.
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I really enjoy aura reading when I play nurse (I’m not good at her. . But it is fun. ). I have run into a SWF that had 3 distortions, and it felt so painful to basically have no perks the whole game. The distortion buff was makes it so they never run out of tokens. They should drop the # of tokens to 2 and change tier to effect the time it takes to get tokens.