Why Do Survivors DC When This Happens?
After playing an hour or so of DBD, I have been having matches recently where Survivors just consistently DC and ruin the match for everyone; with this happening in both Survivor and Killer matches I played.
But why would someone DC from a match, what horrible act did the Killer (or me in some instances) do to push a Survivor to DC?
They (and I) waited out Dead Hard or outplay the Survivors.
It feels like there are a lot of players that just really do not like being outplayed in the slightest. You wait out DH, they DC. You use your power effectively and down them, they DC. And for SoloQ, I feel like this is a huge issue that ruins matches for everyone; SoloQ Survivors get thrown into a match they cannot physically win, Killers are forced to play a long and drawn out match in which their is barely any action or excitement because the match is already a 3v1 at 5 generators (I personally just find it boring).
And this just leads me to the question, of why do Survivors DC consistently, and what can be done to solve this issue? Killers DCing was a huge issue in my matches pre-6.1.0 Patch, but now the inverse is happening.
EDIT: Since people do not understand what I am saying, yes some people are absolute babies and DC over the drop of a feather, but in general, more DCs are happening as community frustration with the game grows. I feel like there needs to be a solution for DCing that doesnt ruin the match for everyone, as well as solving some of the root issues that causes DCing in the first place similar to what Patch 6.1.0 did for Killers.
A lot of people DC after they pallet blind me, I break the pallet and then hit them during the blind, because I can hear their grunts of pain and little footsteps.
They don’t learn not to blind at pallets, they just DC so they can try again on another killer.
Extremely toxic behavior.
Some of them try to slow vault over the pallet after a blind. I can see the button prompt not popping up so I know you are slow vaulting my dude. Same thing, DC immediately when you grab them.
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deleting the nurse can help massively
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They don't actually want to play the game and will DC at anything that will tilt them. B4 all the people defending it start coming in with their worthless explanations.
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Dude, I've seen people DC/suicide because:
- I found them first.
- They tried some fancy tech and it failed.
- They literally challenged me to a chase at shack and lost.
- I'm playing <insert killer here>.
- They were literally only doing an archive.
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I feel lile a lot of issues would be solved if survivors were able to DC without penalty ifa teammate DC'd in the first minute(s) of the game.
Right now, games with DCs do not count towards official killrates stats. But games with a survivor DC is most of the time going to be steamrolled by killer.
This leaves survivors with a conflicting feeling that they don't escape half as much as they're supposed to according to official stats, and it amps up the sweat and the indignation towards killers, who're seen as too powerful because they die too often.
Because sure, the game gets boring as killer in a 3v1 (for some), but at least they're guaranteed kills, pretty much. So morale is still up.
If the game is "not gonna count", I don't want to die and lose my item. I want to be able to leave the match like it happens when killers DC.
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The amount of DC’s I get in the first 30 seconds of Lethal pursuer blight is ridiculous. I lethal rush a survivor within 15 seconds of the game started, boom dc. Then that dc causes another dc, and before I know it, I’m searching for hatch a minute 30 in.
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It all comes down to people riding that "I bought the game and if I am not having fun I have a right to quit!" attitude.
It's all about them. Screw everyone else!
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DC penalty should get a rework. Be extended and slower to recover.
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Definitely need to be some option to just forfeit after a dc. Once a teammate dc at the start the match is already lost.. The kill rates probably close to 70% honestly. Can't go 4 to 5 games without someone leaving for one reason or another.
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I don't think that solves issues. In fact it removes any possible feelings of guild the initial DC'er would have. It's simple harsher punishment's are needed. Although I am probably a rarity I want to alt+f4 the second a survivor DC game is over. It just kills any want to play the game when that happens for me.
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I think DC'ers already don't feel guilt. They wouldn't DC if they did.
What I suggested could work paired with a harsher penalty.
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DC isn't something people should be doing, and every player who does it is going to have their own 'reason' for it. And even having a 'reason' isn't an excuse.
But if you spend any time at all online where people talk about this game, you'll inevitably hear the phrase 'I'm not responsible for your fun'.
Going out of your way to ruin someone else's match is literally the only goal of some players.
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it would be nice to see some stats for disconnecting in relation to the mmr. i rarely see any disconnects from survivor. its often the killer who disconnects.
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I see "your fun is not my responsibility" here all the time.
I mean, if DS penalty is harsher, they would just suicide on hook or afk. The best part of it is the time people DC will be less because of waiting.
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There is a difference between fun not being your responsibility across factions, such killer versus survivor and needing to get their objectives done, and people deliberately sabotaging their OWN team for selfish purposes.
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It used to confuse me when killers would say that but cry about survivors DCing. I’m sure he’s gonna produce some over explained variant of “it’s different!!11” to rationalize this.
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TBH i never seen DC cuz of failed DH, because it's not as braindead perk as it's used to be, but that sound hysterical.
I personally never DC, doesn't matter which side I play, but ngl, I don't really judge if killer DC's. I'm a biased killer main, but killer's dc ends match, so no one gets hurt by it besides whiny bully squads.
DC for survivor should match the killer one to an extent. My list of changes would be like that:
- If DC happened under 5 min of the game, end the match
- Non-leavers + killer get a big point compensation (i'd say like 5k in every category)
- the leaver penalty STARTS at 30 min, and increases every time
- ^...or keep the penalty as is, or/and even better - create low priority queue/create punishment lobby which would be created of players like them. Leavers would have to play/escape/do some special challenges in X amount of matches in those lobbies to be able to go back to normal lobbies. "Punished" players would be prohibited of entering swf groups until they redeemed themselves.
On the topic of DC reasons, I shall share my favorite ones too:
- being downed first, absolutely favorite one
- not liking a particular killer (I main Bubba, I can say it happens A LOT to me)
- map offering from the killer (or killer's map winning in case of more offerings from their side), hypocrisy much.
- being found after playing immersive all game, waiting for everyone to die
- Mikaela DC'd on me, cuz I destroyed a totem she wanted to boon (I was there first, totem was in absolutely crap spot, and there's still 4 totems so). I know the reason, cuz she waited till the end of the game to scream at me.
- Multiple occasions of DC over an early dropped shack pallet
- DC cuz they didn't want to be saved (???)
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I mean, some killers use everything to take me out of the match in 2min. Because they can only win in 3v1 games.
But I stand right under hook giving up, let them have 3v1 game and suddenly I hurt killers' feeling.
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100% this.
Not to mention the people who are most likely to say this actually mean: 'I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure your game is as unfun as possible'.
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Long answer?
People DC for any multitude of reasons. Maybe they're a sore loser. Maybe their takeout just arrived. Maybe they hate that killer. Maybe their dog is choking. Maybe they went down and saw all their teammates crouching in a conga line. Maybe their internet went out. Maybe they're having a bad day or a series of bad games and whatever maybe small or insignificant thing was the final straw that broke the camel's back.
It's frustrating, especially for their remaining teammates, but unfortunately this is the state of dbd now. The amount of times I've loaded into a game against a certain killer and heard a teammate DC early in the match and thought 'fair enough' is actually comical.
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There is a lot of truth to this. The thing that cured me was a day with a string of bad games that were just beyond aweful. I had DCed and ragequit a couple of times, eaten the 15min and 30min penalties and finally sobered up and decided "Duuuude, you can't keep this up. Just play the game or take the L :)" and then after hooking two survivors and being in a fun chase with a third I had a legit internet service provider DC and slipped into the higher penalties :D I was miffed, but also realized what had lead to this: my dumb ragequits over nothing. Yeah, I got bullied, but not 4 times in a row, I was just projecting. The thing is, when you try to game the system, sometimes the system strikes back with a legit DC.
I was logged out of the game for an extended period and didn't touch it for a couple of days to cool down my penalties. After that I think I never ragequit again, but handled tough situations with a shrug of my shoulders. If a killer wanted to tunnel me, so be it, and if a SWF wanted to bully me I could always watch something on my second screen while staring at a wall, but I never again let the spur of the moment get the better of me. And know what? A couple of times I even made a comeback. You know how bullies have a tendency to swarm a killer who has given up and try to get their attention? A few times after I cooled off I re-entered the match with new vigor and no intention to win, but just to "stick it to them" and it worked.
A cool head is really the most important thing in this game, and if the game gets the better of you, its probably best to take a break, be it just a couple of hours or a couple of days. It happens to all of us.
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There is a fundamental difference that in playing an online multiplayer game with terms and conditions, you have actually agreed to play the damn game so that the other people in your match can also play the game.
It may not be your responsibility to make it fun for the other side, but it is your responsibility to take part. Kind of something you agree to whenever you look for a match, that.