What's the point of blinding a killer of they still know exactly where you are?

You can blind a killer while fully healed, make no noise at all, they still know where you are exactly, they even turn their bodied in your direction while blinded, is so dumb that just having a good headset makes a game mechanic completely useless.
The major use for blinding a killer is to get them to drop a survivor, any time you waste trying to blind a killer at a pallet is less time and distance you gain running as they break the pallet.
As a survivor there is no situation that you make "no noise at all".
Your character always makes breathing noises, as well as footsteps while running. You also make noise when you disturb grass, and some surfaces like mud and wooden floors are much louder to walk on.
This is intentional design to allow killers to hunt and start chases with survivors; it's the reason injured survivors are very loud, and why the in-game music is so quiet outside of chases.
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I don't agree, if flashlight is only to save then the usage of the flashlight is way too situational, is supposed to be also a tool to confuse the killer and help you in a chase, if a killer can be blinded and still knows where I and and even go around object and walls to get me while blind is just ridiculous and pointless
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To me, the flashlight only exists to complete challenges.
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This happens when killers have put so many hours into the game that they can path themselves through tiles and loops without sight.
Plus, survivors are not hard to hear.
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if flashlight is only to save then the usage of the flashlight is way too situational
You are right, it's very situational. Flashlights can be used for saving a carried survivor, destroying hag traps, and destroying artist crows. Beyond that they are generally pretty weak.
I'm not sure why you think that blinding someone should also deafen them. You have taken away one of the killer's senses, but that doesn't mean they don't get to use their others to find you.
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I never said it should deafen, but if I'm not making noise, it should not be that easy too find me
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Yeah, but counter to that I think a successful flashbang should induce audio impairment such as an ear ringing sound as you would get on any other game. There are few things more frustrating than succesfully blinding the killer with one and then looking back in horror as he follows your path with absolute precision from several meters away.
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True, the flashbang is a similar situation and that one would make sense to also affect the killerd hearing, like real flashbangs do
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If you run, the killer chases and can hear you.
However...I've had some success with blinding, then ducking around a corner and crouching. As in - it works maybe 2 times in 3.
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All hail our lord and saviour Lightborn 😎
Still the most satisfying for me to just ignore the flashlight and smack the survivor, preferably when they are injured and the hit makes them do the backflip 😂
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are you not bored of saying this whenever a slight mention of blinds or flashlights is there? we get it you like lb lol.
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You think Flashlights should be on demand Exhaustion perks with no cooldown?
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Nope, and in case it bothers you, scroll a little bit further down and magically it's gone from your sight.
I am on this forum, not because I play the game (quit December '22), but just for fun and entertainment.
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Did you just ask why a mechanic that affects VISUAL input doesn't thwart AUDITORY input?
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not that it bothers me it's just weird seeing the same sentence by the same person whenever a certain topic is mentioned.
whatever makes you happy tho <3
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Are you suggesting the killer shouldn't hear you while blinded? Not sure how that'd make sense. There is quite a lot of killers that don't use a headset and have a harder time following you. It also depends on the map how much of a detriment the blind is. There are some maps like Lery's that are so cornered that a killer might have trouble to come through a doorway while blinded.
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The best use of it is you blinding killer while they break pallet, so the chased teammate has higher chance to run away, since after the blind, your scratch mark cover your teammate. By anymean, it only helps you to slightly increase distance, not meant to instant escape from chasing.
And Flashlight save of course.
Its situational and hard to use, but its strong.
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Flashlights aren’t great, killers here deeply exaggerate their usage and complain about them. Beyond destroying Hag traps (I wouldn’t even consider using them on Artist crows because she places them while in chase, usually, and you’d waste time trying to destroy them when she’s after you), they’re only good for saves. That was recently nerfed by BHVR eliminating a survivor’s ability to readjust quickly if they mistime or mis-aim their flashlight save. I think Blastmine and firecrackers impair killer hearing, but Flashbang should as well.
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Your character makes noise all the time, though. Are you suggesting that your character shouldn't make breathing noises?
If it bugs you this much maybe run a different item? Not sure what to tell you.
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Ah yes, doing something as easy as blinding a killer at a pallet should be an easy escape for the survivor.
As mentioned earlier you -could- try and crouch and hide while they're blind, rather than noisily running away and then get shocked when the blind killer can hear you.
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If they mis-time or mis-aim their flashlight they don't deserve the save.
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Or you might be playing me when my audio has inexplicably moved leftwards and I haven't had chance to fix it.
Trying to follow someone blinded when straight ahead sounds left, left sounds god knows where, and right sounds ahead is super confusing.
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I don't have some super awesome headset but I have way too many hours in the game and often gamble on which way the survivor ran to and can still be right on their butts even though I can't see or hear them.
Obviously this can backfire as I may go left when they went right but many times I've continued the chase blind just because I've played long enough to predict the survivors play.
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Are you the guy who complained to me yesterday?
Flashlights are fine where they are. The noise survivors make are fine. I guess no one goes against spirit much anymore.
Yes, flashlights are not the most powerful weapon in the game. Lot of people run them because they are fun, because they like to bully the killer. If I see a lobby full of flashlights, either A: They are going to lose because of being hyper altruistic, B: they are going to stomp me because they are just that much better than me, and I will hate my life.
Flashlight blinds at a pallet are fine. They might do cause you to to make as much distance as otherwise, or they could make you more (lots of tiles have junk which you can get caught on or the killer might just lose you).
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People have pointed out that the purpose of flashlights is to get saves, and they're completely right, but there is a secondary reason for blinding a killer specifically at a pallet that I think is worth mentioning- to encourage the killer to chase you. I think the problem is you're expecting a flashlight, a tool that explicitly draws attention onto you, to allow for some kind of stealth play, but if you want to escape chases you probably shouldn't be bringing a flashlight to try and do it with- that's the opposite of what they actually achieve.
In short: Flashlights don't help you drop chase, they help you keep chase.