Kindred Appreciation Post

Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,320
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

I've been grinding through challenges this morning for rift progression. The Squad isn't on, so I'm wading deep through the Solo Q shitpit for the time being trying to get these last few levels for 70 (I'll take that sweet gummy charm and Fallen Angel torso). I typically run kindred on one of my builds, so I'm watching everything going on like a shithawk when someone else, or myself, gets hooked. Kindred, already a solid perk on its own, is actually great for another reason that isn't as much talked about and that's the entertainment value it provides. Death Q is already so funny on its own considering the survs the game matches you with and their sometimes highly suspect decision-making, but Kindred makes it at minimum (statistically speaking) 10x even more hilarious. That's because you can typically tell within the first few minutes whether or not you're sailing into a ######### typhoon in the early game and need to brace for getting covered in ######### or drowning in the undershit of the shitwave.

The entertainment value of kindred is akin to watching TV with PiP because while I am working adamantly on a generator, I get to see my favorite show scenes unfold. For example, the tbag talk survs, the survs who work on gens too, the survs who gets stuck on something mid-chase, the surv who has already instantly decided to give up after touching the ground and refuses to heal or play, the surv who chases after the killer after their 1st unhook to draw aggro and try and get downed again so they can continue suiciding on hook, and the person who is very scared so they hide even though there is no danger present to them. Maybe the writers want something a little different and instead, we get the scene where Captn' Shitacular has already given up and decides to raise ######### throughout the trial by running directly to another hooked survivor, the killer in tow, and decides to either sandbag or spam unhook with the possibility of a sandbag (this one is kinda spicy drama).

After seeing these shows and many more for so long you can't help but chuckle at the absurdity. I don't think it's worth the effort of getting tilted at this game. It's just too funny to really get upset about. Even as I'm dying on my 1st hook while the ol' shitclock is tickin' and the birds of the shitfeather that flock together are all running around the killer in a Konga Line with no intention of unhooking. If it wasn't for how hilarious Kindred's aura reading makes watching other people's gameplay, and these challenges to get the rift finished, I'd be out in a shitblizzard. Even as I type this post now, I can hear that ol' shitbarometer rising.


  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    It's a nice perk. If it still trumped stealth abilities, as it should, I'd take it over Bond. But I get more mileage out of the former by making me able to constantly observe the stupidity of my teammates.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2023

    Bond is great. I'm actually surprised It hasn't gotten a similar treatment because of how it works with a certain killer's perk.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 166

    Sometimes, when I just feel like it, I'll take Bond, Kindred, and open handed with an exhaustion perk (usually lithe).

    I love the amount of info I get through it.

    I will keep kindred with the new survivor hud too.

    Sometimes it's important to know which direction the killer will go after a hook, and thereby make a decision as to whether I'm safe on my gen, or if I should be more careful.