Substitutes to Eruption's Incapacitated Effect

What would you like to see? Personally I think an exhaustion effect that lasts until the next health state loss could be interesting, it wouldn't punish being hit multiple times but would be a big negative that can't be ignored without just removing survivors from the game for 30 seconds.
Entity block.
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Survs will still whine about it
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You can shorten the time now that it's standardized with no counter. It's also weakened in effectiveness on generators that no Survivor is near given the Entity Block stops regression during its effect.
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And? It removes all the "it's no use against SWF but OP against solos" problems, doesn't allow for regression stacking whilst it's going on, and negates the "I can't do anything or play the game" part. There, the major complaints fixed.
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Probably a shorter Entity block.
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Entity block.
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I'll second (or, in this case, fourth) Entity block. It addresses all of the major legitimate issues.
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Or it could stay as it is and just give a skill check (like overcharge) when someone goes down.
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Entity block for the same duration instead, nothing else is needed.
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But then why complain about Deadlock... it does the same thing
EDIT: If we are talking about Blocking the Gen
Why not just remove the interaction of repair if a Survivor is on it when Eruption activates (for all survivors)
But if we can't think of anything else why not increase the kicking to activate Eruption to Oppression levels
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entity block or give a speed penalty for x amount of seconds
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Literally nothing, don't you have enough stacked slowdowns anyway? There needs to be no "compensation" to a much needed nerf
If with current meta perks you still can't win as killer that's on you
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Uh, because "nerf the one remaining decent slowdown" isn't 'balancing'. Ruin's dead in the water; PGTW is only useful in niche situations, Jolt is as erratic as ever and still M1 dependent (at least it doesn't have a cooldown now); pain res was never run for its amazing regression and doesn't give info like it originally did; Overcharge is terrible without support; CoB doesn't even have a great effect and can still be stopped with a tap (it just combos with other genkick well)... you want to make another mediocre hit to gen progress also have no other good effect?
Also, nobody mentioned 'compensation', the question was 'what should the effect be instead'.
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So make the perk near worthless? No thanks.
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I mean...yeah, because it would still be ridiculous.
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Just off the top of my head. What about eruption has the same effect, but it is deactivated after say.. 25-35% Repair progress is done? That way it rewards FAST downs and survivors can counter it by doing the gen. Idk just a random thought.
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That's literally a compensation. The answer is 'none'
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If it was a solid 25 seconds of Entity block... Imagining that + Deadlock (with your other 2 regression/blocking perks of choice) just makes me sad.
If they were to nerf Eruption by changing Incapacitated to Blocked, they'd also need to either increase the cooldown or reduce the perk duration imo.
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This, but not entity block. Right now, it makes it so you can't do anything when you are hit by it. What it needs is to be changed to this:
Performing the Damage Generator action on a generator applies Eruption:
- Highlights all affected generators in yellow.
- The next time a survivor enters the dying state by any mean, all affected Generators explode, but do not start regressing, removing the highlighted aura. Eruption applies an immediate -10% progression penalty.
- Any survivor repairing a generator when it explodes screams.
- Any affected generator is highlighted in (insert color here) to the survivors (and the killer). Generators that are affected are repaired at a 30/40/50% (perk tiers) slower rate until eruption's cooldown is finished.
- 30 second cooldown.
This makes it so the gen won't regress, all it does is apply a penalty, and it makes it so they are repaired slower. This means survivors could go to a different gen or heal someone, or go do literally anything else, or, if they want, they can continue repairing that gen for a 50% penalty. Additionally they will see the aura of the affected gens, so they can properly plan for and see the 3-gen the killer is building toward. In return, the duration is increased a bit, and the killer gets to see which gens were affected so they can see which gens have slower progress for the next 30 seconds.
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thats exactly what i had in mind, makes it usable against a SWF while also making it not uncounterable in solo-q
would also not mind a faster item decay rate when using a toolbox on an eruptioned gen (to counteract someone just using a toolbox to remove some of the penalty)
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Actually i just thought of another idea, may or may not be better, but at least unique:
Performing the Damage Generator action on a generator applies Eruption:
- Highlights all affected generators in yellow.
- The next time a survivor enters the dying state by any mean, all affected Generators explode and are set on fire, removing the highlighted aura. Eruption applies an immediate -10% progression penalty and immediately start regressing.
- Any survivor repairing a generator when it explodes screams and applies the incapacitated effect for 10 seconds.
- Generators that are on fire are unable to be repaired and regress 100/150/200% faster (.5 charges per second) (perk tiers).
- Generators that are on fire have a (insert color here) aura shown to survivors. Survivors can perform an "extinguish" action on them for 5 seconds to remove the fire.
- 30 second cooldown.
This makes it so the survivor is incapacitated for a short time, just enough to keep them off the gen for a bit, and give the killer a little time to get to the gen to prevent them from immediately removing the fire on a gen, but it doesn't allow them to basically make the survivor completely useless. It also shows the aura to the survivors so they know which gens are on fire and that they need to put out to start repairing again.
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You could give the affected survivor(s) a repair speed debuff for a duration. Something like 50% reduction in repair speeds for 20 seconds would mean that, if a survivor just kept working on the gen while debuffed, they would roughly break even with the 10% progress lost due to the initial hit.
Basically still a waste of 20 seconds over not having the perk, but survivors can still choose to either do the gen slower or do anything else at regular speed.
It would function as slowdown and still encourage survivors to do something else, but still allow them to go do anything else useful.
Or make the incapacitation variable based on how much gen progress there is when the gen is kicked. So kicking a 5% generator you only get stunned for about 1.5 seconds, but at 50% it's longer.
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I don't really think Incapacitated has to be replaced by anything if it went away. Nobody is rolling with a single slowdown after 5 MMR, but a lot of slowdowns are balanced to be more or less sufficient on their own for most trials if the killer is any good. Having Eruption be a simple 10% for every kicked gen would be fine when you factor in the 9000 other slowdowns most killers are rolling with.
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15 second gen block
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Personally I want something that keeps it as a slowdown perks. I think a gift of pain or than like effect would be pretty good. If a survivor is near a eruption gen when goes off they get infected with a debuff that slows thier repair speed by some percentage for x amount of time. This way it will hit a survivor no matter if they are soloQ or swf and it's not as oppressive as incap since they will still be allowed to repair but at a slower speed than before.
I know someone ppl want entity block but I think there are already to many perks that blocks gens already. Why run a gen blocking eruption that requires you to kick gens when you can easily run pain res + DMS or deadlock? I would prefer something different tbh.
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Maybe making survivor repairing speed to go down to 50% for 25s. That way the survivor can still keep playing instead not being able to do almost nothing. The regression could be increased to 15% to compensate for the nerf so it would be still very strong perk.
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As folks have pointed out:
- Make it block the gen instead of an incap.
- No substitute that keeps Eruption viable will be enough, because it's the current '100% this and only this is what is making me lose games' killer meta scapegoat.
Want to see what I mean?
So...make it worse than the original Eruption by every metric - a perk that almost nobody used.
Yeah, as I was saying.
Because Deadlock is erratic and can sometimes work as a survivor perk. And PR+DMS is a two perk combo that also requires the use of a finnicky RNG SH system.
Cute, but...that's more complicated than some killer mechanics. It would A. be overcomplicated, B. take a crapton of development resources and C. be complained about incessantly.
If it's shorter than 30 seconds, the perk would basically be junked. Almost nobody ran it at a 16 second incap+regression.
Honestly, I don't even know if a 30 second block would be worth it.
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No it wouldn't?
Like, this is the most backwards, bone-headed attitude towards people running too many slowdown perks: make them all too crappy to use if you don't stack three of them. Gasp, people are going to keep stacking all the slowdown, and that's going to be complained about the exact same way as meta and boring regardless!
As for all 'minor regression and then [x reduction in repair speed]' effects, wonderful. Exactly what we need. Another slowdown perk that's going to run into the pain res comedy of 'by the time you walk from where the survivor was downed/hooked to the gen, they've repaired through it and completed it anyway because it did nothing to get people off the generator for more than a split second'.