They actually removed the winter cosmetics? After all the backlash?

It seems BHVR is trying to get their goodwill with the community so low that it goes into the negatives and wraps around to zero.
Yep, another proof that they do not care about what the community wishes, or read the survey responses.
Hell, do they even read those forum threads? You would think so because they just went through a rework, but... 🤷
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Why wouldn't they? Backlash is just background noise if you don't vote with your wallet.
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I forgot did the doctor skin even come back from 2021's halloween rift?
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After they ######### around with NFT's, I can't say that I'm surprised.
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What backlash? All I saw were a couple of posts here on the forums. Nobody said a peep on other social media. Plus I saw a bunch of people in my games with the new cosmetics, so apparently nobody voted with their wallet. Granted, bhvr was really sneaky about it in game , so its possible people didn't know.
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Why would you want to buy winter cosmetics now? Spring is around the corner...
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People having not the privilege to afford winter cosmetics during.... winter, perhaps?
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I don't think it did
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very wintery, some of them /s
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These will come back, but for now having a rare item is sort of a reward for participating in the event.
It did. The zombie one.
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I saw people complaining about it on Reddit, Twitter, Twitch, and people were even posting screenshots of themselves voicing their opinions on the official survey. If you go to Twitter right now there are people complaining on DBD's posts.
But yeah you're right, I'm disappointed with how many people I saw wearing the FOMO dresses.
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Because a good portion of the winter cosmetics that were removed weren't 100% winter just part of a collection released in the winter and they had parts people could mix/match with other cosmetics. The shorts in Mikaelas cozy break outfit I see a ton in my matches mixed with her other tops.
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Honestly I'm not surprised. BHVR doesn't particularly care about feedback.
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Not shocked at all. It does not appear they have responded to discontent in the forums about it either. Look for summer stuff to disappear next.
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100% this. They’re not going to respond to complaints on forums. They will respond if revenue goes away.
Also, for all you upset about this, why didn’t you just buy the skins you wanted when they were available? 🙄
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"A couple of posts here on the forums".
Dude, we have been complaining since Halloween:
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Our feedback is useless, for example I've been complaining since day one to not implement sbmm and it got ignored
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"They're not going to change if you don't avoid spending"
"If you care, why didn't you buy them at the same time"
Hmm, I wonder if these two statements explain things.
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They publicly promoted them on their social media.
They knowingly went into a contract that stipulated they promote NFT's.
So yes, they did do that.
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They themselves still didn't make NFTs as so many claimed. Also, not everyone understands the problem with NFTs. I'm sure BHVR does now, but even if they do, they are still unfortunately in the minority. Everybody and their little brother are doing NFT promotions these days. You boycott all of them too?
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Pretty much yeah
They allowed the NFT's to be made and promoted them. Like you said, they used BHVR's models. No models, no NFT's. No BHVR, no NFT's.
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So they should have told them no and not ever had Hellraiser in the game? Plus, are you even 100% sure that they knew that the community would have such a problem with the movie studio doing NFTs? Because again, if NFTs are such the major issue, then why are so many people still doing them? I'm sure for some its because they just don't care, but many don't know how bad it is. We don't know what BHVR knew before entering the contract. Plus you have all the people who tried to get Valve to ban Dead by Daylight from Steam because they "have NFTs in the game" which they don't, what Valve bans for is a very specific thing that Dead by Daylight doesn't do.
I am just sick of every time someone has a problem with something BHVR does, someone chimes in with
"BhVr Is BaD tHeY mAdE nFtS"
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Notice how I didn't ever say they made NFT's.
This was a HUGE thing on the Forums last year. I, unfortunately, know my stuff. BHVR absolutely knew what they were getting into, weighed the risks and decided to do it anyway. Even suggesting that they didn't know what they were getting into is completely laughable.
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So they should have told all the players that wanted Hellraiser and don't know or care about NFTs to go jump in a lake? Yea, they weighed the risks and decided that the haters of NFTs would be a minority to those that wanted a Hellraiser chapter. Were they wrong? Maybe, but that's the decision they had to make.
My point is, you may beleive they made the wrong choice, but everyone constantly bringing it up every time BHVR even sneezes is what's laughable. Get over it already.
Also, yeah it was a HUGE thing on the forums last year, and news flash, those on the forums are a minority of the players. Every single player on these forums could agree with each other, and we'd still be a minority of the total Dead by Daylight population.
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Pretty sure it was also trending on Twitter, iirc.
Also, because people don't know about it makes it okay? Cool.
Stop defending horrible practices dude. When BHVR does something scummy (making previously released cosmetics FOMO) people are gonna bring up PAST scummy actions (releasing Pinhead and then promoting NFT's). I saw a LOT of people who weren't even that upset that they were promoting NFT's but that they released the Chapter without telling people about it. They wouldn't have supported the Chapter if they had known. Look on Steam reviews if you want to see what the general consensus is.
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The NFT thing was a big enough deal that it was hitting reporting websites, not just our social media.
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BHVR is not a solid block. Those closest to the community do care about the it's feedback and opinions, I believe.
Unfortunately, marketing and business model are very far removed from the community, and only listen to money.
As long as there is no action taken in protest against this kind of change, feedback will just be inconsequential background noise.
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Smart business move. Never cave to cancel culture.
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What feedback?
A vocal minority that yelled at eachother for what? Like 2 weeks on this small forum.
Just a couple of people who only complain about FOMO when it doesn't benifit them.
I never saw any complaints about the game going on sales for a limited time despite it triggering the exact same FOMO response.
BHVR did nothing wrong with this.
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I'd guess because ultimately cosmetics don't make or break a game. Lots of people don't cope well with change, so a degree of backlash to any noticeable change would be expected but may not ultimately change their mind
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It's really common for seasonal cosmetics to be removed from online games. Fallout and Elder Scroll's festive content disappeared on the 3rd of the Month. They're a novelty to celebrate a special time.
I don't understand why some people here are getting so butthurt about it.
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Me burning all my pyjamas because the 'special time' has passed.
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I think the removal of those items was to organize the shop a bit more and remove some of the least imo. I have no issues with them taking away time limited cosmetics....but what I think is funny those who are complaining about this haven't said anything to support thier claims by saying things about battle passes that have cosmetics that are only available in the premium passes....
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I agree it was a mess tbh. So if it means limited time cosmetics to help organize it and make it more user friendly then so be it
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Oh. I wouldn't know since I was fiending for that event
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Yea, because Steam is the only platform that plays this game. I always forget that when the steam player numbers are thrown out to show that the game is dying.
Also, lots of things "trend" on Twitter, doesn't mean anything other than people are talking about it. People can just as easily be saying "I love NFTs" (not that I am saying the majority did) and it will be trending because of people talking about it.
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Do you want me to grab Xbox reviews? Playstation reviews?
People hated that they released this Chapter and then started promoted NFT's made with the Chapter's models.
At this point, I've made my point to everyone else, which was why I engaged in the first place, so I have no reason to continue this.