the game is suffering due to devs pushing for desired escape/kill ratio

Im not sure what the current escape/kill ratio is but I would say a solid 35% of all 4-kill matches are a direct result of killers being 100% carried by generator regression perks combined with a majority(more than half) of all survivors who refuse to do anything except hide while they are injured and feel the need to heal every time they get hit.

You would be amazed at the number of matches I play where someone has to run across the map to heal after being hit with sloppy butcher every time they are injured. All while the last gen is 90% right next to them and regressing with call of brine and overcharge.

We need to remove everything in the game that speeds up and slow down generators as well as removing the healing mechanic. Once survivors are hit they should remain injured for the duration of the match. This may sound like a survivor nerf but the escape rate will skyrocket as it will force players to learn to be comfortable with playing while injured.

In order to be a top tier survivor a player needs to be about a 1.2 on a 10 scale of natural gaming skill. But to be a top tier killer its close to 50 on a 1-10 scale. The game needs balance in a major way for the simple fact that so many players never learn or improve.


  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,270

    No, the escape rate would plummet. As soon as all four survs are injured and one is on the hook the game would be over in your scenario.

    There is a time to stay injured - and there is a time to reset. You need to learn when to do which. - And this may change depending on what perks / items are brought into the trial.

    That being said, I do agree that there are *a lot* of killers who are carried by extreme gen regression builds. - And vice versa survivors who are carried by extreme genrush builds (though I see a lot more of the former than the latter - probably in no small part because for the regression you need perks, which is an unlimited resource, while for genrush you need toolboxes and BNP, the former is a limited and the latter a very limited resource). - And that gens should not have the crazy repair-time ranges they have atm but should stay a lot closer to the 90s.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 974

    Whilst I do think it's fair to say the current regression meta needs some tweaking, everyone is carried by one perk or other.

    As survivor mains, we need to remember that the killer IS meant to be the power role and it's a 4vs1 for them. Whilst it may seen annoying that you don't escape as often as you'd like - it must be kept in mind you're one of four people and some of those will invariably escape. Success stats are based, I'm sure, on 2 escapes and 2 kills per match.

    The amount of times I see a killer get a 4k is increasing, largely due to regression perks and I'm sure that will be addressed - but I think survivors will always be designed to be in the weaker role (SWF not included because it's essentially not representative of the game design).

    If you're not escaping as much as you'd like I'd recommend you try changing up your approach and your perks. I used to be quite a stealthy killer and run Built to Last, Lucky Break, Quick and Quiet and one other perk in rotation) but in recent months I've really tried to change my approach and improve my looping. As such, I've been running Windows, Lithe (also part of the survivor meta) and two other perks - currently Fogwise and Potential Energy (as I've recently unlocked Vittorio) but I'm finding that I'm escaping more frequently than before.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    So, no mither with extra steps, but without infinite unbreakable. That's not going to end well.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,407

    Survivors not being able to heal is honestly one of the worst suggestions I think I've seen. Not everyone takes this game seriously and wants to be "top tier", some people like to play casually to chill out. Some people live busy lives and don't have the hours to put in to learn how to get good enough to play a whole match while injured, and most probably have zero desire to do so. It would just drive people away from the game. I've been playing solo q for two years now and I get how mismatched team mates can be, but that isn't a solution at all.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,208

    OP starts off with a solid premise that I agree with. Higher MMR tiers are roughly 75% average killers with ridiculous builds and 25% decent/good killers. That's just my opinion of course. But ask yourself how often you run into a killer with thousands of hours who wrecks a team with 1 or 2 slowdowns and yellow add ons. They're unicorns. More often than not, "high MMR" is just Builds by Daylight with quad slowdown Alch Ring Blights or Starstruck Range Nurses.

    But I think OP and the community as a whole sells survivors short a bit. The community has never asked itself why so few players can play survivor well if it's so easy. How can a role be so easy and have a worse win rate at the top 5% than the other role?

    Knowing when to heal and when not to heal, positioning, etc., are all things that separate good survivors from bad ones. My advice? Don't heal them. Two people making a bad play is always worse than one person making a bad play. Most survivors have an extremely poor understanding of how long things take and how much time they have to do them. It sucks, but it is what it is. It's part of the survivor skill cap just like time management is part of the killer skill cap.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,561

    Are you actually suggesting basekit No Mither?

    Guess we haven't heard everything after all.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 456

    Ok there are a lot of bold claims being made in this post.

    1. Yes a lot of killers rely on stacked gen regression perks while trying to hold a 3 gen from start to finish. But for many killers that's the main way to have a good chance of winning a game especially against coordinated survivors. The stronger end of killers don't need eruption because they are able to apply a good amount of map pressure and can end chases quickly.
    2. Against most killers, staying heald is extremely important especially in the Eruption meta where you nned to delay a down for as long as possible. Staying injured is a good way of pressuring survivors as killer as everyone is theoratically a one shot down (except DH users)
    3. I actually agree with your point to remove all gen progression/regression perks in the game. They are simply unhealthy for the game.
    4. The permanent injured argument is one of the worst ideas I have heard in a while. No the killerate would absolutely skyrocket because killers now need only one hit to down. It is often crucial to "reset" (everyone is gathering together to heal) so the killler loses pressure from injuring survivors. this is why M1 killers like Wraith and Sadako are being considered to be weak since their strongest playstyle (hit and run) is getting countered by today's meta.
    5. It still takes skill to learn how to play survivor. Remember in chase you need to survive as long as possible. WIth killer you still chase most of the time so I do agree that killer is harder and more skillful to play.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,320

    I do share similar sentiments to parts of your perspective (i.e. abundance of extremely well-synergized gen regression builds and many survivors lacking game sense). I'd also say that the game is suffering due to the behavior of the in-game community. Definitely some toxic things people do on both sides that have worked to push people away from playing and never wanting to improve since they don't enjoy the game.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2023

    Combine this suggestion with basekit Unbreakable changes and we have officially arrived in the No Mither Era

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,561

    I'm just utterly bewildered by what this would result in:

    Hit-'n-Run killers would become A-tier overnight

    Nurse becomes even stronger

    Oni can't hold all those blood orbs

    Victor can't attach after the first hit

    Myers' power is reduced to a slightly faster vault

    Plague has virtually no power at all

    So many perks are straight-up dead

    I can't-

  • Batman781
    Batman781 Member Posts: 93

    ok so a few things to mention, the last loopible killer that could be mind gamed was Oni. Every killer since ignores pallets and windows 100%(in the control of a skilled player). They are all beatable if the team spreads out and does gens. The problem with this is most survivors waste too much time and the most time is wasted while injured. These killers must be kept at a distance which can be done with resources but if ever you use a resource to avoid a hit you will fail. Resources need to be used to create and maintain distance.

    The trouble with this is that very few players understand this. With all of the time wasted it makes gen regression perks a menace to DbD society. Now we are never going to have complete balance due to the 3 types of survivors mentioned above by StarLost. That wouldnt be so bad if there were a way to generate a fair matchmaking algorithm.

    My escape rate is relatively high, I'd say 80% or so. I guess my gripe is just losing to killers who have little to no skill as players because they can knock gens from 90 to zero in about 10 seconds consistently. Id almost rater perks and add ons be removed from the game. Let killers be base and survivors win using raw skill and not toxic tactics. I think it would honestly make more people say "good game" at the scoreboard screen than "get good".

    On top of all this a large number of people who play this game are the worst quality human beings alive which doesnt help the community have fun. I literally cant play a day through without someone messaging me something that I could honestly have them thrown in prison for.(racism and other hate, threats, and DOS attacks, to name a few) Toxicity and hostility are a big part of it and I think it is generated in part by killers who get bullied by elite SWF teams.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,438

    Just regarding thr last point, even if you get bullied or mocked by SWFs that doesn't excuse that type of behaviour, dure you can play pretty unapologetic after, but doing those things is just trying to slice bread with a sword.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2023

    Oni players would be like: "None of you seem to understand. I am not locked in here with you. You're locked in here...WITH ME!" *Angry Oni Noises*

  • Batman781
    Batman781 Member Posts: 93

    if No Mither let survivors start the game healthy but be broken for the rest of the match after being injured while giving a visual que to the team you are No Mither status but not letting the killer see you cannot be healed, that would be the best buff survivors ever saw in this games history. Don't sleep on No Mither. The reason its considered a team handicap right now is because it is shown to the killer from the start.

    Imagine if this change were to take place the power solo queue would gain combined with the use of Resilience. This idea may be just a theory but I have a feeling it is very close to accurate.

    The only time it would be bad is if the whole team used it.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,283

    Imagine if this change were to take place the power solo queue would gain combined with the use of Resilience. This idea may be just a theory but I have a feeling it is very close to accurate.

    Did you take anything into account other than your frustration with survivors healing themselves up at an inopportune moment?

    Perma-broken for everyone would decimate survivors since they'd have half as much chase time on average, if not even less than that. It's already bad enough when it's an M1 killer that only needs to hit you once, but it's going to be even worse if it's a killer with any kind of power. There's the obvious problem cases where a first hit is entirely in the killer's control (Blight, Nurse), but then there's also the issue of stealth killers. What do you think it's going to do Pig's kill rate if a successful ambush doesn't just shave off half the chase, but the entire thing?

    What about any perks that cause oblivious? Hex: Plaything would be unimaginably overpowered. Any ranged killer would be dementedly powerful.

    Literally halving the time it takes to down a survivor isn't going to magically improve survivors' winrates. Resilience is not that strong. Trust me, I've played a wound-nabber build, it is not that good.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Around 70-80% of all matches are a 3/4k wins for the killer. The devs apparently still can't let go of the idea that DBD is a spoopy game.

    "But the devs said the killrate is only 60 percent!"

    Yes, they showed us their sanitized stats that didn't count DCs, which are almost always going to end up as a lose.

    "But my favorite streamer has a 90% escape rate!"

    Yes, I agree. SWF is OP and matchmaking is completely garbage.