Another reason to hate Dead Hard

Somehow, there is no more depressing outcome than playing Plague, and being reduced to an M1 Killer as everyone still has two health states and decides "no need to cleanse".
(Bonus points for getting sent to the Game at that point; not much to do except get hit by pallets there)
I can't empathize with that. Plague is really obnoxious to go against, in my opinion. Her having some form of counterplay is good.
Not trying to antagonize you, just, I really don't agree.
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No need to clean meets thano. Surprisingly thano wins in that scenario.
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It makes up for the amount of medkits and COH’s I’ve made completely worthless tbh
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I mean, you could be an M1 killer that has to get through Three health states. At least it's only Two as Plague.
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Plague pretty much destroys every healing build possible in the game so in a way it's a strong compensation for such a powerful counterplay.
Especially when it's Thanatophobia in play.
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Hey, at least with every other M1 Killer I can pretend I still have a power! Can't do that if nobody ever cleanses and everyone has DH to pretend broken isn't a big threat.
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How are you eating that many DHs though? Extra fountain add ons+Bamboozle and the no-cleanse strat is an easy 4k most of the time unless you get horrible fountain RNG.
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Well, step one is 'not having unlocked bamboozle' (not that that would've done all that much in the Game), number two is 'not bringing those add-ons'.
isn't that kind of a weird question? "How could this thing have happened in a game since it wouldn't assuming you were running this specific build?"
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to be fair bamboozle is from a free killer you can just earn
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POV: I cannot DH anything. Anytime I successfully use DH, it is luck.
Additional POV: I use DH correctly on the Plague, however, latency.
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Sure, but I already have PGTW from the Shrine before its nerf, and Coulrophobia is a meme. Bamboozle hasn't been super high on my priority list, especially after they decided that power-related vault speeds and perk vault speeds shouldn't stack.
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There is nearly no more depressing thing than playing against plague, with the possible exception of Legion, so... checkmate.
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Basement Bubba? Infinite Tombstone Myers? Condemned Sadako?
Pretty sure there's way worse things than a Killer that puts up a choice between healing and power denial.
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Bring the apples and laugh.
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If it wasn't for the obnoxious puking noises then definitely. No where near as bad as Clown's bottles or Dredge's Nightfall but still pretty annoying.
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Its counter play, some times that strategy works, but not always. It depends on the situation and team.
For example, if they refuse to cleanse and have an advantage you can camp a guy on hook to force them to cleanse. No DH is gonna save you from that.
Only problem with Plague, is playing against her in solo queue. Still the best designed Killer in my opinion
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Yeah, the map spawn made things so much worse in the game that prompted this. The Game, only one hook accessible from most of the bottom floor (and the freezer entrance was freaking awful), someone DC'd on it first hook. <_>
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Yeah, i don't like The game with plague either, that does sound bad
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This is why add-ons that give extra starting Corrupt Fountains are among some of her best add-ons.
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The moment you choose an m1 killer to play as you accept you will get dunked on if you face good players, they are rare but no good team will let an m1 get more than a 1k, so if you choose plague, you literally knew the outcome that could happen.
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Doesn't mean that it's any less of a thing to hold against DH. Broken =/= actually in peril when it's in play.
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How many DHs are you eating, man?
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In the Game, with DH-for-pallet?
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My main issue with Dead Hard is that I am still seeing it every game now.
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That's more The Game being very annoying as Plague. Even if they are cleansing, it's so easy to LOS her.
I don't mind if people don't cleanse - you can bait out the DH and instadown them. Or just run Thana (it's about the only use for that stupid perk now).
I'm way more scared of the overcleanse meta against her, still not quite sure how to respond to that.
It's weird that people don't like facing her - she's both really rare and pretty damn fun to go against. Her mechanics are just different enough.
And...she has plenty of counterplay, which is why I enjoy her. You can try to stagger cleanses, overcleanse or never cleanse.
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Dh is extremely easy to bait or just wait the half second dab. It’s literally not hard. If they DH through a pallet, just wait a split second then hit. 90% of the time they go down.
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Funny how some people just say "use fontain add-ons and you are fine". If i play against plague and i hear the sound of her getting her dark vomit, i just hide. I dont lose anything by stalling some time. Plague becomes a very easy m1 Killer and i don't have to care about some abilities. I just have to loop a M1 Killer.
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You still get your one corrupt fountain at the start of the game. Wait until they are all broken and then go grab it. Their Dead Hard won’t be much use then and it might scare them into actually healing.
Or just use Thana and then at least one will be cleansing.
And in the end, at least it’s an M1 with 2 health states unlike someone like Freddy which is an M1 with 3 health states.
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Or... you get hit in the face with a pallet and they don't DH? I think you missed the most likely outcome if you try to get close enough to M1 rather than lunging.
Then I'd at least be able to pretend I have a power. :(
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Keep in mind I'm not a very experienced survivor, and that I never play full swf.
Counters to Plague are a coordinated strategy at the scale of the whole team, aka depending on teammates. If you don't cleanse and one does, she can down you extremely quick with her secondary power. Open maps are a chore against her.
In the eye of someone who's not very good, she's worse to face than most of the roster. She's like... Either y'all are broken all game, or you get a Huntress with a machine gun.
Not even to touch on the fact that she can make you lose a health state with no speedboost and down you right after.
I really can't see her as fun. =(
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I pretty much only play solo and my experience against Plague is that 90% of my solo team mates cleanse and half of those are so stupid they use a pool right in the middle of critical gens etc.
I do not enjoy going against Plague mostly for this reason - randoms are often clueless and constantly make her a ranged insta-down killer
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I seem to get the mortal phobia of ever cleansing lot, plus DH lovers.