Selling things to children is not illegal, last time I checked
Nor is selling clearly fake things, as long as I don't break copyright rules
But that of course was an example, I'd get my kneecaps smashed by some angry parent in that situation, and I wouldn't blame them.
Both actions take advantage of vulnerable people though, children on one hand, people with impulse control issues on the other, why should one be different than the other?
All winter cosmetics are leaving, really bhvr?
The only unbelieve thing here is some of you thinking you deserve a "special treatment". They are not point guning anyone to buy the limited skins.. get over with it. Maybe if you spend more time working instead of wasting your time on the forums you could buy the skins you want all at cost.. Like, come on its just a skin your life isn't going to end if you don't have one or two.
2 -
But see, in your example, your target is a demographic with under-developed decision-making skills and an inability to visualize life more than 24 hours into the future. In the present situation, we're talking about grown-ass adults. Do you mean to equate people susceptible to FOMO with having child-like minds incapable of knowing what is in their best interests? Because that's kind of my takeaway from this really poor comparison.
These are marketing techniques. Not Jedi mind tricks.
1 -
For people still not understanding what others are finding objectionable here it's not even primarily that BHVR is stepping into limited availability, it's that:
- They're pulling cosmetics that have already been available year round into it. Doing it with new cosmetics is disappointing, but not really a huge deal in and of itself. Plucking existing stuff out of the store is more alarming, not just because you're losing access to stuff we took for granted, but it's setting precedent. What is is going to be next? When?
- The direct contradiction in messaging from "all non-licensed cosmetics will be available for shards eventually" to "well, except the seasonal/event items". This really feels like an intentional misdirection. Like they're fostering goodwill by making older items available for in game currency, but then diluting the value there by then excluding many of the items people are likely waiting to become available for shards. If this new tactic of roping established cosmetics into the limited availability pool expands to other seasonal groups (Halloween, Lunar New Year, etc.), the gesture of making these old items available for shards means almost nothing.
Of course not everyone who is alarmed/irritated by this was or is going to buy these cosmetics, but many were. I know I was excited about some of these older cosmetics that I have been on the fence about becoming available for shards, but more than that, it's a principle thing.
At best it's incompetence in messaging, at worst is bold faced predation on consumers. DBD is not free to play, and the existing cosmetics are already objectively overpriced. Considerably. That being the case, moving in this direction is kind of a middle finger to the consumer.
It's a massive injection of uncertainty, and barring some sort of clear messaging on the subject, we can only assume this practice is laying the groundwork to metastasize into the other seasonal realms. For many this will result in just pulling back from buying at all, for some it will make no difference, but for others it's going to make fomo panic buying the norm.
It's gross.
10 -
There's a lot of people who play Jane like me who use her Hollywood Dress outside the event. You can't blanket statement stuff you haven't seen
3 -
how the ######### is this a scummy practice, is every one here living under a rock?
Games have been doing this for a long time.
Im an Advocate of they should release skins and then never release them again or maybe in a different color.
You guys should be lucky they even come back.
Scummy is bringing back the Battle Pass items to be purchased in the shop, thats not how Battle Passes work in other games. its either you get them or not.
1 -
3 -
They are NOT removing them from the game they are just leaving until NEXT YEAR. Like any other game that has SEASONAL cosmetics.
2 -
Prove it.
Nothing is for certain. The company can change their mind at any point so it's not a given they'll be back. Therefore, they ARE removing them from the game. They MIGHT add them back next year, but until then they have been removed from the game.
7 -
It's bad enough that they made the new cosmetics LTO. But putting already available cosmetics that were once available all year round behind a limited time wall? It's ridiculous. If they wanted to do the LTO thing with new cosmetics, fine. But doing it with already existing cosmetics is where it crosses the line.
7 -
Many said they will return next year. Now, one can choose to believe that BHVR are liars and that they will change their mind and make them permanently removed when Christmas comes around next year, and... well, hey you could be right, but I seriously doubt you are.
You say prove it, well... We will see next year. That's all anyone can say except for BHVR, which again, Mandy has assured us they WILL be back next year. That's as close as you are going to get to proof.
0 -
Oh yeah because everything BHVR says always happens?
Like the Cross Progression for Switch? Oh wait. Like Cosmetics for all non licensed characters being available to buy for shards? Oh wait.
7 -
Your argument is as long as other games do it it can’t be scummy? And if DbD does something differently than others -even though it was stated to work like that before the first tome/rift started - it is scummy?
4 -
This explains everything now
0 -
My god, video games got you all broken.
3 -
They are still working on Cross Progression for Switch, and they've said that the holiday cosmetics are an exception. It's only a few more weeks until you will be able to get Vittorio's very rares for shards. IF and that's a BIG IF you can't in a few weeks, then that will be different.
0 -
Less than 24 hours before they all leave.
1 -
I mean, the game is already pay to win, idk why people get surprised like monetization in dbd is a new thing lol
0 -
I personally like this sazonality, but, i think DBD should have a better physic, because, every hair, every clothe, everything about cosmetic are so static and boring to see, nothing moves, wheres the hairs moviments? clothes moviments? these simple things make a lot of diference for experience in the game and could be more appelative to buy them. If we will sazonality cosmetics, they need be better than now
3 -
that's really all the official team can respond with? the game with all the killers and survivors is around 150$ without grinding shards. 15 buck skins, paid battle passes and now limited time skins. "well just wait a whole year".
4 -
Did...did someone really lose their mind over seasonal outfits leaving after the season ends?
I wonder what OP's reaction would be to my local Halloween mega-store, which opens for October only and closes November 1st until next October 1st, every year.
Or how about when grocery stores only sell Valentine's Day candy around Valentine's Day.
Or how Christmas decorations leave stores after December 31st. Not to mention the holiday deals that end after the holidays! So much FOMO! Down with Big Money! 🤣
0 -
Wow, looks like someone missed the point entirely of this thread.
Please either come back informed or don't bother posting.
6 -
No they got the point and made a post showing how ridiculous all this hate for BHVR sounds. All the examples they gave are the very same situation as the seasonal cosmetics leaving when their season ends.
0 -
I got the thread just fine; OP lost his mind over winter cosmetics being seasonal, as if it was something new or surprising.
So please take your high horse out and put it in the stables instead of riding it around the forums, because I'll post wherever I want.
0 -
Most players wouldn't even be able to see the cool and interesting moving parts you talked about, playing on the lowest graphics settings in order to not spawn too much grass and rubble:p
1 -
Hmm it's almost like inventory of physical goods is limited by store costs and space, but that doesn't apply whatsoever to video game DLC...
3 -
You completely missed the point. None of my examples were inventory based:
- The Halloween store has enough costumes to sell year-round. They just choose to b e open one month a year.
- Stores have enough candy to sell outside Valentine's Day.
- You think Wal-Mart runs out of Christmas decorations? They just store them away for next year.
Hmm, it's almost like every business rotates stock and store away seasonal items after that season ends. WEIRD! 🤔
1 -
The inventory a store chooses to display is limited, if not by supply, then by the store's dimensions and limited shelf space. If wal mart had infinite shelf space, they would surely stock all kinds of seasonal decorations year round. Hence you can easily find Halloween costumes online at any time. So again, comparing physical constraints of brick and mortar stores to digital items is foolish.
3 -
No, it's not 'foolish' just because someone wants to screech that seasonal cosmetics are somehow predatory. Jesus.
But go off. It's clear some people just want to keep yelling about literal first-world problems that in no way affect their daily lives. No one is going to die or go bankrupt because holiday skins were limited to the damn holiday season. 🤦♂️
1 -
Even if all those seasonal stuff are removed from display, they are still available to buy through Internet. Look, it's January and you can buy a summer snowsuit. So your comparison is nonsense.
5 -
BHVR can't control every store. Your comparison is nonsense.
BHVR has decided to end the seasonal sales. It's not the end of the damn world, and it's not a scam or 'greedy' or 'scummy'. Stop with the mental acrobatics to justify being angry at a tiny problem no one sane cares about.
1 -
It's not the end of the world, but it is a scam and greedy and scummy. And a lot of people care about this tiny problem. Stop being comfy in your little bubble.
6 -
A physical store front only has so much space for inventory which is why they rotate seasonal inventory in their physical stores. Most stores now have an online option and being able to shop online we are no longer bound by only being able to buy products seasonally.
Walmart you can buy Halloween costumes year round:
Spirit of Halloween that only has a physical store front for a month has an online shop where you can buy Halloween products from them year round:
6 -
You're absolutely right about it not being a big deal, and a "first world problem".
But by that logic, nothing about this game, including its existing at all, is important, so let's just shut the forum down.
And comparing BHVR's digital to a physical store is apples/oranges. They operate under completely different constraints and considerations.
Not just making these sales seasonal, but pulling in items that had for years been available year round (which is what I find most distasteful) is nothing but a pure FOMO move. Simple as. There is no shelf or floor space to clear, no inventory to manage. It's just a scummy business tactic designed to make people feel pressure to buy.
If you're fine with it, then you're fine with it. That's your prerogative, no one is saying you have to be outraged by it.
Just don't waste your time trying to dress it up like something else, or tell other people how they should feel.
10 -
We all remember how that went last time,, they literally had to disable comments 😂😂😂😂
6 -
That doesn't make it much better. FOMO is a scummy and greedy psycological tactic to pressure people into buying things as soon as possible. Remember, this isn't a F2P game. This is a game that cost 30€ (I believe). I would expect to be NOT exposed to such things if I already have to pay for a game. Not to mention the DLCs that cost money as well. I don't mind cosmetics or a battle pass and DLCs. this game has to finance itself somehow especially because of the licences. But come on. Are limited cosmetics really needed? And there is always the possibility that this game will offer cosmetics that might never return after a limited time.
5 -
Add in that a good portion of "winter" cosmetics are pretty generic and are worn year round. Not only do they not look like they fit a specific season but they can be mix & matched with other cosmetics. Mikaelas shorts from Cozy Break collection would be one that players use year round with different tops but devs have deemed it a "seasonal" cosmetic and now removed it from being available year round.
8 -
I just wanted to add my voice to the ones of other disappointed players. I am extremely disappointed, especially by the act of retroactively removing cosmetics from the store that were previously available for shards. The messaging comes across as dishonest - I am referring to the announcement that ALL non-licensed outfits would become available for shards after 4 weeks and then adding countless exemptions and loop-holes.
5 -
Maybe because only in the north hemisphere is winter now?
0 -
Seasonal things being seasonal isn't scummy at all. You're just looking for reasons to complain.
2 -
Please read the entire thread
4 -
1) I completely agree - nobody should attack forum moderators or anyone else for that matter.
2) Personally I don't play any other games where this specific tactic is used so there's nothing to complain about. Also, this is the DbD forum, so I am not sure what other games have to do with it necessarily.
That said, I used to play a game that had purchasable cosmetics and limited-time cosmetics from the start but that company never promised players anything else and then went back on it or added exemptions and loop-holes so they didn't have to stand by what they said. If a company starts with scummy tactics, that's one thing - you can choose if you want to support that or not. But if a company is descending into scummy tactics later on, of course people who love their game are going to give feedback on it because it feels like a betrayal of their good faith.
3) People can choose what type of review they want to leave and what's important to them. I would say the first step is to voice your dissatisfaction on the forum or social media. If there's enough backlash they might reconsider as they do take community feedback on board from time to time. If they stick by this decision, then they know what they are doing and that a lot of people will be pissed off and they will have to deal with the consequences.
I think for a lot of people the issue is not the cosmetics themselves (although limited-time stuff is annoying in itself) but the tactic of preying on FOMO and dishonest messaging towards the community. So it's more a matter of principle and I do think that's something worth speaking up for.
2 -
There is literally no benefit for us players in seasonal cosmetics. If you don't mind that at all great, good for you. But some of us like to buy cosmetics with shards and don't want to wait for that cosmetic to be in season again.
Apart from that, there is no need for this. It's just an easy marketing tactic to get more money out of the players.
3 -
No one has been able to present an argument for making things seasonal because there is none outside of regular corporate greed. All they can do is cry out about they 'don't care' and it 'doesn't matter', though if that was actually true, they wouldn't be devoting time to defending it in that disingenous and toadying way.
6 -
Sounds like some paid actors, only no one is actually getting paid.
2 -
Speak loud with your words, but speak even louder with your wallets.
4 -
Mizu you won't get through sadly....these are the DbD forums and anyone who doesn't share in the "most popular opinion" will be made a outcast and that they are "wrong" in the way they are thinking.
You said your peace and be done with it because at the end of the day these forums are filled with keyboard warriors that will not see anyone else's opinions but their own.
1 -
Example of dishonest messaging: announcing on social media that all future original cosmetics will be available to buy with Iri Shards 4 weeks after their release. then, announcing on this forum only that the "seasonal" cosmetics are exempted from that rule.
3 -
Post edited by LiaLight on0
(For some reason my post was deleted so I am trying again)
Regarding the dishonest messaging, I am referring to this tweet from September 2022:
Starting today, we’ll begin adding Shard prices to outfits previously only available with Auric Cells. This will be done in batches of a few characters at a time, starting with the original Survivors: Dwight, Claudette, Jake, and Meg. (2/4)
Going forward, new non-licensed outfits will release with their usual Auric Cell price, receiving an Iridescent Shard option 4 weeks following their debut. (3/4)
If you have Iridescent Shards burning a hole in your pocket, we hope you’ll find no shortage of outfits to spend them on! (4/4)
2 -
Yup that's all we can do I have been given back lash in the past on these forums for giving my opinion and got into if I see I won't have a decent civil discussion I usually will stop responding to save the headache