Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

What is the most satisfying thing you've done in dbd?

Wexton Member Posts: 496

Thought this would be a fun question, I'll go first. I was playing pyramid head on coldwind farm, it wasn't too long into the game at that point. I saw a Nea, and of course I chase her. Hit her once, and she threw down a pallet in front of me. Then this cheeky little Nea teabagged me, so I charged up my ranged attack. And she expected it obviously, which was why she was teabagging. So I aimed slightly to the left, it hit her and she went down.

The Nea died on hook because nobody came to save her, I honestly just love it when survivors teabag and immediately get punished for it. It's hilarious, what are your guy's most satisfying moments?


  • Cleverotter
    Cleverotter Member Posts: 128

    Yesterday I went against a β€œsubtle cheater” Steve, who used Speedhacks. He teabagged so much, I managed to down him, despite his hacks. He couldn’t BEAR the thought of losing, so he teleported away, and healed in 5 seconds. Reported him, ofc.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429

    Let's see...

    Army of Bills: Loaded into a solo lobby as a Bill, with one other Bill, the next two that joined each swapped to Bill, and we had a great game where we all coordinated flawlessly without comms and bodyblocked for each other on the final run to the exit gate.

    Quadruple Tap: Most recently, managed to score four stuns/blinds against a ghostface by 1. bodyblocking until he dropped a survivor 2. diving into a locker and stunning again with Head On as he recovered and 3. dropping a flashbang during the Head On. The cherry on the cake was when he then want back to my gen and got hit by Blast Mine.

    And this one I'm not entirely proud of but at the time it was a rush: Killing all survivors in about 45s as Spirit. Grab off generator 15 seconds into the game, hook, grab off rescue attempt, hook, rescue is made, phase back, down, slug, down, hook, phase, down, hook, go back for slug, hook.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,212

    It's a toss up:

    Had a match where survivors kept playing bold as artist. After popping a gen while all we're swarmed (love add ons), we aimed as best we could (we could see them since they weren't removing the crows but were effectively across the map) and fired. Suddenly there's 3 freshly downed survivors.

    All 4 survivors hopping into bear traps within seconds of each other. (Yes it's an exaggeration, but it's for a storytime) An auto haven game where we were trying to get our daily. We were losing pretty bad as they new the loops so eventually we just trap the last gens with everything. Suddenly we got 1. Then hear another 2 soon after. And then the last. We had honing stone too so that adds a bonus.

    The evil within achievement. No real story to that one but it did feel SO good to get it out of the way.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,452
    edited January 2023

    Running a nurse for 5 gens is probably the peak of my DBD career. It's all been downhill from there.

    There was also the time I kept pulling survivors off of Gens post-phase one game with vanilla spirit. That one was fun for me, and terrifying for the survivors. Always satisfying to get those kind of plays with her and Nurse.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,945

    Playing bubba and the survivor drops the pallet on the wrong side, so i chainsaw the survivor and then immediately break the pallet. Instant down + pallet break, so satisfying.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Had a game the other day on Garden of Joy. I actually like the map, so I played as I usually would, which means on the forgiving side.

    During the game, one of the survivors was a very stealthy Elodie. She was the first survivor I hooked after she set Discordance off, and then I didn't see her at all the rest of the game. I played very chill, and actually had a lot of fun chasing a Meg for a bit.

    Fast forward a little bit, and it's only Meg and Elodie left, with 2 gens to do. Meg has been hooked twice and is injured, and as I'm looking for Elodie, I stumble upon Meg. I decide that even if it might make me lose on a kill, I don't really want to kill Meg, so I keep looking for Elodie. When I find her, she chases me straight to the Meg, and starts pointing at her. Since Meg is careful, she starts running too. We now have me running after Elodie, who's running after Meg, who's running for her life.

    I keep shaking my head "no" when she points at Meg, and I eventually smack Elodie down and get her on a hook.

    The fact that I spared her earlier and didn't accept Elodie's... deal, puts Meg in trust and she asks if she can unhook Elodie. I accept, and as soon as she's healed, Elodie gets straight back to pointing at Meg and then at the hook, when I know Meg is on death hook and Elodie did not heal her.

    I shake my head no again, and make my way towards Meg's gen so that she can finish it. Elodie begrudgingly follows. Meg gets back on the gen, but Elodie is being difficult, first refusing to touch the gen, and then going on it to blow it up on purpose.

    It was the last straw, I was super put off by the fact that she'd actually sabotage her teammate AFTER I showed I was friendly and willing to let them both go. It's the first time I was seeing a genuinely sandbagging player.

    Was definitely satisfying killing her and letting Meg escape.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    Getting 2 RBT's to pop in one match... so satisfying

    Also getting a head pop on a Survivor doing Gens with the RBT being activated... I just blocked the box they wanted

    Like no you can't have your cake and eat it too.... LOL

  • Brix
    Brix Member Posts: 137

    Blink as Nurse to a gen and get a grab, its too damn satisfying!

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited January 2023

    I remember this game where I wase facing Leatherface, he caught one guy and headed for the basement, I happened to have Head On and saved him, Leatherface came after me, eventually got me and proceeded to facecamp me while hitting on hook, nodding and revving the chainsaw (this was before his buffs), the other 3 had almost finished all gens, they managed to get me out of the hook without trading and we all managed to escape, I usually dont tbag but that guy earned some buttdances.

    The best part was all the salt he threw in post game chat.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    That's a though one. I can't really decide.

    • Killing a strong bully team feels pretty good. (Bonus if the last one rage-quits or I get insulted in the chat.)
    • Escaping through the doors after unhooking myself feels great.
    • Killing a decent team with a grandmaster "build" is a good feeling too.
    • Fooling the killer and dropping a chase while staying a couple of meters from in makes me laugh like a maniac.

    So many good feelings.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Made a starstruck nurse DC

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,608

    Had one PH game where I downed two targets with a through-the-wall POTD, and another where I caught an escaping survivor, in the exit zone.

    But probably my greatest moment was when me and another Felix were running from a Huntress in the basement of Badham Preschool. She downed him under a pallet, and I turned around and picked him up with FTP, allowing him to slam the pallet on her and for us to escape.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    After typing my first comment....

    Getting my first 4K

    Getting rank 1... my only time doing it

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I was able to kill a speed hacker as blight. Their cheats let them down.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528

    I have multiple:

    As wraith, closed the hatch on a T bagging Feng, she proceeded to DC before I could hook her.

    As bubba, was able to down all 4 survs in the gideon meat plant bathroom within 20 seconds of the game starting.

    As survivor, having the hatch spawn under me without an offering. The nurse then called me a cheater in EGC and said "I hope you get banned".

    Finishing all of the tomes, and getting both iri 1 surv and killer without losing sanity.

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    Escape a match during this meta.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 845

    Went against one of the more notoriously toxic streamers and their 4-person bully squad. They had all quick switched to flashlights at the last second, but just by pure chance I had Franklin’s after using it a few days prior and forgetting to switch back to my normal build. The streamer whined a lot to their stream about how β€œboring” and β€œunfun” I was when I kept knocking their flashlights out of their hands (as though quick switching to 4 flashlights is super fun for the killer???). I didn’t win, but they didn’t get to do their bully squad garbage to me either.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Timing a perfect DH against a killer that waits seconds for it. Yesterday I did just that, after calling the Huntress' bluff. At point blank she held her hatchet to bait my DH for a few seconds, then cancelled it and tried to M1 me. She got ded ard'ed. And yes she accused me of being an auto-dead harder or extremely lucky.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    Way back when I had maybe 200 hours, I ran a Hag straight into a 6,000 hour TTV playing with his mates, on...I think it was IWOM?

    Put down some lucky traps, they were super altruistic and I won.

    Of course, this was the game that made me Private my Steam profile, because that TTV essentially directed his few dozen viewers to poop on my wall, calling me a hacker.

    It was annoying, but it made the schadenfreude all the sweeter.

  • Snowflake_Syndrome
    Snowflake_Syndrome Member Posts: 239

    Escaping a match in a solo queue.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Probably either the first time I landed a 24+ meter hatchet on Huntress or the time I got all four Survivors with a single Chainsaw Sweep on Bubba.

  • CheesyBabyBoi
    CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 236

    Staring into flashlights with the born in light perk or whatever, not moving, just as a pure show of intimidation and watching them run when they realize theyre powerless is jUST tOO gOOD

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,311

    cutting the game off

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I have done this once as bubba. Right at the start of a game on midwich. All crowded in a doorway after popping spawn offering. I have a clip of it on my pc somewhere. Superior feeling that was.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I wish I recorded it on mine. It was on an Old Coldwind map, and for some reason all four of them were around the same hook.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,227

    Probably not the most but the most recent was actually with Pyramid Head too and I went against a full toxic SWF all with flashlights. Thankfully I predicted a 6 second swap and brought Lightborn when I usually would not bother.

    Long story short, while admittedly a couple of them were quite good players, they were also extremely cocky and too arrogant for their own good and kept taking stupid risks to get them juicy flashlight saves they were never going to get.

    I got a 3k and boy were they SO MAD post game haha... it was just such glorious karma against toxic cocky players

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Using Clown’s reload to bait the survivors to run away from the pallet when you still have bottles left is always fun

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Getting to fully Tombstone a Survivor team (with both Ultra Rare add-ons) for the Evil Incarnate Trophy two separate times. As the first time I got it, the Trophy didn't pop, despite having met the requirements.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Once had a 15 frenzy hit streak with Legion on the Game

    Before the changes ofcourse

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,911

    Running an Oni for 4 gens on Hawkins. He got a Claudette within 20 seconds after that, but camped me to death with NoED.

    One of the very few times I considered being camped a compliment.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    I had a girlfriend through this game,we were in a relationship for 7 months.I had someone to play with we kicked ass on most multiplayers. I guess that's the most satisfying thing I've done In terms of DBD.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Because my DBD content or streaming career is going anywhere fast

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 736

    Killing off 4-player lockerbully squad in Dead Dawg Saloon as a Hag

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565

    Maybe not the most satisfying, but games like these are always comical. I don't understand how a team only gets 2 gens against a Wraith with those loadouts. Matchmaking strong.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667
    edited January 2023

    Made an entire toxic swf ragequit for giving to their last mate the hatch and afterwards finding and closing said hatch in the face of that guy and make him dc too... I LOVE when I make those groups pay for their arrogance/toxicity (but still I prefer chill matches with no one toxic despite this reality is only a dream)

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I am out of country so I can't post the clip. But a true 180 adrenaline vial flick through dh pre 6.1.0. Because I used a t wall to keep me straight. All of my most satisfying moments revolve around playing around dh as blight. It just puts the biggest smile on my face.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    No Franklins? You show off 😜

    Actually this was not satisfactory, because of Dead by Daylight I meet this woman,she was a complete psychopath and narcissist

    She did nothing but fuss at me for 7 months,she tried to make me hate myself,she didn't care about my feelings at all.She only apologized for blatant ######### she couldn't avoid.She stripped all happiness away from gaming that had

    It took her 4 months for her to finally get mean words out of me, that she held over my head for guilt trips and never missed a chance to bring up when in fact, she said the same similar stuff but different context just a few days before

    I've never been in a relationship like that, that was most terrible experience I've had with a woman.I'll never trust anyone online again.We had fun and there were chill moments but the bad moments outweigh all.I hate her but I'd still you kno do that with her like ya kno the adult thing you know what I mean but I don't want to be friends or even talk her unless it's about that

    I've been friends with one of my ex-girlfriends for 15 years and generally on good terms with the rest,her goal also seemed as she wanted me to hate women? I told her I've had beautiful relationships, like I don't know what this is but I'm not gonna hate women, I'm just going to hate you

    So thank you DBD for bringing such a horrific woman to me ,I blame everything on you behaviour this all your fault

    And you gave my fog whisper position away twice, when you know I'm the best Pyramid Head and strategic killer in the fog.Otz and Tru play keyboard and mouse but I do respect them as killer main and Tru Jay even thou he took my slangs "look at this man" that's my words don't say people can't listen through device

    He also stole my a friend of mine and made them say the N word so we grew distant,I just respect how he was able to gain so many subscribers he also stole Huntress as a main as she use to be my main, well until Legion

    DBD you've wasted so much of my time, and you given some the Silent Hill chapter is my favorite chapter but I want one thing actually several things

    Meg- Pig Mask

    Trapper - H20 Delirious mask just remove any name branding it's a joker mask I doubt he even plays

    Greek Charms- Medusa Head

    Greek Trials Plate

    Cellphone charm the one that's turned on

    So can a disgruntled, dedicated player have some compensation?

    I'm not going to even mention the amount of money but I don't mine because I support this game

    Obviously some these people hate me here,I really don't care I'm not a cookie that breaks so easily and fragile you think your treatment will make me run away and never, that's the best or will you result to petty complaints until ban ?

    Anyway BHVR? @Peanits

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    That's all I want ,I mean make all these things available for everyone but I want to get these items

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565

    Nah. Especially for toolboxes. The charges are most likely spent by the time you hit most of them. Never really been a Franklin's gamer.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,531

    Yeah happened me too kinda but the survivor actually vaulted to me...

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,531

    Probably most recent when I knew survivors were completing gen and I travelled there ready to strike them with chainsaw as bubba and got them down while they did get the gen done that move won me the match.

  • Thralfazuz
    Thralfazuz Member Posts: 165
    • It was pretty good coincidence but I was in solo Q and the other 3 had blast mine and so did I, we went against the Artist that game was a blast (ba tum tss)
    • Got a 4k with hillbily on Lary's with the purple addon that reduces your movement speed but gives you faster charge
    • Outplayed a nurse by holding W because I had hope (the perk) not that I was praying to survive
    • There is something I like to do with deathslinger which is to fall from a high ground and shoot while still in the air to hit the survivor, before jumping it reminds me of Star wars scene,"It's over Anakin I have the high ground"
  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    You are a dawg,that's a good thing btw it's like a goat but we say Dog where I'm from because we different like that's why be bitting us like that Dreadlocks that started in New Orleans lil Wayne the Carter 1

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,306

    Caught 3 remaining survivors in traps at the same time. The 3 simultaneous snaps and screams was great especially since I was no where near the other 2, they just ran into my randomly placed traps.

    When I've set up back to back traps somewhere. Survivor steps in one, escapes the trap only to immediately step in the next trap.

    Match v Myers. I went in solo. I did all 5 gens while my teammates spent the match hook trading and occasionally coming to me for heals before running off to go back to hook trading. Had Kindred so could see what was happening and that I was better off doing gens. By time I finished 2 teammates were dead and one went down across the map as I was opening exit (this was back before EGC). Myers hooked teammate causing Blood Warden so I couldn't leave. He downed me and then hooked me right next to window with exit on other side. I was able to kobe and hop through window before Myers knew what happened. Blood Warden had just run out as I ran through exit. Was awesome. Next match though faced same Myers and he threw the match going only for me and facecamping me because he didn't want me to escape again. πŸ˜‚

    Going for the escape 8 times perkless achievement. I was playing solo and on my last match. Only random teammate that had my back was apparently also doing the perkless achievement. Through out the match we managed to click and help eachother a bunch. They came back during EGC to unhook me with camping killer and we both managed to escape. The combo of clicking with someone while playing solo and both working together to escape always feels good.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Three RBT kills. Were they potatoes? Sure. Do I care? Nah.