As of this morning, I have finally 100%-ed dbd :)

After completing the stupid RPD achievement. The other long holdouts were me the nurse and mikey achievements, both of whom I really don't like playing.
Now I'm ready for the next set... just please, no more achievements like operation breakout, I beg.
I gave up going for 100% after they added outbreak breakout. It's just way too demanding.
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Congrats! Outbreak was awful for sure; no idea what the hell they were thinking with that one. Between me my friend working on it, we went through around 40 or so RPD offerings.
I feel like I'm the only one that thinks Nurse Grab and Evil Incarnate aren't actually that bad, they just seem foreboding more then anything IMO.
I think the worst ones for me were Left for dead, Skilled Huntress, and Taking one for the Team. I'd personally rate them worse then Outbreak but not much worse.
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Good job!
Now just wait for another few months and they'll add more painful achievements!
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Outbreak Breakout is probably the most painful achievement to obtain that Im not even sure if I want to go for it
This is coming from some one who did the original Deranged Pursuit, which is BY FAR the worst achievement Ive ever grinded for (so far).
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The funny thing is I got both the nurse grab and evil incarnate both first try. I know a lot of people have trouble with EI in particular.
Also on that topic.. I got both left for dead AND the old where did they go (4e with a key) in solo q and both quote literally by chance. That made me excited.
The one's that I had the most trouble with was bless you - no one was running hexes in any match I was in when mikela first came out, adept demo (I think it took almost 8 tries fighting with the emblems). Not to mention there was a fiasco of me almost getting done with the trapper achievement and I was playing during steam maintenance and it glitched after my match and it cleared out ALL the progress on it. I wanted to cry
What was the original iteration of it?
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any tips on getting skilled huntress? 😭
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Ok, so this one is tricky to give advice for I feel. So running devour hope on another killer (maybe the bots?) is a good way to figure out how far away you need to be - that was what I struggled with initially - because sometimes things felt 24m but it really wasn't.
After learning that, I stacked aura perks and ONLY went for m2/snipes. Floods of rage is amazing for this, and lethal. Glowing concoction is really good too - you get aura reading on the initial hatchet and then try to snipe after.
A lot of people recommended a nurses calling to me but I never got too much value from it.
Macmillan and autohaven maps are super good for this - flat maps are really nice when you are sorta unsure of hatchets.
My go to build when I was going for SH, and what my default build is actually is bbq/lethal/floods of rage/bitter murmer (although considering a different perk other than BM)
I watched coconutrts and Ralph to sorta see how they play and their movements and seeing things from their perspective helped me understand how they read survivors movement and get long range hatchets.
Keep it up!! I LOVED learning her and I'd consider myself a huntress main now.
I hope this helps!!
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So you have both DBD 1&2 100% ?
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I'm having more trouble with the Mikaela perk as it seems no killer runs hex's in the matches
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Deerstalker 2 is a good one to judge distance if the survivor glows you are two close Deerstalker 3 is in between because i believe 32 or 28 but DS2 is 24 meters so it must be 28
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The Nurse one isn't too bad if you just play as a friendly Nurse and whack a gen a few times. Survivors will eventually let you get it.
Same with the Huntress one, much easier to get in farming matches, that's whare I got nearly all I mine.
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So 4x Kill-Myers worked? I had this done with double-iri, unfortunaltely it doesnt count.
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I'm not sure what you are trying to ask here
I got the achievement sometime in 2021 with double iri, but wasn't there a bug recently where it was impossible because the last kill never counted? Was that recently that you tried?
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Yes it does, that's how I got it maybe you have to get hooks
That's a pretty cool thumbnail right?
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It's a console thing, at least for PS. The trophies/achievements are separated into two groups, DBD Part 1 and 2 and a few of them have different requirements as well. Skilled Huntress for example is 100 downs instead of 20.
I'm assuming that's what they're talking about at least.
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My man.oooh so he's on P.C. when they say achievements I assume Xbox.PC should just have it's own form of trophies,they could simply call the medals gold,bronze,silver really hard ones could be iridescent because we got platinum over her already taken
It would be just less confusing
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Nurse grab i simple, be friend a survivor. Tp 3 times, grab the subject you choosed
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Clairvoyance can also be activated by cleansing a Dull Totem
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Well first to know the OG iteration of it, you need to know how Legion was prior to having their first rework
Legion was a 110% killer (meaning they also had a 24m TR), and Frenzy on the surface was pretty similar but had so many differences that allowed for some pretty nasty stuff. To name them:
-Had a duration of 6 seconds
-Had a shorter cooldown, being 15 seconds
-Could be activated when only 10% of the power was charged
-Hitting a Survivor while in Feral Frenzy who was already suffering from Deep Wounds would cancel it, but remove 1/3 of their Deep Wounds timer.
-Missing an attack in Feral Frenzy would not cancel your power
Deep Wounds also worked a bit differently, where the timer wouldn't pause if you were running, but if you were in a chase. It also would keep ticking all the way down to 1% even while you were Mending. It also had a timer of 30 seconds instead of today's 20 seconds.
With that out of the way, what was the requirements for Deranged Pursuit?
In 1 use of Frenzy, you needed to stab a Survivor, find some one else, stab them, then find the 1st Survivor you stabbed and down them. All in one Frenzy, and you needed to do this 25 times.
This was made a bit easier with a few add ons. Those add ons being:
-Stolen Sketchbook (Increased Feral Frenzy duration by 2 seconds)
-Frank's Mixtape (Increased the amount of damage inflicted when hitting a Survivor in Feral Frenzy who was already suffering from Deep Wounds from 1/3 to 1/2)
-Stab Wound Studies (Automatically removed 5 seconds from the Deep Wound timer upon being inflicted by Deep Wounds)
The shorter time for Frenzy and not gaining any movement speed bonus (which was only added recently) after each subsequent stab made this achievement REALLY hard. There were plenty of moments where I would see a Survivor mend in my face right before I was able to down them, or run out of Frenzy while being just a few meters away.
But in the end I still got it. I was one of only a handful of people who got it before they reworked it into what it is today.
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Oh I'm well aware that just waiting and hopefully getting it by just play time is a very valid option
But you see, I like to make things hard on myself :)
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Isn't that perk that shows exit's I'm talking about blessed trophy, you have cleanse hex totems
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I know you watched it,did you like the video? Do you like the thumbnail ?
@Marik1987 what about you, did you learn anything huh huh huh huh huh?
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Aye! Congrats! Welcome to the club. We're all in pain here XD
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Oh yeah that one, was just confused since it can be any Boon, not just Mikaela's
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actually not really. I killed all 4 like you with Double Iri but it did not count back in the day.
Well, maybe Ill try it again. There are currently 5 missions left (100x Trapper-Traps, 300x Myers-Stalk, Myers 4K, Artist 50 Crow-Hits and Huntress Distance-Kills.
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I think you at least have too hook a couple at least put two into second stage
You Freddy main going straight for the kill ,I thought Freddy liked to play with his food a little
Every game no hex that's going to take me four more year's
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You didn't like the video? Or you didn't learn anything but I know you at least like the thumbnail?
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Fun Fact: Currently I run Play with your Food on Freddy XD.