Best Advice if the killer is 3 gen locking…



  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2023

    With the best generation, it will take the killer 10 seconds to go through the generators, it takes 4 seconds to knock down the survivor (if the survivor just stands afk) and if he wants to carry the survivor, then this is + 10 seconds for the survivors on the generator

    so survivors have plenty of time + already have potential energy + 1 cog and congratulations you can start the generator in less than 2 seconds

    instead of taking 4 adrenaline, take energy and no killer can physically hold 3 generators

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    People don’t seem to understand. A 3-gen is an advantageous position for killer, but it is absolutely an indefensibly losing one if the killer does it while 3-4 people are alive.

    A killer in their full power can only be in one place at a time. Even someone like Knight sending Guards isn’t a full equivalent because they operate under preset path + basic AI + restrictions like time limits.

    If 3 survivors are alive (eg killer is defending from start of the game), one gets on each of the 3 gens in the lockdown. Every single gen is being chipped at. Even if a survivor messes up and goes down, that’s two other gens being heavily progressed. One of them goes to save the other and get back on the gens while the third leads them on a goose hunt.

    If the fourth survivor is alive because killer is defending it from the start of the game, it’s an actual joke to crush. Four survivors means one of them can take turns leading the killer on a useless goose hunt where they run super early and play things hyper-safe while all 3 gens progress. Killer will be forced to waste a lot of time for that chase, or give up and go back, at which point the survivor will get back on a gen. Even if a survivor messes up and goes down, that’s all 3 generators being heavily progressed. One of the three other survivors goes to help them and get back on gens while another leads the killer on a goose hunt.

    The fault is on survivors that don’t do this/don’t know to do this. Yes, you can’t control what your solo teammates do. But them not knowing how to prevent a 3-gen or not doing so is their own fault. AKA, for a 3-gen to happen, ESPECIALLY from the start of the game, means at least SOME survivors are at fault.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,392

    You seem to never have gone against someone who pursues a hard 3gen strategy.

    "Four survivors means one of them can take turns leading the killer on a useless goose hunt where they run super early and play things hyper-safe while all 3 gens progress." ---------- That's the part that never happens if a killer wants to 3gen.

    They don't follow someone who runs early. They just go and kick the gen and then check the other two. - If someone gets greedy and they get a free hit they take that - but they won't "chase" for more than ten seconds.

    That's precisely why it is so obnoxious to go against. - Granted, some killers/maps are especially suited to it - but those are the ones who typically do it.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    If you want BHVR to killswitch perks for balance reasons, let's start with Circle of Healing that also can't reliably be countered or gotten rid of at all and has been destroying the game since its inception. It's way worse than Eruption in every way

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,392

    Hijacking a thread isn't the way to go. And I won't discuss something off-topic here. So I say it one more time: Stay on topic.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 760

    this poll is for survivors who think that they should not give up 1 meta perk in order to completely destroy the 3 gene tactic, but instead all killers should be nerfed don't expect to hear anything adequate here

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    Okay so then the survivor they quit chasing after 5s gets back on the gen and immediately undoes the generator regression and progresses it again. Congratulations, the killer achieved worse than nothing because the other survivors progressed the other generators and they didn’t get any meaningful regression on this one.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The problem here is that we're all talking about 3 different things as if they were the same.

    • Killers who take advantage of a situation survivors put themselves into.
    • Killers who play overly defensive and cheesy.
    • Killers who take the game hostage.

    The first two have counterplay, although you'll generally need a SWF to succeed. The last one is just griefing.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Ditto. I think I've seen literally 1 in the wild, and that was on someone's stream.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    This. It's not that strong. Survivors just miss the days of the game being so easy you could troll with no fear in front of the killer with old Dead Hard, Iron Will, and DS and still have time to do all the gens and teabag at the exit gates in the killer's face

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    One survivor with a full stack of potential energy and a purple tool box or a BNP can get it done before the Killer realizes it's being worked on.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    You haven't faced a true 3-Gen then because it doesn't go like that in most cases because of how well most Killers can stall out any repair work. Most of the match the Killer is at a time crunch and any mistakes they make are multiplied...but with a 3-Gen they can take their time more or less and wait for the Survivors to make a mistake.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,392

    No. That is still not how it works. Hens' video on that with Knight is an extreme, granted. But there is a set of killers and a set of maps that make it pretty foolproof. - Sure, it's not a universal strategy but if you want to do it you bring not just the build but also the right killer and if you really want to make the match time out because it's too long you also bring the map. --- Then again, I don't think this thread was about Evan trying to hold a three gen.

    Next time you go against Knight, Doctor, Wesker, Demo or Legion (or another suitable killer) who really wants to stick to the hard three gen strat start to finish please make sure to shadowplay it, post it here and tag me. - I would really love to see how it goes.

  • Thralfazuz
    Thralfazuz Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2023

    Or you could try the CoconutRTS build, he made a video about it if you want to win every game because you hate losing and can't take an L (I am talking in general not to the person that posted this) you have a lot of perks to counter 3 gens scenario, it' s not like when CoC was introduced and you as a killer couldn't do anything and all that BHVR needed to do is to put a cooldown on that perk

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    So, if the killer is only defending his 3gen all game just run away from it after getting injured.

    All he/she gonna get is 4 survs still alive and a 3 gen, wow. From this point, it's just a matter of time.

  • JoeChill261
    JoeChill261 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 66

    For real, if you don't want to be 3 gen'd break the potential 3 gens by 2 gens left. It will literally never be a problem from that point on.

    4 survivors up 1 gen left and a tight 3 gen is still a loss for killer as long as survivors have half a brain cell. 3 surv and a tight 3 gen with 1 gen left, is a toss up between good survivors and a good killer, if survivors save a toolbox until endgame, it is still in survivors favor.

    This is coming from a old Hag / Forever Freddy main that has been 3 gen'ing since forever. The point of equalizing the game for the Killer is at 3 survivors remaining and 2 gens left. From that point on survivors have to actually not ######### up to win the game. Killer has to not ######### up all match to win the game.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    You mean the same mindset the killer walked into the game with by knowingly using a perk and strategy that makes the game miserable for 4 others?

    Your ant doesn't want to be burned by the magnifying glass anymore. So he's the jerk in the scenario... Killer mind at work.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Survivor mind at work: 'If you use perks/Killers I don't like, you're ruining the game for me ON PURPOSE!'

    DBD is still the only game where I see one side telling the other what weapons they can and cannot use (In this case, Killers), what powers (In this case, perks) they can or cannot use, and what tactics they can and cannot use (Because Slugging, tunneling, and camping should all be punished, according some Survivors). And actually shame and insult the other side for breaking these unwritten, unenforceable rules while yelling at the developers to change to game to enforce them.

    It's really funny how Survivors scream 'Think about OUR FUN!!!!!!11111" while running 4-man SWFs plus META perks plus map offerings plus items with purple addons, and twerk out the exit gate.

    And when Killers comment, the only replies are 'git gud' and 'get thicker skin'.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    There are a lot of things that are against the rules that have not and will not ever be punished. They only punish overt hackers and people that say mean words. Have never seen anyone get in trouble for anything else.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    I'm sorry... how many times have killers complained about old keys, dead hard, any of the litany of perks that were thrown in as bandaids for trash killer behaviors. So... maybe stop being a hypocrite?

    I have NEVER run a "4-man SWFs plus META perks plus map offerings plus items with purple addons, and twerk out the exit gate" in 2300 hours of time in the game. I don't use items at all unless there's a challenge for it. I don't run 'meta' builds. I don't use offerings really anymore. I don't get the option of non-sweaty killers.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    And I don't get the option of non-sweaty Survivors.

    You're acting like this all only goes one way.

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