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Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

Can we pls only show prestige at the end of the match, kinda dumb how killers dodge like lil bitches when they see high prestige numbers (whatever they consider high lol)


  • Blackbird263
    Blackbird263 Member Posts: 98

    That's because the killers (including me) always are bullied by high leveled survivors. These bully squads destroy any game fun, even much more than camping and tunneling killers. That's why we leave the lobby when we see survivors with more than 15 prestige, because we know...when we stay in there, it is gonna be a bully round where we have the fantasy to kill em in real life lol so everybody stop bullying the killer and we do not leave lobby when we see high leveled survs^^

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    Bro... Prestige 15 is not even high, if you focus on one character you can get that quite easily. People just put these limitations in their head for no reason

  • Blackbird263
    Blackbird263 Member Posts: 98

    that's true, but in my experience survs with prestige more than 9 or 10 are bully survs and you can not do anything about it. There just has to be a simple construction of one pallet with the surv looping around it and you will never get him except he makes a mistake.