Hit validation

Hello gamers! Is there any information what is going on with the hit validation on the servers? It feels like it has been turned off or something. Nurse and Wesker hits are the worst. Huntress' hatchets around corner are the norm, so I don't even bother posting them.
I play on PS5 with LAN cable connected and my typical ping is 50-60 ms, rarely 80 max.
Yes! I have the exact situation with less than 50ms ping. Usually 45ms.
What I have noticed is when all 4 survivors are alive, you get those crazy hits which are annoying af, and with every killed survivor hits are becoming more normal. In some matches it is very distingt!
Have been playing DBD ess and less because of these neverending survivor bugs...one of main reasons is BHVR that doesnt hear survivors when they tell - HEY!! WE HAVE PROBLEMS! These hits are in game for atleast last 6 months
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Oh, those are nasty.
Killer might be laggy. From my understanding of past discussions on the subject, any lag that isn't extremely severe will be to the benefit of killer in terms of hit validation. If the survivor is within range on their screen, doesn't matter if they're on the other side of a pallet or 3 feet away, the hit will count.
Works that way because otherwise killer can't really guess where the survivor is leading them.
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For this reason I recently asked whether the lag display in the game was switched off. it's just awful.
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Yup, my ping is always the lowest at 30 or less and after I vault I'm suddenly dead very far from the window. Also palette drops don't work and I've actually stunned the killer yet somehow still died.
This crap started happening after the patch. My bf watches me play a lot and notices it all the time. He always asks why we can't see the killers ping, it's ridiculous. It's made me play less and less as well. I don't have fun dying from nothing, when before I could lose chases and loop very well, now it's just die and go down from this random bs.
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Survivors shouldn’t just suck it up. There isnt much else survivors can do other than tight looping so someone can save hooked surv, heal, vaccinaet, repair 90 sek gen etc.
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It could never understand why survs are not informed of killers ping. Some vpn gamers will go away but it would be a huge quality of life change.
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Maybe BHVR will do at least something if speak about it more often. It has gotten worse since summer
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I understand things work as they do. It can be a bit unfair, but I feel like most times the system works with no massive hitch.
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I still see the lag of the survivors sometimes. I'm pretty sure I've seen a killer or two lag (although not recently).
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Probably the Ping of the Killer. Also, Nurse always looked really wonky.
But something is going on with Wesker. Two things happen quite frequently:
I jump through a Window, am on the other side and get teleported back to get crashed into said window.
And, even worse - I drop a Pallet, but Wesker grabs me and crashes me INTO the Pallet I just dropped...
And this started to happen a lod after the Knight-Chapter. So I am not really sure if it is only Ping.
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TBF Nurse always looks like she hits you 10 miles away.
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yes you are right, the indicator is still in the game. I doubt if it works correctly though.
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It depends what it measures. Packet loss? Packet travel time? Both? Fluctuations of ... ?
It's more difficult for me to notice a killer's lag that a survivor's. (Probably because as a survivor, I don't spend my time watching killers) There is funky stuff happening both sides though. How many times I think "I'm dead" ... and I'm not. Or "Safe!" only to go down. And same as killer.
I'm guessing a bit of discrepancy from both the killer and the survivor side and even if none are lagging per-se, you get a lag.
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Well, I get these kinds of situations rather consistantly and definetly not ready to accept them as a norm.
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Yeah. Killers were crying about it all over the forums and they turned it down. There is no validation anymore.
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For the Wesker clip, you only take damage from his power once you hit a wall. If you go through the video frame by frame you can see your endurance from DH runs out a few frames before you take damage from hitting the wall
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DH can only be triggered before hit, which was done perfectly. What should have happened is his viral bound giving me deep wound and I run away. I believe you havent used DH?
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that explains a lot
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It's ######### is what it is. On both sides. Once I started getting some really bullshit hits that shouldn't have ever hit on Dredge after patch, I knew exactly what was up. Now, I'm seeing other killers catching on and doing the same thing. Not even trying to hide the fact that it's more generous with hit detection than usual. It's actually hilarious because some of these hits i've seen even tonight are bonkers.
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Couldn’t agree more. Exact reason why I wasted time to create this post. There is at least a chance that BHVR will see it and try to fix it.
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There effectively is no general hit validation. If the killer is laggy, they'll hit you from farther away on your end. If the killer has a ridiculously high ping of 300+ms they sometimes do get their hits denied by the server, but even then only rarely. Latency is completely killer-sided on hit reg, because hit reg is being done on the killer client.
There is hit validation specific to Dead Hard and pallet stuns, but I'm afraid they have recently "nerfed" this. In my understanding, it used to be that it worked simply on a "first come first serve" basis, where if the DH actuation/pallet stun of the survivor arrived on the server earlier than the killer's hit event, the latter would be overruled within that timing window, and vice versa. Now they seemingly employ a sort of lag compensation technique, where they will check at what time the actuations happened on the respective clients and decide from there. This can still benefit a killer player with a high latency because survivors of course actuate DH and pull pallets in reaction to the killer, so their timing depends on what they see, but what they see is delayed by latency.
To note though, I'm not actually sure that they did change anything about the validation, maybe it always worked by looking at client time stamps. I have just noticed that I (on a low latency connection) now get hit through DH and pallet pulls more often than I used to. And I have seen a lot less "overruled hit" instances from the killer perspective.
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I concur with this post in pretty much everything.
For further details, you won't get any hits denied up to 275 ms at least. I didn't see tests at higher killer ping than that. However, it means the system is effectively in place to stop extreme lag switchers and nothing else. But, for actual laggers, the threshold is so high that it might as well not exist, because the abovementioned test ping is what you get when vpn'ing to the server antipodal to your location.
For DH, after the rework, I'm not even sure validation is even on. Or, rather, if it's any different than the standard validation.
Pallet validation seemed to be functional at release, but not long after that they tried to reduce instances of visually rolled back hits on the killer client, it became much more inconsistent ever since. However, I'd say it's definitely noticeable if you have good ping as killer. Which is not the situation that needs it.
Lastly, at release, it was working correctly against powers that can break pallets. But again, after reducing visual rollbacks, as survivor with 30 ping 9 times out of 10 you get the stun score event, the killer animation might freeze a split second and they just break the pallet without getting stunned. They game doesn't seem to be able to handle that.
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Idk, Op. To me those look like standard hits from Nurse * insert kek face *
No, but seriously. - It's not always as extreme as the first one or Piggy. - But the others... that's what it looks like on my end more often than not (with a 30-35 ping --- and even when the killer is in the same country/neighbouring country [it's Europe, countries are small] as I and should thus have a similar ping). Ping factors into it and results in absolutely ridiculous hits - and especially lunges - sometimes.
... And the funny stuff that happens around pallets...... don't even get me started.
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is there a way to change lerp settings in DbD like there is in L4D2?
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This hit is a little much for me to enjoy lol 😆
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Happens to me still at 30-40ping. I thought they were changing it to server based hit validation? Don’t think it’s been implemented yet though. Once it has I think game health will be a lot better. Lately Iv just stopped playing as I seem to get killers with bad ping far too often and the game just favours them.. which isn’t fair really. Hopefully this changes soon!