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Killers, Do you dodge lobby if you see 2+ Toolboxes?



  • Member Posts: 4,185

    Yes, exactly, killer get to see survivor so they can pick countermeasures. Last second switching is a tryhard method to circumvent that.

    I tried to play casual and fun for the survivors but i didn't see it to entertain tryhards.

    Either show your cards from the beginning and don't try to be dodgy with it or you can try hard all you want but I'm not there for it. ("You" in this context not meant personally)

  • Member Posts: 3,144


    Only time I'll ever dodge a lobby is when there's 3-4 TTVs. And even then, only sometimes. 2+ of any item isn't a guarantee they'll be able to use them effectively.

    3-4 TTVs is a near guarantee they have some shenanigans planned.

  • Member Posts: 482

    Nah, 2 or more toolboxes aren't a problem only because I'm a good killer. The real problem is if they use them to mask subtle cheats, because this game is really full of them at top mmr😅

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited January 2023

    A good Toolbox shaves 8 seconds of a generator, if you put +12 charges addon it goes to 14 and a brand new part it adds to a total ~31seconds, it can only happen once per match and if the gen doesnt get completed before you get there in the current meta the progress is going to disappear rather fast.

    They make the game harder? Of course, they are supposed to help the Survivors, do they make it hard enough that seeing 2 toolboxes has to be a lobby dodge? Nah, Ive dealt with Engineers+BNPs enough times to know they are not that determining, the only generator that matters is the last one.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    You forgot e.g. Built to Last.

    If multiple gens can go in the first chase (due to sub-40s times), and then they can be recharged, that's a good way for a game that could theoretically be under three minutes. With the problem being this doesn't require weird coincidences or throwing from the other side.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Built to last wastes more time than it cuts with all the time it takes to reset the toolbox, its only real use is to refill medkits stacked with charge addons, it takes 12 seconds of hiding to recharge the entire item and then you have to go back to a gen.

    An Engineer toolbox with both charge addons saves 16 seconds (since it cant regenerate BNPs), 12 of hiding on a locker leaves you with a 4 seconds gain and this is not taking on account the time you have to use to reach the locker, if it happens to be in a straight line to the gen you were going you do win those 4 seconds, if you have to take a detour to reach them and it takes more than 4 seconds you are already at a net loss and after the first refill the perk is just a drag for the next refill the toolbox will only save 8 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 880

    I only dodge when I think it’s a 3- or 4-person SWF. I don’t really care about items. If I see multiple flashlights, I might swap my floater perk slot to lightborn for the laughs.

  • Member Posts: 471
    edited January 2023

    Where do you get these numbers from? Because they definitely don't come from DBD, the game we're discussing. The best toolbox possible is a Commodius with a BNP+12 charges. Commodius alone holds 32 charges during which the gen is repaired at 50% extra speed. Those 32 charges are therefore consumed at 1.5c/s (as opposed to the default 1c/s) in about 21.33s and give 32s of progress to a gen. The time saved from these charges ALONE is 10.67s. With a +12 charge addon, the time saved is bumped up to 14.67s. A BNP alone repairs 22.5 charges in 5 seconds, saving 17.5s. Toolboxes also carry an inherently higher chance of skill checks. During the 19.55s that you're using the Commodius box on the gen, let's say you get one skill check every 2 seconds, or ~9 skill checks. Each great skill check instantly progresses the bar by 1%, or 0.9s of time gained per. For 9 great skill checks, you gain 8.1s of gen time. The overall time saved is with the toolbox+BNP+wire spool+skill check is give or take 40.27s, or 44.7% of a gen. The numbers only get more absurd when you throw in things like Hyperfocus Stakeout. "toolboxes don't matter if the gen doesn't get completed"? You're telling me you can instantly delete 44.7%'s worth of progress on a gen with killer? Show me how, I'm very interested to find out. Because every SWF I've ever played against, as soon as someone gets chased off a gen with high progress, someone else will get off their own gen to go stop the regression and finish it.

    Toolboxes and medkits are the two biggest time savers in the game. The idea that toolboxes are somehow weak because the progress can be reverted if you kick it and wait two centuries is absolutely ludicrous and has no foundation in reality.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    You're once again ignoring the role great skill checks (toolboxes trigger skillchecks at a rate of a 40% chance a second) and perks that synergise with great skillchecks (Hyperfocus, Stakeout, Fogwise, etc.) play in taking toolboxes to a stupid level--and Hyperfocus is necessary for the sub-40s gen. So, if a gen has gone in < 40s, Built to Last can save far more time than you think.

  • Member Posts: 1,586


  • Member Posts: 112

    I'm not a coward, no.

  • Member Posts: 858

    I've never dodged a lobby. I am edgelord.

    But in all serious, I will sometimes grab a towel for hand sweat if I've faced them before and know they're trouble. But generally, nope, I don't.

  • Member Posts: 58

    The only time I dodge lobbies is when I am trying for an adept on a killer I'm not 100% confident with

  • Member Posts: 1,563
    edited January 2023

    My favorite build is what I call my "perkless Pig" build because of how often I end up winning before the last generator is completed... but if they do complete all the generators, well then I have Blood Warden, No Way Out, Remember Me, and Terminus. Addons are Video Tape and Crate of Gears. Go ahead, gen rush me. I dare you.

    So yea, your four toolboxes? That's a challenge.

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited January 2023

    Toolboxes aren't that bad, outside of multiple BNPs which doesn't happen -that- much.

    Medkits are usually stronger and 4 medkits usually means a painful game for killer (except Plague 😈)

  • Member Posts: 1,378
    edited January 2023

    If I see 4 Toolboxes I'll either bring Franklin's Demise (and hope I get to hit them as a pallet drops and they can't get their item, if that can still happen) but if I'm in a bad mood and don't feel like playing ping-pong with Survivors and their items, then yeah I'll back out.

    Sure it doesn't mean they're a SWF or a sweaty group but there's no way to tell that from the lobby. Bringing 4 Toolboxes and possibly using Gen focus Perks/Builds, is overkill and if I'm too tired or faced similar group of Survivors/situations, multiple times in that day of matches. thanks. I don't do it a lot but there are times every now and then where I feel the sweat/evil instinct kick in...nope :P.

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    People with names like ‘Nurse = DC’ or ‘I Hate Spirit’ are the worst people to play with.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Im using the Engineer toolbox with both charge addons because thats the one which the highest burst for putting charges potential as it puts 2 charges per second and altough it lasts less time is the one that can speed up a gen before you get there to interrupt, since that example was using Built To Last I ignored BNP as the perk doesnt regenerate them, I know a Toolbox with a BNP is the biggest timesaver on gen progression but then you shouldnt pair with Built To Last because the charges you regenerate arent worth the time it takes to do so.

    That entire post was related only to the perk and its interactions with toolboxes unless the perk has changed and regenerates BNPs using both is a detriment. Are you telling me you see Built To Last often? Because I see it maybe once per day and not always with toolboxes.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514
    edited January 2023

    I never dodge.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 7,976

    No i never dodge lobies

    Lobby dodging is one of the main reasons of matchmaking messes up cause it suddenly has to quickly fill in spots

    If you lobby dodge you deserve to get 2000+ hour players facing against you

    I take every match i get offered and the matchmaking is very rarely bad for me

  • Member Posts: 239

    I used to dodge lobbies all the time (mainly due to burnout of the game). After taking a long break I never dodge any lobby now.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    Usually no, but in that case I'll make sure to play dirty from the beginning, especially when people instaswitch at 5 seconds

  • Member Posts: 471

    Engi toolbox is not the best in the game by a long shot. Commo is; both in terms of how much raw time it shaves off a gen, and in terms of how long it lasts (more skill checks). The anecdotal experiences of how many times either one of us sees BTL has nothing to do with the fact that toolboxes are absolutely busted when combined with certain setups.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Neah I dodge lobbys when I see 4 medkits

  • Member Posts: 101

    No. I make it a point NEVER to dodge/DC whatever - I'll have a hard time getting better in those situations then.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    No. I'll usually throw on Franklin's if.i don't like the items the survivors bring. Or Lightborn, if they all have flashlights.

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    No, I just bring Franklin's then try to zone them all game towards a 3-gen scenario :)

    Two can play a game ;)

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