Why are people arguing about FOMO?

When there are far more important topics to discuss about and has a far higher priority? For instance: optimization, cheaters, gameplay, horror aesthetics/elements, etc.
Because it bothers some people?
Is the fact is being discussed hurting you, or more of a waste of bandwidth than the 500th concurrent discussion on nerfing Eruption?
If you don't care, don't read the threads, and spend time posting about those other issues instead of gatekeeping what others should care about.
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People can be mad about more things at once, especially when it comes to something that's pretty damn important like monetization in a game they really enjoy, regardless of the games flaws.
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Did you know? Multiple topics can be discussed at once.
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Horror theme is lost once people get used to things... not much BHVR can do about that
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Even though i find the Fomo complaints highly overexagurated especially seeing how nobody complains about fomo when it benifits them
People can discus things they don't like
And as a wise man once said
"It is possible for more then one thing to be a problem at the same time"
Just because something isn't the most pressing problem doesn't mean it shouldn't be mentioned
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I'm unbothered by the limited cosmetics thing, but people can care about more than one thing at a time. Just don't click those topics, easy.
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Ight quick question, (since google doesn't give me this straight answer)
What teh hecc is FOMO? o.o
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Fear of missing out. Basically referring to limited time events/items in this case.
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Thank you =D,
i tech left dbd for some time and i just am peaking my head back, but towards the forums.. so wonderin' what the fuss is nowadays
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I believe the person truly just wants to know why? And a simple "because it bothers some people" won't help at all when more people are complaining much more about other important issues.
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If they really wanted to know why, reading just a bit of one of those other threads would take care of that, so no, I don't think that was the actual purpose of this thread.
And if a person can't be bothered to actually open and read another thread to see what it is about and instead just starts a new one to ask why the other ones exist...well, not sure I have anything polite to say about that.
But really, I'm pretty sure the point of this thread was to minimize the other ones. What is "important" is totally a subjective matter.
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those things get complained about all the time. One of the most popular threads on the old forum was literally a giga-thread about how badly the game is optimised.lol
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Asking a valid question doesnt mean minimizing another thread. And i didnt sense that at all here. Im pretty sure u just took it personal unfortunately. But the fact remains that ppl care more about gameplay optimization over cosmetics. There are more threads talking about gameplay over cosmetics.
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And now you experienced how it is in those other threads....those who don't agree with the FOMO argument basically being belittled and told "Your Wrong" by those who are supporting the FOMO argument and the hatred towards BHVR
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Heard it here first folks, it's impossible for more than one thing to be a problem at any given moment
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Well isn't that the soul of the DbD forums?
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Because we are allowed to dislike multiple things
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FOMO implies some future value to which these cosmetics have none. The term is mostly used with investing where the invester fears losing out on future growth. Recently, crypto would make a good example of this. Now where people's arguments fall apart in our little past time, is these cosmetics will return. They are not exclusive to the now. But to bolster their argument they push the idea that these cosmetics will never be available again or will be more expensive when they do. Baseless claim designed to invoke anger and resentment which to me seems to be the goal.
The fact of the matter is, these cosmetics are available now and will be in the future. There's no fear in missing out on a damn mummy costume. There isn't a second hand market for this crap you could go and get rich off of. This isn't CS:GO.
Also if you can't afford a digital item in a game that has zero value, you shouldn't be buying it to begin with. Remember that when this game eventually dies, you will lose everything purchased in it.