Yay. More FOMO.

I can't wait for cosmetics to retroactively be deemed "seasonal" and get removed from the shop! Can we get a big cheer for BHVR's continued greed?
I can deal with new skins being time gated but removing old skins that have been there upwards of 4 years is ridiculous. Didn’t BHVR go against their previously limited cosmetics like the wolf huntress mask anyway? This is basically the same except they come back for 14 days of the year
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sToReS dOn'T sElL cHrIsTmAs GoOdS aLl yEaR
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aRe YoU BuYiNg iRl SwEaTeRs In SuMmEr
At this point, I just block people having this line of thought, it's like talking with a wall. A broken wall.
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bUt EvErYtHiNg ThAt BhVr DoEs iS gOoD :(( cOrPoRaTiOnGoOd
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Who actually cares? If you want a certain cosmetic you'll get it. Making Christmas sweaters seasonal changes nothing.
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I agree! I love BHVR and I want them to take all of my money!
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I refuse to believe you are serious writing this right after I posted the "don't ask questions, just consume products" picture.
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FOMO is a predatory tactic used by companies to create artificial scarcity; there is no excuse for it other than pure greed.
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They introduced this nonsense right after they made ever original character cosmetic available with Iri Shards. A total sham to try to squeeze money out of those people that were willing to wait till they've grinded enough or an eventual sale (which presumably won't happen with these limited time items like they will any of the older seasonal outfits, because BHVR just bringing them back next year is reason enough to buy them, you shouldn't be greedy and expect yesterday's news to be 10% off).
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I am because I don't care what they remove. If it's there and I want it I'll get it. If they take away something I want oh well. It's just a video game. This ######### ain't that deep.
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The sweaters going i'm not TOO pressed over, definitely FOMO and a ######### tactic but at LEAST they are seasonal. But the fact they removed PAJAMAS is ridiculous. Since when is wearing pajamas winter time only? Do these people making these decisions even wear pajamas? For shame. I will wear my Zarina onesie whenever the hell I feel like it because it's ADORABLE and other people should have the right to purchase it at any point in the year! (I forget if Zarina's onesie was even removed. All I know is I got it on winter sale.)
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you are crying about a company trying to make money (their entire goal)
it is also a VIDEO GAME. if you are a responsible person you can control your wallet and not impulse buy, and if you don’t want to buy the skin then just don’t buy it????
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If BHVR are able to make CA$303.7 million in revenue in 2022, develop an entirely different IP (Meet Your Maker), and open a brand new studio, then I don't think they're struggling for cash. And if these decisions left them struggling for cash, then maybe they should've gotten someone more competent to analyse their financial data and then advise them maybe it wasn't a good idea, instead of turning to squeeze every single penny out of their existing products.
if you are a responsible person you can control your wallet and not impulse buy, and if you don’t want to buy the skin then just don’t buy it????
Also like this is literally half the issue with FOMO, in that it preys upon the most vulnerable players who don't have solid impulse control including children + those with certain mental illnesses. Like babes it's not that difficult to understand that time-gating digital goods comes with literally zero consumer benefits and only consumer losses.
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For your first point, company gonna company
for your second point, I do see how that is a predatory tactic on such groups of people, although I doubt this is the reason games employ FOMO in most cases but it DOES seem a little ######### of BHVR to use FOMO