We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Still no Eruption nerf?



  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Idk, why are half the maps in this game still complete ass ?

    My guess is that they just don't have time to nerf it...or maybe they just don't care because they have something else planned.

    Or maybe they just don't care at all.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    It is true that Eruption is pretty much better than the other options. Because the control is in the Killer's hands. Pain Res is at the mercy of RNG placement, Call of Brine can be gen tapped and left by a lurking survivor, etc.

    So there is a gap between its usefulness, true.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    And it is your last sentence that is the problem. No, it should not be able to be avoided completely.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 907
    edited January 2023

    Eh, debatable. I'd say a nurse could mess up her blink and make up for it on the next one with a one tap instead of having to hit survivors twice. Slowdowns won't be any more obnoxious on her than other killers or maybe even slightly worse (for her) because it takes her more time to blink to a Gen, recover, kick it, recover, and then try to pinpoint where a survivor got off to more so than wraith or Blight. Good nurses don't kick gens at all and will blink on you twice so with exposure it wasn't uncommon to 2-3 man slug. Mediocre nurses just had to get it right one time with Starstruck up.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I played 12 hours yesterday or so as killer. Used eruption in maybe half my games. Only three or so games I lost I was running it, not counting the DC when I made a silly meme build and it failed so bad I got bored cuz the meme didn't work.

    Eruption is good but it's not nearly as good as people think. I don't think it's cost me a single solo queue survivor match so far, and in my killer games I still end up at 1-0 gens before getting my 3/4 K. Hell I had a game last night on groaning storehouse that was nearly 40 friggin minutes and I didn't even have eruption. The survivors were so good at looping I was thankful I didn't take it because I couldn't juggle both the second hit and kicking the gen without losing my three gen

    If they nerf it, its just going to send blight/spirit/nurse/wesker/plague through the roof. The perk only hurts bad survivors, who are facing bad killers (if match making actually exists anyway) and those killers need the perk. Keep nerfing things and people will quit, regardless of if it's overrated or not.

    Gen rushing is the current meta. Period. If the devs take away the gen regression the killer win rate will plummet and they will be back to where we were in the summer when they over buffed killers to fix the win rate

    There needs to be a new objective besides hooks and gens, period. The balancing around gens and chases being the core mechanics will always lead to these issues. nerf this then thats too strong, nerf that then the next thing becomes abusable. It's a system like a clock, or a row of dominoes. There needs to be a fundamental base game change.

    Just like when end game collapse got added. Introducing hexes, introducing obsession, we need more mechanics and game play besides gens/chases. The gens and chases are the part that makes the asymmetrical balance so challenging.

    I'm not saying these are good ideas, just general ones

    1.) each door needs to be repaired at some given point before it can be opened

    2.) revert hatch/key changes to make hatch plays an actually feasible goal again

    3.) add "lore item" for each character. spawns on map randomly like pinheads box spawns. No aura or icon. If A survivor finds the item and a killer hits them while they are holding it the killer is stunned momentarily as they stop to pick up their "memory of their old life." Same for the survivors except if a killer picks up their item the killer sees their aura for 3 seconds.

    4.) Do something with the entity already. Maybe add a hidden room or secondary basements to maps. Killer can "commune" for 5-10 seconds to get a 1-2% haste effect but loses time doing it. Survivors can "commune" for several seconds to stun the killer. Entity commune is useable once per match only by first player to find it.

    5.) "sharpening stone", killer can interact to give their weapon power (grants exposed to first survivor hit). Ability is removed after first SWING. So killer wastes time on this if they miss the hit.

    6.) add some new survivor items already. And remove the regents. No one has used regents since the game launched and are clogging the blood web. Same with broken keys. So many survivor items and killer addons are just terrible and could be reworked, but thats getting into another topic.

    7.) "the entity corrupts". If exactly two survivors are left with three or more gens, they gain the ability to "fight for their life". Not sure what this would entail, but I think it would pretty fun to see the last two standing fight it out for hatch instead of hiding. Could stop hatch stand off and slugging for the 4k. The entity "blesses" the last survivor with and escape and the killer gets their win via 3k. idea i had was the survivors gain an attack on their active ability button to injure one another and then become "chosen to join the killers".

    None of these ideas would happen of course but the train of thought is what I was wanting to get out there.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,632

    finally someone who would gave constructive ideas instead of blaming people for criticizing the choices made by the devs. I fully agree that survivors need another goal to do beside gens (gens are boring to do and doesn't require proper skill in order to be done), but as you said this won't happen sadly because it means too much work for the devs to be done in reasonable time

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Welcome to ignoring several pages of replies where this was already addressed.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    So you agree with the first part of that same sentence: that it needs restrictions.

    The previous meta gen kick perk was pop, which required a hook, was only active 45 seconds, and worked on only one gen. That kind of change would make the incapacitation far less common/oppressive.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    It already HAS restrictions. You have to kick a gen already in progress, find a survivor, chase them, hurt, chase them AGAIN, and then down them.

    To extend the game by a variable number of seconds, which could potentially be zero.

    In comparison, Dead Hard can undo an entire chase of mindgames by pressing the E key when hurt.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    You shouldn't expect to use logic when talking to survivor mains. Their single button press undoing an entire chase no matter how long or short it is means nothing to them when the counter to eruption is to simply let go of the gen before the teammate gets down. Or finish gens while someone loops well (skill issue). Or say to yourself "the killer has kicked four gens without downing anyone, sure glad we popped one or two gens in that time." I have not lost a single survivor game because of eruption. It's just barely good enough currently to keep killers from dipping below 50% again yet deadhard is barely any weaker than before. They lost the movement frames sure but unless the killer has unrelenting/STBFL the survivor still gets a free chase reset for a single button. Mean while eruption has as you said a ridiculous amount of moving parts game play wise before its' triggered.

    100% calling it now if they nerf eruption and don't give another gen perk/nerf gen rushing as it currently is to compensate for the eruption nerf, they will see the killer win rates dip. Then several months will pass and we will see a killer buff that makes survivors angry again.

    One of my buddies played from launch and is always telling me the community was once a bit more vibrant and policed itself. I'm kind of at a point I don't blame the devs or balance or anything else, just a pretty toxic community that can't accept the other side has valid points, valid criticisms, and we need both sides to play this game.

    I kinda expect the community to destroy the game before the devs do with any "unbalanced perks like eruption and deadhard" but yeah. IDK fog friend. Eruption isn't that bad but in it's current form I'm sure survivors will keep complaining until it's changed then the killers will complain until something on the other side is nerfed and neither side is ever going to stop complaining about individual perks/combos/killer powers/items until the devs either stop caring about what the community is saying or until the only people left playing are ultra sweats.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832
  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    They nerfed ruin for this very reason aswell. complicated for newer players, this is worse because is complicated for everybody unless u are good at tarot.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,549

    Lets actually think for a moment...

    1) Base Gen regression is 1/4th of solo progression

    2) % based perks are next to useless in the grand scheme of things... why isn't Jolt or Pop being discussed???

    3) The problems I have seen about Eruption is the Incapacitated status effect's length... and the constant up time... so if BHVR increases the cooldown (or gives it one) and lessens the Incapacitated status effect... It wouldn't matter if the Killer brings 4 Slowdown perks Gens are still going to fly

    4) Also if we were to go basekit (no perks, addons, or Items) we would see what really needs to be done

  • Sometimes_Sage
    Sometimes_Sage Member Posts: 144
    edited January 2023

    Anyone who thinks that Eruption should be nerfed without the meta surrounding it being adressed at the same time, or that Eruption's required adaptation from players is oppressive but Dead Hard's isn't, doesn't want balance but superiority.

  • MrKrabsArgArgArg
    MrKrabsArgArgArg Member Posts: 75

    Just wait out the eruption

  • Styrix
    Styrix Member Posts: 16

    Bad at looping or hiding?? So if we get downed ever we’re considered bad at looping?

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,632

    if you are playing in maps like the borgo, garden of joy, the game, the swamp and haddonfield yes (they have REALLY strong pallet loadouts, god loops or both... you can easily keep busy a normal killer for 5 gens here)

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 296

    I dont get you. Old Dead hard was definitely op, it was dealt with. Sure, still one of the best and most used survivor perks in the game. But easier to deal with since there's no speed boost. Eruption grants you free pressure with no downside. Playing with players who can't loop will make doing gens extemely slow.

    And unlike some of you say, there is no real counter to Eruption. You can not guess when another player is about to go down.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 296

    Yes. In theory. Are most survivor players good loopers? Or better yet, are most killers "normal" (average) killers who will just follow you and won't try to mindgame or moonwalk at loops whatsoever? Most players at top MMR can't loop for ######### in my experience.

  • HommeBizarre
    HommeBizarre Member Posts: 414

    I've been using an all aura build

    Can say that, the "nerf" won't make much a difference

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    Game must change, the current status revolving around generators was good years ago but now is not working anymore. Is not a problem of eruption or dead hard, people are forced to use those perks to have a chance to win or even to play. I'd really would love to try out new builds or use other perks but guess what, if i want to have a chance to win i have to run always the same 4 perks

    Maps should be reworked, chase should be more fun and not a pallet fest, killers should have an incentive to not tunnerl/camp, survivors should have something else to do other than sit in front of a generator but, unless those changes are made, people will still run the best perks on one side and the other side will cry for a nerf, because it is not fun to be incapacitated for 30 seconds but also is not fun to see 2 gens pop in less than 40 seconds, but the game itself right now force people to do so