Killer should have an anti-pallet stun perk

Survivors get all the second chances including a 3rd health state.
What does killer get? Brutal Strength, Enduring, and the one where after 2 pallet stuns entity breaks next pallet (but still suffer the stun). Those don’t really help, let’s be honest.
Killer should get a perk that prevents a pallet stun. Then deactivates until next hook. Something like that.
Why do Survivors get all the second & third (Dead Hard) chances?
Killer has nothing like that.
Don't you guys already have noed and a couple lock out the exit gates ones? Why do killers always say they never have any second chance perks?
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Yeah, we got NOED, Terminus, Blood Warden, No Way Out, Remember Me, Rancor.
Also Hubris exists now, which can punish survivors for pallet stuns pretty hard.
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Okay, but like, what would be the point in running it? You still have to break the pallet anyways, and if it's a short loop, Enduring would still be a good alternative and most people would run it over that regardless. Your idea would not really accomplish anything in my opinion since there are many perks (and perk combinations) that are just overall better.
(Plus preventing a stun would probably not give the Survivor the Bloodpoint Score for a Pallet Stun, which is even more lame in my opinion.)
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Why do Survivors get all the second & third (Dead Hard) chances?
If you check the left side of the screen during the match, you'll notice that survivors are -supposed- to have three chances.
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Wut? Killers have a perk that explodes a gen for 10% and puts survivors in timeout for 25 seconds. That's just one killer perk. You can't possibly think one side has a monopoly on second chances. I refuse to believe someone genuinely thinks that.
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Now I'm not saying that Enduring essentially does this but if you've ever used Enduring you'll know that it basically does this. For no drawback too.
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but a perk that just prevents a pallet stun would be useless at the vast majority of loops unless you are comboing it with something else and if you are dedicating at least 50% of your loadout to it you can already bring spirit fury + enduring or make use of (to be fair, depending on killer) dissolution.
Let's take for example any god/safe/mind-gameable pallet. If you just ran a perk to completely negate a pallet stun what exactly are you going to do next after the pallet is dropped and you avoid the stun? You're probably going to have to break the pallet anyways/the survivor will clearly see you not get stunned and begin looping. I don't see how a perk that just by itself negates a single pallet stun would be useful compared to already existing perk options/never run. I will admit it would be useful at small/short loops that you could continue chasing from but I don't think such a perk would really be that useful compared to the anti-pallet options that already exist.
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I would just be happy if the pallet hit box wasn't the size of a bus. I got hit once from around the corner
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i mean I'd love to, but I have to try and remember who has what chances left.
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Killer should get a perk that prevents a pallet stun. Then deactivates until next hook. Something like that.
So... a worse Enduring?
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Those perks make a huge difference. Don’t know what you’re on about!
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Hubris could need +15s duration, though. Unless you dedicate your build to it with Endurance and Spirit Fury, things need to work out absolutely perfect with the stars aligning, for you to catch a survivor in its tiny 20s window.
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comparing dh to a perk that cancels out pallet stuns is interesting. do you mean they drop the pallet but because you have the perk up the pallet just ceases to exist and you get a free hit? or do you mean just no stun on pallets. i get dh is annoying but a free hit perk sounds just immensely just not balanced to go against i'm ngl. not sure about the deactivation part devaluing it cause it's late at night and i can barely think rn but i'm sure there's better ideas out there for better killer perks than just "enduring but different"
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Three hook chances,not threee hits to down.
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because survivors literally get removed from the match.
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So what I have learned from this thread is we are just throwing out the meaning of the phrase "second chance perk" entirely. It has lost all meaning.
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It never had much meaning really. Original DS, MoM, and DH were about it.
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I'd be willing to add Deliverance to the list, though I think the perk should work on second hook.
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I’m lost. Endurance is better than the perk you’re suggesting.
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Too situational in my opinion to be called one.
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That's enduring though it makes the stun much shorter? The way you're describing it you'd still be stuck on the opposite side of an unbroken pallet. Spirit Fury + Enduring is much, much better than what you're proposing as it both minimizes the stun and breaks the pallet and tends to get you a hit unlike having to break the pallet anyway, even just spirit fury is probably better.
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I will reiterate my suggestion for a killer version of Dead Hard:
While this perk is active, if the killer is hit by a pallet then that pallet will break instantly and no stun is applied. After breaking the pallet, this skill deactivates for 120/100/80.
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That's because you keep touching my gens and I remind you: DBD is not consent! This is why you get smacked around.
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I think you can get decent use out of it on its own on Deathslinger. You can hit them at range, but your downing attack is a basic attack, making him a ranged killer that can actually use Hubris.
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We're well past that point. I've seen self-care being called a second chance perk on this forum, in a serious way.
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Lightburn, too, if you're playing Wraith.
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But killer has to kick gen and down survivor to activate that with hard work. Survivors get their second chances free...
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So you want to take Spirit Fury and Enduring and combine them both into a singular perk instead which also happens to be better than the combo you use two perk slots for because of needing to charge up SF, get a stun on a survivor that knows you have EndFury, and doesn't require half of your build?
Sounds fair and balanced to me.
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Yes. It is the same as Dead Hard, except the cooldown is twice as long... Very balanced, I'd say. But if it is not balanced then you'll have to admit that Dead Hard isn't balanced either. And there would be only 1 Juggernaut rather than 3 or 4 Dead Hards...
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Both perks would honestly not even be comparable because they have 2 objectively different effects, counterblanaced by 2 objectively different objectives and 2 objectively different cooldowns.
It's like comparing apples to oranges, except the oranges are actually a Dyson V10 Absolute Cordless Vacuum Cleaner from April 2019.
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Yea because killers move faster, have bloodlust and can remove survivors from the game. Exhaustion perks are more like just 'chance perks' where's the second chance to get away when there isn't a first chance perk
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No, you just can't stand the thought that killers would have access to something as broken as dead hard, but you keep telling yourself that nonsense.
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Mm. There are 4 perks I can think of offhand which are anti pallet. Enduring, brutal strength, spirit fury and hubris. I suppose at a stretch you could say one of freddy's perks helps with pallet break speed too (I think it's called fire up?) The one where he gets action speed buffs as gens get completed. You could also say zanshin tactics is an anti pallet perk, prevents a surv getting an easy pallet stun when hidden by high walls.
Other thing that should be considered is there are plenty of killers with anti loop in their basekit. Some powers nullify pallets, force predrops or even turn them into a liability: trapper, artist, doctor, spirit legion etc, killers with powers that directly break pallets rapidly (with or without addons) demogorgon, blight, wesker, nemi, oni, legion. Or ranged killers who can straight up bypass them, huntress, PH, deathslinger, maybe plague to an extent. In fact now that I think about it the only killers who don't really have anti pallet in base kit I can think of rn is wraith, pig, ghostie and onryo. All stealth killers who specialise in dropping survivors without conventional chases.
So many killers have basekit abilities/add ons that are focused on pallets that I don't think we need more general anti pallet perks. There's already plenty of tools to counter them. Plus it's generally pretty easy to dodge a pallet stun.
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This is such a strange post. There are perks that reduce pallet stuns, break pallets (multiple ways), block pallets, block windows, hell....some killers have fake pallets or can vault pallets. Have people simply run out of stuff to complain about?!?!?!?
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...babes the perk would literally be a slightly better EndFury. Nowhere near as good as Dead Hard, but still strong becayse it replaces 2 perks for 1.
That's all.
Hope you stretched before that reach or else you may need some Deep Freeze fast acting pain relief.
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That would be a giant noob trap and basically teach people to never play around pallets properly
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We already have enduring which basically does that. Think it would be cool if there was a perk where if your carrying a survivor and a teammate drops a pallet then you dont drop the carried survivor.
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The first chance is properly looping and escaping the chase by yourself, the second chance is from your perk lol
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And all of them EXTREMELY situational, requiring additional perks to actually function in useful ways, etc etc etc
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Also for flashlight save and head on too.
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It wouldn't work because, as other users have said, the survivor still has a chance to make distance as most pallets still need to be broken regardless of whether the killer is stunned or not.
The only time it would potentially be a little useful would be on super, unsafe pallets. But these are generally very easy to mind-game anyway.