I don't tunnel

I do not make a willful effort to tunnel anyone, but I will not ignore a survivor who is near my blade. Why do I keep getting blamed for tunnelling. I used to Tunnel so I know what it is, but since about last week I have made a willful effort to not tunnel and I do try to hook all 4 survivors for the bbq bonus (and there is also a pip bonus for this too).
The fact that I still get blamed for tunnelling means survivors really have an entitlement issue if they think they can just be easy targets and not hit, because that would be "tunnelling, grow up pls.
Because there's no way for survivors to tell the difference between playing efficiently (what they call "tunneling") and the killer running into them by chance.
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Yeah I feel you. I don't intentionally tunnel but a lot of the time you just run into the same guy by chance. I don't want to tunnel but killer is all about pressure and I can't just willingly be like, oh wait your the same guy, I don't want to be a tunneler and so I leave him and go randomly looking for a new survivor while he continues on the gen. That's just now how it works. You would give up all your pressure by doing this. You'll of course be called a tunneler for this though.
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Also if another survivor takes them off the hook with me around, I will do my best to punish the unhooker, but that isn't my problem if they present a much easier target.
The game I just played, I was accused of tunnelling and I thought it was the David complaining, but it was actually one of the other players, I didn't even know what they were talking about. To tunnel it must be a willful choice, which clearly I was not doing. But allas they aren't going to be able to determine my thoughts and such.
So I would say stop name calling, especially if you ALL 4 ESCAPE, if you can't say anything good don't say anything at all.
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Yeah the same as above, I do feel bad when I bump into the same dwight every time but there is nothing I can do about this. I don't intentionally tunnel but if he can't hide, that's on him.
The only exceptions is events for me, I just let them go and get more BPs after second hook and kill them near end game.
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@Lillika said:
Also if another survivor takes them off the hook with me around, I will do my best to punish the unhooker, but that isn't my problem if they present a much easier target.The game I just played, I was accused of tunnelling and I thought it was the David complaining, but it was actually one of the other players, I didn't even know what they were talking about. To tunnel it must be a willful choice, which clearly I was not doing. But allas they aren't going to be able to determine my thoughts and such.
So I would say stop name calling, especially if you ALL 4 ESCAPE, if you can't say anything good don't say anything at all.
Report them if they get like that. That's all you can do.
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I don't think I can report someone who calls me a tunneller, and I think the discussion I was more upset then them, for being called a name.
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@Lillika said:
I don't think I can report someone who calls me a tunneller, and I think the discussion I was more upset then them, for being called a name.If they're being toxic, you can definitely report them. Consider it your civic duty, so that others don't have to encounter such people.
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Agreed with the posts in here.
I normally hook and then go look for another victim while the first survivor takes a time-out on the hook.
Sometimes though you'll find situations where...
1) They unhook 3 seconds after you've hooked. You turn around. The person doing the rescue has run straight to the nearest mega-loop, the unhooked survivor is just running out into the open.
It's not nice to hit them but you can't really just ignore them because I'm sure we've all had those moments where we play nice and regret it later. Either by losing due to it or by having the survivors turn toxic.
Sometimes I'm tempted to leave them slugged and chase the other guy but if they've gone to a strong enough loop or they have DS it's a waste of time.
2) You go over to check a nearby gen or BBQ target. Claudette goes fully immersed and disappears. You hear the unhook notification. So it's either you stay here spending 5 minutes looking for a damn ninja, or you turn around and go to a place where you KNOW there are 2 survivors.
Of course as killer you feel a lot of time pressure so you tend to go for the safer option.
It's not every hook it happens but there are times it will happen. It will take some adjusting in these situations with the new DS.
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Okay, here is my thing. If I have a choice between a survivor that is health and one that is injured, I will always go after the injured one. It makes more sense to me to take the quick down. When the other survivors unhook right in front of me it, well it is your teammates fault there.
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@rexydon said:
Okay, here is my thing. If I have a choice between a survivor that is health and one that is injured, I will always go after the injured one. It makes more sense to me to take the quick down. When the other survivors unhook right in front of me it, well it is your teammates fault there.Indeed, it is the more sensible thing to do. That's why it's called "playing efficiently".
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@Lillika said:
I do not make a willful effort to tunnel anyone, but I will not ignore a survivor who is near my blade. Why do I keep getting blamed for tunnelling. I used to Tunnel so I know what it is, but since about last week I have made a willful effort to not tunnel and I do try to hook all 4 survivors for the bbq bonus (and there is also a pip bonus for this too).The fact that I still get blamed for tunnelling means survivors really have an entitlement issue if they think they can just be easy targets and not hit, because that would be "tunnelling, grow up pls.
You are supposed to actively ignore survivors who have been hooked already. I once got called a tunneling camper in a game where I 4ked with max BP and double pip, that should tell you enough
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Sometimes survivors don't try to escape and think you should ignore them and find someone else. If there isn't anyone near they should accept it.
Different thing is being tunneled whole game on purpose. It's not fun.1 -
Lillika said:
I do not make a willful effort to tunnel anyone, but I will not ignore a survivor who is near my blade. Why do I keep getting blamed for tunnelling. I used to Tunnel so I know what it is, but since about last week I have made a willful effort to not tunnel and I do try to hook all 4 survivors for the bbq bonus (and there is also a pip bonus for this too).
The fact that I still get blamed for tunnelling means survivors really have an entitlement issue if they think they can just be easy targets and not hit, because that would be "tunnelling, grow up pls.
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Some people confuse "tunneling" with "spotting you again while patrolling".
Tunneling is intentionally go and down a recently unhooked survivor for hooking him again or spotting more than one at same time and go against the recently unhooked instead another survivor.
Some salty survivors call you tunneler even if you down them because you have seen them again before any other survivor.1 -
Who cares. 'Tunnelling' is a word they use because they got caught. They use the word like it's a rule that you can't chase the same survivor multiple times.
As the killer, do as you please.
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If there’s no such thing as gen rushing then there’s no such thing as tunneling.
”Gen rushing is what you’re supposed to do”.
Well, killing survivors as quickly and efficiently as possible what you’re supposed to do as well.
They can deal with it.0 -
There is true tunneling - where the killer will ignore anything and everything else just to race back to the hook and down the saved. That is real - I've had killers go right around me like I was a tree in their path, just to get to a fresh unhook who had a running start. I've even had to body block and take hits before they would stop looking for the unhook. An extreme case was when I took two hits before they stopped trying to go around me. Even after I was on a hook the killer was off in the direction of the saved. I'll also mention that was a 3v1 against a spirit with ruin up and 4 gens still to go.
Ironic thing is tunneling is not the most efficient. Like camping it is a good way to lose. I've been tunneled plenty of times, and it always makes me smile to get away on the second unhook, becoming a ghost while there is only 1-2 gens to go by the time they have to give up. Then just chill until the other survivors finish up the gens. If they still find me I lead them to the farthest deadest corner of the map away from gens. Now the killer is screwed cause they gave up any gen control. Tunneling is incentive to get real good at looping too.
There are many cases where the unhooked is just unlucky to cross the path of the killer again before getting a heal and there's nothing for it. If I'm really ahead and they are on the death hook, I may just ignore them, or if I cannot have them running around working on a gen, I'll slug them and find another.
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you dont tunnel, you just prefer the unhooked survivor
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@Lillika said:
I do not make a willful effort to tunnel anyone, but I will not ignore a survivor who is near my blade. Why do I keep getting blamed for tunnelling. I used to Tunnel so I know what it is, but since about last week I have made a willful effort to not tunnel and I do try to hook all 4 survivors for the bbq bonus (and there is also a pip bonus for this too).The fact that I still get blamed for tunnelling means survivors really have an entitlement issue if they think they can just be easy targets and not hit, because that would be "tunnelling, grow up pls.
Weather you play by arbitrary rules of "conduct" or not your gonna get salt at the end or EZ insults. Best to learn the truth of all killers, stop caring what others say and use what ever style of game play is fun for you. Tunnel or not, camp or not you do you. You are free to play however YOU want, but don't expect the other side to ever appreciate your efforts win or lose.