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General Discussions

Why do killers expect me to play against such build?

I don't understand why someone takes a killer with high mobility (in this case blight, but I've also played against Wesker before), and the most broken build, and then complains in the endgame chat that "he had no challenge in this match" because people killed themselves on the first hook. If I'm doing a generator and the first thing the killer does is kick the generator then I get tired of playing and just give the killer an easy win.

If you want to take perks that guarantee an easy win, why are you pissed when you get an easy win?


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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,515

    I assume the killer loves when we survivors kill ourselves so they get an easy win. I'm on console with messages turned off, so no killer can tell me otherwise after a match. It's great.

    (I mean, the killer takes full advantage of it, so why would I think otherwise? A teammate kills themselves, so my friend I and demand the hook as well because the game is designed to be a 4v1 with 5 gens and there's no concede button, I didn't design the game to be that way it's just how it is. I dunno what the fourth survivor does, I've already moved on. The few times I've spectated the killer finds and slugs them and after a minute or two I give up on waiting to see what the killer's perks were, it's not that important. But that's why I don't want to be the final survivor if I can help it. I've been trained to give up rather than stick it out because a lot of killers punish survivors who don't DC or give up in my experience. I hate when three survivors DC early in a match, the killer always gets pissed at me like somehow I'm a bad person for not breaking the rules.)

    When a survivor DCs or gives up in my killer matches, I usually just put the controller down and walk away so the other survivors can do gens and leave. I used to try to farm more often, both as a nicety and because I like BP, but too many survivors just want to be hooked so they can get out of the match as well, and then gens take even longer to get done or I'm forced to search the map for 20 minutes to kill 2 immersed jerks, so no.

  • Member Posts: 444

    The info you are missing is that people on these forums don't play the game like you and me, rather they feel like they are at work and their salary is based on the number of 4K / highest streak they can achieve. For them it would be absolutely inconceivable to leave a game because you don't have fun in it. In fact, words like "fun" or "casual" have long ceased to mean anything for them. They only see survivor players as a mathematical quantity, which must repair generators, but then by leaving that survivor would no longer be doing gens, so this would be a terrible loss in efficiency.

  • Member Posts: 88

    Dbd is similar to the cold War... The survivors take their best perks and then the killer answers with their best perks.

    Besides that, for everyone the game makes only fun if winning. No one appreciates a good match if they lost.

  • Member Posts: 444

    DBD is not a casual game? Then what is? At the end of the day nobody is going to give you a salary based on number of kills, the win/losses/kills stats are not even recorded, achievements are unanimously considered skilless and boring, and even if you were to become the best competitive player, you would earn a whopping ~100$ per month. So you're not going to get ANYTHING of value from this game itself. If you are playing it with the hope that you will, then you're almost certainly wasting your time, we're talking hundreds if not THOUSANDS of hours that you could have spent somewhere else, worth asking the question imo.

    And no I don't expect you to dance around, but idk, check how Skermz plays this game, might give you some inspiration:

    Nobody is pointing at you with a gun if you don't get 4K. In fact, no one cares, everybody will have forgotten the match in 15 minutes. Even better, the MMR will realize you're suddenly losing a lot and put in less sweaty matches, so it's a win-win.

  • Member Posts: 426

    But i don't want to play in lower MMR, i want face the best players and have hard games, that's my idea of fun. Your idea is different ? Well good for you, we have different mindset i'm not going to tell you're right or wrong but, a PvP game by definition is not meant to be casual, unless there's an unranked mode. There's a Rank ( MmR and we know it is terrible but it is what it is ) so you have to expect people, like me and many others, who play to win

    And no, i'm not going to watch someone else to have inspiration, i know my playstyle, don't really care about how other play and yeah, no one point me a gun sure but, like everything else in my life, i'll try to do the best in everything i do, sometimes i win, sometimes i lose but i don't cry because "it's not fun" . I have sometimes fun conversation in the end game chat, i get angy at myself if i make a mistake during the gameplay and when i logout i'm happy because i had a lot of fun winning

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Don't put words in my mouth if you expect a serious response.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    Its really not Impossible, break the 3 gen at the start, nowhere to hide is countered by a locker, overcharge and COB are countered by hitting a skill check, and you can play super safe/gen tap to get around eruption.

  • Member Posts: 1,536

    Look, I totally agree that combo should be nerfed out of orbit, but you make it seem like survivors can do everything they desire, but once the killer does there is a problem, now that might be wording on the first post, I asume it is lack of understanding on my part and hope it is not, but I personally am an eye for an eye person and as such, if people do not care for my experience I have no reason to do different.

  • Member Posts: 1,384

    I immediately give up if the killer instantly commits to a three gen at the start while using that build. Not playing a 30 minute game against that crap. No one should be expected to either.

  • Member Posts: 7,792

    "Rees for thee, and not for meeeee"

    You'll see this a lot on the forums.

    I agree with you.

  • Member Posts: 6,158
    edited January 2023

    Yeah, I'll stick it out - to a degree. I don't have time for long matches. That's what it comes down to for me. I've played for 2 years and my games have always averaged 15min. Since the killer meta has emerged I've had games over 40min. I'm happy for the people who have time for that or enjoy long games, but when I log in for *one* game I'm not going to play for the length of three. All this "you committed" stuff is meaningless when in the space of a couple months matches are getting dragged out to three times as long. People will just stop playing altogether.

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