Why do killers expect me to play against such build?

I don't understand why someone takes a killer with high mobility (in this case blight, but I've also played against Wesker before), and the most broken build, and then complains in the endgame chat that "he had no challenge in this match" because people killed themselves on the first hook. If I'm doing a generator and the first thing the killer does is kick the generator then I get tired of playing and just give the killer an easy win.
If you want to take perks that guarantee an easy win, why are you pissed when you get an easy win?
The amount of killers carried by Eruption is absurd.
Earlier that day we did 3 gens, he got 2 hooks, but he proc last gens and ultimately next gen costed us 10 hooks and my friend in the end escaped via Hatch.
Is this new DBD meta? Sitting in the locker all match with the key to have a chance to escape against Eruption?
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Your build isn't exactly off-meta either. And of course Killers will get anointed when Surviviors refuse to play.
24 -
I mean if everyone kills themselves on hook you can't be surprised when the killer wins :p
21 -
Because there are things that are annoying for both sides, but when you hit 'Ready', you're agreeing to play a game out and do your best. Otherwise...why play?
I mean - is always winning what you want? Because that sounds really, really dull.
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I mean… you que’d up knowing that you can face builds like that. I don’t feel any pity or sympathy for you considering you ######### on hook.
16 -
Ugh - what a lame, unfun build to go against. I wouldn’t count on BHVR providing relief from this anytime soon. It took them 6 years to nerf Dead Hard
6 -
When you bring DH+Prove+SB+Adrenaline and complain about the killer's build.
23 -
Lol I don’t even care about Eruption. Alch Ring Blight alone would’ve been enough for me to throw in the towel tbh.
5 -
It's not meta build.
I brought Bond + Deja Vu + PT (meta) + DH (miss half of the time so).
7 -
I assume the killer loves when we survivors kill ourselves so they get an easy win. I'm on console with messages turned off, so no killer can tell me otherwise after a match. It's great.
(I mean, the killer takes full advantage of it, so why would I think otherwise? A teammate kills themselves, so my friend I and demand the hook as well because the game is designed to be a 4v1 with 5 gens and there's no concede button, I didn't design the game to be that way it's just how it is. I dunno what the fourth survivor does, I've already moved on. The few times I've spectated the killer finds and slugs them and after a minute or two I give up on waiting to see what the killer's perks were, it's not that important. But that's why I don't want to be the final survivor if I can help it. I've been trained to give up rather than stick it out because a lot of killers punish survivors who don't DC or give up in my experience. I hate when three survivors DC early in a match, the killer always gets pissed at me like somehow I'm a bad person for not breaking the rules.)
When a survivor DCs or gives up in my killer matches, I usually just put the controller down and walk away so the other survivors can do gens and leave. I used to try to farm more often, both as a nicety and because I like BP, but too many survivors just want to be hooked so they can get out of the match as well, and then gens take even longer to get done or I'm forced to search the map for 20 minutes to kill 2 immersed jerks, so no.
4 -
use DH and prove yourself, while complaining about the eruption
this reminds me of how in World War 1 Germany used gas and at the same time demanded that England stop using shotguns
11 -
"Why are people annoyed I and others decide to ragequit and throw the game just because we’re too immature to handle playing against certain parts of the game?"
19 -
I'm always amazed by the number of people who find it totally okay that survivors have no idea what kind of sh* they get matched against and are just expected to stick it out - but a killer gets to leave lobbies when he doesn't like the prestige or items he sees. If survivors could see the "add-on ranking" (since seeing the actual add ons would ruin the whole not knowing who the killer is that's kinda an integral, if imo outdated, aspect of the game) you could probably expect survivors doding purple-iri combos just like killers dodge triple toolboxes or flashlights.
That aside, there's also a massive difference between "sticking it out" and going "oh man, I heckin love being a punching bag. - please kick harder"
15 -
The answer to 'why are they mad' is 'because you ragequit after queuing up'.
Pressing 'ready' doesn't mean 'ready as long as you're playing something I like'.
16 -
was going to say this lmao if killers get to cherry pick matches then don't get upset when survivors do it too
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Because eruption and its friends ( call of brine / nowhere to hide) are the absolute most no brain cheese for killers these days,,,At least eruption will be nerfed for sure down the line
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"I mean - is always winning what you want?"
Are you trying to tell me that Blight with best addons with the most broken build want to mess around with survivors and not have easy win?
11 -
And you use PT and DH because do you think a killer is having fun to play against that ?
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And, oh yeah, playing a 2-man swf with two meta perks absolutely justifies that the killer had to take the best perks, the best addons and map offering.
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So let me understand, i have to use the most usless perks/addon because ... ?
You're in a SWF, you have PT/DH ( also you have brought the most killer side map ever, midwich ) BUT the killer can't run any good peks or addon because...for you is unfun.
Ok well..may i chase you or i have to sit and wait until you leave to don't ruin your fun ?
12 -
Shrug. Nobody here has an especially chill build. It's not like any of you had a meme loadout.
The issue is that you don't get to bail because it's a strong enemy.
If I see someone running a build like this, I imagine that the last game they showed up to the party on a chill build on Demogorgon, with a flan and got sent to Eyrie by a comp SWF that won in 6 minutes and called them names in postgame.
This sort of game, basically.
Either it's okay for everyone in this game to sweat or nobody gets to.
5 -
I have always said that I like a challenge in my video games. If I wanted to play a game where, Your Winner! All the time I would play Big Riggs or Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
DBD is too random. Some games are good and go my way. Some are bad and I lose. I at least play the match and do what I can. Sure I don't like going up against a swf, I don't like being against a nurse. At the end of the day I qued up. I'm gonna play it.
It's nothing but entitlement to throw a game cause you don't like something. Its like saying. Oh I'm gonna take my toys and go home! If you don't like it don't play. Don't ruin others fun cause your selfish.
Win and lose with dignity.
7 -
"I miss DH so I'm justified in using it"
I sometimes get bad spawns for Pain Res hooks and I don't always kick gens with COB+Overcharge+Eruption so I'm justified in using them. I can do this all day.
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People who play pvp games often try to win those matches and the best way to win matches are often not very fun for the opponents.
If you aren't enjoying the game, just take a break. It feels like too many people are forcing themselves to play dbd.
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I'm pointing out the ironic hypocrisy of using meta perks then complaining about going up against meta perks.
EDIT: Why do survivors expect me to play against such builds?
10 -
The info you are missing is that people on these forums don't play the game like you and me, rather they feel like they are at work and their salary is based on the number of 4K / highest streak they can achieve. For them it would be absolutely inconceivable to leave a game because you don't have fun in it. In fact, words like "fun" or "casual" have long ceased to mean anything for them. They only see survivor players as a mathematical quantity, which must repair generators, but then by leaving that survivor would no longer be doing gens, so this would be a terrible loss in efficiency.
4 -
And, as a killer, what i should do ? Make funny dances around you spreading rainbow while you repair gens ? It is that fun enough for you ? Or i could sing a song meanwhile you do your objective, this will cherish you ? Do you have any particual song do you want me to play for you my lord ?
This is not a casual game, there are plenty of them out there. I play to have fun and my fun is about winning, if you are having fun or not is not my concern at all and i do expect the same from you, my fun is not your concern at all. If you are looking something sweet and adorable, where everyone is friendly and work togheter there are co-op games, single player games and more but if you try a PvP game, you have to play in order to win or lose, there's no middle gound
Something BHVR should do is a Ranked mode and one Unranked mode, at least if you want to have a casual game, you can play in the unranked section, while me being an bad person who's having fun in a competitive game, i'll play in the ranked one
8 -
So much goalpost moving in this thread...but the people saying to just play out the match are the ones worth listening to here. Anything competitive is going to have mixed results. Also anything competitive is going to have people doing what they can to maximize their chances of winning. Just have to suck it up and deal with it until the devs deem it worthy of change, unfortunately.
5 -
Sucks that people run whatever they want from their pools of available perks/items.
I can't believe they don't take my feelings into consideration :*(
I bet they're not even thinking about me at all as they pick their builds.
And when I load in? These people have the gall to play however they want!
All these people with their own agency ruining the game T_T
13 -
Dbd is similar to the cold War... The survivors take their best perks and then the killer answers with their best perks.
Besides that, for everyone the game makes only fun if winning. No one appreciates a good match if they lost.
3 -
Depends on the survivors.
0 -
DBD is not a casual game? Then what is? At the end of the day nobody is going to give you a salary based on number of kills, the win/losses/kills stats are not even recorded, achievements are unanimously considered skilless and boring, and even if you were to become the best competitive player, you would earn a whopping ~100$ per month. So you're not going to get ANYTHING of value from this game itself. If you are playing it with the hope that you will, then you're almost certainly wasting your time, we're talking hundreds if not THOUSANDS of hours that you could have spent somewhere else, worth asking the question imo.
And no I don't expect you to dance around, but idk, check how Skermz plays this game, might give you some inspiration:
Nobody is pointing at you with a gun if you don't get 4K. In fact, no one cares, everybody will have forgotten the match in 15 minutes. Even better, the MMR will realize you're suddenly losing a lot and put in less sweaty matches, so it's a win-win.
2 -
To everyone ragging on OP: you would 100% have a point, if the killer was running anything, and I mean literally anything other than Eruption + Call of Brine + Overcharge + Nowhere to Hide.
Having gone against this build several times, it is impossible to make any ground against it without voice call outs. Literally impossible.
I am against ragequitting in principle, I won't DC and I look down on those who kill themselves on hook.
Post edited by BoxGhost on8 -
But i don't want to play in lower MMR, i want face the best players and have hard games, that's my idea of fun. Your idea is different ? Well good for you, we have different mindset i'm not going to tell you're right or wrong but, a PvP game by definition is not meant to be casual, unless there's an unranked mode. There's a Rank ( MmR and we know it is terrible but it is what it is ) so you have to expect people, like me and many others, who play to win
And no, i'm not going to watch someone else to have inspiration, i know my playstyle, don't really care about how other play and yeah, no one point me a gun sure but, like everything else in my life, i'll try to do the best in everything i do, sometimes i win, sometimes i lose but i don't cry because "it's not fun" . I have sometimes fun conversation in the end game chat, i get angy at myself if i make a mistake during the gameplay and when i logout i'm happy because i had a lot of fun winning
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People are ragging on OP brcause as much as they hate the build (which is fully understandable) they are running perks that are quite annoying for the other side, and they justify it with " I sometimes fail to use DH", by that logic the same blight player can argue that he uses alch ring but it isn't a problem because he fails half his rushes, or that overcharge eruption is ok because he doesn't down people that often.
6 -
It honestly doesn't matter.
They could be running full meta with fully stocked ranger med kits and a map offering.
No survivor build is as bad for killer, as this killer build is for solo survivors.
5 -
Disagree heavily. 4x Adrenaline 4x DH with assorted team perks makes me actively hate my life as killer.
8 -
Wow, thats a yikes, so according to this a team can send you to the garden of pain, use full meta builds and items but you are the one that has to hold back and ensure their fun? Nah fam if they do not care about my fun then the feeling will be mutual.
7 -
Yeah, me too. But you can still have the opportunity to play around it, maybe get one kill. Maybe they ######### up at some point and you can get a few slugs in for pressure. Maybe.
Let me repeat myself:
This build is Literally. Impossible. to go against.
You cannot make enough repair progress against the stacking regression, amongst the successive Incapacitation statuses and the pressure generated by downs and hooks.
I have gone against this with the absolute BEST possible survivor 3 gen; the last three gens being as far away as physically possible, with survivors who from what I could judge, were good survivors, they made smart plays, led the killer away from the gens, ran them for a decent length of time before inevitably going down. I even had Prove Thyself. But the killer only had to make a passing patrol between those three gens, picking up a chase on the way to get a down and a hook, and the regression by far out paced any possible repairs.
The game took nearly 40 minutes of constant back and forth, in which we probably repaired nearly 10 gens worth of progress, but none of it at any one time to actually complete that last gen.
And this was not a lone example. I've had this very same scenario play out at least 5 times. Most of them being Knights, so you can imagine how Literally Impossible is would be with a Wesker or a Blight.
There is Nothing survivors can do to play around this build if the killer is actively patrolling gens, and refusing to let the last gen be repaired, without being able to make call outs when they're about to go down. It is an absolute solo survivor destroyer, and as such, solo survivors have no hope. It is simply a waste of time to try.
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Don't put words in my mouth if you expect a serious response.
1 -
"They could be running full meta with fully stocked ranger med kits and a map offering."
You quite literally mentioned they can bring everything on the book, but if the killer brings everything on his book, that one is the outrageous one, how am I malinterpreting this, I am genuinly curious since you were quite clear on your message.
8 -
Its really not Impossible, break the 3 gen at the start, nowhere to hide is countered by a locker, overcharge and COB are countered by hitting a skill check, and you can play super safe/gen tap to get around eruption.
1 -
Read my words very carefully.
- I regard myself as a killer main, or at the very least, I side with the killer role on most issues.
- It is not the killers job to make the game fun for survivors.
- Killers are entitled to camp, tunnel and slug where they see fit to pressure survivors against getting their objectives done.
- Killers are entitled to bring all their best tools.
- I am fully against raegiquitting, DCing, etc.
So when I say: "This build is beyond broken, and it is literally impossible to go against as a solo survivor" that statement means something.
I have gone against those fully stocked SWF builds who send me to Garden of Joy. They're a nightmare. I hate it.
It is still not as bad as this build.
It is not the killers fault that this build is possible, it is BHVR's fault for not fixing their perks. Eruption is simply far too oppressive against solo survivors and should have been reworked as soon as it hit in 6.1
But if a killer brings this build to a game, they are fully acknowledging the fact that the survivors have no chance in hell of beating them, and will likely quit the game, because they have no other choice.
In exactly the same way that a survivor with Boil Over, Sabotage, Oak offerings, Map offerings, and a corner with no hooks, is fully acknowledging that they are going to be slugged, because the killer has no other choice.
There is simply no other option for the other side.
If the killer wants the survivors to rage quit the game, have at it. But they can't complain when they do.
8 -
Did you not read my post?
I have literally done ALL OF THAT. It wasn't enough to make any repair progress. The time spent working around these perks means you don't have enough time to repair the gens.
When your proposed "counter" to Eruption is "just don't repair gens", what the flying ######### are you supposed to do?
6 -
Look, I totally agree that combo should be nerfed out of orbit, but you make it seem like survivors can do everything they desire, but once the killer does there is a problem, now that might be wording on the first post, I asume it is lack of understanding on my part and hope it is not, but I personally am an eye for an eye person and as such, if people do not care for my experience I have no reason to do different.
4 -
Yes it is misunderstanding on your part.
No one is responsible for anyone else's fun, and similarly, you are not entitled to fun from your opponents.
But if you give someone no option but to quit, they will quit.
- If you give me to option but to slug you, I will slug you.
- If you give me no option but to tunnel you, I will tunnel you.
- If you give me no option to repair a gen because you're using this build, I will give myself up and leave the game.
This is just the reality of the situation.
If a killer is running a build that has a 100% kill rate against solo survivors, then they can't complain when those same solo survivors who have 0% chance of winning, refuse to play that game.
The killer is still fully entitled to run that build if they wish. Those perks exists in their current form, they are free to use. But the killer is not entitled to have four puppets dance for them in order to use it. If they legitimately wanted a "challenge" they wouldn't be running this build.
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I immediately give up if the killer instantly commits to a three gen at the start while using that build. Not playing a 30 minute game against that crap. No one should be expected to either.
2 -
"Rees for thee, and not for meeeee"
You'll see this a lot on the forums.
I agree with you.
4 -
Yeah, I'll stick it out - to a degree. I don't have time for long matches. That's what it comes down to for me. I've played for 2 years and my games have always averaged 15min. Since the killer meta has emerged I've had games over 40min. I'm happy for the people who have time for that or enjoy long games, but when I log in for *one* game I'm not going to play for the length of three. All this "you committed" stuff is meaningless when in the space of a couple months matches are getting dragged out to three times as long. People will just stop playing altogether.