Make the game more fun for yourself

I have to share my last evening with you, it was the most fun Ive had for a long time playing SURVIVOR.
We (4Man) decided to not run pure Meta, but to run "Theme-Builds".
What do I mean?
Well, one gives another a role. For example: the Treasure Hunter
This guy had to use perks which allows him to search chests multiple times and create our own "Basement" of Items. It was the shack. I founded 3 Medkits, 2 Toolboxes, a key and a Flashlight prepared for me in the shack after I won a chase.
Another guy was the Aggressive Leader: He run pure chase-build and has to job to run into the killer every time.
Another game, we devided to run all the same, stupid, build. The "Peng-Build":
Flashbang, Wiretap, Repressed Alliance, Partycracker etc.
And so on...
Even one killer thanked us a lot in the aftergame-chat for this change instead of 4x Deadhard, OTR, CoH etc. every game.
Of course, we just messed around, but it was so much fun, its worth a try for all of you 🤣.
Some of my favorite games are when me and my friends all bring chest looting builds and just drop 20 items in the basement. Some of the killers seem so happy with all of their gifts! Especially when it's a Wraith bing-bonging while staring down at the items. 😂
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🤣 might have to give this a go. I'd love not to need to run windows and DH just to stay alive. I'd also advocate people doing this on killer. I have a deathslinger meme hex build I like to muck around with.
Plus I oftem like to take the surv team right up to the brink them make friends. I'll play normally, and identify which 2 survs I want to spare. Ones who make brave plays to save their friends, new players or anyone who tries to offer me their item anyone who plays yoichi. After I kill 2 I get the last 2 on 2 hooks. Then down them, go to hook, shake my head and take them away from hook to a gen.
They usually get the message and a lot of them are grateful for the release. I lose a few points and emblems but the BP loss is minimal, and IDGAF about my monthly rank anymore. I still get the challenge and sense of achievemnt of a proper match and the survs get an unexpected survival even when they got outplayed. Made my killer games much more enjoyable.
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Another role: The healer
His job was to run around and unhook/heal everyone. Nothing else.
Then the Mechaniac:
His job was gens only. Everything else was unimportant.
Finally, we decided that one of us name a perk. Then, the others had to search for perks which somehow synergize. We had Potential Energy as starting perk once, and, of course, one round with 4x No Mither was part of it.
If we met a full tryhard killer, we just suicided. Our goal then: Killer gets under 20k 🤣
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Man, I'm like, 100k bloodpoints away from getting Appraisal on my main girl Haddie, + she already has Ace in the Hole (and obviously Residual Manifest).
I can't wait to open my loot boxes !! =D
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I've always wanted to try a no mither meme build lol.