Fellow Haddie mains, drop your favourite cosmetic below!

To celebrate Haddie still not getting a new outfit (and Feng getting two! and Vittorio getting one AND a tome!!!) drop your favourite Haddie cosmetics/combos below!
I only ever wear the scuba outfit. But of course it's a linked set so I can't combo with anything. :(
For Halloween I spice it up and throw on her bloody prestige outfit. And for Christmas I go a little crazy and throw on her default hair + pants with a christmas jumper. So many fun crazy combos to make with her endless source of cosmetics.
I wonder if the new tome will throw in a 4th earring recolour for us silly little Haddie mains.
Edit: Upon checking the new tome I'm delighted to tell you we will not be getting a 4th earring recolour. We will however be getting a 3rd Feng cosmetic! 4 if you include the deep rift recolour.
This just made me sad to read it.
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I'm only ever using her mascarade outfit =(
Hopefully BHVR gives her a bit more love soon.
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What cosmetics yall have???
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The only outfits I use on her is her anniversary outfits because it's kinda iconic.
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I'm mad at myself because I only unlocked two parts of that outfit and not the 3rd. When it eventually comes to the store I'll buy it.
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Agreed it is very iconic
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Her only good hair is stuck in a set and im so upset :((((
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What's up with the care for Haddie? She hasn't even been OUT for a year and everyone is screaming and crying for a Haddie cosmetic when Jeff and Adam haven't gotten any in over a year. Haddie is not only unpopular, but she's still a newish survivor so ofc its gonna be longer before she gets more outfits. Vittorio's tome was made before even he was AND he's a wildly popular survivor already so ofc he's gonna get some focus
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I don't really play Haddie much but if I do I usually use her default head and anniversary outfit, it's not too bad at least.
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Yeah I don't really understand the JusticeforHaddie people. They certainly don't seem to play the game because I never see anyone playing Haddie.
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1) A shirt was recently released for Jeff as part of the cats and dogs collection and Adam had both a rift cosmetic and deep rift recolour for tome 13. Hardly over a year.
2) You contradict yourself by point out that she's newish and that Vittorio had a tome made "even before he was". Before he was released and before he became popular he already had a tome planned out for him. Where's Haddie's tome? Did she already have a whole tome planned out for her? Did she have multiple cosmetics upon release like Vittorio did? Or did she just have the same default outfit recoloured 7 times?
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The title, "fellow Haddie mains" implies that I, the OP, am in fact a Haddie main. But please tell me more about how we don't play the game.
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Favorite Haddie's cosmetics? This is like asking who's your favorite Twins main. You have like 3 to choose from.
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Feng better not get an outfit for at least 6 months... Feng is honest passing the original characters in unique outfits if she hasnt already. Originals have multiple recolors but feng tends to get unique also decent looking outfits while rest gets pooped on.
What about Haddie and Jeff. These 2 need all the love they can get
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I usually use her prime exclusive hair, a recolor of her default jeans, and either her Anniversary shirt or her ugly sweater.
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It's half meme and half genuine, at least where I'm concerned. =)
I really like Haddie, I think she looks tough and cool, so I play her. I don't play Jeff or Adam, so of course I'm gonna care a bit less about their cosmetics. Same as I don't play Feng or Dwight so I don't really care about theirs. Plus since they're older, they have a bit more choice, as it stands.
But she's the new survivor who came with the least outfits and still hasn't gotten much, only the ugly sweater to my knowledge. Her recolor cosmetics are also barely any different from the base cosmetics, particularly the heads are practically a rip off.
I don't crusade for her, but when the occasion rises to meme with others about a character I like, I take it ! =D
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Well I'm sure there are some people who genuinely do main Haddie but from the amount of people on Twitter and even these forums who stan her, you'd think she was actually somewhat popular with survivors in-game but... well she's almost bottom-tier in terms of being played. I see more Jeffs, Adams and a similar amount of Quentins compared to Haddies.
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She's been in several other tomes AND several other peoples lores. She has PLENTY of tome lore but Vittorio is the FIRST historical survivor. They want to expand on him. And the whole "Jeff just got a shirt!" okay he got a SHIRT that he was supposed to get even before Haddie was released but was cancelled. And Adam got a tome skin, typically we don't include those since they're somewhat limited :/
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Well she got the same treatment as Artist and I don't recall people demanding artist cosmetics tbf. And Dredge dropped with even less cosmetics than both of them. I just think the whole thing is very silly
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Jonah wasn't played as much when he launched, but they still released skins for him and it didn't take 8 months either. He even has a recolor in the current rift. The killer haddie came with also isn't played as much, but it still received 2 store skins and was featured in the winter event tome with a neat cosmetic. Just seems like bhvr just launched her and then proceeded to forget about her, and is surprised she isn't being played. Why would players care about haddie if it seems like bhvr doesn't.
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Not a Haddie main, but I try to put on an outfit I enjoy for every survivor
The dark green recolor of the default pants, the blue jacket from the Prime skin, and then any hair is pretty good imo.
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I hope I don't get banned for this, but the face portion of her model in game is disfigured. Hopefully they go back and make her model closer to her splash-art.
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I use the bloody head, anniversary top and bloody pants.
We Haddie mains are a small group of people but we exist.
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Vittorio is the first historical survivor and up until now you couldn't even tell from his looks,they legit gave him a fade hairstyle in art that shows him before he was taken.The real reason they're spoiling him is because he's designed to be a Twitter thrist trap.Nothing wrong with giving fans what they'll pay for but it's still the real reason.
I can't see myself ingame as killer so I don't care about their cosmetics at all.
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Almost noone plays Haddie so not much outfits for her
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I use her prime gaming hair, sweater and black jeans mainly
And…… that’s it basically
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This is my haddie :)
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It’s not disfigured but doesn’t resemble the trailer like a lot of survivors. Yui for example looked a lot different in the trailer
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That's an interesting name you got right there :)
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No matter how sad it might be. I don't think you're going to beat the young asian gamer girl in a popularity contest in a community as thirsty as this one
One skin would be nice though
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Exactly, I remember there was a voting contest and very lewd young looking claudette art won it, so they went raging when devs made her less sexualized.
The truth is the more beautiful/handsome looking characters are played more.
The diversity characters might get praise on twitter but no one plays them.
Let's be honest haddie is very ugly
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I think she's cute
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What's ugly about her model? She looks like a normal indian woman (and by model I mean just the model,not her clothes or hair).
Her questionable fashion and hair can very well be fixed.
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I wouldn't call her ugly
She's realistic. And that's not enough for people anymore. Not for a digital character that for the most part only has their looks
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A. Haddie's visual appeal is only for a VERY specific few. Ofc she's going to be unpopular on start when most people only main survivors for their looks anyways.
B. Jonah got 1 store cosmetic and 1 rift outfit and he hasn't got either again since.
C. The Dredge's winter outfit was voted by the fandom not picked by BHVR
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Okay thats you but plenty of other people do. And okay BHVR can't do history lessons, point is is he fills a really niche role that only killers had until now. I'm sure Haddie will get her tome soon probably next. Point is, is Haddie just isn't likable for the majority of players. I can't relate to anything about Haddie and I don't like Haddie's fashion which isn't even correct patterning.
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Compared to Bill who has what 6 different cosmetics in total after how many years?
And don;'t say its because of licence, they could give them away if they wanted,
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Issue with Bill is that BHVR can't make cash with his skins. That's why he's available from the start, his skin being shards only and ofc the other l4d skins being free as well.
Valve never lets other companies make money out of their characters.