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Keyboard and mouse support for Console

From my understanding, the PC version of the game has the capability and option to use a controller as an alternative input versus keyboard and mouse. I think that's great, but we all know console can do the same with keyboard and mouse input. People argue that the ' reason's why it hasn't been done ( yet ) is for competitive reasons, if that was true, then PC shouldn't have the controller option because some players play better with controller and vice versa. Why can't we allow console players to use keyboard and mouse if PC can use console controllers? I really would like to have the option to use either controller or keyboard and mouse. And this is also the developers choice, sony doesn't block the use of keyboard and mouse to play games. 

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  • Member Posts: 1
    I pressed a key on my keyboard on xbox and it did recognise the input
    it all works, like movement and such
    its just the mouse doesn't work 
  • Member Posts: 87

    PC users have a mouse and keyboard as default. They can use controllers if they want to but this doesn't put them at an advantage over other players because you have far more control with a mouse and keyboard.

    Whereas on console, everyone has a controller as default. If players were able to use mouse and keyboard it would give them a massive advantage over players using controllers, simply because people using controllers have far less control over the movement of survivors/killers.

  • Member Posts: 4
    I hear what you are saying and I'm not arguing that because I agree to that statement. But in this game, the difference is minimal to moderate. And to top it off, you have players that are much better with controller over keyboard/mouse. It really is a preference in what one is used to. 
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @ArthAngel said:
    From my understanding, the PC version of the game has the capability and option to use a controller as an alternative input versus keyboard and mouse. I think that's great, but we all know console can do the same with keyboard and mouse input. People argue that the ' reason's why it hasn't been done ( yet ) is for competitive reasons, if that was true, then PC shouldn't have the controller option because some players play better with controller and vice versa. Why can't we allow console players to use keyboard and mouse if PC can use console controllers? I really would like to have the option to use either controller or keyboard and mouse. And this is also the developers choice, sony doesn't block the use of keyboard and mouse to play games. 

    DBD is actualyl a game that has been ported frmo PC to console, mouse and keyboard support is naturally given since almsot everybody plays with them on their PC.

    if you want to play with m/k, then you need to speak to sony/microsoft that prevent those peripherals. The game itself is actually built to play with m/k

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @captainlongshlong said:
    PC users have a mouse and keyboard as default. They can use controllers if they want to but this doesn't put them at an advantage over other players because you have far more control with a mouse and keyboard.

    Whereas on console, everyone has a controller as default. If players were able to use mouse and keyboard it would give them a massive advantage over players using controllers, simply because people using controllers have far less control over the movement of survivors/killers.

    SO everyone just get a m/k then and enjoy the actual game? (assuming it would work on consoles)

  • Member Posts: 831
    Master said:

    @ArthAngel said:
    From my understanding, the PC version of the game has the capability and option to use a controller as an alternative input versus keyboard and mouse. I think that's great, but we all know console can do the same with keyboard and mouse input. People argue that the ' reason's why it hasn't been done ( yet ) is for competitive reasons, if that was true, then PC shouldn't have the controller option because some players play better with controller and vice versa. Why can't we allow console players to use keyboard and mouse if PC can use console controllers? I really would like to have the option to use either controller or keyboard and mouse. And this is also the developers choice, sony doesn't block the use of keyboard and mouse to play games. 

    DBD is actualyl a game that has been ported frmo PC to console, mouse and keyboard support is naturally given since almsot everybody plays with them on their PC.

    if you want to play with m/k, then you need to speak to sony/microsoft that prevent those peripherals. The game itself is actually built to play with m/k

    Xbox has had mouse support for 4 months now. It's up to developers to allow it.
  • Member Posts: 2,055


  • Member Posts: 8,223


    Really there is nothing BHVR can do to implement m/kb on console UNTIL those features run nativey on that platform. Xbox is supposed to get m/kb support 6 months ago but they keep delaying it IDK why. No clue about PS, but given Sony's history they will probably make it happen overnight once MS does it on Xbox.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    @popoles said:
    Xbox has had mouse support for 4 months now. It's up to developers to allow it.

    Not true, it only applies to menus or specific games. Gears of War 4, a MS own franchise, still doesn't have mouse support on Xbox (it has keyboard support but you can only use it for menus).

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    When you really want a PC without getting a PC

  • Member Posts: 845
    yayeet99 said:
    I pressed a key on my keyboard on xbox and it did recognise the input
    it all works, like movement and such
    its just the mouse doesn't work 
    I can confirm
  • Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2019

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @popoles said:
    Xbox has had mouse support for 4 months now. It's up to developers to allow it.

    Not true, it only applies to menus or specific games. Gears of War 4, a MS own franchise, still doesn't have mouse support on Xbox (it has keyboard support but you can only use it for menus).

    Native mouse and keyboard support rolled out to Xbox One with the November 2018 update:

    "Mouse and Keyboard Support for Xbox One

    As revealed by Phil Spencer on the September episode of Inside Xbox, the November update brings mouse and keyboard support to Xbox One!
    With support for mouse and keyboard, developers can now choose to add mouse and keyboard support for their games on Xbox One. This enables both developers and players with more choice on how they want to play."

    I think Fortnite and Warframe are the only Devs to enable it in their games so far (could be more not sure) but it is now down to game developers NOT Microsoft since November 2018.

  • Member Posts: 163

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @popoles said:
    Xbox has had mouse support for 4 months now. It's up to developers to allow it.

    Not true, it only applies to menus or specific games. Gears of War 4, a MS own franchise, still doesn't have mouse support on Xbox (it has keyboard support but you can only use it for menus).

    Native mouse and keyboard support rolled out for Xbox One in November 2018:

    "Mouse and Keyboard Support for Xbox One

    As revealed by Phil Spencer on the September episode of Inside Xbox, the November update brings mouse and keyboard support to Xbox One! With support for mouse and keyboard, developers can now choose to add mouse and keyboard support for their games on Xbox One. This enables both developers and players with more choice on how they want to play."

    Read more at:

    Since November of 2018 (the update rolled out on schedule and did indeed contain native mouse and keyboard support as announced) it is now down to game developers to enable mouse and keyboard support within their games not Microsoft.
    The two main games to take advantage of native mouse and keyboard support for Xbox One so far are both Fortnite and Warframe amongst other titles.

  • Member Posts: 4
    Sony allows kb/m because I can do this with fortnite. (not that I play it but I tried it) it's on the developer's choice to allow it or implement it. 
  • Member Posts: 1,155

    @not_Queen @Patricia any plans to add keyboard/mouse support to consoles? Please?

  • Member Posts: 831
    Oh yeah, that's why I am playing Warframe with kB+m.
  • Member Posts: 86

    Just because people are better with a controller, doesn't mean that the skillcap is higher. You can only get so far with a controller. kB+m would give a massive movement advantage on Console when the baseline and skillcap are different than on PC.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Killer & Survivor roles are sooo different that if one or the other is using a keyboard & mouse, it will literally not matter. Sure, maybe a mouse killer will shred some people at first, but he would eventually be matched with players of his own skill due to the rank system.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Why is This post from February on the first page?

  • Member Posts: 50

    Yeah the advantage doesn't actually come through on console either. The controller is the superior way to play survivor. It just allows killer to work properly. PS4 also allowed mouse and keyboard support on day 1 of release. This is due to mmo support from day 1.

    Hell we live in an age where basically everyone has a mouse and keyboard. They should just support it on every possible platform. Even mobiles support it too though.

    So again there is no actual downside to not supporting it. You don't get an advantage in the game from going from controller to m/kb unless you are killer. Even then it's not an advantage. It's actually disadvantaged already as it is. Especially because they don't change the killers powers to work better on console.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    That's not outright 100% true.

    Competetive fortnite has shown us that players with controllers, or even ON console can win over keyboard and mouse.

    Its preference, except for high end fps.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Old thread, I know, noticed it has been recently revived, and so I wanted to ask, XBOX already has native Keyboard+Mouse support, however it is up to the game developers to enable said functionality. And since the game has been ported from PC, I assume the support is there, just simply disabled.. Devs, any plans on enabling Keyboard+Mouse support for console players of DBD? Since the only other option right now is a K+M adapter which vary in price and functionality.. And the decent ones can price as high as $150 for the adapter alone.

  • Member Posts: 78

    completely disagree. The reason being is you have way more control over how you direct, move and adjust your character than you would on a controller, it’s the same with ranges killers, the movement sensitivity works at a higher volume with a mouse and keyboard, things like 360. You can’t do on a controller as efficiently as a mouse, they are night and day, m/kB are infinitely different, and would have amazing differences to the game, you’d see infinitely more nurses on console if you got m/kB.

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