Approaching eruption nerf



  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Good point, both of you.

    Not that it changes my general opinion of the perk. I've not found it to be particularly annoying so far. Maybe in the future ...

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Well since you said "just tap on reaction" ima answer back with " just don't get DHed as killer"

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Okay, so we SHOULD nerf Overcharge because most people can't hit it?

    I wasn't commenting on anything except you implying that Overcharge isn't good. It's good for most players and even experienced ones can get cucked by bad rng

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945

    I'm arguing the inverse. I'm saying overcharge is bad and needs a buff. Just because bad players get hurt by it doesn't mean the perk is good. If the perk has a problem of, it's only good against bad players, and its bad against good players, then it needs to be tweaked such that it is balanced the same for both. Or at the very least not completely OP against bad players. I'd argue that perk needs a rework for example.

    If something completely destroys bad players, but doesn't hurt good players, it needs a rework. For example, the old old ruin, with the skillchecks. That one, was basically really really powerful against bad players. But against really good players, that could hit great skill checks in their sleep, it didn't really hurt them that much. Thus, it needed a rework.

    Overcharge probably isn't as powerful against low level players as old ruin was (to the point of basically being a guaranteed loss) so i'd argue it probably is underpowered currently.

    I also think with the recent changes for solo queue, "bad players" are going to start getting better.

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Yea, maybe because the alternatives are all mostly crap.

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Again, make other exhaustion perks more useful, I'd rather bring other exhaustion perks but most of then have too many caveats to be useful when you actually need them.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    i'm not sure what you mean by "50% more popular." 50% as compared to what time? before the meta shake-up patch, DH was being run at 75% frequency in high level games, now it's more like 40%. that seems closer to 50% less popular, rather than 50% more. was there some other time frame you were talking about?

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 560
    edited January 2023

    With the person next to me or myself running the killer around and the killer using Eruption it has a 0% success rate at this point. I see it in maybe 25% of our games.

    Using a headset and over distance, I can see an increase in failure.

    From the other side, it does work sometimes against SWF, mostly after its been well exposed and I think they are getting annoyed/tired of trying to dodge it.

    I have no idea what comp players do. This seems like a bad game to play competitively, its a lot RPS going on here.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Just some ideas to get a conversation starting:

    Lithe: press E. This uses up the perks charge, gives you the effect on the next fast vault you do within 10s and starts the exhaustion timer once you vaulted.

    Sprint Burst: press E while walking in order to conserve power for 45s. In this time frame SB won't activate, if you want to or not.

    Balanced Landing: as is. You also have 3 tokens that recharge while inside the killers TR. When exhausted you use up 1 token when you jump down a great hight to reduce the stun by 35%.

    Smash Hit: on top of the effects also blind the killer and play the hook of The Tricksters greatest hit. Alternatively, if you have Any Means Necessary the palette bounces back to standing the first time you successfully smack the killer during the trial.

    Head On: hide scratch marks and foot steps for 3s on a successful hit.

    Overcome: tbh this is good for what it is. Bonus: even when running away in a straight line the character model constantly t-bags the killer .

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Eruption is easily in the top 5 of perks that have been most unhealthy in this game's lifespan.

    The posters in this thread saying they think Eruption is fine (the same posters who have been defending Eruption all this time) really need to rethink how they view game balance.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    It's meh against SWF. It's not useless against SWF.

    Overcharged is close to useless against SWF.

    Thana is useless against SWF.

    Surge is...yeah, if I was on an instadown killer I'd run that over Erupt too.

    The issue is that there are sort of two regression paths viable against a good SWF. Kicky and PR. Kicky is CoB and...I guess something else? So what do we have? Uh...well, Overcharge takes 12 seconds to equal standard regression, and Eruption is a 10% burst.

    Sometimes 'less bad' =/= good.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617
    edited January 2023

    Eruption has two major issues in my opinion:

    (a) It removes a player's ability to play for a significant amount of time. That is not healthy game design

    (b) It disproportionately affects one group more than the other (solos vs swf). That makes it frustrating for the group that's affected worse and makes it harder to determine if balancing is required.

    Reworking it into a blocked gen effect instead of giving the incapacitated status would still leave the perk strong, not have players standing around for extended periods of time, and smooth out how it affects people allowing for better data. That sounds good to me.

    In regards to the what about DH argument , well, first it is possible for there to be more than one unconnected issue in the game and, two, I don't think DH is broken. Honestly, I think it's okay albeit it can feel frustrating to face.

    If a Killer approaches a survivor with SB, BL, and Lithe the extra distance can prevent a hit. That's less frustrating for the Killer because the Killer wasn't close and now has to spend extra time finding another survivor. The survivor with DH just switches when that happens to mid-chase. That feels more frustrating because the Killer feels like they won the chase and got robbed but they hadn't won the chase yet.

    The real test as to whether or not DH is still out of balance is if DH users escape significantly more than SB users. They might, they might not, but right now the only people who know aren't telling.

    The real difference between the two is that although we don't know if DH is that much better than it's closest equivalent, SB, it seems pretty apparent Eruption is much better against solos than swf and is much more effective than the other gen defense perks. That calls for a rework to make it healthier.

    Post edited by TheSubstitute on
  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    TBH, I think that I would rather have DH on top of Lithe or SB, but it only activatable once or twice per game, then to have it potentially up every single chase, its having THAT big of on influence on the general tone of the game.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,256

    I hope they nerfed eruption so we can see some new complaints.

  • Zeb89AceGamer
    Zeb89AceGamer Member Posts: 41

    Say I'm a whining killer main without saying I'm a whining killer main

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    A shake up for survivor exhaustion when killers get access to bloodlust even easier while having access to stbfl with 10 stacks technically. Killers have chase benefits and a lot of the strong killers are anti loop with these benefits. Lets leave exhaustion alone and get rid of DH. Tha should be fair

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    It's basically 9 stacks of save now since it's 40% of 2.7 vs 3.0. If I recall correctly it was .15 per stack and is now .135. New save I think was .18 faster compared to before which is slightly faster than 9 stacks.

    I was taking about the meta shake up for exhaustion in terms of getting DH out of the meta. It's still the top dog for survivor exhaustion when there are other choices. The meta shake up was a failure in the regard since you still see DH the most used perk in the entire game. The sad thing is DH stays but healthy perks like DS and POP are nowhere to be seen.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited January 2023

    Some perks straddle the line between multiple categories and some are hard to categorise in the first place. Not to mention everyone has a different idea as to what category certain perks would go into in the first place.

    OTR is a 'second chance' perk AND a stealth perk for example.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    cuz it's still good of course no one denies that,,what i don't understand is how people still cry about it

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    Agree. I was watching a content creator the other night, usually a killer main but was playing survivor with DH. He says he thinks DH is stronger now than before its nerf, but then proceeded to have three games in a row where he got zero value out of it. All 3 killers easily waited it out. Watching his old vods on YT and seeing him get DH value every. Single. Time, I feel like some people have bad memories.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Eruption can definitely be changed in a healthy way without nuking it like Ruin. I don't see how anybody that has played Solo Q in the past 4 months can tell me that the perk is perfectly fine as is and that they can consistently rely only on their instinct and awareness to counter it when you always have question marks for teammates regardless of your MMR. Doing it is one thing, but doing it every single proc every single match though? Highly doubt it. I understand why people use it and I've used it myself, but it 100% should get this change

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    I wish DH would stun the killer for 6 seconds on command.

    Injured -> Killer comes close -> STUN <3

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 479

    All they need to do is revert the incapacitated on Eruption from 25 seconds down to 15 seconds. Being unable to do anything for half a minute is pretty silly and undeeded, everything else about the perk is perfectly fine so there really should be not need to completely destroy it like with ruin.

  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    The incapacitated is basically a 25-second stun because you have nothing to do during that time, dodging that stun is a random guess or requires you not to touch the gen (easier said than done if they're only 3 gens left and it can be on all of them) and it leads to drawn out matches which take a very long time but don't encourage players to interact with each other more than a standard length match because the killer is constantly kicking gens and survivors are stunned continuously. It's also a perk that does better against solo than swf and even with the changes to the hud this holds true, considering this is one of the most used perks at the moment this leads to significant discrepancies to the balance and experience of solo and swf.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Fair point.

    So the survivors can´t do much during those 25 seconds (apart from repositioning). The time between the down and the end of the hooking animation is aprox 20-25 seconds. Unless the survivor gets downed right under a hook.

    How about DH? It also prolongs chases. Often for more than 25 seconds and since its meta, a killer is bound to face it several times per match. Is that ok?

    The advantage of Eruption for survivors is, that the killer often has to break chases in order to kick gens. This prevents chases/downs and gives survivors the option to go for something else instead of starting a chase.

    Eruption isn´t unhealthy for DbD. At least not unhealthier than other perks. We had really healthy perk/combos like Undying Ruin. That got nerfed hard and then Eruption was buffed to give killers something. What do people think will happen when Eruption gets nerfed? There will come something else. Something that might be scarier. Just saying.