This community is wearing me out...

I've been playing DBD for a few years now. I got in on PS+ but never played it until after Oni came out. Bubba was my first main. Old Bubba. It went as well as you might think. I've seen DS when you can do a gen for 60 secs with immunity, classic DS-UB/Small PP build, Surge/Jolt couldn't hit gens already regressing, original Rundying, Freddy being stupidly strong and braindead---I've been around for a while.

But over these years, the community has continued to wear me out more as time goes on.

Terrible Experiences

I have been told to unalive myself, specifically by burning myself alive because I simply played a killer the person disliked. Nothing more, just playing someone they disliked. I have an opinion they don't like? I'm now a "c----sucking f---" Joining this are various messages filled with calling me slurs, alongside other insults both typical of DBD (tunneller, camper, etc) and downright childish (trash).

"Just ignore it"

Sound simple, doesn't it? Sorry, but I find it hard to overlook there are people out there telling me to end my life simply because they're mad at a video game. It's not simply one person who acts like this either. If it was, it'd just be an easy report and I hope I can forget about it.

"Turn off messages"

I did. By then the damage had been done, but I did do it.... but then I started getting friend requests from the likes of "trashtunneller." I'm on console btw, where name changes aren't free. People are actually paying money to do this.

Disable friend requests too? What's the point then? Why not just play a single-player game? I like talking to people. I want to make friends with them! I met some of my friends through dbd. It's just sad, because I played CoD back in the day and even that wasn't this bad, at least in my personal experiences.

Lack of Empathy and entitlement

It's ridiculous how this community can treat each other at times. Let's say my experience was a series of unfortunate encounters with a vocal minority, shall we? Every day, I listen to people complain and complain and complain. It's insane.

It's the same thing. Killers tunnel. Survs gen rush. X killer/add-on/perk/item is OP. Oh, you disagree with me? Sorry, you're an idiotic X main that your opinion is irrelevant. Do you main one side? Your opinion is irrelevant, no matter what basis you may have because you don't play the other side.

It's constant bickering, attempting to marginalize each other, and seemingly having complete disdain simply for having thoughts/opinions on what's ultimately a piece of software.


Why am I even writing this? I don't know. I'm just... tired of it all. I like this game. I really do. Despite its issues, I like it. Despite what I've said, there are many in the community that I do like! I've spoken to content creators that are genuinely wholesome people! For every wholesome interaction, I get 5 messages telling me my mother should've aborted me.

Maybe I just want to vent somehow? I don't know. I'm mentally exhausted just thinking about it.


  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369
    edited January 2023

    That's become gaming in general. Maximum reward for minimum effort. But business are in a way to blame as well, lootboxes and pay to win.

    Just set your own parameters for enjoyment, if i can get survivors crying about how i've played then i've done a good job.

    When you stop caring about what others think, you'lll enjoy dbd more.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    You're not alone.

    I've seen worse community, but not a lot worse. And in both cases it falls on the developer to correctly manage their player base.

    I mean, if you actually enjoy being the greedy guy from Monopoly, I guess that is a thing you can enjoy. But it honestly makes you a bad human, in this day and age. They need to toss a few dollars toward community management, across all social platforms, and a little moderation of in game acidic personalities.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Take a break off the game to feel better if it really takes such a toll on you..People sometimes get nasty over a video game

  • Pink_Ronin
    Pink_Ronin Member Posts: 118
    edited January 2023

    I suggest you stop playing online games or grow thicker skin. All online communities are toxic it's not just an issue in gaming.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    not true.

    Check out the DCS community. Your ground school and a hundred years of aviation tips available for just the time it takes to watch the creator's Youtube videos.

    The tone is set by the developers, just because this game is aimed at less professional people, does not mean it has to be a vile pit of sexism/whatever else ism.

    We can change it, by not being ***** to each other.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I started playing in October of 17. Trust me, I feel you're pain. I've taken plenty of long breaks. It really helps alot.

  • TheSourGrrl
    TheSourGrrl Member Posts: 8

    Thank you. It is precisely that mentality that decent, non-trollish gamers needs to push back on.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,687

    I've seen some toxic comments over the years and I understand how you're feeling. I took a break for a while and came back a little older, a little wiser and less caring about these things. At some point words just lose all their meaning. No matter what insult it is and how creative people get it just doesn't phase me anymore and that is a sad thing when you think about it.

    You play in a way someone doesn't like and suddenly get bombarded with racial slurs and speeches about how bad of a person you are and the things they hope that happen to you and your family or what they will do to you. I understand that this is the way some people cope but I doubt it's healthy.

    I still try to spread a bit of positivity but I feeling like I'm fighting a losing battle. It's nice to see the few people that do appreciate friendliness but the bad things are more memorable, I guess.

    The best advice I can give you is to remember that this is a game and that is a person that knows nothing about you yet writes some horrible things. Why should they have the power to make you feel bad on top of that?

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,187

    I once took a 2 month break of this game, too, and it felt quite liberating. It felt good playing action oriented games that didn't felt so sluggish, but that let you turn on a dime. And when I returned I still had 3 weeks on the clock of the rift to get everything, so I am not even sure that I missed anything :D

    DBD is a really odd fish. The games themes and playable horror icons are such a cool thing and I also like the gameplay a lot, even though I wish that there were a bit more variety of sorts. But this is all stuff that I can easily look past; its always the community that gives me a reality check and pulls the rug from under me.

    Dang, people say that Counterstrike or Battlefield or whatever (all this shooters are the same to me, sorry folks) lobbies can be worth, with all their 14ys olds with overblown egos trying to throw dirt on each others skills, but DBDs toxic community must a flavor of its own.

    Here is a good read back from 2017 that I always like to go back to when the matter of toxicity comes up. Its a very good read, and it shows that this has always be a problem.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Irrelevant but is your name supposed to be sarcastic? I haven't really seen you make any entitled statements XD.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,485

    It's the internet in general. I was a young teen when it became a mainstay in households and I used to be amazed at what an amazing source of information it was. Now, frankly, it's turned to sh**. My kids play Roblox and my 6 year old, who has started learning to read over the past year, has been coming up to me sad over things people have said to her when she tries new games (mainly things like "stupid noob" - like come on, it's a virtual obstacle course!). Anonymity has emboldened people to be as nasty as they like with little to no consequence.

  • LittleBigSunset
    LittleBigSunset Member Posts: 251

    All I can say is that having played since Pig released I've been there more than a few times. Not had anywhere near the degree of abuse you've gotten (although several awful experiences with friends met through the game) but I suppose that's just the roll of the dice. I'm sorry you're getting all of that. Taking a break like many others are saying might help. It usually helps me.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I wouldn't say DBD is the worst neccessarily but it's up there as pretty darn toxic. Now -all- big gaming communites, especially for pvp games, are gonna have a lot of toxicity, but DBD seems worse than many I've played, and as far as entitlement goes is certainly the worst by a long way.

    Also anyone saying that toxicity is just a part of online gaming, well partly, yes, but it doesn't need to be this bad at all, and I do blame BHVR majorly for how bad it's gotten what with their stance on 'trash talk' being perfectly acceptable.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,270

    I know you addressed it, but I turn on anonymous mode and play how I want. I also don't watch any Twitch/Youtube content creators anymore unless they're friends. It's important for everyone to remember that you don't have to be all the way plugged in. It's a dial and you can adjust it. I still have to remind myself of that sometimes, but I'm old enough to remember gaming before the internet was a thing in everyone's daily life. We didn't always participate in every aspect of an online game in the 90s/00s, and in some ways it was healthier because people just did their own thing and weren't so hyper-aware of one another.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Sorry to hear you've had a rough time of it OP. The community does seem to be fairly salty unfortunately. I'm happy to say I have more positive experiences than bad with people I talk to on dbd. I'm console too xbox so I'm spared from talking to the majority of the fanbase after a game.

    I certainly do get my share of salty messages, that's just a sign you're playing effectively to be honest. Helps I also often play friendly as killer and let 1 or 2 survs escape each match and often get thanked and make friends put of it.

    But that isn't everyone's style and there's nothing wrong with playing to win. Some players can't handle a loss and feel the need to spew bile as a knee jerk reaction. Inhope you can find a way to enjoy thebgame without being affected by the salty goblins.