Please fix it.

The new wiggle checks are soooo useless now. I always run sabatour and boil over. Both perks seems completely useless now. This game is super killer-sided and I wish they changed it back.
Dude! People are always so quick to defend the killers. There's definitely an advantage to the majority of killers, not sure if I'd call it a "super" advantage. I think it's a sliding scale of advantage dependent on the killer and their perks.
The argument I predominantly see is that the killer vs survivor is fair because when your killer and "you play against good teams". It balances out. As they're all communicating and have a strategy to go for but in reality as killer you come across these "good teams" 1 in 5 games IF THAT, I'd think its better to cater to the 4 of 5 games.
I've even noticed some of the games mechanics are weighted towards killers like being hit WAY after vaulting.
But yes agree.
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Is it me or suddenly alot of new accounts complaining how weak survivors are / how strong killers are recently?
There are cases that hooks spawn super close, Boil over with a Sabo may not be enough, consider combining Break out with taking a hit together may be?
Deny a hook should requires alot of effort.
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Besides maybe the swaying strength being bugger, you lost 1 second of wiggle time. And that was if you hit all skillchecks.
What are you even on about
Also, the moment hooking can be denied with some consistency, killers will simply not try to anymore. Then your saboteur and boil over are useless.
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Consider a year ago wiggling did nothing special I'd call this change while small a good and survivor sided thing.
The devs didn't have to improve the wiggling on greats but they did.
If you're expecting to wiggle off a bunch for free every time sounds like you want the game to be massively survivor sided. Not every change has to be massively impactful.
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The margin of difference in the change is not enough to completely change a gameplay playstyle.
At all.
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You lost one second. ONE SECOND. And that's if you hit all great skill checks. If anything the new wiggle system has the potential to be much stronger. Ever tried to go through a doorway while carrying a survivor with Boil Over?
The truth is that sabotaging hooks and bodyblocking are way easier than getting the down. That's why it should be hard and inconsistent to deny hooks. Hooking is the only way to progress the game as a killer (other than slugging 4 survivors, which I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy either).
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the mechanic does close to nothing currently - i have about 10 clips I'm putting together to show devs that the mechanic has no visible shaking effect to the killer. Killers can walk accross half the map currently with absolutely no sway - boil over is at best marginally effective - might aswell take it out of the game at this stage
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I saw it work as a survivor and as a killer. You just need to hit great skill checks. I am not a big fan of the current wiggle mechanic myself but it seems to work exactly as intended.