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Is This Why So Many Survivors Are Miserable?

StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


Worked hard to get up to gold ranks but woof are these tough to pip on sometimes.

Get up to 4 pips yesterday. Got a free afternoon, about to hit the next tier.

Let's do this!

Game 1: Nurse. Teammate cable pulls the second the match starts, we don't even get a gen done.


Game 2: Knight. Charming fellow with a 'Hex:' name referencing his testicles. Pops a guard out as I'm doing the event offering, camps, then proceeds to try and straight up tunnel me out. I somehow ran him for long enough to not only safety pip, but get back to 4 pips - courtesy of some amazing bodyblocking and a clutch syringe from Sheva. Quite proud of that game. Postgame was pretty fun.

And now I finally looked 'malding' up.

Game 3: Wraith. AFK in a corner. Zero healing or chasing to do, but I safety pip.

Game 4: Twins. Did a gen, but the fact that you get almost zero evasion because Victor doesn't ever count as a chase meant that, despite me doing my level best here, I eventually got slugged and bled out because apparently there weren't any hooks nearby, boom - depipped.

Game 5: Trickster. Doing what Tricksters do best. Ugh. Got one unhook, one heal and half a gen done before he Agitations me into the basement and hard camps me. Depipped.

Game 6: Legion. Finds me early, stun him. A teammate cable pulls (people just...really do not like Legion for some reason). Always in chase regardless, so I think he must be using Discordance - make sure I'm on a gen alone moving forwards. Keeps finding me, also absolutely incredible reads in blind loops, wondering if he's gone some bizarre aura reading thing I'm not familiar with. I get destroyed and depip, just cannot shake the guy.

Postgame, I notice that he has multiple VAC bans on record >_<.


Anyways, that's an entire afternoon in which I accomplished absolutely nothing. In fact, I ended up with less progress than I started with, and in all but one of those games, there wasn't much I could have done to prevent it.

Can we just get rid of depips already outside of DCs?


  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited January 2023

    Yh a bad run on survivor sucks absolute ass. I had some good games this morning but since 5pm all I got was hard tunneling, slugging, facecamping killers with a couple of overtly toxic ones smacking hook and one who even slugged me then bodyblocked the last surv for a solid minute before hooking her and coming back for me just before I bled out.

    Maybe it's the new rift bringing back all the salty killer mains.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    Yeah, all of these are reasons I honestly stopped going for iri 1 on survivor the last couple of seasons. If it happens it happens, but both solo or playing with my swf (who are honestly kinda bad and I can't both carry them and pip up because of how emblems work), it's just miserable climbing the iri ladder. It really doesn't help I'm kinda burnt out on survivor and hasn't really been fun to play for me for a while. It's so much easier to pip up with killer, it's quite nuts.

    But yeah big +1 on the depips. It's kinda heartbreaking being like, iri 2 and 1 pip away from iri 1, then having 4 bad matches in a row where you depip.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,967

    The single worst part of the surv experience are disconnectors. De-pipping because of one when traying to rank up is mildly infuriating.

    But yeah, the gold to iri 1 grind in solo can really put you through it because of things you can't control.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,512

    Map offerings once you hit Iri. Map offerings. The bad taste in your mouth doesn't matter as much as keeping your sanity.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
    edited January 2023

    Looks like you can use a friend to play with friend. Interested in a swf?? I'm good for it. :)

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 433

    "Why are survivors so miserable?" Then proceeds to list some of the most irritating, unfun killers in the game...

    (Nurse, Trickster, Twins, Legion)

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Well whenever you want. Message me so I can give you my tag and we can play

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2023

    I have zero issue facing any killer on that list besides Twins (and that's not because of their design, it's because of...well okay, something about their design that's really stupid in that you can't really earn any chase points against them and it's thus nearly impossible to pip sometimes).

    I legit love facing Nurse now or a non camping Trickster.

    Keep in mind that I'm an awful survivor XD.

    Like...eternal killer main awful survivor.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    They could remove depips for survivor and it should make things better.

    Who I wind up matched with and what killer is selected determines how much fun the experience will be, and to a lesser extent how the killer plays is a factor.

    People refusing to play on a map, against a killer or whatever that results in a DC is a problem. And if you're trying to move through ranks it should result in a lock on all pips for all remaining players. Not sure why this isn't in place, seems like a basic QoL rule. Their forward solution seems to be bots. Bots won't fix much, I'd guess.

    With soloQ I find, its best to try to support the playstyle of the people I'm matched with, and to not have a build that the killer counters via killer choice. Some matches will be lost causes, if I bring a hyperfocus build and Meg keeps training the killer onto me with Bond, I'm leaving annoyed, but silently so, because I see this as intended play. If I see two no Mither players with boil over determined to hold the killer at Badham basement, its just not worth playing. I won't DC but you have to accept that the players decided to make the match a mess for laughs, or TTV footage, or whatever.

    Legion is especially strong against SoloQ in my experience, he keeps people off gens by being mobile, his special lets him see where you linger and with no coms everyone balls up often enough.

    The only consistently good solution to the issues under player control that you described are to DC and let random things align for a more fun match. I'm not advocating that, just pointing out the same things you did. The obvious about the state of the game.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,703

    Dude... you must have accidentally desicrated an Indian burial ground or something. That's some round of games. Though you did get Twins, so you had a small bit of luck! I've had one depip in as long as I can remember, at least a couple resets. I'd advise trying Distortion for a bit. It'll help block aura reading perks and should hopefully keep you in the game that bit longer to actually get stuff done and pip. Downside of course is that it makes your team more vulnerable, because there's now 3 targets instead of 4.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    It's fine. I'm still decent considering I have been playing for a long time

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Haha tell you what. I'm currently practicing survivor quite a bit in preparation for some SWF we're going to be running off my Discord/YT channel (unrelated). If that goes well, I'll hit you up.

  • Sanna
    Sanna Member Posts: 26

    I did realize a lot of sweat and end-game salt stems from pips/depipping being a thing, and it really is the most frustrating feeling ever when you depip for something you can't control.

    I wish depipping could be removed altogether (except for people who DC) or at least have the safety pip standard lowered at higher grades.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,145

    I’m pretty sure the worst part is being camped and/or tunneled. When I play survivor, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about another player DCing, but I do care about being tunneled or camped. 🤷‍♀️

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,264

    As survivor at higher grades to pip you pretty much need to do 2 gens, 2 unhooks, 2 heals, 2 decent chases, and 2 totems. Hard enough when you need to split that with 3 others but add in survivors quitting/throwing for challenges/sandbagging or killers playing in a way that completely prevents you from getting points/being AFK and it can put you in a bad head space.

    Getting an unfun match where you're tunneled/camped/slugged and already barely getting BP to then be slapped with a negative pip is pretty frustrating. Whenever I have back to back negative pip matches or unfun matches I turn off the game and go play something else instead of just getting more and more frustrated from losing progress.

    They should remove negative pips and just have safety, +1, and +2. Also should do something about killer powers like Victor not awarding chase points. It's pretty ridiculous you could distract the killer that is controlling Victor for 5 gens but get 0 points because the game thinks you were just running around doing nothing - I have complained about this since the Twins were released.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2023

    I do. Honestly, I'd much rather be tunneled.

    At least I can get some looping practice.

    Being camped? Eh. It depends.

    Someone DCs? Now what do I do? If I'm on survivor, I have to play out what will, at best, be an elongated and tedious loss. If I'm on killer I now get to play out an elongated and tedious win.

    Especially since <redacted> streamer has been using that frigging <redacted> exploit to avoid AFK crows, now everyone knows how to do it so you're almost guaranteed to get 2 survivors hiding in lockers at random parts of the map trying to be the last one alive/trying to be annoying and what would have been an 8 minute game now takes 38 minutes.

    This. It' frigging stupid that I literally see people fighting over unhooks or dusting perfectly good dull totems that could be booned for the sake of archives or pips.

    I will say this though.

    AFK killer? I make a little groaning noise and just get out.

    2 Survivors doing 'gains' somewhere in a random LT wall/room respectively to stall the game out for 20 additional minutes? That makes me want to punch the entire internet on principle.

    Yes, this just happened to me. And they clearly intended to do it, bringing Distortion/Iron Will/Calm Spirit.

  • Distortion_Enjoyer
    Distortion_Enjoyer Applicant Posts: 83

    turn off names, close pre & post game chats, enjoy, the game is only as fun as you make it out to be

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Pre-game chat is essential. Yes, there's always 1 player who doesn't use it and 1 player who only speaks Tagalog, but at least I can reduce the chances of there being 4x Kindreds and 4x CoH in the match.

  • Distortion_Enjoyer
    Distortion_Enjoyer Applicant Posts: 83

    i suppose pre-game chat might be fine but i've seen trolls and bigots and majority never use it, so i just closed it anyway, we do fine but i see the merits of using it

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,228
  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Survivors should really be able to see each other's perks in pregame. If BHVR's goal is some sort of parity between solos and SWF, it boggles my mind that this isn't the case yet.

  • Distortion_Enjoyer
    Distortion_Enjoyer Applicant Posts: 83

    completely agree, they should add a tooltip style box when hovering over the survs in the lobby with their perks, this lets solos plan their perks, sounds like a pipe dream though

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    My guess is that it's the same bizarro reason why we can't see MMRs/SWFs in postgame - they are worried about 'more toxicity'. Which...oof.

    If a lot of people are dodging lobbies with a specific perk in them...maybe the perk is the problem.

    Yes, I'm talking about No Mither.

  • Distortion_Enjoyer
    Distortion_Enjoyer Applicant Posts: 83

    i can defo see some throw shade and abuse just from seeing peoples perks, i guess i don't care what people run and i have fun playing solo, so i didn't see that angle

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    My advice is not what you look for maybe, but it's realistic. Don't fixate on going to iri 1 solo. It's not that it's impossible, I've done it multiple times as have countless other player. But once you hit iri the pip requirements are so high that you're basically competing with your teammates for pips, while also crossing your fingers that the killer plays well but also not too well. Add to that ragequits, afk's, bugs, power designs that hurt certain emblems etc. and you suddenly have to hope that RNGesus is on your side as you ride tidal waves of variance. Or simply play so much that you eventually get there.

    Not really worth the aggravation for the minor bp reward difference.

    Iri 1 is more reasonable, as long as you understand the power and how to play for emblems.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,264

    Unfortunately both sides have players that go into a match with the sole purpose of trying to ruin it for the others - leads to stupid vicious circle of "my last match they made me feel bad so I'm going to take it out on the player(s) in my next match." It makes the negative pips more frustrating for both sides - you go in against someone that just wants you to have a miserable time and the game rewards you with negative pips for dealing with it.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited January 2023

    Pipping as survivor is just too hard in my opinion. Once you get to Gold it slows right down and at Iri it's just absurdly difficult to even get a +1 pip. Iri 1 Survivor is actually one of my final 2 achievements left to get but I know I'm never gonna get it unless BHVR changes the pipping system at some point.

    As killer it's just so much easier, simply due to the fact that you're always going to be in the match for the entire time, and you can't be tunnelled out of the game. Even a really good survivor is gonna struggle to safety pip if the killer decides to just tunnel em out.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Also even though I would -love- to be able to see other survivors' perks in the pre-game lobby, I -could- see it causing an issue when it comes to certain builds or certain archive challenges.

    I mean imagine seeing one of your teammates running zero perks, or just Self-Care and No Mither, or running a build like Sole Survivor, Wake Up, Distortion, Left Behind or something like that.

    It would cause more lobby-dodging and we already know that backfilling lobbies massively screws up MMR.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2023

    I see the concern, but...look at it this way.

    Is it better to force this on groups without them knowing, so they end up basically auto-losing at the selection screen or to give folks a chance so that when they do find a group willing to let them roll with those perks, they'd know what they are getting into and can compensate?

    Also - if there's a perk that causes dozens of people to instadodge the second they see it - that's probably an indicator that you need to rework that perk.

    I mean...that one tome with the 'only use No Mither and escape' node made solo queue basically unplayable for an entire week.

    Every game would have 2 people hiding in opposite corners of the map fiddling with their item to avoid crows, hoping for everyone else to die so they could get hatch.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,512

    Seriously, map offerings. Use them. It doesn't have to be for extremely painful maps; just maps you're good at. As an example, I avoid Ormond like the plague and play Midwich quite often simply because I don't do well in Ormond but do very well in Midwich although it's ostensibly Killer sided.

    At two or three pips into an Iri grade the offerings come out until I hit the next grade. The requirements for pipping up at Iri make you compete with your teammates and all of the following can make you depip:

    (a) a teammate ragequits

    (b) The Killer tunnels or camps you

    (c) The Killer chases you all game

    (d) The Killer doesn't chase you enough

    (e) The Killer's afk

    (f) The Killer can't land a hit on anyone so no chances for altruism

    Etc. You can literally complete gens and walk out without taking a hit and depip. Even if you don't like them because of what you experienced as a Killer play them at Iri ranks as a solo. There is nothing in this game more frustrating than making it to 4 pips in at Iri as survivor and losing them all (and I played M1 Killers for my Killer games after the Mikaela Reid release while CoH and DH was at its most powerful). Until BHVR gets rid of depipping, which they should because so much can happen that's 100% out of your control, play them at Iri. Your blood pressure will thank you.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,428

    Ah, the Disconnect No Jutsu. Super effective on Nurses and teammates.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,967

    If your teammate DCs early, the outcome is probably going to be the same; you're gonna die (if the killer is any good). Unless it comes late, a DC will ruin the game, and more for the other survs than the killer. When I am playing killer, I care a lot less if a surv DCs than if it's a teammate, because that screws the other three of us over.

    That's not even to mention that I have a game ruined by a disconnector like four times for every one time I get camped or tunneled.

    So yeah, I'll take the occasional facecamp over the torrent of disconnecting babies, thanks

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,468

    This one is so on point :D

    That aside, it takes about 90 pips to go from Ash 4 to Iri 1. Here is the new deal: it now takes 120 pips, but you can't depip unless you DC. This means that you need 120 good games in the span of a month, which is indeed just a representation of how much you played and not skill plus so, so, so much luck and RNG involved as we have now. 2 Million BP for regular players ain't breaking the bank, just let me have it. 

    I for once play like absolute ass when I am close to pipping up, as I have lost all progress because one game where I memed with cute suevivors delayed me. But once I reach Iri1 I can just enjoy the game and be nice or mean to people depending on the way they play. Just imagine if this was ALL MONTH LONG! *mind blown *