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General Discussions

Circle of Healing is also likely to get a nerf, in-case you missed it.

Member Posts: 7,525
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

I checked to see if Karu had posted it but as far as I can tell they've only tweeted about it - but on the German blog there is an additional bit of information after the "Schmeruption" quip.

As you can see in the tweet from @GoodBoyKaru , the German blog states "und Schmeis der Schmeilung". This rhymes with the German version of Circle of Healing, which is "Kreis der Heilung".

Edit: Before I get anyones hopes up, this line has been removed unfortunately, but lets hope it was a slip up rather than a mistake.

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  • Member Posts: 3,452

    It might be their goal, though. Their concept of meta shake up is just that.

    Anyway, I think they'll go with another healing speed nerf, or a re-blessing time penalty of sort.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    How about : just let the killer break bones by interacting with the boon. Then any boon can only be used at most 5 times before there are no bones left.

    And then change Noed so that it can trigger from broken bones - not that anyone is still using it.

  • Member Posts: 99

    and thats bad because?

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I say this about Dead Hard and people act like I shot their favorite puppy.

  • Member Posts: 236

    Instead of having a basekit shattered hope just make re-blessing take longer if a totem's already been used. The pain with boons is when they keep re-blessing in an inconvenient spot for you to deal with.

    Buff shattered hope's effect though, it's not worth it. I've heard one idea to make it block all totems for 60 seconds, including hexes, this would give one justification to bring it as it'd prevent "oh they purged my devour 20 seconds in." For its primary effect you could make it show everyone in the totem radius and the person who placed the totem for 10-15 seconds. When I think of an anti-boon perk I think of something that will make you almost regret booning.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Please dont overhype and get your expectations too high. It might as well be a 5 second reduction for incapacitation eruption and 5% healing for COH.

    As soon the devs post actual changes, feel free to mock each other in gleeful Schadensfreude.

  • Member Posts: 41

    They can't nerf the healing range or speed, they both got nerfed already, the only nerf they can do is limit heals but i doubt that's the case, it's probably just a coincidence, meta shakeups will happen to the most used perks and unused perks, and I'm my games i find one survivor using it every two or three games, is not like eruption that is used 90%+ of my games

  • Applicant Posts: 83

    a nerf to CoH would be the end of boon perks, althought it's bhvr so i wouldn't be surprised if they gutted it

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    Just give killers shattered hope as basekit and Coh and other boons are solved. Survivors will actually have to look for other totems instead of booning the same over and over. Also they have to be careful not to overboon.

    I just want to break them without using a perk that should have been basekit from the beginning.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Doing that only solves circle of healing not the other boons because the other ones are bad.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I'm all for making COH more balanced but can yall do it in a way that doesn't make it useless

  • Member Posts: 691

    I would say it just giving the survivors options to heal themselves would still keep it in the meta. The 50% bonus heal speeds for med-kits and healing others really feel like an added extra that isn't needed for the perk to stay strong.

  • Applicant Posts: 83

    i wanted shattered hope to be base kit too, seems wild they made it a basic perk, a whole perk slot for just that doesn't seem worth when compared to the power, well the potential power survivors could bring with their perks

  • Member Posts: 178

    Boons don't bother me. I'd even say they're not meta. The survivors who are gen-efficient don't care about healing; they bring adrenaline. You lose 3 gens first chase, and unless you get crazy pressure, you'll lose the next 2 not soon after. Who needs CoH? I'd say the most common builds I see are 2-gen related perks like Prove, Hyperfocus, etc. and then Dead Hard, and maybe Resilience or OTR. I would absolutely take a Dead Hard nerf over a CoH nerf. I don't even much care about CoH. If they're setting up boons and healing, they aren't doing gens.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Oh holy crap yes.

    Not only will this make my killer games 100% less obnoxious, but it'll help my survivor games being less tooth-grindingly annoying when two players literally spend half the match setting these dumb things up in basically the same area of the map.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    I quite like how the perk is discouraging hit and play styles. When tons of people were playing hit and run Wraith it was awful, especially in solo queue, unless someone had CoH.

    I can imagine builds for Wraith such as Sloppy Butcher, Knockout, Eruption, Deadlock/Infectious Fright with a slugging playstyle making a return, especially with a CoH nerf.

    The UI improvements will help a bit now though. But so will the Haemorrhage (Sloppy Butcher) buff for killers (making survivors lose progress with their heals). So I'd imagine it'd still be extremely oppressive to play against. And boring, since you're not really ever chased - just downed over and over again when the nearby pallets are gone.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Let's hope so. As survivor I'm tired seeing others bless totems instead of doing gens. SWFs can make good use of COH but we want to close that gap between solos and SWF so at this point it's bad for everyone except SWFs

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    it would be highlighted after about 20 seconds making the location known.

    NOED became a junk perk. It used to be "payback" for the map being unfair to the killer. At this point they should delete hope and NOED and just make all the maps fair to all killers.

    Would you rather the game be 95% Nurses and Blights? Trust me : you want all the killers to be viable.

  • Applicant Posts: 83

    boon perks are a great idea, what holds them back is the fact they are unlimited, imo they should work similar to hexs, one time use and the totem should break when the killer snuffs it, this is the cost of totem perks as with hexs

  • Member Posts: 21,210


  • Member Posts: 358

    I don't know if that's possible. You could nerf it so the self healing is for the person who brought the boon only, but that defeats the purpose of a boon empowering your team. Take away the self heal and it's just a meh healing perk (it would put it on the same power level as the other boon perks though). Take away the heal speed and it's just old self care. COH doesn't need a nerf it needs to be reworked to something else, but there's only so much you can do to a perk dedicated to healing. Maybe if they took away the heal speed and self care aspect and put a medkit efficiency bonus instead? But that would just make people complain about medkits, and people already find medkits too strong.

  • Member Posts: 22,850
    edited January 2023

    Anyway stan I've heard she has a really cool other dbd forums based twitter account 💅

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Here's the thing though.

    This game isn't and can't be balanced around solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Idea time:


    When a Boon or Hex is removed from a Totem, the Totem becomes Snuffed. While Snuffed, a Totem cannot have a Boon or Hex applied to it. Applying a Boon or Hex onto any Totem that is not Snuffed will remove Snuffed from Snuffed Totems.

    This would, in the very least, prevent Survivors from chaining a Boon on the same Totem quickly. This would also not change how any other Hex or Boon Perks work otherwise. The wording is also deliberate so that, in the future, Killers could be able to apply a Hex to a totem and the mechanic would be designed to account for that. It could, in theory, account for Survivors getting the ability to remove a Hex without destroying a Totem, should the devs ever implement that for whatever reason.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Honestly I think a large part of the reason CoH has remained as strong as it is for this long is because a lot of survivors aren’t actually smart about using it. If used properly, it’s OP. But if it’s not, it can become detrimental to the survivors at some point because of how much gen time is being lost. And I see a lot of players use it improperly so on paper the perk looks more balanced than it really is.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Imo the only change it needs is to no longer stack with medkits.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    They'll nerf it and make it useless like self care but will still have the random teammates spending the match hiding and booning instead of being useful and unhooking their teammate before they die on first hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Good, nerf it into the ground. Boons should never have been added to the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Survivors love their E key crutch. Any dissent will be met with lethal force.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I hate to pound on this point but it is 100% true. Look at all the videos out there of entitled survivors crunching Dead Hard and screaming "I PRESSED E!" when it didn't work, then raging at the game that their crutch perk wasn't timed right.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Yes, but my point is their reaction to it. They feel so entitled to that E, they will scream so loud it could get the cops called. A sane player often deals with their flubbed perks with some measure of self-respect. Dead Harders are a different breed.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Actually I do react to my perks doing that just like that.

    As for killer's DCing over totems, the vast majority of those are when 1-2 of them pop in the first 45 seconds. That's not having a Dead Hard miss once, that's losing 25%-50% of your entire perk loadout in under the first minute of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    You don’t like hit and run play style so what do you like exactly ? Tunneling ? Slugging ? Kick gen ?

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited January 2023

    So in solo queue you like playing against a Wraith (with the build I mentioned):

    • Which you can't see coming
    • You get slugged over and over again
    • You spend 5 seconds in chase each time once the nearest pallet to the gen is gone - either this or you're AFK hiding in a corner not doing anything to progress the game
    • Difficult to heal against - pretty much injured/slugged all game
    • Very difficult to co-ordinate against in solo queue
    • Constantly having the incapacitated effect (because remember, he's just kicking gens and downing people over and over again). Meaning you can't do gens, heal or even heal other slugged survivors
    • Teammates having to run around the entire map to find you because of knockout

    So yes, I don't like that gameplay - which is why I say I'm glad CoH discourages this because you have a chance to heal throughout the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,394
    edited January 2023

    Faster healing in the radius but can only self-heal at the Totem instead of through walls in a 24m radius.

    A shrine archetype, needing a mobility commitment.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    If the loud af bell doesn't hive him away, or the incredibly noisy breathing or thr easy af to see shimmer he has still the potential to surprise you, idk what to tell you.

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited January 2023

    Not seeing a stealth killer coming is normal. Old school survivor were perfectly able to loop Wraith and beat him before CoH was a thing.

    Eruption will get nerf.

    You don’t realize CoH is forcing tunneling because it removes any other kind of pressure the killer can have. And it is making the game more boring for everyone. People sit on gens and retreat into the boon to heal themself. No interaction with the killer and no interaction with survivors between themselves. What a fun game. Repair simulator and self heal simulator.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Member Posts: 436

    Killer mains will never stop crying until survivors have to start the match on the hook.

    Just ignore the killer hive mind on the forums, its mind numbing and you may actually lose IQ points trying to keep up with their mental gymnastics.

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