Why Does Nobody Bring Event Offerings?

I think I've seen a total of 1 game where there were 5.
Most of the time, it's either just me or 2 of us.
This is...free BP folks. Why aren't people bringing them?
Idk, I've seen 4-5 almost every match. I've only had matches with 3 or less twice honestly.
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Weird cause every game I play, there's been 3-5 event offerings
I always bring mine but I don't think I've had a single game where I was the only one bringing an event offering
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I...honestly have no idea then. I frigging wish it was like this on my end.
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Because I ran out 😔.
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I don’t use event offerings because I still have lots of cakes. I super binge this game during the anniversary event, and the cakes carry me to the next anniversary event.
And this game matches me with bully SWFs so much, that I’m stuck playing the same few killers over and over, and they all have cakes. There’s no point in playing killers that can easily get bullied, and I don’t even bother doing dailies on the rest of the killer roster because it’s not worth it.
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I think it's because of the unlockables since their super easy to obtain since all you have to do is have someone else touch your envelope with no other major requirements people will bring in ten of the offerings for each of the unlockables once they have them all they just stop using them since they would want stuff like another map to play on. But it's like this for all the events though the anniversary gets it worse since people bring escape cakes but in short its just a mix of greed and just not wanting to use more of those offerings.
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I've seen way less today. - Personally, I dislike them because of the obnoxious sound they make. But in the early days I've also seen a bunch of people collecting all the event stuff before actually starting doing anything objective related. - As long as everyone is doing that it's alright --- but if not everyone is doing it then the side who is doing it is at an inherent disadvantage cause they spend the first two minutes of the match just running around the map. I imagine people who are fed up with teamies just running from envelope to envelope just stopped bringing them.
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I already have the cosmetics, and i don't care about Bloodpoints because i already have every killer at p3, and every survivor at p1 and all the survivor perks unlocked on several survivors. So there really isn't a point for me anymore.
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I've had quite a few matches where I'm the only one (or in 2swf we're the only ones) running the offering. There's a few reasons I can think of for why people aren't using them.
First there isn't many in the bloodwebs. I've had a ridiculous amount of bloodwebs with 0 event anything and even more with no event offerings. Players just aren't getting the offerings to play.
Second there are players that purposely avoid the offerings because they can't use them after the event is over. So those players don't even have the offerings to use.
Third there are players who don't understand all the increased BP they're getting even if they are camped. This isn't like the anniversary or Halloween events where you play an offering but then get 0 BP if you're unlucky enough to get caught first and camped, and in case of anniversary get frustrated you added stacked BP to the killer that's camping you. In this event you actually get BP while on hook when your teammates complete gens (yay!) or grab your envelope. While the event offering can feel wasted in other events when you're stuck on hook in this one you're actually make out decent. They also don't realize how much the event BP is increased with an offering. It just says "increased event BP" not "double/triple event BP." It's too vague for casual players to fully understand what they're missing out on.
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... I tried to avoid the envelopes best I could and still got 22 (or 24?) while giving a surv another prestige level (5-50). - And on the one or another character I didn't have some but wanted some I could get 5+ by spending ~50k BP. I really don't think it's a lack of envelopes...
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I got 20 envelopes total going from level 1-50 on a survivor and I was trying to get the envelopes. I had 15 levels that gave 0 event anything and another 15 that only had event items. The remaining 20 had one offering each. I love firecrackers so I'm happy to have alot of those in my inventory.
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Lie. It's literally impossible to run out of event offerings in this game, to the point where we get more of them than we can use.
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For you maybe. But my blood webs barely gave me that many envelopes on my Ada.
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Yeah, I'm not crazy. Since I made this post - last few games:
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No reason to bring them outside of getting your 10 rewards. Bringing BP offerings give you far more bp. These event offerings should have come with a flat +50% BP reward considering how common they are.
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Same. All the matches I played today had 1-3 offering max. I get that people have all the cosmetics but why not gets the free BP?
I had one envelope give me 25K and another one gave me 20K. All other envelopes always give me between 5-10K BP.
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I can hit about 60-80k with one, depending on RNG. I've broken 100k with incentives.
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Can relate, I thought it was just bad luck on my part but I guess it's an actual thing. 😅 Really weird envelopes aren't used more often during the event (although I'll admit I'm still not fully sure on how they even work LOL)
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Yeah, I don't get it either. I think my luck as been a little better than yours. I've had 2 games with 5 offerings and several more with 4 offerings. But typically it is in the 1-3 range.
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Had a 4 today, but since the last one it's been
Done for the day, basically just trying to get to Gold II on survivor than calling it until tome page 3.
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because with a cake u get more points.-
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You absolutely *do not*.
Even if you get hard camped, it's at least an extra 10-20k.
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u actually do, normally u may get 30k points average, double that 60, with that offering i get less,m when i sue it i tend to go to 40, sometimes 50k or so, cakes been giving me more so i dont use them, besides i got all the things in 2 days so i couldnt care less to bring them
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I started seeing less over time and I think it’s because people got all their cosmetics but don’t realise it also increases bp’s. Tbf even I had to read it twice to double check whether they did or not and it’s not stated till right at the end from memory.
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Because I already have 3 million blood points that I’m too lazy to spend.
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How much does a lunar gen give without the offering?
Because with the offering, it's 3k every time one gets finished, even if you didn't finish it.
Then 5k for someone opening your offering, and up to 30k for someone else's.
So generally it's 3,000x3-5 + 5k + x (where x is a number between 0 and 30,000) bonus.
That's pretty damn nice. I'd say, on average, I'm getting 20-30k at least from event stuff alone.
I'm going to get my current survivor as high as possible, stock up on Blight addons and then I'm going on a short hiatus.
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I see mostly 4 or 5. It's really nice to get 90k BP per match.
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I use them but depending on the circumstances, I'll forget to bring one for many games.
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As survivor it kinda sucks to have the glittery lights give my location away when I'm trying to be stealthy kind of a stupid idea if you ask me.
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it wastes too much time as a killer with no slow down
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Oh you won't go and fiddle with them until later - but you get a whole bunch of BP every time you hook.
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I can barely get myself to spend bp, you think I can remember to put on the event offering.
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This annoys me too. Or the killers that get to hog all of them
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Here's my policy on killer.
- If there's nobody nearby? I'm taking it.
- If there's someone taking it or heading to it - they can have it.
I'll also give someone a free pass if they're setting theirs up.
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I'd rather just save them.
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What? You cant use them for the rest of the year, thats stupid
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The main reason I do not bring one is because I got on a character for a daily that I have not spent blood on and therefore do not have one for them.
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Stupid? No, I don't really need the BP and I like collecting event stuff, lol. I never use event items either :D
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Can still do that without bringing one yourself. You bringing one yourself doesn't benefit you at all once you get your 10 unlocks.
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AFAIK you get triple BP from lunar hooks/gens.
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because most people out there won't play for BP or to chill... They will play to be more annoying as possible and to win (map offerings together with purple oaks offering are common in my lobbies as killer, just like strong addons and map offerings/mori for the killer as survivor. Most of those players, if not all of them, are always toxic brats)
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Ah, well then not too bad, then!