Incapacitation needs to Cook


Current Incapacitation

  • Prevents Survivors from performing actions in repairing, interacting with other survivors, sabotaging, using items and cleansing totems.

Incapacitation after 15 minutes in the Oven

  • Reduces the speed at which Survivors repair Generators, sabotage Hooks and Cleanse or Bless totems by 25%.
  • While repairing Generators or healing other Survivors, skill checks are 20% more frequent, 40% smaller and have a 50% chance of not spawning with Great Skill Check zones.

Instead of being an effect that locks players out of all of their actions, it should be something that nerfs their capabilities. It'd be a lot better for the game and would keep everyone happy instead of the current "oops, I'm locked out from playing for almost 30 seconds".


  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,683
    edited January 2023

    There isn't even a HUD icon to show other survivors that a teammate is Incapacitated, which has led to a lot of griefing in matches because survivors get pissy you're just standing around a gen and 'refusing' to heal them, then you spend the rest of the match getting sandbagged.

    It's a terrible status effect on Eruption in general, though. I'm just extra annoyed at the problems it causes in solo queue.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,043

    Don't forget that Incapacitated is how Victor works, and was introduced with him. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's just Victor, Eruption, and a Huntress addon that applies the status effect to begin with, right? Maybe I'm missing one, but nobody's complaining about Victor preventing you from performing actions, nor are they complaining about that Huntress addon; they're complaining about Eruption, because that perk is overtuned.

    Nerfing Incapacitated like this would heavily punish Twins (because holding Victor for as long as possible wouldn't even stop you working on generators), and would still result in Eruption being kind of overtuned and too easily circumvented by players on comms. The solution is to remove Incapacitated from Eruption entirely, not to change the status effect itself.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,241

    Pinhead chains, whether chain hunt or m2 also give incapacitated status when they attach. But keeping it restricted to killer powers is healthier for that particular status effect.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,479

    No. Eruption just needs to be changed. That's it. Incapacitated is fine for Victor and Pinhead's chains. It just needs to not be used the way Eruption uses it and it shouldn't ever last for a long period of time.

  • MrKrabsArgArgArg
    MrKrabsArgArgArg Member Posts: 75

    Jesse, we need to cook that Eruption

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,043

    I knew I'd forgotten something, yeah, Pinhead chains. I agree, keeping it to short durations on killer powers/addons is a lot healthier than 25 seconds on a perk.

    Of course, Eruption should have something replace the Incapacitated, but the Incapacitated should still go.

  • sasnayahdrezka
    sasnayahdrezka Member Posts: 132

    my favourite part about eruption is that when i play twins people would hold Victor for 5 minutes easily but when its eruption then its nah nah nah nerf it