SWF balance

Imagine if killers got all aura perks for free just by downloading discord, I'm sure bhvr would immediately ban this, but survivors can use it without any consequences
Because it’s not against any rules. It’s an app for gamers to use to talk to their friends while they play games together.
Playing with friends is a large part of the game. You are allowed to use discord, it is not free aura, and it does not make every single SWF a god tier team.
There are many many SWF’s that aren’t any more effective than a random solo q team.
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well, if the constant knowledge of where the killer is and all your allies without any perks is fair, then for good the killer should also receive all the information perks simply by running the discord
by the way, constant communication in a game that is designed for the fact that survivors cannot talk to each other
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cant wait when they add the 2 killer gamemode and then people will complain about "Kill with Friends"
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1) Again. Not all SWF’s are good.
2) There is nothing in the rules about using discord or communicating with your friends.
3) You cannot penalize people for playing with friends. You wouldn’t have a game after that.
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Does the bait taste good?
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Idk man they constantly tell us that swf are not really all that better than solos so I don't think it's that much of a problem
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Something tells me it’s not bait.
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once again, the survivors use a vulnerability in the mechanics to get all the information just by downloading 1 program,
at the same time, the killers cannot get all the information just by downloading the program
it's double standards
+ since when did playing with friends become justifiable ?
or that now if someone installs cheats, he cannot be banned because he plays with friends
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OPs mental gymnastics is fit for the American court system.
This is what happens when you allow laws to be open for interpretation by bad faith actors.
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Tell me you don't have friends without telling me you don't have friends
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*laughs in Xbox party chat*
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only way to fix SWF is to buff solos and killers
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Are you also upset that killers don't get to run Bond?
DbD is -asymmetrical-.
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Devs have finally come out and said that SWF was always intended. Since when was playing with friends justifiable? Since the inception of the game.
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the developers said that the game with friends
playing with friends does not = using third party programs
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Logically it does. You think two to four friends were going to play together in silence? By releasing it on console there was already built in party potential. There is nothing they can do by allowing one, comes with the other. And also what about spouses or siblings that live together and play on separate consoles or computers. Should they play in absolute silence as not to have an unfair advantage? As much it may peeve you off its part of the game and it is not going anywhere.
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I didn’t say that this should go somewhere, I just emphasized the double standards of the survivors
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initially this discussion was created in contrast to another, where the survivor says without sarcasm that dh needs to be strengthened, at that moment I became interested in how hypocritical the survivors are and whether they recognize obvious double standards or even point-blank will ignore the facts, turned out 2
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Most are bad with Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Freddy and many other killers, however they were nerfed into the abyss, you can tell this cheap excuse to someone else, according to your logic, they should never be nerfed
"yOu cAnNoT pEnAlIzE pPl fOr pLaYiNg wItH fRiEnDs" but nerfing killers although most players weren't good with them and just want to have fun with this killer, they still got hardcore nerfed because a few could handle it
stop that double standard bs!
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Survivors would hate me and my friend
They'd have to adjust certain killer powers for that gamemode (pig, wesker and nemesis off the top of my head) to make them more usable/fair there
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You mean the topic where zero people agreed with the topic creator?
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BHVR has said time and time again that SWF does not have a significantly higher escape rate than solo queue until you get into bleeding edge MMR brackets, which you are probably not in.
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I'm not good with Nurse and i fully support her nerfs, i'd honestly go even further because she's single handedly handicaping every other killer. One thing is BIAS and another is bad design, both exist in the game and we need to be ale to distinguish it. Yes the game is survivor sided and to an extent it needs to be because survivors without perks and items have nothing so Map Design is the only thing that helps them the issue is most Maps are just really goddamn bad but Nurse's ability to ignore pretty much everything is beyond OP, as good as you can be as survivor an equally good Nurse will not give you any meaningful counterplay.
People think Nurse is a high skill ceiling killer and i respectfully disagree, i'll argue Pyramid Head is a much harder killer to play well than Nurse is. After you get used to playing her she's mostly muscle memory for charging blinks while to be good at Pyramid Head you need to have excelent knowledge about lines of sight and distances, playing PH without range add-ons and with range add-ons is a world of difference and that's exactly why Range add-ons are his best add-ons. You also need to know how to run Loops so that you can put down Trails of Torment and force players to either get Tormented or leave a loop. So as a PH player you need to fully understand the strength of each loop and you need to be aware of the Maps to see where each loop leads to. Tormenting a loop where you can easily get an M1 might just give the survivors time to shift W away into a stronger loop so you as a PH player need to know what hand you are dealt and you need to make the right move.
So using half of PH's killer kit is alot harder than using Nurse in General. A good Nurse will still be more effective than a good PH because Nurse can do everything faster, she'll find you faster, chase you faster and get the hit faster than PH can without having half of the worries a PH player has. Does Nurse still take Distance into account? Yes but Nurse can course correct herself with a second Blink while if a PH misses his M2 he's got a long cooldown and slower catch up than Nurse has.
Against 99% of Survivors Nurse can fail the first Blink and be fine but PH will get screwed in most of those scenarios...
So yeah screw Nurse, she gets away with ######### that punishes every other killer.
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What?😂 Why double standard am I portraying? I’m a hard killer main. It’s not an excuse, so many of y’all use the term “SWF” and presume it to be this god tier force to be reckoned with. It’s really not.
No, you cannot penalize a player base for playing with friends. That’s stupid. And killers recently got a huge blanket buff…. So I don’t know what you’re talking about. Killers haven’t been nerfed.
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So is Xbox party chat a 3rd party software? Is Xbox party chat illegal in DBD? Your argument has NO legs to stand on.
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This game would die faster than Anthem if there was no SWF option
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And are these survivors in the room with us now?
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Would the real survivor mains please stand up
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and im Main Survivor with 8k+ hrs over 4yrs playing dbd but i dont begin to lie about facts in dbd, i can quiet and play everyday swf with friend and abuse it... if you say that "you cant nerf swf" then buff solo q (example giving action buff) and then buff killer too, but that's not allowed either :DD I don't care if one or the other happens, but it can't stay that way the SWF is much much stronger than solo q and killer, btw swf nerfs would only hurt the people who "tryharden" those who play with friends just want to have fun and have a good time together, so i only see cheap excuses and only cries from people abusing the free aura reading perks, and on top of that the matchmaking doesn't work properly on a swf (you get killer who are much more below your level)
my little dude, can i ask you how many hours do you actually has ?
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That’s quite literally what they are doing…. They just buffed solo q.
I’m not your “little dude”. I’ve got enough hours to know that anybody with “8k hours over 4 years” would know that this argument is something noobie players would bring up.
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Arent you a Streamer? Because I know your name, a Streamer has the same name as you.
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okok xDD i see i see you are not so long im "business" :D
then the discussion with you stops here :D if I have an illness I also go to an experienced doctor who has studied it for years and not to a hobby doctor who is new, but well I have one question, which "buffs" for them solo q" are you talking here ? please I hope you don't mean the icons hahahaha oh man whatever bye
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I'm a hobby streamer from time to time :D sporadically, sometimes motivated sometimes less xD