Blight and Nurse

Just lost for the 10 millionth time versus Blight. He ran all aura perks because… why not? He’s unbeatable in chase so all he needs to do is find survivors as quickly as possible. BHVR… you should be ashamed that you refuse to properly balance killers and make a huge % of your player base suffer this garbage non stop. Oh and failed to mention that a teammate quit immediately at game start. Almost as if they knew it was hopeless…. Imagine that. But man… BHVR can’t figure out how to resolve this DC issue….
"He’s unbeatable in chase...", didn't even read further, lol.
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"he's unbeatable in chase" well yes that's how killer is supposed to be designed if you commit to someone.
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Maybe you should be upset with ur team mate quitting.
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yawn…. skill issue. He is far from unbeatable in chase. If y’all had your way, you’d have no killers stronger than trapper. Y’all want easy games.
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Bring out the killer mains to defend their posh life. Face it: some killers are balanced but 2 and 3 ks aren’t acceptable to your egos. You must play the OPAF killers so you can go entire days without a single loss. DBD Killer remains the easiest gig in gaming.
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The only problem I have with Blight is that there are too many and I barely see other killers..
Despite this I wish every Killer would be kinda on his level of strength
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“Y’all want easy games”. LOL. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. No you entitled Blight Main. We want an actual balanced game vs whatever BS this is. If mid to high tier Blight and Nurse don’t have an 80% or higher win rate vs solos I will shut up and leave these forums.
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I think most killer should be around Oni streng once he gets first hit. He is actually balanced and fun killer to face. But he could use buff to get that hit faster. He should have bigger lunge and 120% movement speed without the power. This would nerf mostly good survivors as agains't casuals you get that first hit quickly. I think his power shows most skill from both sides whereas blight if you know how to use him you get hit and there is nothing survivor can do.
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Again, skill issue. Every killer should be brought to the strength of blight. He and nurse are the only viable killers that can keep up with a really good group of survivors. Even then, it’s sometimes not enough.
It is mind - numbingly obvious you haven’t touched blight, or even killer for that matter. You can’t speak on the matter unless you put a good amount of hours into both roles.
Edit • just faced a blight earlier, 2 man SWF and 2 solo. 4 man out with only 3 hooks. Learn to counter blight and you wont die to him so often.
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Don’t be mad because you won’t take the time to learn his counterplay. Lemme guess, you tried holding w? Maybe you tried to greed the pallet? Running out in the open? I see it allllll day.
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No. You bring up the same old flawed reasoning. One side needs to be strong enough to beat the small % of outliers on the other side. It’s indefensible. If killers have to be strong enough to beat the small % of killer swfs then they are OPAF vs the MAJORITY of teams. Get it?? And why wouldn’t it be just as fair in reverse?? All survivor teams need to be strong enough to beat the best killers. That’s the GD same thing. Imagine the uproar and outrage if your average group of solos actually had an even chance vs a Blight or Nurse. Lofl. You killers live in such a world of entitlement and delusion and BHVR will never wake you up because it works for them.
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Different opinion but, yes, I could also settle with Oni as universal strength to all Killers. A well played Oni can be so thrilling terrifying.
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Dude… let meeeee breaaaakkkk it dowwwnnnnn.
Buff all killers to be able to handle strong SWF’s…
Buff solo Q to be on par with a strong SWF.
I play survivor just as much as killer. The entitlement is baby survivors like you asking for killer nerfs because you get outplayed and don’t like not being able to bully the killer. Tell me I’m wrong.
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You’re wrong. 10k hours is just outside the range for baby survivor. And I don’t give af about bullying killers. I like tough but fair games. The hard fought ones that end in 2ks are great. The problem is Nurse and Blight games are always 3-4ks. Mostly 4ks. Now let me spell it out for you:
It’s not about increasing everything. It’s about balance. If you’re advocating making solo queue as strong as swf, then theoretically you could just make swf as weak as solo queue. If you could do that then you could nerf certain killers to make things more of a 50% win ratio, by level. The reason I tend to call for nerfs is because your proposal will NEVER HAPPEN. Solo queue will never be as strong as SWF so we need to stop acting like it can be and thus leaving killer balanced to your rare killer SWF. But in the interest of finding common ground… if your proposal COULD work, sure. I’d be all for it, because it’s simple proposing to make everything fair which should end up at a 50% win ratio balanced by level. I’m saying the same thing but saying that solo queue is the variable that needs to be accounted for much more seriously. You can’t jsut make it stronger and leave everything else as-is. You’re going to have to make some things weaker and bring things down to solo queue level.
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Hmm. But blight takes skill. And that isn't sarcasm. I've tried blight and I'm awful at hitting lethal rush. Only reason I managed my adept is from a streamer AFKing at the beginning of the match so I could hook them then tunnel them out early and M1 the rest of the team.
I will admit a good blight is super frustrating. Distance means nothing to them and they require a much different play style in chase. But blight has weaknesses, one of my friends is an absolute artist at baiting blights into launching themselves off of mounds and stairs or making them drop into holes.
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They're already trying to get solo survivors up to some level of SWF-esque coordination with the HUD changes.
If they find that these changes have had a significant impact on kill-rates, it's pretty likely that we will see killer buffs to level things out again. Chances are these buffs will also help your "favourite" killers too.
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Would you have preferred the Erupting Call of Overcharge that leaves Nowhere to Hide?
Anyway, I hear Distortion and stealth are options. On an even playing field, all Killers eventually have to catch survivors or the game is broken. The point of the match is not to outchase the Killer; it's to get the gens done and get out before the Killer kills you. If you waste the Killer's time because the Killer can't find you every second of wasted time there is just as valuable as wasting the Killer's time in chase. Just please just do gens if the Killer isn't actively looking for you.
There's another option available and that's to play Blight, learn Blight's mechanics, and apply that to playing survivor. All my Nurses seem to have disappeared recently and have been replaced by Blights so I have to play more Blight now as I suck against Blight and I don't understand Blight's mechanics as much as I understand Nurse's (and, as such, did much better against Nurse than Blight).
Or, if you just want the dopamine rush from being angry, just write posts and vent on the forums instead of trying something to improve. It's up to you.
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10k hours and you can’t run a blight?…. C’mon dawg…
Ok… but are they not going along that route now? The devs already stated they are bridging the gap between solo and SWF and will buff killer accordingly, just as I said.
This. I understand a good blight is frustrating, but a good blight is uncommon. He has a lot of weaknesses, it’s just majority of survivors don’t try to learn them, and continue to try and do chase like they can with every other killer. And that simply doesn’t work against a good blight who can exploit that. Such as still trying to hold W or greed a pallet against a blight that can flick.
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3v1 and the killer won?
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Were you playing survivor earlier today around lunch time? I went against a survivor named Mr_K!
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Sorry but saying Blight has a lot of weaknesses is overstating it. Just stick to the basic facts: He is top 2 along with Nurse. They are the ones that can beat the best 4 man swfs. That says it all. Average and above Blights and Nurses destroy solo teams all day long. It’s so common that people quit as soon as they recognize the killer is Blight or Nurse. These are simple facts. It’s not ‘survivor entitlement’. It’s loss fatigue. It’s people like me that recognize that as much experience and skill that they have, they still get beat handily over and over by these 2 killers all the time. They are simply TOO strong. And as stated, it’s because of this consideration toward beating the top swfs, which isn’t fair for non-top-swfs, and shows a killer bias.(Why aren’t things balanced so solo teams can handle the strongest killers?). I don’t blame my teammates when they quit these games early. I understand. It’s just part of the game now.
These survivor HUD changes… cool. They help us know what’s going on but again, lets not overstate their impact. I can see 3 teammates not on gens. I can’t say, “hey guys… some gen pressure?” We can’t communicate to each other what we see or suggested actions… It’s just extra helpful info. No way is this little spritz of water going to stop the garbage fire of solo queue. We can’t bring solo queue up to the level where Nurse/Blight matches are fair. Not unless maybe… we get 2x more players in the game and skew matchmaking toward accuracy vs speed. Since this isn’t going to happen, we need things to lighten up and these killers to not be so insanely strong. So yeah… maybe this would mean you get stomped by killer swfs on those rare occasions you face them. You’d have to learn to deal with it. Solo survivors have had to accept loss as the norm for a very long time now. We lose the majority of our games. We’re kind of tired of it. Make things fair BHVR.
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No way you complain about an aura build blight,,that being said ,a few of his addons should be toned down
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Ok, yes, he is a very strong killer, ONLY if you put the hours in to learn him. So many people try blight, get absolutely bullied and don’t play him again. I have put a large chunk of my playtime into blight (over 1k hours). Blight as he is, is completely balanced. The common ground I will give you, is a couple of his addons could use rework (alch ring & c33).
Many times I will load into a game with no addons, and only shadowborn and it leads to some considerably close games. Last night I had a SWF 4 man out against me addonless. His basekit is not OPAF as you say.
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Don’t worry Blight will get nerfed. Just wait few months when enough players realize he is the best killer now and his addons will be destroyed.
It’s only a matter of time.
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That’s the issue. When does it stop? What killer would be next? There’s always gonna be a “best killer.” So what’s the end of the line? When all killers have sh*t powers and addons? All killers are equal with trapper only without traps?
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The fun thing with Blights is that they have quite the problem when you shift W away from them through open fields where they get nothing to bounce off to extend their rushes and hit you with a Lethal one. It's actually quite amusing to see them lose all velocity and slither behind you in a slug like manner till they finally stop after an excruciatingly long, but painfully slow, slide. So cathartic.
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It doesn’t stop. Survivors buy skins, you guys don’t. And survivors are the huge majority.
You will move on to the next killer, don’t worry. You will accept the nerf and chose another killer to play.
And good Blight players will stick with their main. Same as Nurse players…
Keep in mind they nerfed Pig and Twins in the past because they were too strong in their eyes. And there are still players who accept to play Twins, the killer with a self stun each time they use their power, not counting the crush animation, not counting the walking to the slugged survivor, not counting the walking to the hook, not counting the hook animation. Killers mains accept this kind of bullshit, so yes, they will nerf Blight don’t worry.
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Slam gens out. If the Blight is running all aura perks, there's no slowdown, so just do the damn gens.
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But dude… do you realize what you’re saying? You dumb the game down for yourself for fun. And mention getting beat by a 4 man swf, but only playing him without addons and 1 perk. Winning is like just a fact. You have the luxury of experimenting with occasionally losing. I put tons of hours into the game but MY daily experience is struggling to find ways to have fun while constantly losing. You (and by extension most killers who have put the time in to be good or better) are spoiled AF.
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Sorry, this “it never ends” argument is simply the cry of people who prefer leaving things as-is because they benefit from things as they are. Base it on kill rates vs solos. Everything above 75% gets nerfed. Leave everything else alone.
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Ok, but I have 1000 hours in blight… Of course I’m going to stomp many of the teams I come across when I go full load out and addons. Anybody who puts that amount of time into a single skill is going to be good at it.
BUT, majority of players are NOT on a 1,000 Hour blight main level.
While you say blight is too strong and is stomping teams, what about the people who main Freddy? Or pig? Or trapper? All the other killers that get bullied and BM’d all day by even SOLO Q lobbies. Because it happens. I do it all the time when I play survivor. How is that being spoiled?
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No killer is unbeatable if no one is quitting straight away especially not a Blight that runs aura reading. Blame your teammate not the killer.
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Blight needs the nurse treatement with his addons Ring (rework and nerf), Compound 33 (rework and nerf), Vial (rework OR big nerf), Double speed (alone they are fine combined they arent and could remain as his strongest addons) compound 21 is a discussable one (could work as iridiscent addon so he still gets strong addons) and finally Iri tag could remain as his strongest addon but with some changes or nerfs to speed or something.
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I disagree. The only ones I’ll say need a rework would be alch ring and c33.
The speed addons make his power very punishing if you miss your rush or slide off something.
Adrenaline vile completely changes the way you have to use his power. A noobie blight is not using adrenaline vile effectively.
C21 is fine the way it is?
Blight tag takes an insurmountable amount of bump knowledge and planning. Hardly any blights run this, and if they do, they will likely not get any value.
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Well, but this adds another piece to the puzzle. It’s killer vs survivors. Killers are SUPPOSED TO BE roughly all equivalent. Different powers and play styles, but all are supposed to be about the same strength. And I think you agree whatever this strength level is, it should match fairly against survivor teams. So, my argument is that, since solo is not getting any stronger, we need to bring the strongest killers down. For the sake of argument, I think Billy is one of the most balanced. A great player can wreck a team but he has limits to his turning, etc that can be accounted for but not always beaten. Oni is strong but fair. Wesker, Dredge… there are lots of solid killers that aren’t as OP as Nurse and Blight. I think Spirit is much more fair since the nerf. I would be fine with buffing some of the weakest killers to these levels. But making everything Nurse/Blight level? That’s insane.
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I agree to an extent. But my main issue with going that route is it leaves the strong SWF’s unchecked. I am a firm defender that you cannot penalize players for playing with friends, it just isn’t right. So if we can’t nerf SWF, and we nerf the ONLY killers that can put a fighting chance against strong SWF’s then they are going to completely run the game even more than they already do.
A billy is still getting wrecked by decent survivors. Pre nerf billy was fantastic. I believe oni needs a buff for early game, as all you have to do is pre drop and starve him of an early hit. Wesker is in a pretty balanced place. I think spirit is addon dependent. Dredge is ehh. His anti loop is laughable at times.
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If you were the Blight then it mirrors this forum post well. After that Feng, think was a David, gave up and kept jumping in and out of a locker, dropping pallets and the like. Those are the worst kind of survivors imo. The other survivor at least tried and I got lucky with hatch.
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The "problem" with Blight is he actually controls well and is responsive so you can turn on a dime with keyboard and mouse, compared to a lot of the other killers who are clunky to control and have low mobility on top of that.
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Correct me if I’m wrong but when you say you play with no addons and 1 perk at times… and you lost at least once to a swf that way…. It seems to me that you probably play that way versus solos successfully most of the time and that occasionally you probably beat good swfs with that build. So when you said earlier that only certain addons need to be adjusted… that doesn’t jibe. Clearly if you can win pretty regularly with no actual perks or addons, you would probably do fine with a weaker Blight but with perks and addons. It would take getting used to but you’d probably adjust and do fine. I mean I understand the desire to not have your favorite killer nerfed but I also think people need to be honest and fair and just maybe admit that these killers are too strong and, though it wouldn’t be fun for them, they could adjust if they were tweaked down in strength.
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May I ask why the "best " state survivors should be in is somewhere beteeen "strongest ingame survivor" and " strongest ingame survivor plus external comms" while killers somehow shouldnt be put in line with the " strongest ingame killer (nurse, blight)?
Both sides should get their "weak buffed twards strong" without moving whats the strongest.
Just a reminder that currently survivors get buffed because bad players kant keep up with good players on comms usong the same character. Thats like buffing nurse for noobs like me despite people like supaalf or marth back then.
m not disagreeing with the survivor buffs. But we cant say "awf is what all survivors should be" and "top killer OP, nerfnow"
If all survivors need to be the level that good players can reach with good usage of comms (callouts, "clock"-map), then all killers need to be mechanically buffed toward reacing the level of the strongest killer.
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Apologies, Sir Hug. But as a trapper main, I'd happily show any and all the might of the OG. People just need to put time into these killers. The people complaining about Blight likely haven't even touched him. Learn him a bit and that will improve you as a survivor. Why is this difficult to understand, OP? Play Blight in customs, learn a few things, and BOOM, you're literally a better survior.
Edit: After reading more posts, I feel it will never be resolved. People will choose to complain til things change instead of improving themselves. I do not understand this logic.
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My thought exactly.
We have non stop threads about Eruption and the slowdown meta, but when a killer uses a Aura build instead of slowdown its also wrong.
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Nah,eruption is not ok but aura builds cmon...Like,,,it feels people hate slowdown stacking ( i'm one of them) but also aura builds that focus on gettin in chases asap,those builds i like because doin gens is boring AF ,chases is where the fun is at least for me
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Running only shadow born I’ve lost plenty of times, loss being defined as 2k or less. I’m saying the games get significantly harder to 3-4k. The games often go to 1 gen left to exit gates being open.
Yes, of course I don’t want my favorite killer nerfed. But I truly do not believe he needs it outside of an addon pass.
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I have utmost respect for the OG!! But yes, it is a never ending battle unfortunately.
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One thing with the edit.
People will choose to complain til things change instead of improving themselves
They never stop complaining even when things change.
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I do feel we're at an impasse. I think most agree that everything should be balanced but it isn't there yet. I believe that we seem to be heading toward an unrealistic target of 'making solos as strong as swfs' so we can leave strong killers alone to appease killers. The goal should be balance, whether its strengthening or weakening is irrelevant. But it aggravates me and boggles my mind that BHVR chooses to balance to outliers and disregard the huge majority of their player base.
Thanks to the Trapper that also made a great point I wanted to bring up. There is a similar argument, and it's been made before by many, I've seen prominent streamers say it as well, that any killer can 4k consistently. I think this is true but I'm also not opposed to strengthening the lowest performing ones.
Finally to the people that 'contributed' by just labelling it all as complaining and not putting the time in to get better, and the 'where does it stop?' group. I'd ask you to just open your eyes and look at the state of the game. Nurse and Blight WAY overperform vs solo teams. Games end quickly because one person almost always quits early because the game is hopeless. When no one quits, the game ends quickly because it's mostly hopeless. You can't disregard the complaints. You can't say 'we cant keep changing things' just because you like the status quo. That's life. Things need to be fixed all the time. It never ends. But sometimes those changes, when done right, result in longer periods of stability and happiness. BHVR has done a terrible job with Nurse and Blight IMO and the survivor community has been responding by ending games on their own terms. That's a fact, and we should take an open minded, informed approach to fixing it.
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Ok, so let me ask you, how would YOU fix blight? What nerf would be enough to accomplish what you believe in while keeping him viable. What happened to billy should not happen to any killer.
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"I just lost at the video game, time to make my discontent be heard on the official forum instead of trying to get better "