oMg aNotHeR FeNg cOsMetiC



  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2022

    So basically you just regurgitated the same thing that was already addressed. No, those characters were never given a fair chance to develop the way the golden children have. You act like Feng was the #1 picked character immediately on her release

    I already explained and won’t repeat it. They set other characters up for failure by not putting the effort to market them to the extent they go for others by default and didn’t give them much special cosmetics shortly after release because they realized they can just farm the shills and whales that eat up anything for Feng, Meg, Dwight because the former is free on console and the latters are free on both PC/Console (the majority of players are console so Feng is an obvious target)

    Why would people spend shards for characters that didn’t have anything special in the works (and seemingly any time in the future) when those 3 free characters historically get everything already?

    They basically release original chapters and say “Alright guys, it’s been 3 weeks and (insert purchasable Survivor) isn’t picked more than the free characters that have been in the game for 2-3 years with meta perks and cool cosmetics, let’s just abandon them then”

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    It's kind of funny you brought up that last point, because there is one glaring exception to the rule of BHVR's throwaway children, and that's Mikaela... who was heavily picked for a long time because she had the best survivor perk in five years and everyone wanted to level her up because of that.

    So BHVR kept throwing cosmetics at her, those cosmetics were actually good, and between that and milking a popular aesthetic, the result was a new character with a very healthy following.

    Was her witch aesthetic just a perfect storm that the likes of Zarina or Yui could never hope to have replicated? Or would it never have happened if Circle of Healing hadn't been a thing and she'd had Yoichi's perks instead? Could Haddie have been popular if she'd gotten a line of rugged adventurer outfits and Fog-touched garments right off the bat? I know people say Haddie is ugly, but last October I saw several people say Mikaela was hideous without makeup and her hair done up, so...

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Yeah that’s a very good point and it’s true, Mikaela is the exception to the rule.

    i was already kind of considering that as well, the fact that the perks/Killer a character is launching with as well as their default outfit can further sway their initial sales and usage rate. Also, the time period they’re released in

    Back when Feng was released the average players didn’t have 200 outfits purchased and there wasn’t 30 characters so it would make sense that people spent more on those OG characters to warrant them getting future cosmetics

    The problem IMO is that BHVR probably compares the numbers without context (like MMR) so unless something from this year and beyond is an immediate hit like Mikaela, character with a trendy aesthetic and strongest perk in the game I think they just abandon them

  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    Remove Mikaela from the game and the other characters get more skins. Sounds good to me.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,332

    Mikaela was definitely because perks but also she was a witch character released at Halloween so it encouraged people to play her since her base outfit fit the season. The Halloween event not only let people earn an additional cosmetic for her but the tome had challenges requiring using her and her perks which increased the amount playing her. Also helped that all of her unique cosmetics are nice and not linked.

    I do think having mediocre/niche perks at release really hurt Zarina and Yui. They also took awhile to put out single cosmetics for Zarina and Yui while in between the usual characters got multiple new cosmetics - that doesn't really encourage people to keep playing new characters when they're not getting cosmetics and they're seeing the old characters with 90+ cosmetics frequently getting more. New survivors either need great perks (Mikaela) or need to be considered hot (Felix) to be played more which then rewards them with more cosmetics.

    Haddie has received a ridiculous amount of hate and has been completely screwed over in the cosmetics department. 3 yellow cosmetics with heads that have barely noticeable differences (really couldn't change hair/streak color???), 2 limited time outfits with one needing a membership at 3rd party, and 1 purple outfit that's linked so can't mix/match. It almost feels like they set her up to fail.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited November 2022

    Feng getting so many skins -does- take away from other survivors because they're spending time and manpower making her skins and not someone else.

    That said I totally understand why they do it. Why make Jeff, Adam or Haddie skins when no one plays them when they're guarenteed to sell loads if they make another Feng skin? Ultimatly it's the playerbase's own fault this happens.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited November 2022

    I dont agree they put characters for failure, BHVR spends money and time making every single one, if they didnt want them to succed they would spend the bare minimum and nobody looks lower quality than others they just dont appeal, thats why the last averageish male and woman released were Jeff and Yui barring Haddie which did prove people dont want average looking characters. Felix, Elodie, Yuu-Jin and Mikaela have more players than Adam, Yui, Jeff and Jane (and enjoy more and higher quality cosmetics too), barring Mikaela every single one of them has awful perks so something sets a group from the other and the only difference is beauty.

    They tried diversity of bodies, faces and styles, what do people want? handsome men and cute/sexy women, thats not on the developers its on the community. Jeff had a tome cosmetic, Jane and Adam had a tome dedicated to them, people still didnt select them and surprise surprise, next original Survivor is a super hot daddy type of guy, I wonder if he is going to have more followers than Jeff, Adam or Jake...

    Want to be angry about lack of cosmetics? be angry at the comunity for voting with their wallet, "Hey guys, do you want a Jeff cosmetic?" "NOOO NAKED FELIX, DADDY VITTORIO, NAKED DAVID!!" "Jeff the masses have spoken, keep warming the bench", how can you blame them for milking the cashcows?.

  • Peppa_Pigsaw
    Peppa_Pigsaw Member Posts: 249

    Not angry at it being Feng perse, more annoyed by the concept of cosplay skins like that in general. To me it just screams like a waste of time and effort on the dev team's end. Instead of giving Feng an outfit another character is getting, why not just give her something new instead? To me personally I look at it and I think "What does Feng have to do with Silent Hill or Resident Evil?" when I see the cosplay cosmetics. I'm not going to talk about the Felix cosmetic he got for Project W just because that's an entirely different conversation, as this specifically mentions Feng.

    If it was something like the AoT crossover, I don't mind it because that's probably the better way to go about a crossover like that in dbd. However when we have characters from that license already fully fleshed out and their own characters, I don't personally find the idea of them sharing cosmetics with the original survivors. Instead of Feng being given a Silent Hill cosmetic, it should have been Pyramid Head or hell, just make another Cheyrl cosmetic from Silent Hill. You know, ACTUAL, Silent Hill characters. Not taking the same outfit and slapping it onto another character that has literally nothing to do with that IP.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Nobody has ever looked lower quality than others? 😂😂😂😂 My guy really? So then explain why all of the character models portraits were updated simultaneously but a few other lesser popular characters had to wait weeks and months to have their portraits and character models updated too despite also being in the game for years? Why do some characters have unique outfit designs and fully fleshed out lore like glowing tats, excessive amount of jewelry/accessories, holding an item or specific pieces of equipment like Haddie and Jonah while others like Adam wear a basic lame coat and dirty work pants? Look at Vittorio’s lore and then look at Aces and tell me the effort is the same across every character they’ve made.

    Its not, the effort has never been consistent. Some chapters are lame and some are fire, that’s just how it’s been. No hate just facts. They clearly invest more and prefer certain projects over others before the public even sees them

    In order to look halfway decent on the lesser popular characters you would have to spend money or shards to buy them PLUS buy an outfit with more money or shards mind you half or more of the ones for shards are underwhelming. Some of the less popular characters have DLC cosmetics that should’ve just been their default outfit instead

    Thats the entire point we are trying to explain to y’all. Other characters are more attractive BECAUSE of the effort spent to make them attractive initially AND promote them consistently afterwards too, they didn’t JUST leave it all in the hands of the players to decide who should be popular and catered to. Some characters were clearly abandoned right as they launched while others were paid extra attention too regardless of what people buy

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    I remember when people used to complain that Bhvr was focusing too much on cosmetics and seemingly not enough on balance and fixing bugs. Now people are pissed that they get to save another $10 while Feng mains are literally begging for change on the side of the road to afford their addiction.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Its not the company setting people to fail, its the community buying stuff for the same characters over and over and condemning the obscure into oblivion, its even noticeable on the "design cosmetic" contests, where the cashcows get a lot more designs submited by fans than the underdogs. People are just voting with their wallets, Im 99,99% sure if every single player who still plays buys all Adam outfits tomorrow in less than one month they announce a new skin for him.

    The difference in lore lenght is because the game took a different approach to it from Jane onwards and it proves nothing, Feng, Meg, Kate and Ace also have a very limited and simplistic lores and they are the most played older characters while Haddie and Jonah have newer super long and detailed lores and they are fading into obscurity fast, same as the underdogs. Lore is something a lot of the players dont really pay much attention in DBD and I doubt people care much about it when deciding their mains and cosmetic sales.

    Some characters didnt get reworked because they are fine the way they are, Jane, Jeff, Ash, Nancy, Steve and Yui have good graphics unlike Survivors released before them, you cant compare any of them to stuff like old Nea, Meg or Claudette, the graphic upgrade just put everyone before Jeff on par with the rest, also Survivor graphical update was done once and every single character before Jeff got upgraded independently of how popular they were (except Quentin but blame the license holders for that).

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    People cope over time. We can criticize or credit BHVR all we want but at the end of the day they do what they want and their philosophy towards the cosmetics hasn’t changed so.

    Actually in fact I’m pretty sure that’s another reason it’s triggering, because if you’re gonna allocate all these resources to the art sector then at least spread the love a bit more. Don’t JUST milk the cash cows and leave the others starving for crumbs

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    All great ideas that they should implement and something I’m here trying to articulate but can’t get across to others in this thread. I give up, they don’t see the cycle we’re talking about

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    They should give her a L4D cosplay of Bill.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    I own almost all Feng’s cosmetics, and I don’t main her. When I played her to do some challenges on my bf’s account, I bought some auric cells and then a Feng outfit on his too (because I wanted to play in diff cosmetics)…point being, as long as they make good ones, I’ll buy them. Also not begging for change on the side of the road. It’s $10…

  • Sel
    Sel Member Posts: 92

    Man, I remember back when I used to play actively I got annoyed at the lack of Feng cosmetics and how rarely they gave them her. I come back and see all this lol. I've not been back very long, but the rage seems to be based around the most recent ones which are just slight alterations of outfits from other characters, no? So I doubt it takes them that much effort to make say, a cosplay Feng costume, as it does for the other completely unique ones. There's very few differences between Feng's cosplay and the OG ones.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    Feng is cosplaying the Silent Hill 3 suit, with its bad PS2 graphics. Cheryl's DBD version is what it would look like in real life.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 786

    One thing to keep in mind that everyone forgets or doesn`t know about is the cosmetic shop released late into the game. The cosmetic shop didn't exist until patch 2.0.0 which brought Kate Denson in. Everyone before Adam (He hadn't released yet) got the same amount of cosmetics on launch of the cosmetic shop and those who didn't had extra cosmetics added the following month to even them out. Dwight, Meg, Claudette, Jake, Nea, Feng, Ace, David, and Kate all started with the same amount of cosmetics. So this point doesn't make much sense and keep in mind most characters are free on console.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Yeah Bill does need some more outfits.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    See I didn't know that. I started late 2018 the cosmetic store was already in game and has always been in game for me. I will have to say that doea remove some of the weight that argument has.

    I'm starting to think that her having the best cosmetic makes her so popular. I'm not saying it's the reason but think about it. You are choosing a survivor to main and you see Feng has all these really cool cosmetics so you main Feng because you like alot of her cosmetics.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742


  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 786

    I think it actually has more to do with Ringu. When the Ringu chapter dropped a very LARGE Asian playerbase joined the fandom and that was when we suddenly started getting a huge influx of Feng cosmetics. So I think its actually just that Feng is popular with the Asian playerbase and it raised her popularity a bunch (bonus since she's free on all consoles)

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    Her not being one of the original 4 doesnt really matter, as the store came out a little over a year after she did when The Clown and Kate were introduced

  • SharkPiledriver
    SharkPiledriver Member Posts: 37

    Thanks for givng Feng both the RE and the SH cosmetic. ######### morons.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 451

    See, that's the thing, you can argue that Feng getting cosmetics doesn't detract from the devs doing updates because they tend to be two different teams, but Feng getting cosmetics does mean someone else isn't, because if they can make, for example, 3 cosmetics, at least 1 is unavoidably going to Feng instead of to someone that didn't have a cosmetic for a couple of months.

    This doesn't mean you have to feel bad for liking the skin. No one is arguing whether the skins are good or not (and if they are, they're probably venting and missing the point). It means people with other mains have to make do with whatever Tome recolours they get every once in a blue moon and the occasional good cosmetic, while Feng gets an RPD rework cosplay cosmetic, a Pallet Visual Upgrade cosplay cosmetic and Feng cosplay Feng cosmetic every other week.

    This also means, unavoidably, that the more cosmetics for Feng they make and the less cosmetics for others they make, the higher the chance players will drop their mains if they see a good cosmetic for her, which in turn means even more cosmetics for Feng because everyone plays her, making this a self fulfilling prophecy.

    Ultimately, Feng is the Lux or the Ahri of this game. It doesn't matter if the skin makes no thematic sense for her, as long as you're giving something to her, you're guaranteed some steady income from it.

    And, of course, people is salty about this.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    Maybe they need at least one of those skins to be guaranteed to do well, so they pick Feng and then take a gamble on whoever else.

    I’m a Jane main, so I understand the struggle. When she finally does get something, it’s usually something incredibly unflattering for her body type or just tacky in general. I was very happy she recently got so much. Though the giant bulky belt was a bit much.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Now that you mention it I sorta want a stat on the most played survivors in the Asian servers

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Feng was pretty popular before ring. If anything I would say it because she's a gamer over been Asian for popularity but that's just my opinion.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 786

    Well yes but she's more representative of the general Asian public who would be playing DBD than say Yui Kimura or Yun-jin or even Jake Park. They are very out there characters who are very unique while Feng is a run of the mill E sports gamer who likes to drink and have snacks. Relatable lore does help and her being East Asian at a time when a large influx of East Asian players join helped her popularity.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918

    I laughed way too hard at this. You nailed it though. Its tomfoolery at this point that the devs sit at a table and go omg who could we include in this...and this...and this...and this... Feng.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918

    Yes, but so is Claudette and she barely got anything last year. I think maybe 2 outfits and a Halloween shirt and some recolors. Huntress was outpaced by Trickster the most and least played killers. Dwight consistently gets cosmectics and he isn't even top three and so does Mikeala, Nea, and Kate. None of them top three.

    The cosplay argument is mute at this point. They've featured a ton of these survivors for Attack on Titans, if that isn't cosplay what is? Felix got a cosplay outfit for Resident Evil, Blight now too. Dwight got an outfit from Pubg. All the collections feature themes like Greek Gods, beach, and Christmas. There really is no excuse to keep any of the other characters in line with their lore.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Feng doesn’t even have the most cosmetics.

    At this rate she will.

  • eastrock87
    eastrock87 Member Posts: 51

    Because very recently Feng received a large amount of cosmetics in a short time span, (4 costumes if you include the deep rift recolour) I hope this won't mean that there will be a break in her cosmetic releases. It would be a let-down if I had to wait 3 whole months until her next costume.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    I don't hate Feng as per say but hate the fact that every patch / update / event / rift there's ALWAYS a Feng outfit. It's at the point now where it's blatant favouritism and feels like chucking the other characters under the bus. It's pretty much the survivor equivalent of Trickster / Susie Legion for killer's.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918

    Yeah they could be in top this year because we haven't had top 3 statistics for a while now and last time it was Feng, Meg, and Claudette. Claudette fell from 1st to 3rd probably because of her p3 skin nerf but also probably because they have been neglecting her or giving her the most hideous cos there is. Stats before that had Feng as 3rd so what turned it around? Could it be cosmetics? If so, in theory the devs could spread the love to someone else by investing in fun and creative cosmetics instead of the trash heap every once and a while cos they throw at the less played characters.

    I haven't forgotten they did a call for artists to work on cos for them, so hopefully the community will have better ideas than the devs.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,564

    Okay, while I overall agree with you, you're wrong about Adam. He got two new skins (albeit recolors of each other) in the last Tome.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,495

    Adam has received five outfits in fourteen Tomes (Tomes 3, 5, 11 & 13. One of them is a reskin of a Store cosmetic, and another is a Deep Rift variant of the same cosmetic. That means he's received three total original Tome outfits over the course of four years. I'm sure someone's already mentioned that Feng is getting three original outfits this month alone.

    His last original Store cosmetic release? Part of the Korean collection in March 2021.

    Him getting a nice cosmetic + a recolour in the previous Rift is nice, but means hardly anything.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Pretty sure Adam's last store cosmetic was almost two years ago.

    Also, Feng is getting THREE outfits this MONTH.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I mean it's always a buzz kill when the time for new cosmetics rolls around and your excited your main might get something cool finally and nope it's just Feng again.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they made a Feng variant of ever other survivor and killer skin for her :/, cant wait to see her wear haddies fits before haddie gets a new cosmetic since release

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    the issue isnt how many she has, its how many she consistently gets. 3 this update alone, 2 before that, 2 before that, 1 before that, etc etc

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945

    "Feng having cosmetics doesn't take away from others having cosmetics"

    Actually by definition that is literally true. If they make a feng cosmetic, they can't make a david cosmectic.