Blight and Nurse



  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,587
    edited January 2023

    A. Shrink his hitbox to Wesker's size. Getting hit by a cane when you're 90 degrees to the side (or visually more with latency) is infuriating.

    B. Rework several add ons that massively increase his potential.

    C. Fix the aforementioned bugs/techs that allow him to bypass loops where he would otherwise have to chase as a m1 killer.

    Pick 2

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    His hitbox is about the size of weskers UNLESS he attacks while flicking in either direction. His straight forward hitbox is probably the size of weskers pre buff.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,587

    Then fix it to be that size all the time. He doesn't need an Oni or Demo size hitbox. It looks wrong visually given the size of his weapon and greatly contributes to the frustration of playing against him.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Wouldn't really call a 3v1 match a fair assesment tbh. That's not really a case of blight being too strong but your team abandoning you.

    What do you think the most balanced killer is now then? Which killers powerlevel should be the standert?

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    I despise facing Blight. I see him so often in so many games and I’m tired of seeing him over and over again. Against an experienced one, it’s just like Nurse and Spirit…you’re gonna lose. Unless you have a competent team. Even then it is probably still just gonna be an L for you.

    Overall I think Blight is fine base-kit. He has no glaring issues other than my own personal boredom of facing him. He’s an oppressive killer but that’s just how he is designed. He’s always going to be be that kind of killer just like Nurse.

    Only thing I would say is he should get the Nurse/Spirit treatment where most of his add-ons are niche or gimmicky and he has two or three strong add-ons. Reason I say that is because he can afford that. Look at the other two best killers, Nurse has maybe two or three strong add-ons and the rest are niche but she is STILL the best in the game and does not need oppressive add-ons. Spirit is the exact same way. She has three great add-ons, two good yellow ones and the rest are gimmick add-ons.

    There is no reason for Blight to have so many oppressive add-ons for how strong he already is.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    They are both quite doable. Unless you go against the best (and even if)

    Can't you learn a thing of two after ten millions tries?

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    When does it stops? Look no further than V.H.S to see how that path ends.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    And this mindset right here is exactly why I rarely post on the forums.

    Every killer is viable and both sides in this community cry about nonsense.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 760

     even if the survivors appeared on an empty map without pallets and windows, the killer would still not have enough time to make 12 hooks before starting all the generators

    let's say the killer spends 20 seconds to find surv, shift w (without dh) takes 30 seconds + taking into account the animation, the average hook time is 10 seconds, during this time the killer loses 3 generators, while the killer needs to make 11 more hooks

    and now add palettes, windows and dh here

    so no, most killers are literally non-viable

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Isn't it less that he has a big hitbox, and more that he can change looking direction? So where he swings moves.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    It’s necessary with the speed of blight. If you go against blights that’s do not know how to shoulder flick, it is beyoonddd easy to spin every single lethal rush.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    This just goes to show that your average blight performs no better than any other killer.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Are you are a meme lord? This has to be a meme. A goof. A swerve. A joke.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 544

    Let’s not turn a blind eye here, Blights base kit is Upper B tier, with addons such has, Blighted Crow, Compound 33, Alchemist ring, Compound 21 on top of his base kit he becomes upper A tier. Addons shouldn’t distinguish a player hooking survivors easier vs hooking survivors through raw base kit especially compared to the majority of the other addons killers have. With that said, Blight takes quite a bit of skill to play and the ceiling to learn proper bump logic is high. If the devs were to ever nerf blight it would be his addons just like nurses.

    You need to play Blight against a good group of survivors to truly understand the skill ceiling it takes to down them with your power compared to 90% of the other killer arsenal out there.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Distortion is unironically one of the best perks in the game, consider running it, especially if in a 4man swf. If all 4 are running it, killers with aura builds are miserable

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Both sides can use aura builds and they are fun!

    Like last match i had to use Fogwise for the archives challenge and also slapped on Wiretap. Seeing where the killer was most of the time was a lot of fun.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    Ok, gonna be snarky here but… Maybe if you took the time to get good at the ‘non-viable’ killers in the game you wouldn’t need to rely on the 2 OPAF killers to give you easy wins.

    Again… it seems like killers act like they are facing killer 4 man swfs all day long and are in such misery that they NEED nurse and blight to just get a win. This is utter hogwash and everyone knows it. Killer players have become accustomed to winning. They get 3-4ks all day long and they don’t want it to end. That’s the story.

    My first game today: Blight on Coal Tower. Lethal, Agi, IF, Deerstalker. Iri Blight tag, Alchemists Ring. P47. He slugged everyone. 4k. 0 gens done.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2023

    if you didn't make 1 generator for a12 hooks, it only means that you play very badly,

    Well, if you don't repair generators, then even if you have 9999 lives, you still lose

    (and there is no even the strongest killer with 9999999 hours in the game for pestilence, purely physically, would not have time to kill you until you made at least 1 generator, so the problem is in your skills)

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Yeah, they replied to me with that and I thought I was transported back to 2018 DBD when that was everyone’s mindset.

    Like I get regular 4K’s with Sadako not using the condemned playstyle. Every killer is 100% viable.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    People want to play things that can actually stand a chance against decent Survivors. Not the ones where you're forced to spend most of the game going through the motions and unable to really use your power, because playing safe can be so effective. That either means strong perks, or a strong basekit, and the strong basekit is generally more fun. You don't get stuck on Hold W Round Pallet.

    Playing strong Killers doesn't mean wanting easy wins, it means wanting agency within the game.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    I think the community thinks in terms of specific recommendations and I don’t have those. My recommendations are more general… He’s too fast and too maneuverable so that needs to change. I don’t know the specific turn angles and speeds etc he has. But christ… just crank them down a bit. Why can’t we keep this stuff simple? Like Nurse… why not just make the speed of her blink a little slower and/or the recharge a little slower? Why take months/years figuring out some complicated adjustments to addons, mechanics… whatever… just slow some ######### down.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    Why, what happened with VHS? I am not following that game so i am not up to date. Did it go the way every other asymmetrical game aside of DBD goes and died?

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    That just sounds like "blanket wreck what makes a Killer good". It doesn't even address what can actually be a problem in practice (effectively endless power uptime and exposed hits combined).

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited January 2023

    agree to disagree no problems man. i have my opinion and you yours.- Vial is a combination of 2 addons speed and more tokens i can not see how that addon is fine and fair just because unexperienced players can not get good value doesnt mean shouldnt get nerfed because i can use same argument with some other addons in the game thay may make the killer slighty or more harder but extremely rewarding. in fact vial may even help since u get more tokens more room to mess up your rushes. Vial is undefendable from an OBJECTIVE point of view, not subjective... and Double speed combined makes him boosted with the map movolity he gets plus able to hit in pretty much every tile, there is pretty much not gameplay, u pre drop u can not loop that because of how fast he is but i guess u think that is fun to go against or balanced...

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    See, this post is so ill informed…. 2 people downed early and when you try to help you get downed. He’s got 1 hit and he’s not hooking and since he keeps downing people going for saves everyone is in the same small area. He’s bouncing off all the trees and slaughtering everyone. It’s not MY skills. It’s a combination of bad matchmaking and an OPAF killer.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    "Everyone keeps getting downed going for saves" is a death spiral that tends to lead to 3 or 4k's regardless of the Killer. FFS, Trapper with STBFL can do that.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Even a 10% nerf to his speed would cut down the amount of tiles he can get a hit on an absurd amount. It's why green speed is so good, you can make it to the pallet or window before the survivor more often. It's why most people say just nerf the op add-ons and say his base kit is fine, because his base kit really is fine.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187
    edited January 2023

    That's sounds like survivor playing stupidly altruistic and like lemmings running itno the killer instead of creating pressure away from the slugged/hooked survivors.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 760

    if a survivor is on the floor and there is a killer nearby, JUST DO GEN

    you run towards the camping bubba and then wonder why you died

    if the killer is next to the fallen player, he does not control the generators, which means you can repair them freely, and if the killer run to protect the generator, then you can easily raise the survivor

    it's like how the killer will stand still and spam m1, you run up to him, fall down and demand a nerf

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    That is true but what the original person said is that only one or two killers were viable (talking about Nurse and Blight) while there is a whole laundry list of very good killers.

    Spirit. Wesker. Artist. Plague. Pyramid Head. Nemesis. Huntress. Hag. Oni. All of these killers are very strong and viable killers and you do not have to play just Nurse and Blight to have a good time as killer and not feel powerless.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    Im not sure if they changed it by now, but i heard that the monsters were way too weak compared to the teens. So nobody was playing monster until they then released a robot killer that was waaaaaay better than the rest.

    Salty monster players and monster player exodus happening etc.

    But im not really invsted in the game, there mightve been changes by now.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Sure, but it all depends what a person finds more fun. People who want mobility are going to be inclined to one of those two, for a start.

    There's things about any Killer that can drive someone off--Spirit's absurd reliance on audio cues and lopsided information feeding, Wesker attempting to cause hearing damage (and being licensed), Plague being generally disgusting, Pyramid Head controlling in the weirdest way possible, etc.

    And many of those are less viable. Things like Oni being just an M1 killer until you can actually get a hit, Spirit's aforementioned asymmetrical information game (she can't hide her audio without Furin and terror radius games, Survivors can be quiet), Hag losing to a flashlight, etc.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    Last comment on my game… I was the first down and that started the shitshow. So blaming me or my skills doesn’t apply. This is irrelevant. All this example speaks to is that bad matchmaking is a reality and Blight is well equipped to capitalize on that. I went down because I was near the player being chased and he diverted on his final impact to give me the surprise one hit. I shouldn’t have even mentioned it because it’s anecdotal. Everyone can say “I lost to a blight this one game” or “I beat a blight this one game”. This isn’t important. It’s the big picture. What are we seeing overall, over time, and thousands of games…. And this is that Nurse and Blight are too strong. People are quitting these games and this is a root cause of the current DC / Quit problem.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919
    edited January 2023

    I’m all aware about Spirit as I am a Spirit main as I’m sure you are as well. She can deter people away due to her high reliance on auditory clues so I do know where you are coming from.

    But what I trying to get at is that the original person basically said that only Blight and Nurse were viable killers to the general killer playerbase which is just an incorrect statement because honestly any killer can do well. Of course you’ll get matches were you would do better as a killer like Huntress compared to Sadako but for a majority of people’s games, they get average players. You ain’t getting Seal Team 6 every match where you must play your sweat build in order to win.

    And you are correct, different factors can drive people away from certain killers but there’s 30 killers to choose from. And if 28 of those killers are “unviable” then that might be a you problem (referring to the OP not you specifically).

    BTW how is Wesker “attempting to cause hearing loss”. When playing him I haven’t heard extremely loud noises but maybe that’s just me.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited January 2023

    It's a joke about how dramatic his chase music is. You have to give up on hearing almost anything through it if you want your hearing intact. xD

    Mostly using a Spirit profile because we don't have Pinhead onwards yet (Spirit was the only one I got to P3 before the reset, but that's because I didn't want to lose my perks on him and start from scratch... and I stopped playing for a while right after doing P1 x_x)

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    No. Why do you need to exaggerate? If nurse is too fast, then adjust her being able to go from A to B in 1.2 secs to 1 second. See how it goes. If it’s too much, adjust it to 1.1. I mean… why is it so complicated? I realize you want to maintain the mechanics and feel of the killer so this does that. If Blight can turn x degrees in x seconds then adjust that by some small amount to make it less strong. This isn’t rocket science. But the devs take so GD long to do anything we over talk this stuff.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    You realize blight has already received many nerfs on this right?

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    But... those aren't what make the Killers problematic.

    Like, you're saying that Nurse should have even less mobility than normal Killers. Without the new Campbell's Last Breath, her point to point mobility isn't any better than an M1 Killer's (she ignores obstacles, which is the strong part, and her instantaneous speed catches people off guard). Making her teleport slower isn't a balance pass, it's fundamentally destructive to the Killer's ability to function: it creates a situation where even well-targeted and well-timed blinks would be avoidable, just because of enforcing slow transit time.

    And for Blight, you'd fundamentally take away the Killer's ability to play around areas with obstacles, or loops, except for the people already really good with the alchemist vial. Which shows that at best you'd just raise the skill floor to do anything a ton and annoy a lot of people (not everyone that plays a Killer has god-tier mechanical abilities at it), and at worst overnerf it so much that entire maps become unplayable either because you can't line up something to slam into or avoid things when you need to. Plus a similar issue if you target the speed instead: less dangerous, easier to dodge, loses the whole mobility aspect, requires even more obstacles that he can hit (because speed factors into maximum distance factors into when obstacles are needed), and in general doesn't fix the parts that are actually broken.

    Nurse's problem is a fundamental design one: she goes through walls and can't be looped. Making her teleport much slower won't change those parts, it just makes the experience miserable in a "punish the people that enjoy Nurse" way. That isn't balancing, it's trying to force people out of playing something you don't like.

    Blight's problem, as everybody except you seems to agree, is that he has some incredibly stupid addons that just lead to infinite power usage and instadowns.

    Then again, you've made threads complaining about regression perks, complaining about aura perks, and now complaining about any Killer that managed to get a 4k from people being stupidly altruistic. Your balance ideas are seriously out of line with the game in general.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    survivor is significantly easier, its borderline braindead unless its against blight or nurse.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2023

    So every killer should just trash solo's in any match without much effort? Sounds like a balanced experience to me, maybe you should play survivor for a while. Yes, mastering Blight takes a while due to maps and stuff (compared to Nurse), but once you're on a specific level you will just win most your games, if you have some talent for him and know how to efficiently play killer in general. The game isn't supposed to be balanced around "Shadowborn and nothing else" lol, imagine you could easily win without perks against a good swf with 4x4 meta perks. I played Spirit in comp tournaments for a while against heavily coordinated teams and great chasers and even i lose many of my matches in pubs if i don't use perks or add-ons with her (she's weaker than Blight though). As i said, once you get to a certain level, there is not much even a good team can do against a good Blight on many balanced maps, as the only counterplay against good Blights are pallets (there are some duck-techs but those only work inconsistently and the Blight can play around it). But in the end it depends on maps, perks and add ons a lot.

  • proxy_taxfraud
    proxy_taxfraud Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 153

    What a thoroughly informed, unbiased argument packed with everything that's not just straight up an opinion.

    We haven't had one of those in a while.