Lets discuss the most neglected character in DBD

And no, despite what twitter wants you to think, it isnt Haddie Kaur
Haddie doesnt have skins, thats the only issue
Meanwhile: take The Twins
They have bugs that have been around since they came out, all theyve gotten is constant nerfs, and the one time they get a bug that SHOULDNT be fixed (reducing the cooldown between switching from Vic to Char and vice versa), it gets fixed IMMEDIATELY. Why didnt they put the effort to fix the twins gamebreaking bugs that make them unplayable? I understand that many dont like the twins for many reasons-Charlotte isnt a conventionally attractive "girlboss", many twins players slug, camp, and tunnel (because that is what theyre good at, like the Oni, they are punished for not slugging), but these issues shouldnt mean they get neglected.
And all of this because the two people who play her at top mmr are "monsters". Which once again proves why this game shouldn't be balanced around the top 1%
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exactly. balancing the game around the best survivors or killers shouldnt be a thing
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I feel like if BHVR could take the twins back they would, literally nothing worked on chapter release not the perks and Victor had weird visual errors for weeks. Then came Twins shockingly somehow being S tier but in the most unfun ways for survivors possible leading to a multitude of nerfs that make an already unpopular killer feel clunky and terrible to play. Enter boons two of which make Twins an absolute joke to play against making them even more unappealing. Since then Twins have gotten multiple bugs that make them literally unplayable and while other killers would have had fixes fairly quickly BHVR seems fine taking thier time fixing them while getting rid of a bug in the ptb that actually made Twins feel good for once.
Twins really are DBD's greatest tragedy especially considering they had so much potential to be up there with the likes of Nurse and Blight.
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Yeah I agree with that, they've been out for about 3 years now if I'm correct. And they still suffer from constant bugs that make them worse, it's ridiculous that a character who has been in the game for a couple years now still suffers from horrendous bugs. Imo, along with Hillbilly, and Freddy, The twins are the most neglected killers in the game.
Also the skins they have suck, just wanted to put that in here. I don't think there's a single good one honestly.
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Their best skin imo is the rift skin they got and the silver shovel weapon. What really sucks is one of their 3 rare skins, the blood and guts one, got shelved from the limited cosmetic thing
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Don't Twins still have a gamebreaking bug and have had that bug for like 6 months?
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Thank God this thread isn't about Yoichi. Recently made him my main since they're extinct. Don't regret it one bit.
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yoichi and other licensed characters (mostly killers) are unfortunately destined to be neglected due to their licensed nature (look at poor poor Freddy)
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Freddy is just ugh words cannot describe. Twins I've played them a handful of times. I understand why they are forgotten but I didn't mind playing them tbh.
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Woe unto the person who mains licensed characters that aren't from resident evil.
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I'm going to disagree. It's Trapper. They don't gaf about Trapper. They haven't even done him the solid of letting him start w all his traps, (and being able to move them)..with the speed of gen rushing, by the time you collect and set up traps...what's left..one gen? So I disagree, it's not The Twins..it's good OG Trap Daddy...who is the face of DBD and still severely neglected.
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Gens popping while you're running around just picking random traps 🤣
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Great post and discussion! Agreed! Honestly, my biggest issue by far is the lack of communication regarding the twins and their issues. Why can't they comment on a forum post instead of closing every single one? or, how long could it possibly take to make a quick tweet stating:
"twins fix taking longer than expected because _________"
"twins rework taking longer than expected because ____________"
"twins will not be killswitched despite nurse being killswitched for a VERY similar gamebreaking bug because ____________."
They could even lie or fudge the "because" reason behind these decisions and/or the estimated time (ETA) of fix/rework. Even if they give an ETA and need to push it due to unforeseen difficulties. Any communication regarding this is better than silence and ignoring the community.
Thank you very much for this forum post/thread. I really hope the conversation continues enough to get some sort of action or communication from BHVR/devs regarding the twins.
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The most neglected original character from killer side are Twins
The most neglected original character from survivor side is Haddie
They saying that is Haddie from survivor POV because Vittorio is new and already has ton of skins and a tome and Haddie didn' t recieved the same treatment, I think they put all the effort on Dredge and Haddie was rushed for the chapter release, her appearence doesn't match the lore
For Twins you just have to hope they release a rework soon because not a single killer gets the ######### beaten out of them other than Twins cough cough* basekit unbreakable PTB testing
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Yes, I made a post about it earlier today.
Peanits replied (Thank God) they are aware and working on it at least.
Twins also has a bug from last update. Cannot see Victor attached even after 30 secs.
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Right? Haddie isn't even neglected she just doesn't have very many cosmetics which is normal for a NEW character. "B-But Vittorio!" Okay he's also the first historical survivor so ofc they're gonna give him a tome and some cool stuff since he's technically the oldest survivor we have as well.
Meanwhile Twins got like one new outfit and their other outfit was REMOVED from the store so lol. It's been well over a year since Twins even got an outfit and they were skipped for an add on pass/rework when they were supposed to be NEXT! It's just funny seeing people meltdown over Haddie just because she didn't get a new cosmetic
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Not to mention all of Haddie’s perks suck, when she was released they literally buffed her perks almost immediately because they were so bad. And they still are but that is besides the point. Also she released with a weird glitch that affected the coloring in her cosmetics.
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That's one of the reasons I love Pig. She has so many outfits for a licensed character.
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Lets put that in perspective
Dbd has a avarage of 33,579 players on steam in the last month
Lets be super generous and say half of them are not in game so ~16,790 are playing the game
You need 5 people for a match so that's 3,358 matches being played at a moment
Nightlight says Onryo has a 2.88% pickrate but nightlight isn't very accurate so lets say 2%
That's 67,16 onryo games being played at any moment on avarage
Lets say an avarage of 30 minutes per match (again really being generous to prove a point) which leads to 3,223.68 onryo games dailly on steam alone
A handfull of people no matter how good are not going to make a dent in those numbers. If onryo is performing well it's cause she as a killer is well enough
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or ghostface. as a ghostface main we have been spoiled more than people who main an re character
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thats an issue with the game-gen speeds, trappers power, etc
twins havent gotten a new skin in months, and before that one it was months since the last one.
they have MULTIPLE game breaking bugs that make them unplayable. Trapper isnt good, but this isnt about how good or bad they are, its about how loved they are, and seeing how Trapper has had two new skins recently, as well as a few buffs a while ago, and 0 bugs that brick him (in his defense, his power is very simple compared to twins)
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also vittorio is WAY more popular than Haddie. From his reveal people were simping, ive seen more vittorios than haddies and shes been around longer.
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Even Maurice gets more love than the Twins.
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Charlotte, Amanda, Trapper, I think it's the three the most neglected character
I'm not gonna talk about cosmetic... You play Killer, technically, you can't even see it
But in Buff/nerf, the three is ... Neglected
Amanda, since his release, she got everytimes a nerf, the only (debatable) buff she got it's the 5 box instead of 4, but everytimes, she only got nerf, nerf, nerf, and she got the same problem than Trapper, she are too RNG dependant
Trapper, the only effective way to play him is to trap your "3Gen" for the futur, and when you got sometimes your trap, far far away, in the border of the map, the times you got there, all the gen is done, it can be funny to see him just trowing is trap in the legs of the survivor just for stopping the chase
For Charlotte and Victor... Dunno, the thing is, with her, it's like... why she have to be "sleeping" when you control Victor?
For buffing her, I imagine adding more interaction with Victor, like, with the gen? Stopping survivor to do it, or making him explode and giving teh incapacited statut?
Switching mode? Like, before using Victor, you have to choose the special type, like,
-just controling Victor, and Charlotte Sleep (and she got like some speed boss like the knight when she recover)
-Charlotte gonna follow Victor and hitting automatically all survivor she found near him or near her (IA system, but gonna be better than now)
-Canonball Victor? Like she can use her gastric gas from her body to propel Victor forward and hit a Survivor, if she hit, the survivor will be affected by Deep Wound, and Victor will stay on top of him (as if he had successfully jumped)
Why not?
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To be fair, you can do that even without addons. It's insanely hard but it works.
Twins are a tragedy more depressing than Freddy and Garden of Pain combined. No communication, no killswitch, not even in known issues section. Come on, BHVR. You can do better than this. At least tell us: "We are aware and currently working on this, until then Twins are killswitched." The argument that you don't ruin anyone else's game is abolutely ridiculous since this bug ruins your own game and you don't even get a warning. Remember when Nurse or Clown were bugged? Both were killswitched immediately.