Is there some kind of exploit where The Killer can see your aura in perpetuity?

Just in a match against The Blight, who is playing with anonymous mode activated. I'm running Smash Hit and Parental Guidance, got a hit and was able to lose LOS and reach a random room in Leary's. He knew exactly where to go! Perhaps it was a good guess, so I don't think too much of it. Two of my friends are running Distortion, and one was in a random pile of junk where there's a totem crouched hiding and he went to that precise spot. This wasn't just one or two occurrences, this was every single chase. It didn't matter what perks were you using, he always knew exactly where to go. He was deliberate and consistent in locating everyone.
This console-only cross play. It doesn't matter how many people they banned with their announcements, people sell accounts online with every character at P100 so they can just circumvent the bans. So what is going on exactly? Is there a list of all the exploits? Not how to do them but just what they are and what they do. This is really annoying, it's becoming fairly common in my experience. A lot of unexplained repeated weird situations.
sounds like hacks but we will never be sure without footage
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Also depends if people are injured when they're caught. I have a good headset and I'm good at listening out for pain grunts, plus map knowledge of good hiding spots. Lery's is also a funny one. I personally as killer have a good knack for predicting where a surv is going to go and moving to cut them off, plus scratch marks too.
A lot of perks can help with that. Spies from the shadows is a silent killer. Gets around distortion and lets you home right in on a survivor. Did you look at their perk build after the match? Your blight could be cheating idk. But it's very hard to tell.
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He’s got an addon that lets him see aura around him when he rushes.
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But that gets countered by distortion, albeit we don't know whether the mates of op still had stacks left.
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youre leaving out something crucial-what perks was HE using?
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Should've screenshotted the endgame so we could see his perks and addons...
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That would chew through Distortion really fast, though, especially on a cramped map. Distortion gets three tokens back over 30s, Blight's rushes are five aura reads in ten seconds.
If he's already in the area or has something else to remove tokens, they're going bye-bye.
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Possibly hacking. Have seen a few subtle ones lately. Had a Spirit whizzing from person to person so I tested something. Spirit downed a survivor across the map, I walked to a locker nowhere near a gen and got in it before survivor was hooked. Spirit came all the way to the locker and picked me out of the correct one with a remarkable display of skill. Had no aura reading perks and yellow addons.
At the end of the day though it's just one game out of many, just queue for the next :)
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Yeah suspicious. I would think cherry blossom but thats a purple.
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Without seeing his loadout, I'm gonna call baloney
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He was running Pain Resonance, Call of Brine, Corrupt Intervention and Eruption. He was also using Summoning Stone and Adrenaline Vial. The two friends had tokens left, they were the ones who actually noticed the suspicious behavior. I was surprised that he still found me even with Smash Hit and Parental Guidance, but I just assumed that was a lucky guess or perhaps he had seen me. However, the other two there was absolutely no way he would know where they were, especially the person near the totem really far away. He specifically and deliberately went to that exact pile of junk to find him. This wasn't one or two or even three lucky guesses, it appeared that he knew where everyone was in perpetuity. It was a culmination of factors that resulted in me thinking that perhaps he was cheating or there was some kind of exploit involved. It's not a charge I throw out lightly, and I was mainly interested if such a cheat or exploit exist. Again, I'm not encouraging people to proliferate it, we were just really curious since it was highly suspicious behavior.
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There are wallhacks and other cheats for this game and pretty much any other online game.
It's impossible to say if he was using, or just really good at tracking without any footage and even that might be inconclusive, because it's a subtle cheat. You often catch them for something else. I know that some hackers make you crash your game if you try to spectate them, but that doesn't help if the suspect is the killer.
Wuth that being said, I can tell you that I definitely went against a wallhacking Deathslinger on Lery's a few weeks ago and I thought he was really sketchy, but I had no smokin' gun. Until I camped the dropped god pallet at office, which he tried to mind game, until he finally decided to teleport on top of it and kick my booty. So, I nailed him for something different.
Also went against a sketchy Yui today. Literally always in position so that I couldn't even catch a glimpse of her around corner, no matter how much I hid my red light. I thought to myself "does she have anonymous mode?" I checked and she did. So, that's another telltale, even if still inconclusive.
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It could well be a hacker.
It could also just have been someone with some amazing gamesense.
It could also be a specific addon.
It could also be an exaggeration, and more that it 'felt' that way but wasn't actually that way in reality.
Without more to go on, there's no way to tell.
That said...
Yes, hacking is a problem. But it's also a stupidly lucrative global business. Even companies with expensive proprietary anti-cheats have hacker epidemics, and if you're willing to spend the money, you can buy a hacking suite for nearly any game you can name.
The only games that have less of a problem are the ones that are entirely server side.
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If a crow didn't get startled then he shouldn't have found them.