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Why solo q buffs won't ever compete with SWF

No matter the amount of game mechanics added, developers will never be able to buff solo q up to coordinated SWF. And the sole reason for that is the players.

I try to run kindred as much as possible. I don't have it on some survivors yet. But even with the updated hud showing someone being chased and kindred showing the killer no where near me, I was left to die on first hook by my team.

SWF usually have the opposite problem of being too altruistic. Either way the human element will always destroy most balancing attempts.

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  • Member Posts: 5,211

    That is true

    However, that does not mean that BHVR should not try to bridge that gap. BHVR is never going to be able to turn a bad teammate a good teammate but they can give solos the tools necessary to make a competent team rise up to a good or even great team.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I didn't say they shouldn't try, just that some people think that BHVR can magically make everyone equal.

    Never gonna happen

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    One easy fix ready?

    For each Solo player in a lobby, generators lose 5 seconds of repair time. So with a group of four gens take 90 seconds. A group of 3 plus a random is 85. A group of 2 plus 2 randoms is 80. A truly solo group of players is 75. We see how the kill rates play out and adjust accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    It is pretty funny to see people talk about closing the gap when it's impossible to somehow emulate being able to pick your teammates with any game mechanics in the world. Make the gap smaller? Sure. But closing it? Lmao.

    And not even just about picking good players, something as simple as just being with players that have a similar general mindset and "seriousness level" as you no matter what that means for any given person is a blessing, or simply knowing you're not with someone that will roll a 1d6 2+ every time they get hit to decide if they DC on the spot. You can give people live aura reading and "subtitle" callouts for every button the killer presses while in survivor LOS or something equally extreme and it won't stop someone from quitting because they "disagree" with how they went down or something.

    Of course not saying they should do anything like that, or that making the gap smaller in any way possible isn't a step in the right direction anyway. Just that ever considering the gap truly closed is just plain laughable.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    You could make the Gen speeds 5 seconds and it wouldn't matter. Some people just don't give a turd about teammates.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    Just showing that you can buff soloQ and leave SWFs untouched. There are ways to do it. The fact that they haven't even tried is really irritating. The HUD changes were so minor I doubt the statics for kill rates change at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I disagree about the hud changes being minor. When paired with people that actually want to play as a team, they make things so much better.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I mean the same can happen in a SWF... one calls out something and the others ignore it

    Then again it's up to the player: To get the acknowledge the information, and do something about it

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    True but usually in SWF you know the people that you are playing with. You can know and plan accordingly for it.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    The goal should never be to close to the gap entirely. It's unrealistic and unnecessary. You don't need solo queue to be on the level of a top tier SWF. Solo queue does, however, need to be fun. And fun in 2016 does not necessarily equal fun in 2023. Games die when they don't adapt to changing standards.

    A top tier SWF isn't an issue if matchmaking is tuned correctly and not putting a a 4 stack of devotion 25+ survivors with a combined 20k hrs against a devotion 3 killer. Put that team against a killer with a few thousand hours. I refuse to believe there aren't better matches for me as killer than 400-1000 hour players that I can 4k at 3-5 gens, and vice versa when I'm playing in a SWF and we hold a killer to 5 hooks while running Slippery Meat and other weird perks. Matchmaking has gone way too far into quantity over quality.

  • Member Posts: 6,340
    edited February 2023

    I agree with you about the matchmaking favoring queue times over all else. However part of the problem is self-inflicted when we lobby dodge, which borks up everything and causes that awfully unfair backfilling that leads to the lopsided games peeps complain on here about. It's sad we know about this and dodge anyway, doing it to ourselves.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    If we are friends then it's more jokey then anything

    But if we formed the SWF with the game in mind then yes more important comms

  • Member Posts: 5,605
    edited February 2023

    Sorry... double clicked

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