

Which of these low tier killers has the highest potential to be broken?

Member Posts: 188
edited January 2023 in Polls

While it is understood that in the right hands and with the right build any killer can go from being crappy to being very strong. However I do believe that there are some killers that while with most perk/addon builds would remain generally low tier, under the right circumstances not only become strong, they become so strong that they can hold a 5 gen with ease.

I'm curious to see out of these options what killer people think is the most misunderstood/misjudged when it comes to their full potential. If you have a certain opinion on it please list any perk/addon builds as well and what makes it so strong on that killer.

Which of these low tier killers has the highest potential to be broken? 44 votes

The Clown
2 votes
The Doctor
5 votes
The Ghostface
2 votes
The Hillbilly
6 votes
The Nightmare
2 votes
The Pig
4 votes
The Shape
12 votes
The Trapper
1 vote
The Twins
7 votes
The Wraith
3 votes
Post edited by BloodBird on

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  • Member Posts: 351
    The Shape

    Tombstone Piece. I rest my case.

  • Member Posts: 517
    edited February 2023
    The Hillbilly

    I wish Billy would get a boatload of quality of life changes, but lethal pursuer + barbeque & chili is still absolutely bonkers on him. You can have a survivor downed within the first 10 seconds of the match. Even more effective if you're running drift king steering add-ons

    Takes a whole lot of practice to use him well but he can still insta-down on command once you're good with him

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    The Twins

    Never seen someone put Twins as low tier. She's actually very good, like low A tier. She's only really killed by the current meta. Way better than most these other killers for sure though.

  • Member Posts: 1,842
    The Pig

    If you tweak the traps or the add-ons on the wrong way pig could guarantee kills every single games.

    Also Twins is Low A / High B tier why are they on this poll lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,452
    The Twins

    Twins, because they aren't low tier.

  • Member Posts: 544
    The Hillbilly

    I think hillbilly once passed the skill gap can be very strong against good teams,

    Lo pro chains with doom engravings, Corrupt, Bamboozle, Dead mans switch and Pain resonance can be quite nasty and is easily the only killer out of this list that will give good swfs a run for their money!

  • Member Posts: 1,071

    None, if they had potential to be "broken", they wouldn't be low-tier in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 188
    The Wraith

    @Gibberish I dunno if I agree to that, potential does not merit tier status. There isn't a killer in the game I can think of, where you can't devise SOME build that can make them strong.

    I main the Wraith, but even I will admit he is absolutely C tier, he is base kit very easy to loop, and base kit easy to gen rush. Without a build that targets looping or gen regression you have almost no chance as Wraith against a good squad.

    I however have a build that does BOTH, and honestly makes him High S tier in the level of loop & gen control I can achieve with him. But that small circumstantial encounter, that might not even work in the wrong hands as to use that build you must be smart and know when to commit to a chase or to go to a gen, that doesn't automatically raise his tier that much higher IMO.

  • Member Posts: 35
    The Pig

    Just "tunnel the Jigsaw Puzzle thingies" and the add-on that start survivors with the traps already and you win. It might be salty but it works.

  • Member Posts: 40

    doctor in general is not low tier. you can deny all vaults and pallets, build in anti-stealth kit, good synergies with specific perk and add-on combinations.

  • Member Posts: 15
    The Doctor

    Doctor. Especially in indoor maps. Keeping high madness level for survivors and making repairing and healing absolute nightmare with perks like Merciless Storm, Oppression, Overcharge, Coulrophobia, Unnerving Presence, Distressing. No need for aura reveal perks because they will tell you where they are, all the time..

  • Member Posts: 136
    The Ghostface

    Almost any of them in the right hands.

    Pig because of her slowdown and ability to check boxes,

    Ghostface with certain add ons eliminates chases

    Trapper with web, shack and major snowball potential


  • Member Posts: 1,145
    The Nightmare

    executioner hands down. the base version has free executions and a free hook system without all the extra walking back and forth. if he weren't carefully nerfed every patch and every time a perk gets added/changed he'd be easily broken and obnoxious to play against.considering his ability basically prevents moving through entire hallways. his movement is still 4.6m/s he has a ranged attack that goes through walls and a combination of broken, anti-stealth, and a gen regression stealth perk.

    but since executioner isn't on this list i went with nightmare. since we all know how oppressive a gen based teleport can be.

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