why are sloppy butcher and huntress lullaby not killswitched????

what the ######### is the point of the killswitch if you don't use it???
Sure we'll bite. Why does it need kill switched?
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Didn't know they were broken?
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The mangled statuses effect effects mending and recovery speeds.
And huntress lullaby is still active after it's been cleansed meaning doing skillchecks are more difficult.
I didn't think they weren't fixed yet
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nope they are still not fixed nor killswitched and it's been a few days now.
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Only survivor perks or survivor sided bugs killswitched but those are instantly
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Not sure, it's rather odd.
Mangled is affecting FAR too many things and plenty of Killers are abusing it. It makes playing against Legion even worse, somehow. Doctor Tier 3 is impossible to Snap Out of at times.
Huntress Lullaby should be killswitched, but at least I'm not seeing it every game.
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dbd devs making the killswitch and then refusing to killswitch literally anything thats broken.
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Huntress' Lullaby is a weird one (on the other hand, that actually makes the perk useful for once; it seems like kind of a neat idea for a rework--can only build tokens whilst it's up, but the effect sticks), but there's no point killswitching Sloppy Butcher when the entire status effect is bugged.
You'd have to go through Sloppy, addons for Huntress, Knight, Legion, Wraith, Bubba, Deathslinger, Pig, Clown, Trapper, Artist, and Dredge, as well as Gift of Pain.
That's rather a lot of things to turn off for something that's not, well... unplayable in general.
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Nope, we didn't notice since all we've seen is various forms of the basic ##### build for 3 weeks.
That said Killswitch is only for game breaking bugs. As annoying as another bug is, these ones apparently don't break the game.
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How long has this been a thing... this is the first I've heard about it
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they are supposed to do that, what is your point?
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Clown was killswitched when a bug gave him infinite speed boost.
Also, Infinite flash bangs which was a bug that allowed survivors to bypass the limit of one flashbang.
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i admire people who can be so confidently wrong.
inner healing and wake up! were killswitched when they were bugged.
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wdym there's no point? it's just killswitching a single perk. your bias is showing heavily.
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Because the perk is only one source of mangled, and killswitching like 15 things for a bug that isn't making the game unplayable is disproportionate and out of line with how BHVR normally approaches these things.
Remember just the other month when Borgo came out and spawned literally every pallet? The only thing that got killswitched was the offering so people couldn't go there every match until it was fixed. You could still randomly spawn on pallet land.
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They killswitched the killswitch.
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...Yeah, infinite free heals is pretty gamebreaking. Who'd have thought?
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Infinite free heals? The Inner Healing bug made it so the perk was basically shared between everyone who had it equipped. If anyone cleansed a totem, all Inner Healing perks would become active. However, it worked the other way too. If anyone used it, all Inner Healing perks would become inactive. This meant at most you'd get 5 Inner Healing heals across the entire team (unless the killer has Pentimento), which is no different than normal. It just made it more annoying if you were with randoms, since they could use the heal before you were able even if you were the one to break a totem.
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Same reason they don't killswitch the Twins. You might be able to, once in a blue moon, when all the Megs look up in the sky, the Davids combine their forces in one giga DH and the Demogorgons sing their song, to not realize that there actually is a bug.
I don't get it either.
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When they tried to fix that bug, they broke it even worse by making it so that it never deactivated. You only needed to cleanse one totem and you could use it the rest of the match. It got killswitched after that.
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No it's not. Mangled is only supposed to effect healing and the effect of lullaby is supposed to stop after cleansing
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mosts people dont know about it yet tahts why it doesnt get nerfed. but big things they do it fast still shouldnt be hard to killswitch something they just lazy
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it feels like it atp 😭
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lolol shout out the big homie David i guess
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Now that we're so confidently wrong, tell us how they break the game. Enlighten us
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Because they rarely use the kill switch and when they do they are inconsistent about it.
There's alot of times they should kill switch something that is obviously bugged and broken but instead they leave it in game for months until they get around to fixing it.
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So THAT'S why I see red bars where it doesn't make any sense. Kinda interesting from a "what qualifies as something that needs to be killswitched" thing, as the perks are clearly not working as intended in a way that makes them stronger and can very easily be put to use intentionally, but at the same time it's not exactly as destructive as some stuff that has been killswitched in the past.
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After over 100 games this weekend I haven't see it once. That's pretty telling how bad a perk is when people still won't run the hex when it can't be cleansed but every other killer has some for of sloppy thru add ons or the perk.
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Tbh Sloppy (and Mangled in general) is fairly popular to bung into a build but Lullaby is just unpopular and terrible. It wouldn't shock me if the bug has been in the game for 3 years and nobody noticed because nobody ever uses the perk tbh.
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Lullaby is such a bad perk its effect being retained at whatever amount of tokens it was cleansed with would honestly be a welcome buff. But yeah, these things as well as RPD and Haddonfield not being killswitched until they can fix them is just bad dev work. They take ages to create these tools, and then don't use them? "Beta features" was 1 singular feature for like a year, killswitch is not being used even if there's blatant abuse of issues like this.
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I feel like if the devs were any more flexible with their use of the killswitch system we'd just see how much is actually broken and how long it takes them to ever do anything about it. The Mangled bug, RPD East Wing, Lullaby, and Twins are just a few that have been discussed prominently in the last couple days. In my experience so far there are plenty more that no one has seemed to even acknowledged yet, however sometimes these bugs just don't occur every time like the ones that are more discussed.
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I don't mind Lullaby that much, and it could be a decent idea for a sort of mini-rework where, when it breaks, you can't get stacks anymore, but the stacks you have stay (perhaps with the cap lowered by 1), so I don't think it's breaking enough to killswitch it.
But Sloppy should be gone by now. That thing is absolutely busted and getting exploited out the wazoo.
EDIT: Come to think of it, is the knight's grab-bug fixed yet?
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It is not fixed.
I'm sort of torn on the bug and if I should use it or not. On the one hand, it's clearly unintentional and is very difficult to counter. On the other, hug tech. Also unintended and very difficult to counter but is apparently okay.
So, basically, I'm trying not to use it.
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Its not an gamebreaking issue.
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They didn't even killswitch Twins. After 2 months! They don't need to killswitch every little bugged thing but come on! Twins are literally unplayable!
Adrenaline is also bugged to take priority over Terminus and I don't think this needs to be killswitched. Just as Sloppy and Lullaby. It's stupid and it should be fixed asap but the games are still playable. Technically the same can be said for RPD but since 3 gen strats are at an all time high in terms of effectiveness this might go too far to stay even until they get around to fixing it.
What happened to Haddonfield? I had a game there just the other day and it looked fine to me.
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Ideally the killswitch is used for stuff they can fix in like 1-2 weeks, but knowing that it's usually months, yeah I guess I wouldn't want them to hit stuff like that with the killswitch either. But Sloppy is pretty killswitchable given how abusable it is on some killers.
Haddonfield spawns 2 gens right next to each other in the Myers house every single time, and a third gen not far from that that is also in a deadzone. It's the same as with RPD currently - if the killer wants to defend those gens until the server closes the session, they can.
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The 2 gens at Myers house aren't a bug though, are they? I don't remember there ever being less than 2 gens. A third gen nearby however is weird. That definitely shouldn't happen. I haven't seen this yet but you're definitely right. With the right perks any killer could drag this out until the 1h mark (or however long it takes).
I know we joke about DBD's spaghetti code a lot but this is beginning to worry me. How can they create new content, when that might somehow create bugs with completely unrelated things? I imagine this is only going to get worse, if they can't find a way to prevent this.
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not sure if there was an actual change but last year it was possible in myers house to get a gen upstairs and to be able to walk onto the roof. I haven't seen that variation in a couple months now maybe longer. Every single time it's gen in room to left and gen to the right of the porch
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Tell me you're a biased survivor main without telling me you're a biased survivor main.
Nurse and Clown have both been killswitched in the past, Nurse for almost a month IIRC.
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I'm of the belief they cannot use the Killswitch right now.
It will cause a cascade of additional bugs. Just my opinion mixed with past examples.
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Cmon bro lots of people use Sloppy and mangled addons and not even know it's broken right now.
I didn't even find out till I read it on the forums.
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As @SpaghettiVase pointed out, it used to spawn the gen upstairs in the Myers house, and the house had more windows that could spawn up there as well as the ability to walk out back. I suspect BHVR intentionally closed everything up there (even though I have no clue why they would, the upstairs windows weren't problematic and the ability to walk out from the roof actually gave killers more counterplay to the back porch window), but having the two gens spawn right next to each other every time is most likely not intended, they're probably just not aware of it. In either case it definitely shouldn't be like that, 2 gens should never spawn that close to one another because that basically makes them 1 gen for the purposes of defending them, so any third gen being even remotely close can make it an unbreakable cluster.
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Mangled is obnoxious, the problem is that AFAIK that's not just one thing to KS, as a lot of killers have addons that do it.
Lullaby? Just leave it as is, honestly.