I felt useless as a killer against high mmr survivors.



  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382
    edited February 2023

    Reading these threads is always a laugh. I find it amusing how people tunnel and camp and then have the audacity to get angry that they get matched with sweaty survivors. My brother in Christ you're playing outside of your skill range because you used cheesy tactics to reach higher MMR. You made a conscious choice to tunnel all of those low MMR noobs and now your games are marginally more difficult as a result. This is a game where people are winning 100+ games in a row with Nemesis at the highest MMR. Doing well with mid tier killers is absolutely possible. There's only a handful of killers like Trapper, Pig, Myers, etc that are actually bad. You just aren't as good as you think you are. The number one way to know someone is bad is if they say something like "you can only win with Nurse and Blight" Even though the average kill rate is 61% at the highest MMR with every killer close to 60%. Even though people use other killers successfully in comp tournaments. Some people will go to any length to not admit they just aren't very good. If you are struggling to win while running the current gen regression meta then you are bad at the game. No ifs and buts.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 545

    For me, a lot of who I get matched with is time of day dependent. if I don't want to face certain types of players I don't play at the time of day that MMR puts me against them. Being specific about times won't help you because my MMR is different from everyone else. Generally, if you want to get better I'll share what I worked on to improve, if you want to give up, I very much understand that, this game is strange from the killer side, and the community is not so enjoyable(especially in game/social profile after match).

    Pick a killer to keep playing with, make sure you like it's ability and consider its base movement speed.( spirit, trickster, huntress are slower) Nemesis is fun, he has his hand whip, this rewards you for leading your target in tight corners and knowing when the thing your chasing is going to be in a constrained spot. If you're not having fun with the killer(but invest enough time in it to feel comfortable in your decision) change it, your m1 chase skills transfer over as long as the movement speed is the same.

    Pick a map you like and get to know it. There is a lot going on with the maps and you'll already know this from survivor, but from the killer side what you're looking to do is develop an instinctive understanding of when you can not chase someone and be successful. This is mostly map dependent, but it also depends on the what the other survivors are doing(how much time you can chase for) 30 seconds at the wrong time means you lose, 5 minutes at the right time, you can still win, and you will learn a lot. You should chase people into areas you suspect are going to cost you the game. You should look at those spots and figure out if they really are hopeless or, if there is something you can use to make them work in your favor. This takes time and a lot of failures.

    Pick perks that help you learn, not what other people call meta if they don't help you. Earlier you mentioned regression and buying time for yourself to practice in chases, and I've done this on Blight just to drag everything out. But, its popular to run regression and survivors that really want to win, will do so by running a counter to it. So, just let them go. Learn what you can in the match but don't focus too much on that specific match. This game has some rock paper scissors aspects to it, and that gets resolved at matching making time, its not something worth worrying over when trying to learn.

    I find Blight very difficult, and I had to devote a lot of time to moving around maps. I could have done this is in private matches vs bots, but those are so messed up, it didn't feel worth it. Wesker was easier to pick up and get into, and the edge of his ability usage has good growth space( meaning you can use his dash to get people in safe loops at times). Similar to Blight in result but very different in usage and in learning process. But specific killer hardly matters, they all have something they can do, it just differs in how you would go about learning to use it, and how much time it would take you to get comfortable with it.

  • PowZapBamWoofMeow
    PowZapBamWoofMeow Member Posts: 195

    I am a gold rank 3 console killer and I play about 4-6 killer games at night. I win a bunch then take a break and play survivor (red rank 3) to “chill”.

    Anyway I played Dredge the first time last night after practicing against bots. I “won” all 3-4 games with 3-4K’s. My perks were aura reading and Lightborn a couple times because I went up against a flashlight SWF. My Dredge is only P1 after spending almost 2 million BP’s to unlock / upgrade all killer perks.

    I don’t know what SWF or solos I went up against or their MMR, but I’ve been playing this game the past 2 months after a very long break and I’m definitely not going up against low MMR’s, not with the way they loop or do 360 tech, etc.

    Since I am on console I avoid killers that require aiming their powers because joystick aiming precision is a joke compared to PC. I mainly play Bubba, dredge (now), Hag, vomit mommy, annnd that’s it mostly. Have a P9 gunslinger but stopped playing him years ago after they needed him. I have to try Wesker.

    So my only advice is it can all depend on killer, map, perks, survivors and your skill level. You on PC? You should do better with killers like huntress and cenobite who need to aim their powers.

    See flashlights in your lobby? Equip Lightborn.

    I avoid gen slow downs and hexes and still get 3-4K’s.

    Do I get stomped? Yes. Just depends on killer, map, survivors I’m going against and outliers like: did I waste too much time chasing a survivor? Did I waste too much time just at the start of the trial in going the wrong direction to find survivors?

    Survivor at a strong loop or running to a dead zone ? Know to give up chase.

    i go into every trial with the mindset that i want to have fun and I might lose. I don’t worry TOO much about 3-4 gen strategy (unless I’m playing Hag).

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    the more u win as killer the more likely u will get better players because u are winning way too much and ofc is unfair to put worse players than u to play against u.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Well it's kinda natural progression.

    You win until you finally are matched with players who can read your play style and adjust accordingly in an effective way. Your regular gameplay will not work against them.

    So you watch what they do, find their strengths and over time you learn to adjust your own gameplay to deal with different survivor scenarios. This takes time practice, patience and a certain mindset.

    Keep at it. Or don't, if you don't enjoy it

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    What messed you up was the camping and tunneling. It was your own laziness that brought you to where you are today. Because you saw how easy it was to win by essentially targeting one or two players & then snowballing, you continuously did that. I’m sure that when you played solo queue, if you truly did, then you saw how easy it was for killers to snowball a match from that. So you adopted that strategy yourself. Now you’re facing opponents who are beyond your depth—because you told the game that you could handle it. See, the problem is that camping and tunneling really only work against inexperienced and/or casual survivors . But there are also survivors who have experienced that so much they know how to play around it. Maybe they’re SWF, maybe they’re just adaptable solo queue players. Either way, you did yourself a disservice by relying on those methods as a strategy to win. The Nemesis is a very good killer, and it can quite easily win its matches. But the only way you’ll actually improve as a killer main and with this killer especially is if you basically Smurf (drop your MMR by losing matches; that is, allowing survivors to escape) until you’re placed with survivors who are on your actual skill level. And at that point you need to learn how to play both killer AND The Nemesis. That means no camping and tunneling, at least not until you know how to use those techniques strategically rather than to bulldoze your way through survivors. You’re not as good as plowing through weak-ass survivors had you think, now you’re getting a wake up call. Sucks but it’s kinda well-deserved.

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

    Omg just hush. All you people that say oh your so bad you tunneled look at you baddie. Did you all forget this is a horror game about killers idk killing people? When was the last time any of you watched a horror movie and saw the killer being nice or going out of there way to make sure the survivors were having fun? It's a game about killing people. It doesn't matter how you do it that's the ENTIRE point of playing killer. If I choose to tunnel that doesn't make me a bad player cause I'm doing what's most effective to accomplish my goal. In fact it makes me smart 🤓. Even otzdarva releases a video today 4 hours ago from this comment that tunneling is more needed do to the current way DBD is, go watch it. Don't come here saying I'm bad cause I found the fastest way to reach my goal as a killer. Your the one not playing right if your going out of your way to make the survivors you should be killing making sure they have the bestest time. It's a pvp game. I don't care about anyone's fun, but my own, and I'll accomplish my goal as a killer any way I deem. I don't have to be nice I'm a killer. The killers in moves don't. I don't. I have no idea where you people get off saying I'm bad for camping, and tunneling when those are effective ways to get the job done.

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

    No I didn't mess up. I'm a killer doing what I'm suppose to do being a killer. It doesn't matter what ways I choose to accomplish that goal. It doesn't make me a bad player. I'm smart for doing whatever it takes to accomplish my goal in a video game. When was the last time you saw a killer in a video game going out of there way to make there victims feel good? Last time I checked this was a horror game about survivors trying to survive, and killers killing? So why come up in here saying I'm bad for doing what's most effective? How dare you people say I'm bad for doing whats most effective to get my kills. I'm not gonna sit here, and make the survivors I should be killing making sure they have there bestest fun time in my matches. That's not how this game works it's not my job to make sure the people I'm going up against have fun. That's bhvr job not mine. Even otzdarva releases a video today saying the same thing. Tunneling is needed more do to the way the game currently works. I had 24 games where I had multiple 4ks cause I tunneled, and camped and did what I needed to do to get my kills. I don't care if I have 1 or 2 bad games. I'll always do what's most effective to accomplish the goal in video games like your suppose to do. That doesn't make me a bad player for playing smart. I have no idea why you feel the need to make sure everyone has fun in your matches this is a pvp game like what are you even talking about 🤣