[Edited!] New Chapter! New killer! The Plague!

Mr_Black Member Posts: 93
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

I reposted this in this topic since it's a killer idea and a wish... I'm new to the forums btw, so I got no idea where to put killer ideas or ideas in general...
Chapter 11 - Down with the sickness

Switched it up a little due to some interesting thoughts...

Just wanted to suggest a new killer idea... He shall be the Plague...
He will resemble a plague doctor... Those people who tried to cure/avoid the plague but died cuz of it anyway...
Height: Slightly Tall (between tall and average)
Walk speed: 4.4 m/s
Terror Radius: 38m

The Plague coughs loudly which can be heard from 50m away (same distance as Huntress Lullaby?)

Plague's Touch
You charge up a lunge forward with your left finger... Upon contact, the survivor is injured and suffers from Plague... Like the nurse, using this ability causes a stun, between 2-9 (base is 6) seconds depending on addons, he can walk during this but is very slow and his body is limp... And like Doc, he has to switch his to his alt action (plague mode)... Pallets can, of course, intercept this... He raises his hand and his finger gets a poisonous aura around it when charging up...
A survivor inflicted with the plague will have a little symbol next to their name and a number (representing their tier)... Upon reaching tier 2, another infected survivor can infect other survivors within a 10m radius as well as increasing their plague level if already infected...
A hit from Plague's Touch increases Plague by 1 tier, normal attacks increase it by 7%, being near a survivor at tier 2 increases it by 4% per second, being near a survivor at tier 3 increases it by 8% per second, being near a survivor at tier 4 increases it at 16% per second. The Plague increases at a steady base of 4% per second (6% if within 15m of the Plague)

How do you decrease the Plague tier?
There will be boxes around the map with the Plague symbol on it. These will contain the cure... You will take the cure and use it by holding the heal button... You will be confronted with confronted with 2 tremendously difficult skill checks, missing one results in alerting the killer (no regression), missing both uses the cure and doesn't heal you... The cure heals 1.5 tiers...

There will only be 5 boxes in the map, each one contains a cure...
You have to perform 2 moderately difficult skillchecks, over the time of 8 seconds, to get the cure... You will not be told if there is a cure in there or not until you finish it and get nothing in return...

Upon finding a survivor, he says, 'Hello there...'
A new status will be introduced, Blundering!

Any form of movement causes scratch marks to form behind the survivor (crawling, crouching, walking and running all cause scratch marks)

What is the plague?
The plague inflicts statuses which have no bounds... Multiple statuses can be afflicted at once...
It works in tiers like Madness...

Tier 1 -
Haemorrhage (constant)
Mangled [you heal at 1/4 the speed as usual] (constant)

Tier 2 -
Aura blindness (constant)
Exhaustion (until healed)
+10% regression to failing a skillcheck (constant)
Moderately decreases repair speed [15% reduction] (constant)
Deep wounds

Tier 3 -
Hindered [Considerably] (50 seconds)
Blindness (4 secs)
Blundering (until 30 seconds after healing)

Tier 4 -
Exposed (until the gates open)
Broken (50-90 seconds)

Tier 5 -
Death (notifies killer)

The Plague is not aware of your afflictions
Addons may:
1. Decrease stun time
2. Increase speed of tier movement
3. Inflict death
4. Increase lunge speed
5. Increase lunge distance
6. Make it so the lunge is a swipe instead of a lunge, hitting multiple survivors
7. Increase his walking speed in plague mode
8. Increase range of infection
9. Increase rate of Plague

Two ultra rare addons!

Death's grasp-
Survivors in tier 3 can be killed by your own hand

Dead black rat-
All causes of plague generation are doubled

His teachable perks are -

Long grasp
Allows lunge attacks to interrupt survivors
Adds a 35/30/25% penalty to missing
'Just grab him already'
If the interrupt cannot be done (they've already vaulted, they came off the gen, they fully came out the locker) then you will perform an attack...

Easy prey
After a survivor is saved from a hook, they are inflicted with the broken status for 40/60/80 seconds and, if you were within 32m of the hook save, the survivor who performed the save is moderately hindered for 20 seconds...
'I mean, it is a rusty old hook'

I said neigh
Damaging a generator gains you a token to a maximum of 2...
Damaging a generator will cause the next survivor, to perform a skill check on it, to suffer from the exposed status for 30/35/40 seconds.The skill check will be moderately more difficult and will seem like a normal skillcheck (like ruin without red).
This action costs 2 tokens.
Failing this will result in no regression
Also notifies the killer of the survivors location
A great skill check negates this but will still notify the killer
'May have shifted the mechanism a little bit'

People have been saying it's just a grossly OP overcharge... No... You do not recieve the skillcheck straight away, it repairs as normal but the next skillcheck will be the bad one...

New none personal perk
Hits inflict blundering upon the survivor for until healed
'A hit to the head can cause brain damage'

This is just an idea... Feel free to comment and criticise... Give some suggestions on how to change it etc...
Also thinking about bringing in a new survivor idea as well...
The map to be brought in with him would be a London street kinda area with three buildings and a few underground bits and a forest park area off to the side... It will be similar to Haddonfield but bigger... And maybe a canal and a bridge...

New survivor
James Nickel

He will look like a lawyer and will have cosmetics to go with that...

His perks will be-

  • Guilty!
    If you unhook someone within 12/16/20m of the killer, the killer will be moderately/considerably/tremendously hindered for 10/15/20 seconds
    'Objection! This person has performed repeated assaults on this victim!'

  • Bargain with the Demon
    Every time you save someone from a hook, heal someone or take a hit for someone, you gain a token...
    You have a 20%/25%/30% to unhook yourself, each failed attempt consumes a token...
    If you unhook within 20m/25m/30m of the killer, you sprint at 130/150/170% your usual speed for 3 seconds and do not suffer from the exhausted effect...
    You can have a max of 4/5/6 tokens...
    'Me and the entity, we have a deal'

  • Priority
    You start the trial with 2 tokens, each token grants you a 15%/20%/25% bonus to repairing gens. Gain a token whenever a gens is done, lose two after saving someone from a hook.
    max of 4 tokens
    Token values double when there are only two survivor left
    'Don't get distracted from the number one priority'

Post edited by Mr_Black on


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    So the power is cool but tbh it isn't really enough, it isn't detrimental to the game or the Survivors, no game changer. They have debuffs but they are debuffs they deal with all the time with other Killers and reaslly they don't care about them.

    A power needs to change the game for Survivors, for example, Clown's bottles slow them down, when used at pallets they can be attacked before they reach it and get downed at all loops much faster. Myers has an instadown, Spirit is unpredictable and no one knows if she's phasing or standing still until oop she's right there and that causes paranoia in Survivors.

    Your lunge perk is cool, very helpful tbh.

    Your rusty hook Broken perk is awesome, the Killer's versian of Deliverance.

    Your Gen perk though might be too strong, Overcharge makes it explode but yours Exposes them, gives their location, and regresses the Gen. I think you get Exposed even if you do get the skillcheck? If so and the Killer also has Surveillance well evryone's dead with that combo.

  • I said Neigh looks like a more grossly overpowered version of overcharge and I think that the disease could benefit from having a fixed effect that slowly gets worse overtime. Addons could increase the rate at which the plague advances and add new effects (perhaps even death with a red add on that considerably reduces advancement). In this way the character could be like a cross between the Doctor and the Pig.
  • Mr_Black
    Mr_Black Member Posts: 93

    @HatCreature said:
    So the power is cool but tbh it isn't really enough, it isn't detrimental to the game or the Survivors, no game changer. They have debuffs but they are debuffs they deal with all the time with other Killers and reaslly they don't care about them.

    A power needs to change the game for Survivors, for example, Clown's bottles slow them down, when used at pallets they can be attacked before they reach it and get downed at all loops much faster. Myers has an instadown, Spirit is unpredictable and no one knows if she's phasing or standing still until oop she's right there and that causes paranoia in Survivors.

    Your lunge perk is cool, very helpful tbh.

    Your rusty hook Broken perk is awesome, the Killer's versian of Deliverance.

    Your Gen perk though might be too strong, Overcharge makes it explode but yours Exposes them, gives their location, and regresses the Gen. I think you get Exposed even if you do get the skillcheck? If so and the Killer also has Surveillance well evryone's dead with that combo.

    However, the power can really ######### up a survivor... Exposed and or broken can change a game...
    I wish I could edit posts to add something to it...
    The survivor gets exposed if they don't get great skill check... And the killer is notified...

  • Mr_Black
    Mr_Black Member Posts: 93

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond said:
    I said Neigh looks like a more grossly overpowered version of overcharge and I think that the disease could benefit from having a fixed effect that slowly gets worse overtime. Addons could increase the rate at which the plague advances and add new effects (perhaps even death with a red add on that considerably reduces advancement). In this way the character could be like a cross between the Doctor and the Pig.

    You mean like having a timer on how long it takes for the next status to come in... Making his main counter method gen rushing and running out the exits... Interesting concept... However, there would have to be a way to berid it...

  • Mr_Black
    Mr_Black Member Posts: 93

    @HatCreature said:
    So the power is cool but tbh it isn't really enough, it isn't detrimental to the game or the Survivors, no game changer. They have debuffs but they are debuffs they deal with all the time with other Killers and reaslly they don't care about them.

    A power needs to change the game for Survivors, for example, Clown's bottles slow them down, when used at pallets they can be attacked before they reach it and get downed at all loops much faster. Myers has an instadown, Spirit is unpredictable and no one knows if she's phasing or standing still until oop she's right there and that causes paranoia in Survivors.

    Your lunge perk is cool, very helpful tbh.

    Your rusty hook Broken perk is awesome, the Killer's versian of Deliverance.

    Your Gen perk though might be too strong, Overcharge makes it explode but yours Exposes them, gives their location, and regresses the Gen. I think you get Exposed even if you do get the skillcheck? If so and the Killer also has Surveillance well evryone's dead with that combo.

    Forgot to add, the exhaustion infliction will punish those with dead hard... Hindered means you can't go far... Mangled means it takes longer to heal along with haemorphage making it easier for Plague to track you...
    Broken means you can't heal at all... It could change the game madly... However, as a wise man said, ' I think that the disease could benefit from having a fixed effect that slowly gets worse overtime'...

  • GhostrickSpecter
    GhostrickSpecter Member Posts: 460

    @de65d53d60 said:
    킬러의 배달 중개인.

    I'm sorry, but this is english site so pls use English, even if you don't understand

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Mr_Black said:

    @HatCreature said:
    So the power is cool but tbh it isn't really enough, it isn't detrimental to the game or the Survivors, no game changer. They have debuffs but they are debuffs they deal with all the time with other Killers and reaslly they don't care about them.

    A power needs to change the game for Survivors, for example, Clown's bottles slow them down, when used at pallets they can be attacked before they reach it and get downed at all loops much faster. Myers has an instadown, Spirit is unpredictable and no one knows if she's phasing or standing still until oop she's right there and that causes paranoia in Survivors.

    Your lunge perk is cool, very helpful tbh.

    Your rusty hook Broken perk is awesome, the Killer's versian of Deliverance.

    Your Gen perk though might be too strong, Overcharge makes it explode but yours Exposes them, gives their location, and regresses the Gen. I think you get Exposed even if you do get the skillcheck? If so and the Killer also has Surveillance well evryone's dead with that combo.

    Forgot to add, the exhaustion infliction will punish those with dead hard... Hindered means you can't go far... Mangled means it takes longer to heal along with haemorphage making it easier for Plague to track you...
    Broken means you can't heal at all... It could change the game madly... However, as a wise man said, ' I think that the disease could benefit from having a fixed effect that slowly gets worse overtime'...

    You can edit posts by clicking the gear icon in the corner somewhere. Missing the skill check on that perk makes sense now, a lot better. They'll think it's Overcharge but oops you're Exposed, I would love that. Looking at the power again, it is pretty cool because Exhaustion perks are gone, they could be blinded and this makes this Killer a natural at slugging, making them Broken would be huge. I think maybe you should add in a action/repair speed debuff as well into the mix because it looks like most of the time they'll be blinded, Exhausted and maybe Broken or Exposed, most of those are manageable but maybe adding this in too could make it more powerful.

  • Mr_Black
    Mr_Black Member Posts: 93

    @HatCreature said:

    @Mr_Black said:

    @HatCreature said:
    So the power is cool but tbh it isn't really enough, it isn't detrimental to the game or the Survivors, no game changer. They have debuffs but they are debuffs they deal with all the time with other Killers and reaslly they don't care about them.

    A power needs to change the game for Survivors, for example, Clown's bottles slow them down, when used at pallets they can be attacked before they reach it and get downed at all loops much faster. Myers has an instadown, Spirit is unpredictable and no one knows if she's phasing or standing still until oop she's right there and that causes paranoia in Survivors.

    Your lunge perk is cool, very helpful tbh.

    Your rusty hook Broken perk is awesome, the Killer's versian of Deliverance.

    Your Gen perk though might be too strong, Overcharge makes it explode but yours Exposes them, gives their location, and regresses the Gen. I think you get Exposed even if you do get the skillcheck? If so and the Killer also has Surveillance well evryone's dead with that combo.

    Forgot to add, the exhaustion infliction will punish those with dead hard... Hindered means you can't go far... Mangled means it takes longer to heal along with haemorphage making it easier for Plague to track you...
    Broken means you can't heal at all... It could change the game madly... However, as a wise man said, ' I think that the disease could benefit from having a fixed effect that slowly gets worse overtime'...

    You can edit posts by clicking the gear icon in the corner somewhere. Missing the skill check on that perk makes sense now, a lot better. They'll think it's Overcharge but oops you're Exposed, I would love that. Looking at the power again, it is pretty cool because Exhaustion perks are gone, they could be blinded and this makes this Killer a natural at slugging, making them Broken would be huge. I think maybe you should add in a action/repair speed debuff as well into the mix because it looks like most of the time they'll be blinded, Exhausted and maybe Broken or Exposed, most of those are manageable but maybe adding this in too could make it more powerful.

    Overcharge? Nah... It doesn't do it straight away... It'll look like a normal skill check...

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    SCP-049 I'm not sick I swear :scream:

  • Mr_Black
    Mr_Black Member Posts: 93

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond said:
    I said Neigh looks like a more grossly overpowered version of overcharge and I think that the disease could benefit from having a fixed effect that slowly gets worse overtime. Addons could increase the rate at which the plague advances and add new effects (perhaps even death with a red add on that considerably reduces advancement). In this way the character could be like a cross between the Doctor and the Pig.

    What do you think about it now?
    Changed the way it works...

  • Mr_Black said:

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond said:
    I said Neigh looks like a more grossly overpowered version of overcharge and I think that the disease could benefit from having a fixed effect that slowly gets worse overtime. Addons could increase the rate at which the plague advances and add new effects (perhaps even death with a red add on that considerably reduces advancement). In this way the character could be like a cross between the Doctor and the Pig.

    What do you think about it now?
    Changed the way it works...

    The way it is written now would basically give a killer an extremely easy Mori since they only need to land 5 hits to advance to death. I’m assuming that plague hits work like Legion hits and can’t actually down anyone because then there would be no reason to do regular attacks. Perhaps the first hit is instant tier 1 but successive attacks only advance slightly, requiring a few hits to advance to a further stage.
    ACID2BROS Member Posts: 23

    I think the killer idea is awesome (you hear this from killer main) but i think the ability is WAY OP, and simply it needs some adjustments. and the voiceline "hello there'' cannot be done, because no one else in the game talks (so far). Survivors groan in pain, or some killers chuckle and huntress sings her frustrating lullaby in witch gives away her location far beyond her terror radius. I think another way from equalizing THE PLAGUE's skill, is to make the killer cough loud, giving away his location. And i think for each survivor there must be a box.

  • ACID2BROS said:

    I think the killer idea is awesome (you hear this from killer main) but i think the ability is WAY OP, and simply it needs some adjustments. and the voiceline "hello there'' cannot be done, because no one else in the game talks (so far). Survivors groan in pain, or some killers chuckle and huntress sings her frustrating lullaby in witch gives away her location far beyond her terror radius. I think another way from equalizing THE PLAGUE's skill, is to make the killer cough loud, giving away his location. And i think for each survivor there must be a box.

    So as I’ve said, a cross between The Pig and The Doctor.
  • Mr_Black
    Mr_Black Member Posts: 93

    Fair enough, I'll edit it again... I'll take that all into consideration... Also, Doc can just spam his ability, Plague cannot... Not to mention it worsen over time...

  • Mr_Black
    Mr_Black Member Posts: 93

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond said:
    Mr_Black said:

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond said:

    I said Neigh looks like a more grossly overpowered version of overcharge and I think that the disease could benefit from having a fixed effect that slowly gets worse overtime. Addons could increase the rate at which the plague advances and add new effects (perhaps even death with a red add on that considerably reduces advancement). In this way the character could be like a cross between the Doctor and the Pig.

    What do you think about it now?

    Changed the way it works...

    The way it is written now would basically give a killer an extremely easy Mori since they only need to land 5 hits to advance to death. I’m assuming that plague hits work like Legion hits and can’t actually down anyone because then there would be no reason to do regular attacks. Perhaps the first hit is instant tier 1 but successive attacks only advance slightly, requiring a few hits to advance to a further stage.

    The ability will cause the Plague to be stunned (as said)... The Plague's grasp will only injure and inflict plague, instantly teiring up by one tier... However, it gets worse overtime and slows the game down, also, this means survivors cant really work together... Normal attacks will down the survivor but that mean the plague has less chance to spread... Technically speaking, it is nothing like legion...

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    LCGaster said:

    SCP-049 I'm not sick I swear :scream:

    I have found my cure is quite effective...
  • Steamtastic_Vagabond
    Steamtastic_Vagabond Member Posts: 134

    So... I guess we were partially right, even if we weren’t trying.

  • FinLadd
    FinLadd Member Posts: 190

    @Mr_Black concratz bro your killer is the new killer in the new chapter.