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Are people playing Survivor a lot more since the solo q update

I’ve played killer for the last 7 hours straight and nearly every match has been a real struggle to maintain any form of pressure.

to back this up the killer role is awarding bonus 100% BP. Usually the game is short on survivors and not killers?

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  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited February 2023

    Unlike at the very beginning of Role Incentives, I haven't seen any Survivor Incentives over 25% (for more than 1 game) in at least a month.

    So, maybe?

  • Member Posts: 394

    Yeah well the new hud was bound to attract people to play survivor. But really I feel little difference in my solo q matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    Hopefully, this gives BVHR the data they need to balance the game around coordination now. It used to be "SWF was just a tiny portion of the game" excuse but now the kill rates will tell the tale soon enough.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Who knows. Not much has changed. Solo matchmaking is still just as horrendous. Only difference is that I can now see which teammates spend the entirety of the match booning or cleansing dulls.

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    Matchmaking incentives depend on a lot of factors, so I wouldnt use them as a solid basis to say "this role is more/less desirable".

    Factors Matchmaking Incentives Depend On:

    • Time of Day
    • Region
    • MMR
    • Events (If Active)

    For me personally, matches feel the same as before. I can hardly tell a difference as Survivor and Killer since the SoloQ HUD changes do not cure stupidity unfortunately. I feel like the DBD community is overreacting and will forget about this update in a few weeks.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    My game has been non-stop Survivor bonus lately, even on Friday and Saturday nights this weekend which surprised me. Usually it switches to killer in the evening but not this weekend. I played til about 11pm on Saturday night, and it was fluctuating between 25% to 100% Survivor. So too many killers down my way.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Players being able to stack 4 medkits or 4 toolboxes on top of Prove Thyself and Resilience is one huge reason for that. SWF teams shouldn't be able to stack items.

    Some maps just kill any killer's pressure. Terrible map balance. (some terrible map spawns for survivors too though).

    The solo queue update definitely helped players better coordinate. Gave much more information so they can play smarter.

    Another thing that some killers these days are really feeling is many killers (not saying you) are super boosted by the Eruption cob combo, so they get put with players who are so much better than them, and just can't keep up. Feel sorry for them when Eruption gets the nerf.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I still see incentives for both roles, leaning different ways at different times. In fact I see more non-100% incentives for both sides, which at least in my region/bracket/whatever you want to call it would imply the player ratio must be closer to the desired one?

    Works for me, fast queues all around. And matchmaking being goofy isn't really new whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 165

    I can't use anything else but only eruption, it's the only good regression perk that I have.

  • Member Posts: 227

    Yeah, I was waiting for a good opportunity to mention it as well. The HUD has made it much easier to see in general what teammates are or are not doing at a given point in the match, which helps me determine my own actions. But what I've seen most of all in Solo Q(which I play exclusively pretty much) is that a good amount of the time, I am the only Survivor consistently working gens, confirming my previous suspicions. Others are cleansing totems, seeking out chests, running around the map aimlessly, etc.

    While I still had chat/messaging enabled, I used to get salt from other Survivors to no end about how I'm 'doing it wrong', and how I need to play more 'altruistically', and for a long time I wondered maybe if they were right. But now that I can see what is/is not being done, I feel a bit vindicated. If the Survivors are going to have a prayer of escaping, at least one of them must be on a gen at all times. This might be a bigger issue than general matchmaking, really.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    I wish this was true for me as I'd like to play more killer. Survivor almost all the time, some exceptions in the evening. During the first few days of the new HUD it was different, but didn't last long.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    I am curious, what will be the excuse of Killers when the Kill Rates are not much affected?

    Because aside from now knowing that my teammates are really inefficient, nothing really changed.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    Event is in play too, don't forget that. It'll draw some players back and there's a good chance most of them are survivors. I'm still seeing 100% survivor bonuses during the day though.

  • Member Posts: 170

    I still get more points as killer than most survivor games. I see killer bonus in the evenings, survivor bonus in the mornings, though often in the am it can flip flop back and forth. Way more killer points than before.

    I think the HUD helps solo q a little and actually helps SWF a fair bit. I may be just me, but I have had my worse games, like losing most of them this past week up until this am. Even got a zero hook game. First one of those in a while (an obvious SWF with 3 P100’s), but it certainly hasn’t felt great. I’m kinda between mains at the moment, no one feels fun to play.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I really doubt the numbers will be the same. Over the past few days to me playing killer has felt a lot harder than over the last 2 years. My kill rate dropped significantly. I don't use slowdown and I play nice but that also means I'll lose 3 gens in the first 2 minutes of the game (used to be 1-2) leaving me with maybe 2-3 hooks at 2 gens. Maybe these guys were all just cracked but I honestly have no clue. I barely had a chance to interact with them after all.

  • Member Posts: 451

    I'm having a slight bump in my win rate because I needed to do 4 gens in a single match with Dark Sense and the new hud with Bond + Prove + Open Handed made it easier for me to adapt to what my team mates are doing, but I'm not really seeing too big of an increase in how well randoms play.

    Although I do see people more often appreciating the effort I'm putting, as if I was a leader of sorts. The matches that I'm able to take the reins of the team before they get themselves killed in the first minute of the match tend to go much better than any match before the update.

    So what I'm thinking is that, as long as there's one survivor that knows what to do with the information given and no more than two survivors running around like headless chickens, things are definitely getting more intense for killer.

    Although I wouldn't worry too much. They've closed the gap between solo and SWF significantly, meaning balancing survivor is going to be much easier now that the disparity between them isn't as big as +15% in win rate.

    The idea is that now playing killer should have roughly the same difficulty when facing solos vs facing SWF, and not getting extremely fed thanks to solos and absolutely wrecked by SWF. This is still the first step, though, so inevitably this will be the patch killers will notice the difference the most. If win rates get too beefed up on the survivor side, I can see them slowly chipping away at survivor win rates on the upcoming patches.

    Keep in mind, though, that what you're feeling now is what survivors felt back in 6.1.0 (I think that was the patch number?). No one likes feeling such a huge downgrade, but it eventually evens out and it's ultimately for the better.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    I think it matters if we will actually get stats based on MMR. It might turn out that at an average MMR, it’s not much of a difference…… but at higher MMR, when the survivors are a pair of 2-SWFs, where each 2-SWF now has additional information on what the other 2-SWF is doing, it might be a lot more miserable for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 995


    100% bonus for survivors, on EU.

    I think the only time killers having bonus, when people start to play in SWF at evenings and night, because they dont play solo anymore, and forced to play in SWF

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Games are rougher now as killer I can confirm. SoloQ survivors who were effient on gens are even more effient after the update. There are still some who just boon every match though and sometimes you can stomp survivors. But you have to play sweaty if you want to win. Casual killer will get stomped by decent solos.

  • Member Posts: 995

    Well, on EU still takes only 5-10 seconds to find a survivor game.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    And casual solos will get stomped by a decent Killer. Perfectly balanced.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I would want to see hook rates if killer goes after different target versus killer tunneling. Like even if you play solid game and play fair you're probably going to get 5-6 hooks agains't gen effient survivors versus you tunnel one quickly out and get 12 hooks because you get lof of extra time.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Yeah, there's a general perception that survivors are hyper efficient as a whole, but it's not really the reality. Most players actually have really poor game sense and macro awareness. A 3v1 is often completely hopeless because players heal each other while a teammate is in a chase and don't start trying to work on a gen until that chase is ending, which is when a killer can actually patrol gens. Then someone else is in chase while someone saves and they spend that time healing instead of doing gens, rinse/repeat. Players heal when the killer can't patrol gens and try to work gens during the only time the killer can actually defend them. DbD players are weird and the meta is super duper basic.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Que incentive bonuses are hardly indicative or accurate about the amount of people on killer or survivor though. Even if they are something to go by, I feel more people being on survivor is normal, especially rn.

  • Member Posts: 795

    I played a game of killer today on Disturbed Ward. 4 gens done in 2 minutes and 54 seconds. They did nothing but run to main building where the god pallets are and hold W. By the time I got my first hook the game was over. No poor chase that took more then a minute or anything. Killer sucks hard ass right now.

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