why do killers camp you if you're good at looping?
I can loop pretty well and when I do it for like 2 gens or more I get facecamped. Why not switch to a different target instead of hating on me.
yeah but why cant they just simply leave chase and switch target?
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But a killer that leaves chase right away is boring!!! Damned if you do, damned if you don't
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Because if you loop a killer for several gens but get downed & camped, was it even a skilled play?
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You probably have answered your own question in the title of the thread!
The way matchmaking is at the moment, it feels like you get a massively weaker survivor in every team. The HUD thing shows what survivors are doing and when your team is struggling in a game now, theres often a Claudette that refuses to touch gens and crouch walks around the edge of the map (run bond and you see them doing it). They won't be coming to rescue you, so whilst one or both of the others if there's no Kindred try and rescue you, gen progress is going to be slower or non existent. And then there's a chance the rescuers get slugged and it snowballs from there ......
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For a lot of killers, especially emotional ones or new killers, it becomes a matter of throwing good money after bad
If they give up on the chase after 30 seconds, that's 30 seconds they completely wasted. They don't think about the next 70 seconds they'll waste continuing to try to catch you, they just think about the first 30.
So when they do inevitably catch you, they've now wasted too much time on one player and decide to make sure they get the one kill instead of zero
It's (probably) nothing to do about hating you, it's that at that point they feel like they have no choice if they want to secure a kill
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If someone gives up on chase after 30 seconds, then they’ve wasted a lot more than 30 seconds, because now have to waste time patrolling the map to find a different survivor to chase, and they’re me no guarantee this new survivor will be easily to chase than the first survivor you were chasing.
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There could be different reasons.
1) If you bm a killer (just in theory) they might take offense and camp you out.
2) Looping the killer for 2 gens means you were very efficient and they only got 1 out of 12 hooks while your team did 2/5 five gens. That looks bad from the killer's perspective. After all 1/12 << 2/5. So they'll do whatever they can to build pressure. Camping is one way of doing that because it forces multiple people away from gens, if they don't finish them before you die.
3) The killer sees you as the biggest threat to them. They might have a chance against the others but you don't fit into their equation. The best option might be to get you out of the game first and then deal with the weaker ones later.
The reason why a large number of killers overcommit is simple efficiency. Picture this. You, as a killer, start into a match knowing that you won't have much time to somehow get a grasp on the match. That means your first down needs to happen asap. Now you go on a chase with a guy that turns out to be very skilled at looping but you only realize that after 30-40 seconds. You now have 2 options.
Option 1) Accept you wasted a lot of time and achieved absolutely nothing and let that survivor go to hopefully begin another chase in the next 15 seconds. That is more than one whole minute of uninterrupted gen progress considering you had to find that guy first. If the guy was already injured it is much worse because injured states are nothing as long as you don't play Plague or Legion. Survivors heal way faster than you can realistically hit them after all. If they used DH you can bet they'll have it again the next time you see them as well.
Option 2) You hope you may get this guy into an unfavourable position or get some pallets out of the way early. Maybe you can even push them into the other survivors to stop them from doing gens for a few seconds. Either way, you hope to get something out of this chase that is more of a payoff than leaving and chasing the next person (that could be just as good or find themself in a very strong area).
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Also very true. It's a learned skill for a killer to know when continuing the chase or dropping the chase is the smart play.
And sometimes there is no winning for the killer (like of all four survivors are good at looping or if you drop the chase only to not be able to find someone else to go after).
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There's a psychology at play in many instances. It can be the killer's way of saying "You're not the power role, I am!". It's the same reason that many killers will completely throw a game to nod at you if you corner tech them even if they can hook you. It's a baby killer/noob-ish response, but it is what it is.
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in most instances, this is probably true, i've seen killers throw the game just to down, hook and camp people for the slightest things, although i prefer that over the baby/noob killers who just tantrum quit, i've seen a killer DC for being pallet stunned it's that wild
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They don't want to chase you again?
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it was so bad that I got straight up ignored by some killers 😫
after 1 good chase its like hell nah im not doing this #########
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A killer who face camps is either bad at the game and wants to make sure the survivor who keeps beating him at a chase dies, isn't efficient and isn't playing to win, is a troll, or you were toxic and taunted him (being obnoxious with a flashlight or teabagging after dropping a pallet) and his win condition became killing you and no one else.
Facecamping is a recipe for failure. You can't win as a killer facecamping. I know this because I've facecamped before and it was for at least one of those reasons when I did (I haven't facecamped for over a month now).
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Lets ask a similar question: if you are running a torch, go for a blind and realise the killer is running lightborn, do you keep trying to blind them? Or do you drop the torch and check a chest for a different more useful item?
It's a switch in tactics. If you're good at looping the killer is gonna lose gens because of one chase with you. You can't expect them to commit to playing the same way and losing as a result.
As killer when I see a surv who is good at running chase. I don't play their game. I ignore them and focus on softer targets or switch up my method for downing them.
Stealth killers I ambush for easy hits. If gens are popping and I'm struggling for hooks I might indulge in a bit of proxy camping or even the dreaded face camping because more often than not, someone will come for the rescue and I can down them or at least force them to trade hooks.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like being tunneled or face camped either. But they are legitimate, effective (ish) tactics killers can use. If a killer can't catch you in a straight up chase, don't expect them to be like "guess I'll lose" and just keep slogging after you. Plus if a killer is annoyed by a survivor, they might just face camp them to get revenge (petty) and/or remove an effective player from the game (smart tactical decision)
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The Sunk Cost Fallacy.
Definition: "the human tendency to stick with endeavors in which we've already invested time, money, or other resources even when changing course would be the more logical choice."
Literally has nothing to do with you. It's human.
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Because it is the only decent thing they know how to do
Post edited by Gamall on0 -
If they've already invested way too much time in chasing you, it feels like a complete waste if they just give up and go after someone else. They know you're gonna heal up and have your Dead Hard back if they leave you so many killers will just keep going for the down.
After they've downed you they know they've wasted too much time to be able to play the game 'nicely' so they camp. If two or three gens are done by the time they get their first hook, they can't just spread hooks any longer, they -need- to play scummy if they're gonna have a chance to win. Also you've shown you're a really good looper and they know they probably wont be able to win another chase against you so they can just camp you so they don't need to.
Honestly it baffles me when survivors are winning and are somehow shocked when the killer changes tactics and starts camping or tunnelling. Like of course they're gonna do that because they're not doing well playing 'normally'.
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Wait, here you WANT the killer to switch away from chasing you since it's obviously a bad idea to keep chasing a good looper...
And here you complain that they don't want to chase you again after?
Plus this thread is a complained aimed at killers that DO commit on chasing a good looper and then making sure that said looper dies?
Why would a killer that knows that you are a good looper, that takes 60+ seconds to catch/down, decide to chase you again instead of looking for an easier target?
What logic would that be that they voluntarily decide to choose a worse target to chase?
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Hockey says it wasn't. True story.
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This community really likes to take things personally.
From strangers on the internet.
Who until EGC, cannot even communicate with you.
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1) The Killer didn't want to deal with you being better at looping...
2) Killers can't stop one chase and start another one so easily... plus it gives more time to the Survivors to do Gens
3) The Killer wanted more pressure... staying around the hook does that (for the most part)
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I don't know about that. I've lost count at how many times I've looped the killer for a few gens, then get repeatedly smacked on hook after I go down (camped as well).
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Overcommitting to chase is a common mistake especially for people newer to Killer. If they're facecamping first down, their chase skills are probably underdeveloped for their MMR bracket and they're trying to secure a 1K while hoping for altruism to give them more kills.
Or you BMed at a pallet in which case the facecamp was deserved. I speak out against tunneling and camping as being unnecessary for general play but, if you BM, I'll also tunnel and camp.
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I'll say this. Good survivors and good killers know when they are playing against people better than them. As far as I am concerned, I'm good enough to know when I am outclassed. I will start a game normally and do my best. However, if it is apparent that there is no chance for me winning and I get in a chase with a good looper, I will commit.
Not for petty reasons, just because I know if I play against better people, then my game play will get better as a result. So if the game is lost I will give up on it and chase whoever until either I get them or the game ends
If I do get them I go try to find someone else. Unless the person I was chasing decided to tbag every pallet and window. Then I just face camp them. Not because I'm mad, just because they were rude.
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I dunno about literal "facecamping" but camping yes, it makes a lot of sense.
Lets say i chase you first, and down you, and as i'm picking you up, 3 gens pop, so i hook you.
- I probably hooked you in an area where there are gens that are still up with no progress, otherwise i would have stopped the nearby survivor from working the gen
- 3 gens just popped, so i know where the survivors "WERE" but not where they are.
- Given that 3 gens popped, i know none of the survivors have anything to "do" so they are likely going to try and come for the unhook.
- i can defend the gens that are still up and the hook by proxy camping.
Camping here is actually the best strategy. Not because "OMG i lost 3 gens i lose, might as well camp" but because i'm defending my gens, i know the survivors are coming for the unhook, and no other gen has any progress so the survivors don't have any gen pressure on me, i have hook pressure on them, in that, they have to come for the unhook, and even if they immediately realized i was camping and hopped on a gen, i could proxy camp to second stage and then pressure the others and then attempt to go for the guy that just got unhooked while they are injured for a quick down and eliminate them from the game.
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I imagine that one is the Emotional Killer
I guess you could call it a win that you tilted them so much that they keep smacking you :D
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Unrelated but how is Holly 😍 (Sepex)
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There's a few reasons. The main one I think is time investment. They've already sank in all that time already chasing you and feel the game is over when they finally caught you with 2-3 gens remaining so they (in their mind) have it they're gonna confirm the one kill and call it good. If they face camp it out, chances are they'll try to tunnel as well rounding back to the whole confirming one kill thing.
Then there's just some people that think you looping them is toxic, I dunno what to say about that one honestly.
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There's TWO of them now!
[Olive has joined the party]
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Unironical: because you are too dangerous to be left alive. You already wasted so much of the killers time, if you now would get away, that would all be doubly wasted, so at least there is hope that you were the teams star player and everyone else is considerably less apt at looping. But yeah, it's mostly a lose/lose situatio for the killer, if it comes to this.
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If you can loop for so long, other can to. Going to chase someone else would lead to the same situation.
Honestly, nerf looping. ✊🏻
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Probably worried because they overcommitted to the chase and now want to ensure they get a kill. Or maybe they always camp anyway. If they're repeatedly hitting you while you're on hook *then* they probably hate you lol
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Nice 😍
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you just addressed the issue... dunning kreuger players.
refuse to concede and their ego causes all this toxicity.
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I might believe this was the case if they didn't also stand there shaking their head while smacking you on hook.
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The simple logical answer is that you proved that you are the best player, so they are going to ensure you get out so they can, you know, actually win.
The bad logic is "something something psychologically mad"
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I'm saying basically every time I've lead a killer on a good chase if they decided to camp I get the head shake/smack on hook treatment. I don't do anything toxic but it always happens. I suppose they could just be board
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The killer probably wants to kill you? Very shocking
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Because you wasted their time, why leave you? How many gens popped when you were looping? You’re an investment now.
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Same. Idc that you’re looping, but if you’re tbagging me everytime you drop a palett, I’ll stay and hang out with you after you’re on a hook ☺️
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Sounds like you’re here, more because you want people to praise your amazing skills…not for an actual answer.
& Yes, you looped..what else did you do? Did you BM the whole time? I think you already know why you’re being camped.
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The community takes things personally is a true take. I've never seen any other community doxx, harass, and stalk people over losing a single game