MMR is horrible for survivors, if there are shortage of killers(+100% BP incentives for killer)
What I noticed that killer main streamers on EU, always playing survivors at a particular time, when there is incentives for survivors. If that happens, generally the MMR is quite good, and you will get balanced games, the killer is very likely to be around your skill levels, sure you might get weaker teammates from time to time, but the killer is almost always on your skill level. That makes the game very enjoyable for survivors, as it is you dont feel helpless.
Now is interesting part, that when there are shortage of killers, the MMR becomes very bad for survivors. What ends up happening is that only the most hardcore, very comp driven killers are playing, typically with a great skill level, so a solo team is losing on spot if only there is even one weak player present. But even then sometimes the killer is just better than you. When there are too many survivors, queue will search about 20-30 seconds, the MMR limit is rapidly removed when goes over to 30 seconds, and you will get a game with any available killer no matter whats their skill level is. Now this isnt for sure, but your chances to get a hell like game is very very high.
Essentially you can only play as solo when there is a demand for survivors on queue, because you are extremely likely to get a killer on your skill level.
I would prefer to wait more instead getting , godlike killer players, who are destroying the soloQ team without any problems, quite often the difference is so big that its a small miracle to even finish a gen or two.
So the MMR is a blessing, and its horrible to play when isnt working, because must provide very fast games.
The only reason I would prefer more survivor nerfs even, if that would improve queue times so I can get balanced games as SoloQ survivors. Because when too many survivors the system is turned off
I'm pretty sure that the majority of time there's a Killer incentive on EU is like, 6PM to midnight. i.e. there's plenty of people who're online to play Survivor (often with friends) before going to sleep. When there isn't, chances are you've only got insomniacs and people really into the game online.
It's not that there's a shortage of worse Killers on, it's just that they're finding games fast.
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Thats the issue, there are simply too many survivors want to play, and after a while the MMR search is so wide, that you will be forced to play against a killer, because the system wont let you wait too much for a game.
It was adjusted for the reason to keep games going fast, even if the game you get are extremely unbalanced towards killer
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You do realise that this works both ways and regardless of incentive though, right? Good survivors who've been waiting too long can be matched against bad Killers; Killers who've been waiting too long when there's a Survivor incentive can be matched against someone in the wrong place on the scale in either direction.
It's nothing to do with good Killer players all being on at one time and the bad ones not (that's when the bad players are mostly online too)
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I generally have bad survivor games if the bonus is pegged out at 100% for either side. It feels like the only chance I have at a good game is no bonus or 25% bonus. It's bad enough to the point that my loadout doesn't seem to matter at all when it comes to team success.
Solo queue feels like an awful RNG flowchart: matchmaking put 4 solid players on the team>good game, OR: matchmaking did the usual 2 good players/1 solid player/1 disaster>killer identified the disaster early>hopeless and no point in playing the match or DbD in general tonight.
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I only play killer at a certain time to play against good survivors. Goes both ways I guess.
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love when killer is 100% on EU Servers. you get a killer with 4k+ hours, 3x survivor with 2k+ hours and one survivor with less than 200 hours.
cant we get a setting how long we like to wait? i like to wait longer and get a better fitting match, please.
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Tbh the mmr is just bad, period.
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Yeah I wouldnt mind to wait over 10+ minutes if I could get decent MMR.
Evenings is just unplayable as survivor on EU, well as solo, if u are in SWF no problem of course
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The NA East experience: Killer with CoB/Eruption/Pain Res who literally can't catch two of the survivors, and the other two survivors go down instantly to that same killer. 4ks at 3 gens. Incredible gaming experience.
Me shouting into the void: "How are you dying so quickly to this killer?!?!?!?"
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Your experience with the incentives is very similar to mine here in EU. The smaller the incentive on either side, the more likely it is that the matchmaker at the very least bothers to even try to create a match that isn't a cutscene with a predetermined outcome before the first minute is over.
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The quantity over quality matchmaking is ruining a lot of games industry-wide right now. So many developers are trying it. It's killing OW2 comp right now.
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The reson why the killers have 100% Bonus most of the time is because its unfun too play killer right now. Yes you could kick gens all the time and win, but it is ######### borring. If you dont want to kick gens all the time you cant play weaker killers, because survivors now have a really easy way to rush gens into the hell. Means you only can play Nurse or blight too have fun as killer these days. Its borring as #########.
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It doesnt matter which side has the imbalance, it can happen both ways for either side.
Ive had plenty of times when the incentive is 100% killer and I get matched against ridonkulous SWF groups and High skill solos I have no business being matched with, way more often than I get weaker squads.
Best bet is to not play when its 100% on either side because MMR means nothing when people are waiting
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I don't often see killer incentives at all, it's typically 100% survivor. Even this past Friday and Saturday night it got down to 25% survivor, when usually by 9pm it starts popping up with killer. And I still get super sweaty games at times. BHVR have said in the past that they prioritise queue times over MMR. They did MMR testing last year and iirc, the day that was most accurate in terms of MMR also had crazy long queue times.
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You say that but that was one of the core reasons that basically killed VHS. Players don't want to wait so long for a match so they play something else.
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This doesn't sound like an MMR issue. No matchmaking system can fix an unbalanced queue.
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And the top players were complaining about it, rightfully so. So they adjusted it and that led to the probably most sweaty time imaginable. Now it's not that bad anymore but you still have those awfully sweaty matches
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I have noticed that max queue times are nowhere near as long as they used to be. It’s very obvious that the SBMM system just says “F it” after you wait for a couple minutes and just matches you with whoever is next in line regardless of anyone’s MMR